Chapter 19 World Geography

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A distinct cultural area or territory located within a political unit's territory is a(n) __________


A territory that belongs to a particular political unit but is separated from it and surrounded by another political unit


Because of the tectonic activity that created its mountainous terrain, much of Central Asia is prone to frequent, ___________

Aral Sea

Central Asia's main rivers, the Amu Dar'ya and the Syr Darýa, flow into what body of water?

Syr Dar'ya and the Amu Dar'ya

From what the two rivers did the Soviets divert water for irrigation and thus cause environmental damage in Central Asia

Aral Sea

What once-large sea has shrunk to several small disconnected bodies of water due to the diversion of water for the irrigation of fields?


When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, they met resistance from Islamic guerrilla fighters known as, ________


a place in which many people continue to be killed or injured by landmines and ammunition left over from periods of war


a place that is still affected by radioactive material left at numerous Soviet-era nuclear bases

Aral City

a place that was once of the coast of one of the world's largest seas but now lies over 60 miles from the diminished sea's waters


a place with a controversial nuclear power plant in an area prone to earthquakes

Apsheron Peninsula

an area that has been described as the most environmentally damaged land on Earth


the Soviets chose _________ as a site for heavy industry and the country continues to have high levels of industrial pollution


In Central Asia, agricultural is made possible on the semi-arid steppes through the extensive use of ________


In colder weather, nomads graze their herds on the fertile, grassy, _________ of Central Asia

98 percent or higher

In most countries in Central Asia, the literacy rate is approximately

Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan

In what two Central Asian countries is Russian an official language


Kazakhstan is one of the more prosperous countries of Central Asia because it is rich in oil and natural gas resources (True or False)


Like several countries in Southwest Asia, the counties of Central Asia have an artistic tradition of weaving


Most of the countries of Central Asia are _________, meaning they have no access to the sea


On the steppes of Central Asia, the most important crop grown are citrus fruits (True or False)

train local people to disable land mines

Several nongovernmental organizations have supported "community-based demining" programs to __________


Sturgeon fishing has long been an important industry in the Caspian Sea (True or False)


The Kara-Kum is a forest that covers most of Turkmenistan (True or False)


The Tian Shan is a river in Kazakhstan (True or False)


The ___________ Mountains in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan separate the Caspian and the Black Seas

It is an exclave of Armenians in the territory of Azerbaijan

The area of Nagorno-Karabakh is disputed because


The majority of people in Central Asia speak a(n) ________ language

built a dam to keep water from flowing into the southern area of the sea

To restore part of a sea that was diminished when its river water supply was diverted for irrigation, governments ____________


Under the fundamentalist Islamic ________, government, Afghan women were prevented from getting an education and from working outside the home

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