Chapter 18 : Nursing Management of Newborn ( : OB )

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The mother of a formula-fed newborn asks how she will know if her newborn is receiving enough formula during feedings. Which response by the nurse is correct?

"A sign of good nutrition is when your newborn seems satisfied and is gaining sufficient weight." Explanation: A sign of adequate formula intake is when the newborn seems satisfied and is gaining weight regularly. The formula fed newborn should take 30 minutes or less to finish a bottle, not less than 15 minutes. The newborn does normally produce several stools per day, but should wet 6 to 10 diapers rather than 3 to 4 per day. The newborn should consume approximately 2 oz of formula per pound of body weight per day, not per feeding.

After completing a class for new parents, the nurse notes the session is successful when the class recognizes the newborn should be bathed how often?

two or three times per week Explanation: Bathing two or three times weekly is sufficient for the first year; more frequent bathing may dry the skin.

When instructing a new mom on providing skin care to her newborn, which statement, made by the mother, indicates additional teaching is needed?

"I can use talc powders to prevent diaper rash." Explanation: Talc powders can be a respiratory hazard and should not be used with a newborn. All other statements are correct.

A new mother asks the nurse why newborns receive an injection of vitamin K after delivery. What will be the best response from the nurse?

"Newborns lack the intestinal flora needed to produce vitamin K, so it is given to prevent bleeding episodes." Explanation: Vitamin K is needed in newborns to prevent bleeding episodes. It is especially important for male newborns who are being circumcised. The newborn's intestine is sterile and has no symbiotic bacteria in it to produce vitamin K, so the newborn receives a supplement through the vitamin K injection. Vitamin K does not assist in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins, does not help prevent ophthalmia neonatorum, or strengthen the immune system.

The nurse is assessing a male neonate in the presence of the parents and notes that the neonate has hypospadias. How should the nurse respond when questioned by the parents as to what this means?

"The opening of his urethra in located on the under surface of the tip of the penis." Explanation: The term "hypospadias" refers to the urinary meatus (external opening of the urethra) being abnormally located on the ventral (under) surface of the glans (the rounded head or tip of the penis). There are no special terms to indicate normal genitalia. Cryptorchidism refers to undescended testes. Hydrocele refers to the collection of fluid in the scrotal sac.

A nurse is teaching a newborn's caregivers how to change a diaper correctly. Which statement by the caregiver best indicates the nurse's teaching was effective?

"We will fold down the front of her diaper under the umbilical cord until it falls off." Explanation: In order to prevent the cord from becoming irritated and help dry it out, the diaper is rolled down in the front. A newborn's diaper needs to be changed frequently; however, the baby does not need to be awoken during the night. Warm water or wipes are sufficient to clean the perineal area at diaper changes. Barrier creams may be used as needed, but should not be applied after every diaper change.

A nurse teaches new parents how to soothe a crying newborn. Which statement by the parents indicates to the nurse the teaching was effective?

"We will turn the mobile on that's hanging on our baby's crib." Explanation: Turning on a mobile above the newborn's head is helpful in calming the newborn. The movement is distracting, and the music is comforting. The newborn's back should be rubbed lightly while the parents speak softly or play calming music or white noise. Swaddling the newborn rather than placing the infant on a blanket on the floor provides security and comfort. Feeding or burping can be helpful in relieving air or stomach gas.

A newborn weighing 5 lb (2250 g) needs to eat 3 oz (90 ml) of formula every 3 hours. To meet this goal, how many ounces of formula per day will the parent need to feed the newborn? Record your answer using a whole number.

24 Explanation: Feeding every 3 hours equates to 8 feedings per day. 3 oz × 8 = 24 oz. This can also be calculated in milliliters and converted back into ounces. 90 ml × 8 = 720 ml.

Neonatal screening is done before the infant leaves the hospital. Blood is drawn through a heel stick and tested for several disorders that can cause lifelong disabilities. When is the ideal time to collect this specimen?

24 hours after the newborn's first protein feeding Explanation: The laws in most states require this initial screening, which is done within 72 hours of birth. The ideal time to collect the specimen is after the newborn is 36 hours old and 24 hours after he has his first protein feeding.

