Chapter #18: Haircoloring and Lightening

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Color fillers can be used to _____.

hydrogen peroxide developer

A_____ is an oxidizing agent that supplies oxygen gas for the development of color molecules when mixed with an oxidative haircolor product.

increases the lifting power

An activator ____.

oxidation tints

Before application _____ must be mixed with hydrogen peroxide.

a primary color

Blue is _____.

drab or ash

Blue, green, and violet are considered_____ colors.

create a color base

Color fillers are used to _____ and equalize excessive porosity in one application.

color rinse

Color-enhancing shampoo is a product that combines the action of a _____with that of a shampoo.

directly opposite each other

Complementary colors are positioned _____ on the color wheel.


Compound dyes are _____ or mineral dyes combined with vegetable tint.

have become somewhat obsolete

Dry peroxides _____.

24-48 hours

For how long before the application of a haircolor product should you wait after a strand test?


Gold oil lightener lightens and adds golden to _____tones depending on the base color of the hair.


Gray, white, and salt-and-pepper hair with a _____ cast can be treated with violet-based colors.

may absorb the color product quickly but fade quickly

Hair with high porosity _____ than other porosity levels.


Hair with a _____ texture takes color faster and may appear darker than other textures.

Salt bonds

Henna may penetrate the cortex and attach to the _____, leaving the hair unfit for other professional treatments.

progressive colors

Metallic dyes are also called _____.

yellow and blue

Mixing equal parts of ______ creates green.

returns the hair to its natural shade

A tint back______.


Violet helps minimize _____ tones.

70 to 90%

Which percentage of gray hair is characterized by most of the remaining pigment being located at the back of the head?


Which type of lighteners will stay in place and not run or drip, but do not contain conditioning agents and tend to dry out quickly?


Yellow is the complementary color of _____.


______ haircolors require retouching.


Hydrogen peroxide in _____form tents to stay moist on the hair longer than liquid form.


In a _____haircolor application, haircoloring product is applied to the entire strand.


In double-process haircoloring, the hair is _____ before the depositing color is applied.

lightness or darkness

In hair coloring , the level system indicates the _____of a hair color.


In haircoloring, the _____ of hydrogen peroxide is expressed as volume.

dispersing, dissolving, colorizing

Lighteners are chemical compounds that lighten hair by _____the natural hair pigment.

one of its adjacent secondary colors

Mixing equal amounts of a primary color with _____ yields a tertiary color.

oxidation tints

Mustaches and beards can be colored with _____.

None of the above

Oil-base dye removers remove artificial pigment from the hair_____.

absorb or grab the base color of the toner

Overlightened hair will _____.


Permanent haircolor products are usually mixed with an equal amount of _____ volume peroxide and are capable of lifting one or two levels.

treats gray or other resistant hair to facilitate better cold penetration.

Pre softening _____.

cannot be created by combining other colors

Primary colors _____.


Saturation or _____ refers to the degree of concentration or amount of pigment in the color. It is the strength of the color.


Self-penetrating colors, such as _____ colors, tend to make a mild chemical and physical change.

lightens and deposits color in

Single process haircoloring is a process that _____ the hair in one, single application.


Temporary hair color is made up of the_____molecules.

lower the volume

The _____of hydrogen peroxide, the lesser the lift or lightening achieved.

perforated cap

The cap technique involves pulling strands of hair through the holes of a ______ and applying hair color or lighteners to them.


What hair characteristic do you use to determine the subsection size to use to assure proper coverage of the haircolor or lightener?


What is the term for the pigment that lies under the natural hair color?

Breakage or complete disintegration of the hair

What might happen if you apply hydrogen peroxide or any material containing hydrogen peroxide over dyes known o believed to contain a metallic salt?


What should be the thickness when working with a cream lightener?


When a permanent haircolor is mixed with a developer and applied to the hair, the cuticle layers will swell and begin to open allowing the underdeveloped, small color molecules to enter the _____.

very porous

When tinting ______ hair darker, choose a level one to two levels lighter than desired color.

orange and blue

When______are mixed in equal amounts, they neutralize each other.


Which hair characteristic is an indication of the strength of the cortex, including cross bonds and melanin molecules?


_____ hair is the color of keratin without melanin.


_____ haircolor fades gradually.


_____ haircolor has an alkaline pH.


_____ haircolor may be used as non-peroxide toner for pre-lightened hair.


______ derivative tints can lighten and deposit color in a single process and are available in a wide variety of color.


______ haircolors deposit color without lightening natural or artificial color in the hair.


______ is the process of coloring strands or sections of the hair darker than the natural or artificial color.

some of the hair strand lighter.

highlighting is the process of coloring ______ than the natural or artificial color.

mixing equal amounts of two primary colors

A secondary color is created by _____.


A soap cap is used to blend lines of demarcation in a_____ application that does not quite match the previous color application.

if a client has a sensitivity for color application to aniline

A strand test is performed for application to determine _____.

warmth or coolness

Toner is the _____of a color.

can achieve up to four levels of lift/lightening in one step

40-volume hydrogen peroxide _____.


A _____ helps achieve the desired color or tones in the hair or neutralize the unwanted undertones.

patch test

A _____ is given to a client to determine a possible sensitivity to aniline derivatives, an ingredient in toners.

information appertaining to the haircoloring service

A client record card should include _____.

a vegetable tint

A color change occurs in the hair when _____ combines with the melanin.

the wave pattern and the coarseness of the hair

The factors that determine what natural haircolors look like include _____.


The first step in the removal of _____dye from the hair is the application of 70% alcohol.

paints a lightener or color directly onto lean, styled hair

The free-form technique _____.

three primary and three secondary

The human eye sees only six basic colors, ______.


The most popular type of on-the-scalp lightener is _____.

a manufacturer`s swatch

The natural level of the client`s hair is accomplished by using _____ or color ring to match the client`s hair color.

performing corrective coloring

The uses for demi-permanent hair color include _____.


Tint stains may be removed from the skin with ____.


To blend any lines of ______between the new growth and the previously colored hair, a retouch application will be needed.

select a shade lighter than the natural color

To brighten or lighten hair color and to cover gray, ______.


To restore damaged hair to a healthier condition, ______should be used.

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