Chapter 19 and 21

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The QRS complex is produced when the signal from the AV node spreads through the ________ myocardium and depolarizes the muscle.


Resistance in the blood vessels is primarily controlled by altering

vessel radius.

During the depolarization phase of cardiac muscle...

voltage-gated sodium channels open.

The AV node delay:

allows the atria and ventricles to depolarize and contract separately.

Blood pressure is highest in the ___________ and lowest in the _____________.

arteries closest to the heart; veins

Select all that are forms of peripheral resistance.

- Blood viscosity - Vessel length - Vessel radius

True or False: Pulmonary arteries carry highly oxygenated blood.


Place a single word into each sentence to make it correct.

Fluid will then osmotically reenter at the venous end. This fluid delivers materials to the cells and removes its waste. This shift in fluid balance at the arterial end is referred to as hydrostatic pressure. This is the physical force exerted by a liquid against a surface like a capillary wall.

Classify the given terms or examples with the appropriate category.

Hydrostatic Pressure: - mainly pushes material out of the capillary - physical force exerted by a fluid on a structure - can promote filtration from a capillary Colloid Osmotic Pressure: - Typically promotes reabsorption - Pull of water back into a tissue

Check all that could potentially result in an increase in arterial blood pressure.

Vasoconstriction of arterioles Increase in cardiac rate Increase in stroke volume

True or False: Epinephrine, aldosterone, and antidiuretic hormone each cause an increase in blood pressure.


Classify the given terms or examples with the appropriate category.

Vasodilators: - Histamine - Bradykinin - Decreased nutrients levels Vasoconstrictors: - Thromboxanes - Endothelins

An increase in __________ will result in an increase in the blood flow to that area.

Vessel diameter

Most of the redirection will occur in the _________.


In both pulmonary and systemic circulation, gas exchange occurs at the


Calcium channels in the nodal cells function to:

cause depolarization and initiate cardiac action potential. assure excess calcium can leave the cell. bring the cells quickly to its resting membrane potential. sustain contraction of the cell.

True or False: An increase in blood vessel diameter would lead to a decrease in blood flow.


Excitation of the vasomotor center results in

increased sympathetic activity and predominantly more vasoconstriction than vasodilation


instrument that amplifies electric signals and produces a record on a moving paper chart.

After a meal the __________ receive priority and the skeletal muscles receive very little flow.


Complete each sentence by dragging the proper label into the appropriate position

- The highest pressure exerted on the arterial walls during the heart cycle is referred to as systolic blood pressure . - When one-third of pulse pressure is added to the diastolic pressure, a good estimate of mean arterial pressure is obtained. - The diastolic blood pressure is measured when the heart is relaxing and represents the lowest pressure exerted in the walls of the arteries during the heart cycle. - Subtracting the SBP from the DBP results in pulse pressure which is directly proportional to the overall strength of one's pulse.

Fill in the blanks with the terms provided.

- The volume of blood that leaves the +capillary+ must be close to the volume that returns. - Blood +pressure+ comes from the volume of blood and the contractions of the ventricles and is known as +hydrostatic pressure+. - This pressure forces fluid out of the capillaries especially at the +arteriolar+ end. In the capillaries very large molecules, which are not lipid soluble, remain. An example of these would be +plasma proteins+. - These molecules are responsible for the +colloidal osmotic pressure+ , which draws water into the capillaries to help return fluids at the +venular+ end of the capillary.

Check all of the ways in which the heart chambers are involved in pulmonary circulation 1.Oxygenated blood enters the left atrium. 2.Oxygenated blood enters the right atrium. 3.The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs. 4. The left ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs. 5.Pulmonary veins pass blood into the left atrium whereas pulmonary arteries carry blood away from the right ventricle. 6.Pulmonary veins pass blood into the right atrium whereas pulmonary arteries carry blood away from the left ventricle.


Fill in the blanks, then put the sentences into logical order to discuss the cardiovascular system.

1. A major function of the cardiovascular system is to +transport fluids+. To fulfill this purpose, you have the following structures: The +heart+, provides pressure to pump the fluids into the large and elastic +aorta+, which will carry the blood to the body. 2. The vessels leaving the heart will branch and become smaller in diameter, these are the +arteries+. 3. The vessels will continue to branch and get smaller into +arterioles+. Eventually, they will become the +capillaries+, which are the sites of gas, nutrient, and waste exchange.

Match the heart valve with its description. 1. Between left ventricle and ascending aorta 2. Between left atrium and left ventricle 3. Between right atrium and right ventricle 4. Between right ventricle and pulmonary trunk

1. Aortic semilunar valve 2. Pulmonary semilunar valve 3. Bicuspid valve 4. Tricuspid valve

Put the steps of the cardiac cycle into the correct order,starting with the beginning of the cardiac cycle.