A nurse is reviewing the medical records of several newborns who are about to be discharged. The nurse notes the birth weight of each newborn, classifying the newborn with which birth weight as term?

3,500 grams Explanation: Typically, the term newborn weighs 2,500 to 4,000 g. Birth weights less than 10% or more than 90% on a growth chart are outside the normal range and need further investigation. A newborn weighing less than 1,500 grams is considered very-low-birth-weight. A newborn weighing 1,800 grams or 2,200 grams would be considered low-birth-weight.

The nurse records a newborn's Apgar score at birth. A normal 1-minute Apgar score is:

7 to 10. Explanation: An Apgar score of 7 to 10 implies the infant is breathing well and cardiovascular adaptation is occurring.

What supplies would the nursery nurse collect in preparation for bathing a newborn infant? Select all that apply.

A washcloth Warm tub of water Thermometer Explanation: The initial bath for a newborn is done using warm water, a mild soap (not hexachlorophene, which can be absorbed through the skin), and a thermometer to check the newborn's temperature following the bath. Talc powder is not recommended because of the risk for aspiration.

A newborn is receiving ampicillin and gentamicin every 12 hours. When would this client have his hearing screen performed?

After the newborn has completed the antibiotic therapy Explanation: It is recommended that all newborns undergo a hearing screening before they are discharged from the hospital. If the newborn is treated with an ototoxic medication such as gentamycin, the hearing screen must be conducted after completion of the antibiotic therapy.

The charge nurse hears the call, "Shoulder dystocia in room 4." What resources will the charge nurse dispatch to room 4 to assist with this situation? Select all that apply.

Anesthesia Surgeon Pediatrician Explanation: The resources the charge nurse will call include anesthesia, pediatrician, and surgeon. A social worker may be needed later, but is not needed during the delivery process. The rapid response team is not specific to the needs of this client's situation.

The parents of a newborn male are questioning the nurse concerning the pros and cons of a circumcision. Which disadvantage should the nurse point out to these parents?

Anesthetic may not be effective during the procedure Explanation: The anesthetic block is not always effective when used and not all providers will even use anesthetics prior to the procedure, thus the infant can feel the pain of the circumcision. A lower rate of urinary tract infections, a reduced risk of penile cancer, and fewer complications than if circumcised later in life are advantages to the procedure.

A woman in scrubs enters a mother's room while the nurse is completing an assessment. The woman states the doctor is in the nursery and has requested the infant be brought back for an examination. What will the nurse do?

Ask to see the woman' hospital identification badge. Explanation: The nurse will not release an infant to anyone who does not have a hospital photo ID that matches the security color or code for the hospital, indicating that they are authorized to transport infants. Asking the woman to bring the newborn back, calling the nursery, or determining how long the newborn will be gone do not address the security issue.

A 36-hour-old newborn is ready for discharge from the hospital and the nurse notices that the skin looks yellow. What action will the nurse take?

Assess the bilirubin level. Explanation: If a nurse notices that a newborn appears jaundiced, the nurse will assess the newborn's bilirubin level. Current guidelines recommend newborns be screened for jaundice and high bilirubin levels prior to discharge from the hospital. The nurse will then notify the health care provider based on the results. The nurse may assist the mother to feed in newborn if needed, as this may facilitate decreasing jaundice. The newborn should not be discharged at this time.

A 30-minute-old newborn starts crying in a high-pitched manner and cannot be consoled by the mother. Which action should the nurse prioritize if jitteriness is also noted and the infant is unable to breastfeed?

Check blood glucose. Explanation: One of the primary signs/symptoms of hypoglycemia in newborn infants is jitteriness and irritability. Anytime an infant is suspected of having hypoglycemia, the nurse needs to check the blood glucose level. Cold stress and pain are potential considerations to rule out if hypoglycemia is not the cause; however, jitteriness is not a recognized sign of these.

The nurse is preparing discharge instructions for the parents of a male newborn who is to be circumcised before discharge. Which instruction should the nurse prioritize?

