Chapter 18: Database: SQL, MySQL, LINQ and JavaDB

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18.7 The following SQL query: SELECT * FROM TableName a) generates an error. b) selects all rows from the table TableName. c) selects all columns from the table TableName. d) selects all rows and columns from the table TableName.


18.11 MySQL functions on the ________ platform. a) Windows b) Linux c) UNIX d) All of the above


18.12 Sun's branded version of Apache Derby, a pure Java database, is called ________. a) JSQL b) JavaBase c) DBJ d) Java DB


18.3 The ________ is a logical representation of the data that allows the relationships between the data to be considered without concerning oneself with the physical implementation of the data structures. a) relational database model b) rational database model c) SQL Server diagram d) Common Gateway Interface


18.5 Each table column in a relational detabase represents a different ________. a) data attribute b) primary key c) record d) result set


18.9 The SQL keywords ASC and DESC are used when ________ rows. a) sorting b) deleting c) updating d) creating


18.1 A(n) ________ provides mechanisms for storing and organizing data in a manner that facilitates sophisticated queries. a) database b) database management system c) Structured Query Language d).NET


18.10 The ________ SQL statement is used to change existing data in a table. a) EDIT b) UPDATE c) CHANGE d) MODIFY


18.6 There is a(n) ________ relationship between a primary key and its corresponding foreign key. a) one-to-one b) one-to-many c) many-to-one d) inverse


18.2 SQL is a ________. a) relational database b) non-relational database c) language for creating database queries and manipulating data d) personal relational database


18.4 A relational database table consists of rows and ________. a) rows b) primary keys c) columns d) result sets


18.8 The following SQL query: SELECT lastName FROM Authors WHERE lastName LIKE '%e_' a) selects from the table Authors the lastName fields which start with any single character followed by an 'e', then any number of additional characters. b) selects from the table Authors the lastName fields which start with either the letter e followed by any number of additional characters. c) selects from the table Authors the lastName fields which constist of any number of characters followed by an 'e' and any single character. d) selects from the table Authors the lastName fields which end with the letter 'e'.


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