1. Atrial Systole 2. Early Ventricle systole 3. Late ventricular systole 4. Early ventricular diastole 5. Late ventricular diastole

Match the component of the electrocardiogram to the correct definition. 1.P wave 2.QRS complex 3.T wave 4.PQ segment 5..ST segment

1. Atrial depolarization 2. Ventricular depolarization 3. Ventricular repolarization 4. Atrial contraction or atrial systole 5.Ventricular contraction or ventricular systole

Put the pattern of circulation into the correct order, beginning with the pulmonary circulation.

1. Blood leaves the right side of the heart. 2. Blood enters the pulmonary arteries and travels to the lungs. 3.Blood enters the pulmonary veins. 4.Blood leaves the right side of the heart. 5.Blood enters the systemic arteries. 6. Blood delivers oxygen to the tissues, and then enters systemic veins.

Rank in order the events involved in the production of angiotensin II.

1. Kidneys detect low blood pressure. 2. Renin is released from the kidney. 3. Angiotensinogen is converted to angiotensin I. 4. Angiotensin II is formed after contact with angiotensin-converting enzyme.

Place the steps of angiotensin II formation in the correct sequence.

1. Low blood pressure in kidney 2. Renin released into the blood 3. Conversion of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I 4. ACE converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II 5. Vasoconstriction occurs and thirst center is stimulated

What is the sequence of events in the transmission of an impulse through the heart muscle?

1. SA node 2. Through the atria 3. AV node 4. AV bundle 5. Bundle Branches 6. Purkinje fibers 7. Through the ventricles

Place the following vessels in the order through which blood would pass back to the heart

1. Venous palmar arches 2. Basilic vein 3. Axillary vein 4. Subclavian vein 5. Brachiocephalic vein 6. Superior vena cava

Put the steps of the cardiac cycle into the correct order, starting with the beginning of the cardiac cycle.

1.Atrial contraction and ventricular filling 2.Isovolumetric contraction 3.Ventricular ejection 4.Isovolumetric relaxation 5.Atrial relaxation and ventricular filling

Check all that are characteristics of cardiac muscle. 1. Cells are long and cylindrical. 2. Cells are short and branching 3. Cells have multiple nuclei at the periphery of the cell. 4. Cells have one or two nuclei in the center of the cell. 5. They are composed of thick and thin filaments 6. The functional contractile unit is the sarcomere.


Check all that occur during ventricular systole. 1.The AV valves open to allow blood to enter the ventricles from the atria. 2,The semilunar valves remain closed throughout systole to prevent backflow of blood into the ventricles. 3.The semilunar valves open to allow blood to flow into the large arteries. 4.The AV valves close to prevent backflow of blood into the atria.


A patient's systolic pressure is 130 and diastolic pressure is 90. What is the pulse pressure?


If someone's blood pressure were listed as 110/65 mmHg, then their mean arterial pressure (MAP) would be ________mmHg:


Fill in the blanks with the terms provided. Not all terms will be used.

A relatively small blood pressure gradient is generally insufficient to move blood through the veins under given conditions, thus venous return must be facilitated by valves within veins and two "pumps." The skeletal muscle pump assists the movement of blood primarily within the limbs. As skeletal muscles contract, veins are squeezed to help propel the blood toward the heart. The respiratory pump assists the movement of blood within the thoracic cavity. The diaphragm contracts and flattens as we inspire. Intra-abdominal pressure increases and places pressure on the vessels within the abdominal cavity. Concomitantly, thoracic cavity volume increases and intrathoracic pressure decreases. Blood is propelled from the abdominopelvic cavity into the thoracic cavity.

Fill in the blanks with the terms provided. Not all terms will be used.

Although net filtration occurs at the +arterial+ end of a capillary and net reabsorption at its +venous+ end, not all of the fluid is reabsorbed. The capillary typically reabsorbs only about +85%+ of the fluid that has passed into the interstitial fluid. The +lymphatic+ system is responsible for picking up +15%+ of this excess fluid and returning it to the blood.

Select all the hormones that increase blood pressure.

Angiotensin II Aldosterone Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Fill in the blanks with the terms provided. Not all terms will be used.

Angiotensin II and ADH (in high doses) +increase+ peripheral resistance and blood pressure; and angiotensin II, aldosterone, and ADH +decrease+ urine output to help maintain blood volume and blood pressure. ANP stimulates +vasodilation+, which decreases +peripheral resistance+ and increases +urine output+, which decreases blood +volume+. The net effect is a decrease in blood +pressure+

Classify the given terms or examples with the appropriate category.

Angiotensin II: - Mainly formed in the lungs Aldosterone: - Produced in the adrenal cortex ADH: - re;eased from the posterior puitetary ANP: - sevreted by the atrium

Classify the given terms or examples with the appropriate category. Some labels may be used more than once.

Angiotensin II: - decreases urine output - Vasoconstricur - stimulates thrist center Aldosterone: - Decreases urine output ADH: - decreses urine output - Vasoconstictur - stimulates thirst center - Vasopressin ANP: - Vasodilater - Increases urine output

Drag each label into the appropriate position to identify whether the characteristic is indicative of arteries or veins.