Cover the glans generously with petroleum jelly. Explanation: Covering the surgical site with an ointment such as petroleum jelly prevents it from adhering to the diaper and being continually irritated. Normal appearance is red and raw. Soaking the penis daily in warm water is not recommended. Washing the penis with warm water, dribbled gently from a washcloth at each diaper change, is the recommended way of keeping the penis clean. The nurse would not tell the parents to use alcohol on the glans.

Which action would be priority for the nurse to complete immediately after the delivery of a 40-week gestation newborn?

Dry the newborn and place it skin-to-skin on mother. Explanation: Thermoregulation is priority immediately following delivery and is best achieved by keeping the newborn warm and dry. This can be accomplished by drying the newborn and placing it skin-to-skin with the mother. The newborn should be dried before being swaddled and placed in the bassinet. A complete assessment needs to be done within 2 hours of delivery and glucose isn't routinely assessed.

The newborn has been placed in skin-to-skin contact with his mother. A blanket covers all of his body except his head. His hair is still wet with amniotic fluid, etc. What is the most likely type of heat loss this baby may experience?

Evaporative Explanation: Evaporative heat loss occurs with the evaporation of fluid from the infant.

The mother of a newborn observes a diaper rash on her newborn's skin. Which intervention should the nurse instruct the parent to implement to treat the diaper rash?

Expose the newborn's bottom to air several times a day. Explanation: The nurse should instruct the parent to expose the newborn's bottom to air several times per day to treat and prevent diaper rashes. Use of baby wipes and products such as powder should be avoided. The parent should be instructed to place the newborn's buttocks in warm water after having had a diaper on all night but not with every diaper change.

A new mother calls her pediatrician's office concerned about her 2-week-old infant "crying all the time." When the nurse explores further, the mother reports that the infant cries at least 2 hours each day, usually in the afternoons. What recommendation would the nurse not make to this mother?

Feeding the infant more formula whenever she begins to fuss Explanation: Crying by a young infant is frustrating for parents, so it is suggested that the parents first be sure that the infant's physical needs are met, then soothing measures are implemented. Feeding the infant every time he cries is not needed nor suggested. Swaddling, a soothing touch, and gentle pats on the back all help calm a fussy infant.

Parents are taking home their second child. They also have a 2-year-old at home. The nurse would anticipate which behavior by these parents?

General questions about different aspects of newborn care Explanation: Just because parents have had a previous child does not mean that they will not have questions about their newborn infant. Each newborn is different and parents my not feel comfortable this time caring for the newborn.

The nurse is preparing to administer the ordered injections to a newborn. After noting the mother tested positive for HbsAG, which nursing intervention should the nurse prioritize for the infant?

Hepatitis B vaccination and 1 dose of hepatitis B immunoglobulin within 12 hours of birth Explanation: If a mother has hepatitis B (HbsAG) or is suspected of having hepatitis B, the newborn should be bathed and then should receive 1 dose of the hepatitis B vaccine and 1 dose of the hepatitis B immunoglobulin within 12 hours of birth. The other choices are the wrong dosages and/or times.

The nurse is preparing to administer the vitamin K injection to a newborn. Which action would be correct for this client?

Injecting the medication into the vastus lateralis Explanation: Use of the vastus lateralis is the preferred site for administration of the medication. The nurse would use a 22- to 25-gauge needle and inject 0.5 cc of medication at a 90-degree angle.

The nurse is caring for a newborn after the parents have spent time bonding. As the nurse performs the assessment and evidence-based care, which eye care will the nurse prioritize?

Instill 0.5% ophthalmic erythromycin. Explanation: The standard eye care to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum is 0.5% erythromycin ointment or 1% tetracycline eye drops. Although 1% silver nitrate drops were once used, it has been discontinued due to its ineffectiveness. The nurse would not wait to see if the eyes show signs of irritation before administering the medication. Delaying could lead to preventable blindness.

A woman who is about to be discharged after a vaginal birth notices a flea-like rash on her newborn's chest. The rash has tiny red lesions all across the nipple line. What does this rash indicate?

It is a normal skin finding in a newborn. Explanation: This rash is most likely is erythema toxicum, also known as newborn rash.

