Chapter 19 Radioactivity and Nuclear chemistry

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how many isotopes of carbon exist in nature?


all nuclides with __ or more protons are radioactive


occurs when an unstable nucleus emits a particle composed of two P and two N

Alpha Decay

charge of ⁺2 and mass of 4 amu, helium nucleus

Alpha Rays

who designed the experiment to determine the phosphorescent minerals also gave off x-rays

Antoine-Henri Becquerel

who discovered radioactivity

Antoine-Henri Becquerel

__________ chemistry keeps producing C-14 at nearly the same rate it decays


10x more penetrating than alpha but only 1/2 ionizing


occurs when an unstable nucleus emits an electron

Beta Decay

charge of -1 and negligible mass, electron-like

Beta Rays

which carbon isotope is radioactive

C-14, half-life=5730yrs

Form of light energy, not a particle

Gamma Rays

who determined the rays were emitted from specific elements

Marie Curie

stability of the nucleus can be shown with the ratio between


in miner dating, compare the amount of U-238 with....?

Pb-206 in volcanic rocks and meteorites

charge +1 and negligible mass


proton changing into a neutron


similar to beta particles in their ionizing and penetrating ability

Postiron Emission

_______ can expose light-protected photographic film

Radioactive Rays

the release of tiny, high-energy particles/gamma rays from an atom


What did marie curie rename it? and why?

Radioactivity, rays were no longer just a property of uranium

Marie Curie also discovered new elements:

Radium and Polonium

who discovered the types of rays


each radionuclide had a particular length of time required to lose half its radioactivity

a constant half-life

how to neutrons stabilize the nucleus

add to the strong force but don't repel each other like protons do

by measuring and comparing the amt. of a parent RA Isotope and stable daughter, we can determine

age of the object

radioactive rays cause

air to become ionized

Becquerel determined...

all the minerals that produced these rays contained uranium, and the rays were produced even though the mineral was not exposed to outside energy.

most ionizing but least penetrative


what are the three types of rays

alpha, beta, gamma

mass # same, atomic # decreases by 1

atom loses a positron from the nucleus


atomic number

all things that are alive/were alive contain _____________


what do chemical reactions involve

changes in electronic structure of the atom

radioactivity is not a _____________________

chemical reaction

radioactive rays cause certain _________ to give off a flash of light when they strike the _______


new nucleus that is made

daughter nuclide

what can nuclear radiation treat?

diseases because the radiation is ionizing, allowing it take unhealthy tissue

No particle emission, but atom changes

electron capture

occurs when an inner orbital e- is pulled into the nucleus

electron capture

detects radiation by its ability to penetrate the flask and ionize the air inside


Particles emitted by radioactive nuclei have a lot of ______ and therefore can be ________

energy, readily detected

most stable nuclei

even number of P and N

we may use photographic film to detect the presence of radioactive rays

film badge dosimeters

processes with a constant half-life follow what order?

first order kinetic rate laws

Polonium: named for

for her homeland

least ionizing, most penetrating

gamma emission

occurs after the nucleus undergoes some other type of decay and remaining particles rearrange

gamma emission

works by counting e- generated when Ar gas atoms are ionized by radioactive rays

geiger-muller counter

Radium: named for

green phosphorence

Radioactive ray can/have

ionize matter, high energy, penetrate matter, cause phosphorescent chemicals to glow

atomic number increases by 1, mass stays the same

loss of a beta particle

atomic # decreases by 2, mass number decreases by 4

loss of an alpha particle


mass number

if the total number of nucleons adds to a magic number the nucleus is

more stable

the _____ play an important role in stabilizing the nucleus


if N/Z ratio is too high

neutrons are converted to protons via B decay

changes in the structure of the nucleus

nuclear reactions

where are particles ejected from


the nucleus of an isotope


nucleus that is undergoing radiative decay

parent nuclide

the long-lived emission of light by atoms or molecules that sometimes occurs after they absorb light


the change in the amt. of radioactivity of a particular radionuclide is ________ and not affected by _________________

predictable, environmental factors

mass # same, atomic number decreases by 1

proton combines with e- to make N

if N/Z ratio is too low

protons are converted to neutrons via position emission/ electron capture

when radioactive nuclei spontaneously decompose into a smaller nuclei

radioactive decay

most nuclides are


is constant and different for each radioactive isotope

rate of change in the amt. of radioactivity

who discovered transmutation


able to count the number of flashes/minute

scintillation counter

strong force acts only over ______ distance


what undergoes electron capture

some unstable nuclei

the particles in the nucleus are held together by a very strong attractive force only found in the nucleus

strong force

rate of radioactive change was not affected by?


the shorter the half-life

the more nuclei decay every second

for one element to change into another

the number of P in the nucleus must change

How can nuclear radiation be used?

to visualize/ test structures in the body and see if they are operating properly

during the radioactive process, atoms of one element are changed into atoms of a different element


radioactive nuclei are


what did becquerel call these

uranic rays, made of uranium

______ are detected by their ability to penetrate matter and expose a photographic plate.


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