Arteries: - Most carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body. - Have pulsatile flow of the blood - Exhibit greater ability to alter vessel diameter. Veins: - Contain the majority of blood at any one time - usually denoted in blue systemically - collapsed when empty - rely on muscular pumps to propel blood

Classify the given terms or examples with the appropriate category

Arteries: - Pulsatile - Have pulse pressure - Have systolic and diastolic pressures Veins: - 20-0 mm Hg Capillaries: - 40-20 mm Hg - Pressure determines net filtration - Sufficient to drive exchange at tissues

Place the events of autonomic blood pressure regulation in the correct sequence.

Blood pressure increases Blood vessel wall stretches Baroreceptors in vessels increase firing rates Sensory input sent to cardiovascular center Cardioacceleratory center decreases nerve signals along sympathetic pathways Heart rate and stroke volume decrease Blood flow returns to resting levels

Which type of muscle cell exhibits a longer refractory period?

Cardiac Muscle Cell

Edema can be caused as a result of which event(s)?

Decreased plasma protein concentration, causing a decrease in osmosis of interstitial fluid into capillaries. Increased tissue protein concentration, causing a decrease in osmosis of interstitial fluid into capillaries. Hypertension, causing an increase in tissue fluid at the arteriolar ends of capillaries. Obstruction of lymphatic vessels, blocking lymphatic drainage.

Classify the given terms or examples with the appropriate category.

FIltration: - Movement of fluid out of the blood - occurs at the arterial end of a capillary. Reabsorption: - Movement of fluid back into the blood. - Occurs at the venous end of a capillary.

Indicate whether the given condition would increase or decrease blood flow with all other factors being equal.

Increase Flow: - Increasing blood pressure - Increasing blood velocity Decrease Flow: - Increasing blood viscosity - Dehydration - Vasoconstriction - Increased resistance

Which of the following would cause a temporary increase in arterial blood pressure? Check all that apply.

Increased blood volume Increased cardiac output Vasoconstriction

Place the events of tissue autoregulation in the correct sequence.

Increased metabolic activity of tissue Perfusion of tissue temporarily inadequate Decreased levels of oxygen and nutrients Local vasodilation Increased blood to capillarie Decreased levels of CO2, H+, and K+ Local vasoconstriction

What part of the cardiac conduction system is located in theposterior wall of the right atrium, adjacent to the entrance ofthe superior vena cava?

SA node

Select the correct word from the list to complete each sentence regarding the relationship between blood flow, vessel radius, and resistance.

The smaller the radius of a vessel, the greater the resistance. As the radius of a vessel increases, the resistance decreases As the resistance decreases, the blood flow increases. The larger the radius of a vessel, the less the resistance. Blood flow to an organ will decrease with vasoconstriction. Blood flow to an organ will increase with vasodilation.

Renin converts:

angiotensinogen to angiotensin I

Which statement accurately compares filtration and reabsorption? a. Filtration is driven by concentration gradients, whereas reabsorption depends on hydrostatic pressure. b. Filtration involves bulk flow of fluid out of the blood, whereas reabsorption is bulk flow back into the blood. c. Filtration happens at the venule end of a capillary bed and reabsorption happens in feeder arterioles. d. The direction of filtration can be either into or out of the blood, but reabsorption always involves fluids entering the blood. e. Two of these statements are accurate.


As the cross-sectional area of blood vessels increases, velocity of blood flow


The P wave is produced when a signal from the SA node spreads through the atria and _________ them.

depolarizes them

The T wave is generated by ventricular repolarization immediately before __________


When carbon dioxide accumulates in a tissue, local arterioles will _________, increasing perfusion and decreasing carbon dioxide levels.


Peripheral resistance is:

directly related to vessel length and inversely related to vessel radius.

Electric currents in the heart can be detected by means of _________ applied to the skin.


During inflammation, __________ may be released and act as a vasodilator.


magine someone who drank too much water before running a race. Their very watery blood would have:

low viscosity and therefore have low resistance.

During exercise the skeletal muscles receive ______ blood flow.


Net filtration pressure (NFP) is equal to the:

net hydrostatic pressure minus the net colloid osmotic pressure.

Aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide have ________ effects on blood pressure.


Typically fluid filters _____the arterial end of a capillary.


Blood flow __________ according to metabolic needs.


A long-term response to an increase in blood pressure would involve

stimulation of the atrial myocardium increases atrial natriuretic hormone.

an electrocardiograph chart includes three principle deflections above and below the baseline;

the P wave, QRS complex, and the T wave.

Blood colloid osmotic pressure is largely due to:

the high amount of water in the blood, and it promotes diffusion out of the capillaries.

The _________ is a type of blood vessel with the smallest pressure gradient that must be overcome by contraction of smooth muscles and breathing.


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