A nurse does an initial assessment on a newborn and notes a pulsation over the anterior fontanel (fontanelle) that corresponds with the newborn's heart rate. How would the nurse interpret this finding?

It is normal to feel pulsations that correlate with the newborn's heart rate over the anterior fontanel (fontanelle). Explanation: Feeling a pulsation over the fontanel (fontanelle) correlating to the newborn's heart rate is normal. The pulsation should not be felt in the posterior fontanel (fontanelle). The fontanel (fontanelle) should not be bulging under any circumstance in a newborn.

A woman wearing hospital scrubs comes to the nursery and states "Mrs. Smith is ready for her baby. I will be glad to take the baby to her." What will the nursery nurse do next?

Look at the woman's hospital identification badge. Explanation: Each member of the hospital staff should have an identification badge clearly displayed. The nursery nurse should look at the badge of the woman who is offering to take Mrs. Smith's baby to her as this is the only way to ensure the nurse is allowing an appropriate person to transport the baby. Education and watchful vigilance are the keys to preventing infant abductions. Each facility that cares for newborns should have specific policies and procedures in place that address this problem. The nurse should review these policies and know the protocols for the facility in which the nurse will be working.

A nurse is required to obtain the temperature of a healthy newborn who was placed in an open crib. Which is the most appropriate method for measuring a newborn's temperature?

Place electronic temperature probe in the midaxillary area. Explanation: The nurse should obtain a newborn's temperature by placing an electronic temperature probe in the midaxillary area. The nurse should not tape an electronic thermistor probe to the abdominal skin, as this method is applied only when the newborn is placed under a radiant heat source. Rectal temperatures are no longer taken because of the risk of perforation. Oral temperature readings are not taken for newborns.

A nurse is caring for a newborn with transient tachypnea. What nursing interventions should the nurse perform while providing supportive care to the newborn? Select all that apply.

Provide oxygen supplementation. Ensure the newborn's warmth. Observe respiratory status frequently. Explanation: The nurse should give the newborn oxygen, ensure the newborn's warmth, and observe the newborn's respiratory status frequently. The nurse need not give the newborn warm water to drink or massage the newborn's back.

Under which circumstances should gloves be worn in the newborn nursery? Select all that apply.

Providing the first bath Changing a diaper Performing a heel stick Accucheck Explanation: Universal precautions, such as wearing gloves, is necessary whenever the nurse is likely to come in contact with bodily fluids, such as when changing a diaper, performing the initial bath after birth, and drawing blood for testing. Gloves are not needed with formula feedings or when transporting the newborn in its crib to the mother's room.

The nurse is teaching discharge instructions to the young parents of a healthy newborn boy whose vital signs are stable and whose circumcision appears clean and intact. The nurse should encourage the parents to call the health care provider if which situation is discovered?

Redness at the base of the umbilical cord Explanation: The cord should dry and fall off in the 7 to 10 days after birth. If the cord base changes color or develops drainage, the health care provider needs to be notified as these could be signs of infection. A yellowish crusty substance on the circumcision site indicates normal healing. Crying for 2 hours or more each day and straining during bowel movements are normal in a newborn.

The nurse is caring for a new mother and newborn in a rooming-in unit and watches the mother put the infant in the bed, lying on her side, propped up with a pillow. The nurse should point out that this position can increase the risk of which situation?

Sudden infant death syndrome Explanation: The 'back to sleep' campaign is a national campaign used to educate the public concerning the fact that the proper position for sleep of infants is on their backs to help decrease the risk of SIDS. Placing the infant on his or her back to sleep does not reduce the risk for gastroesophageal reflux, apnea episodes, or sleeping for short intervals.

A mother asks the nurse about having her son circumcised. The nurse understands that circumcision is contraindicated under which circumstances? Select all that apply.

There is a family history of hemophilia. The infant is at 33 weeks' gestation. Explanation: Circumcision is contraindicated for several reasons including prematurity, family history of a bleeding disorder, and illness. A fever at birth is not a problem as long as it comes back down to normal shortly after birth. A small penis or a father who was never circumcised are not reasons to delay circumcision.

The nurse is preparing to assess the pulse on a newborn who has just arrived to the nursery after being cleaned in the labor and birth suite and swaddled in a blanket. Which action should the nurse prioritize?

Wear clean gloves. Explanation: Infection control is a priority nursing intervention. Gloves need to be worn when in contact with the infant who has not been bathed after birth. All options are valid options; however, a three-minute surgical scrub is generally only required at the beginning of a shift. The nurse should always wash the hands before putting on gloves to care for an infant and after taking gloves off. Standard precautions are used with every client.

The nurse is admitting a 10-pound (4.5-kg) newborn to the nursery. What is important for the nurse to monitor during the transition period?

blood sugar Explanation: Most facilities have protocols to guide nursing care in the treatment of hypoglycemia. Many pediatricians have preprinted orders that can be initiated if the glucose level falls below a predetermined level (usually 40-50 mg/dl).

While examining a newborn, a nurse observes salmon patches on the nape of the neck and on the eyelids. Which is the most likely cause of these skin abnormalities?

concentration of immature blood vessels Explanation: A concentration of immature blood vessels causes salmon patches. Bruising does not look like salmon patches but would be more bluish-purple in appearance. Harlequin sign is a result of immature autoregulation of blood flow and is commonly seen in low-birth-weight newborns. An allergic reaction would be more generalized and would not be salmon-colored.

In an effort to decrease complications for the infant right after birth, the nurse would expect to administer which medication for prophylaxis of potential eye conditions?

erythromycin ophthalmic ointment Explanation: Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment is the only drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the prophylaxis of gonococcal neonatorum in the United States. Silver nitrate solution was once used for eye prophylaxis, but it is no longer used because it has little efficacy in preventing chlamydial eye disease. Vitamin K is used to promote blood clotting in the newborn. Gentamicin is not used for newborn eye prophylaxis.

On an Apgar evaluation, how is reflex irritability tested?

flicking the soles of the feet and observing the response Explanation: Reflex irritability means the ability to respond to stimuli. It can be tested by flicking the foot or evaluating the response to a catheter passed into the nose.

When examining a newborn's eyes, the nurse would expect which assessment?

follows a light to the midline Explanation: Newborns do not usually follow past the midline until 3 months of age. They do not tear.

Assessment of a newborn reveals tiny white pinpoint papules on a newborn's nose. The nurse documents this finding as:

milia. Explanation: Milia are the tiny white pinpoint papules of unopened sebaceous glands frequently found on the newborn's nose. Lanugo is the fine downy hair that covers the newborn's shoulders, back, and upper arms. Vernix caseosa is the thick white substance that provides a protective covering of the skin of the fetus. The harlequin sign refers to a transient phenomenon in which a newborn appears red on the dependent side of the body and pale on the upper side when lying on his or her side.

The Ballard scoring system evaluates newborns on which two factors?

physical maturity and neuromuscular maturity Explanation: When determining a newborn's gestational age using the Ballard scale, the nurse assesses physical signs and neurologic characteristics.

When examining a newborn female, the nurse notices a small pinkish discharge from the vaginal area. What should the nurse suspect?

pseudomenstruation, a normal finding Explanation: Pseudomenstruation is seen when a newborn female has a small amount of pinkish discharge. It comes from the withdrawal of maternal hormones and is a normal finding.

A woman who is about to be discharged after a vaginal birth notices a flea-like rash on her newborn's chest that consists of tiny red lesions all across the nipple line. What is the best response from the nurse when explaining this to the woman?

"It is a normal skin finding in a newborn." Explanation: This most likely is erythema toxicum, also known as newborn rash, and is a common finding that will gradually disappear and not need any treatment. This is often mistaken for staphylococcal pustules. This is not a sign of mistreatment by the woman, nor is it caused by a virus or group B streptococcal (GBS) infection.

New parents are getting ready to go home from the hospital and have received information to help them learn how best to care for their new infant. Which statement indicates that they need additional teaching about how to soothe their newborn if he becomes upset?

"We'll hold off on feeding him for a while because he might be too full." Explanation: Feeding or burping can be helpful in relieving air or stomach gas, and the parents should be made aware of this. Turning on a mobile above the newborn's head is helpful in calming the newborn. The movement is distracting, and the music is comforting. The newborn's back should be rubbed lightly while the parents speak softly to him. Swaddling the newborn provides security and comfort.

The parents of a newborn are upset that their newborn needs treatment for ophthalmia neonatorum. The nurse should explain this is related to which maternal infection? Select all that apply.

Chlamydia Gonorrhea Explanation: Colonization of chlamydia and gonorrhea in the vaginal tract can lead to ophthalmia neonatorum in the newborn, which infants contract at birth. The treatment is the use of an antibiotic ophthalmic ointment that is usually applied within the first hour. Trichomonas, syphilis, and candidiasis do not cause ophthalmia neonatorum.

The nurse is conducting a preadmission class for a group of parents on the safety features that are utilized to help prevent infant abduction. The nurse should prioritize which factor as most essential to ensure the program's success?

Cooperation by the parents with the hospital policies Explanation: The most essential piece to an effective infant abduction prevention plan is the cooperation of the parents. If the parents are not willing to participate in the unit policy, the unit is at risk. Using pass codes, placing cameras at each door, and using monitors on the infants will all help, but only if the parents are cooperative.

The Apgar score is based on which 5 parameters?

heart rate, muscle tone, reflex irritability, respiratory effort, and color Explanation: A newborn can receive an Apgar score ranging from 0 to 10. The score is based on 5 factors, each of which is assigned a 0, 1, or 2. Heart rate (should be above 100), muscle tone (should be able to maintain a flexion position), reflex irritability (newborn should cry or sneeze when stimulated), and respiratory effort are evaluated by the presence of a strong cry and by color. Color is evaluated by noting the color of the body and hands and feet.

A nurse is teaching new parents about keeping follow-up appointments and calling their health care provider if they notice signs of illness in their newborn. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the parents identify which signs as needing to be reported? Select all that apply.

temperature of 38.3° C (101° F) or higher refuse feeding abdominal distention Explanation: Parents should call their health care provider if they note any of the following warning signs: temperature of 38.3° C (101° F) or higher; forceful, persistent vomiting; refusal to take feedings; two or more green, watery diarrheal stools; infrequent wet diapers and change in bowel movements from normal pattern; lethargy or excessive sleepiness; inconsolable crying and extreme fussiness; abdominal distention; or difficult or labored breathing.

What is the expected range for respirations in a newborn?

30 to 60 breaths per minute Explanation: Although episodic breathing is normal and short periods of apnea can occur, the normal respiratory rate for a newborn is 30 to 60 breaths per minute. For adults, it is typically 8 to 20 breaths per minute.

A nurse is assessing a newborn and obtains the newborn's head circumference. The head circumference is 35 cm. The nurse then measures the newborn's chest circumference. Which chest circumference measurement would the nurse document as expected and within normal parameters?

33 cm Explanation: The average chest circumference is 30 to 36 cm (12 to 14 in). It is generally equal to or about 2 to 3 cm less than the head circumference.

An infant born at 35 weeks' gestation is being screened for hypoglycemia. During the first 24 hours of life, when will the nurse screen this infant?

Before feedings Explanation: To screen for hypoglycemia, a glucose level is obtained prior to the first feeding and then prior to feedings for 24 to 48 hours. Infants are screened even in the absence of symptoms; this is done before feeding to obtain a preprandial measure.

When performing an assessment on a neonate, which assessment finding is suggestive of hypothermia?

Bradycardia Explanation: Bradycardia is an indicator that the neonate is hypothermic. A cold infant may develop acidosis as a result of metabolism of brown fat. Newborns do not shiver when cold. Hyperglycemia and metabolic alkalosis are not signs or consequences of hypothermia.

The nurse is teaching a prenatal class illustrating the steps that are used to keep families safe. The nurse determines the session is successful when the parents correctly choose which precaution to follow after the birth of their infant?

Check the identification badge of any health care worker before releasing baby from room. Explanation: Infant abduction is a concern, and all personnel should wear identification badges and introduce themselves to the parents before they enter the room or take the infant. If at any time the mother is suspicious, she has the right to not allow an individual to take the infant. There may not always be a family member around to accompany the infant and they may not be allowed admittance to treatment rooms or other such areas. Checking the name on the baby's identification bracelet will not stop abduction. Providing a list of approved visitors may help prevent abduction from individuals outside the medical facility but will not stop someone posing as an employee from abducting the infant.

A nurse is preparing to administer phytonadione to a newborn. After confirming the order, what will the nurse do next?

Identify the newborn. Explanation: The nurse will identify the correct newborn before administering phytonadione (vitamin K). The newborn's weight is not needed to calculate the dosage as all newborns receive 0.5 mg IM within one hour of birth. Phytonadione is given to decrease the risk of hemorrhage.

The head nurse of the newborn nursery is teaching new employees ways to reduce the transmission of infection in the nursery. What information would be included in this session?

Keep all of the newborn's belongings together in the bassinet. Explanation: By keeping all the newborn's belongings in the bassinet and not sharing items, the risk of cross-contamination is greatly reduced. Rooming-in, not staying in the nursery, also reduces the likelihood of cross-contamination. Artificial nails are shown to increase infection transmission and should not be worn.

The parents of a 2-day-old newborn are preparing for discharge from the hospital. Which teaching is most important for the nurse to include regarding sleep?

Place the infant on the back when sleeping. Explanation: It is most important to educate caregivers on how to place the newborn while sleeping to ensure safety and reduce the risk of SIDS. The other information is good to include, but not priority.

The nurse is teaching new parents how to clear the secretions from their infant's mouth and nose. The nurse determines they are prepared when they correctly perform which initial step?

Position the newborn on side with head slightly below body; use a bulb syringe to clear mouth. Explanation: The infant needs to have bulb suction used to remove the secretions from the mouth first; the head should be held slightly lower than the body to facilitate use of gravity. A bulb syringe, not a small suction catheter, is used to suction the mouth and nose of a newborn. The mouth should be cleared first to prevent possible aspiration of secretions. Suctioning the nose first could cause the infant to inhale the secretions in the mouth.

The nursery nurse notes that one of the newborn infants has white patches on his tongue that look like milk curds. What action would be appropriate for the nurse to take?

Report the finding to the pediatrician. Explanation: Although the finding looks like a milk curd, if the white patch remains after feeding, the pediatrician needs to be notified. The likely cause of the white patch on the tongue is a fungal infection called Candida albicans, which the newborn probably contracted while passing through the birth canal. The nurse should not try to remove the patches.

Which action will the nurse avoid when performing basic care for a newborn male?

Retracting the foreskin over the glans to assess for secretions Explanation: The foreskin in male newborns does not normally retract and should not be forced. The nurse will inspect the genital area for irritated skin to prevent and/or treat possible skin irritations. The nurse will palpate the testes to determine if the newborn has cryptorchidism. It is important to verify that the urethral opening is at the tip of the glans and not on the dorsal or ventral sides as these would need intervention. This can be accomplished without overmanipulating the foreskin.

The nurse is completing an assessment of a newborn. When auscultating the newborn's heart, the nurse would place the stethoscope at which area to auscultate the point of maximal impulse (PMI)?

lateral to the midclavicular line at the fourth intercostal space Explanation: The point of maximal impulse in a newborn is lateral to the midclavicular line at the fourth intercostal space. A displaced PMI may indicate a tension pneumothorax or cardiomegaly.

The nurse is explaining to the parents about the various laboratory tests which will be conducted on their newborn. The nurse should point out that testing for phenylketonuria will be conducted in which time frame?

24 to 72 hours after birth. Explanation: PKU is an inherited disease involving a specific enzyme necessary in the production of amino acids. Without this enzyme, phenylalanine builds up in the blood and can lead to serious consequences, such as brain damage. Phenylketonuria testing measures the amount of phenylalanine present in the blood. The infant must have taken breast milk or formula for an abnormal amount to be present. The blood sample is obtained via a heel stick and is best conducted 2 to 3 days after birth, allowing time for the infant to eat. The main treatment for this condition is life-long dietary restrictions, so it needs to be identified quickly so appropriate care can be started.

A nursing mother calls the nurse and is upset. She states that her newborn son just bit her when he was nursing. Upon examining the newborn's mouth, two precocious teeth are noted on the lower central portion of the gums. What would be the nurse's best response?

"Precocious teeth can occur at birth but we may need to remove them to prevent aspiration." Explanation: Precocious or natal teeth occur infrequently but need to be addressed when they are present. They may cause the mother discomfort when nursing and pumping may be needed initially until the mother can condition the newborn not to bite. Precocious teeth are often loose and need to be removed to prevent aspiration. Even if they are not loose, they are often removed due to them causing ulcerations on the newborn's tongue from irritation. They will not just fall out and are not the newborn's actual baby teeth that are just coming in early.

A first-time mother informs the nurse that she is unable to breastfeed her newborn through the day as she is usually away at work. She adds that she wants to express her breast milk and store it for her newborn to have later. What instruction would be correct to offer the mother to ensure the safety of the stored expressed breast milk?

Use the sealed and chilled milk within 24 hours. Explanation: The nurse should instruct the woman to use the sealed and chilled milk within 24 hours. The nurse should not instruct the woman to use frozen milk within 6 months of obtaining it, to use microwave ovens to warm chilled milk, or to refreeze the used milk and reuse it. Instead, the nurse should instruct the woman to use frozen milk within 3 months of obtaining it, to avoid using microwave ovens to warm chilled milk, and to discard any used milk and never refreeze it.

Which statement made by a new nurse indicates additional teaching is needed on the topic of hyperbilirubinemia (physiologic jaundice) in newborns?

"Breastfed babies need supplements of glucose water to help lower bilirubin levels." Explanation: Physiologic jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia) is characterized by a yellowish skin, mucous membranes, and sclera that occurs within the first 3 days of life. Physiologic jaundice is caused by accelerated destruction of fetal RBCs that have a shortened life span (80 days compared with the adult 120 days). Normally the liver removes bilirubin (the by-product of RBC destruction) from the blood and changes it into a form that can be excreted. As the red blood cell breakdown continues at a fast pace, the newborn's liver cannot keep up with bilirubin removal. Thus, bilirubin accumulates in the blood, causing the characteristic signs of physiologic jaundice. Expose the newborn to natural sunlight for short periods of time throughout the day to help oxidize the bilirubin deposits on the skin. Glucose water supplementation should be avoided since it hinders elimination.

A nurse is preparing to weigh a newborn just admitted to the nursery. Place the steps listed below in the order that the nurse would complete them. Use all options. Click an option, hold and drag it to the desired position, or click an option to highlight it and move it up or down in the order using the arrows to the left.

Balance the scale. Cover the scale with a warmed cloth. Recalibrate the scale to zero. Place the unclothed newborn in the center of the scale. Explanation: Newborns are weighed on admission to the nursery or are taken to a digital scale to be weighed and returned to the parent's room. First, the nurse balances the scale if it is not balanced. Then, the nurse places a warmed protective cloth or paper as a barrier on the scale to prevent heat loss by conduction and recalibrates the scale to zero after applying the barrier. Next, the nurse places the unclothed newborn in the center of the scale. The nurse keeps a hand above the newborn for safety.

The mother of a newborn asks the nurse, "What are these small red marks on the back of my baby's neck and between the eyes? They seem to more visible when my baby is crying." The nurse would describe this finding as which skin variation?

salmon patches Explanation: Stork bites or salmon patches are superficial vascular areas found on the nape of the neck, on the eyelids, and between the eyes and upper lip. They are caused by a concentration of immature blood vessels and are most visible when the newborn is crying. Milia are multiple pearly-white or pale yellow unopened sebaceous glands frequently found on a newborn's nose. They may also appear on the chin and forehead. Vernix caseosa is a thick white substance that protects the skin of the fetus. It is formed by secretions from the fetus's oil glands and is found during the first 2 or 3 days after birth in body creases and the hair. Nevus flammeus, also called a port-wine stain, commonly appears on the newborn's face or other body areas. It is a capillary angioma located directly below the dermis. It is flat with sharp demarcations and is purple-red.

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