Chapter 2 and 3 Test 1

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Characteristics of a good leader

authenticity, sustaining an enduring alignment between values and actions, integrity and character, hold themselves accountable for proper behavior, welcoming opinions different than their own.

Tasks of the management function - Staffing

functions consist of recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and orienting staff. Scheduling, staff development, employee socialization, and team building are also often included as staffing functions.

Tasks of the management function - controlling

functions include performance appraisals, fiscal accountability, quality control, legal and ethical control, and professional and collegial control.

What is principal agent theory?

i. Principal agent problem occurs when one person (the agent) can make decisions on behalf of another person (the principal) creates moral hazards and conflict of interest. not all agents are willing to act on the best interest of the principal

Social Capital

group's collective knowledge, skills, abilities, and or experience what the group accomplishes together

Transactional leaders focus on tasks and getting the work done. Transformational leaders focus on vision and empowerment

transformational leadership leads followers to levels of higher morals because such leaders do the right thing for the right reason, treat people with care and compassion, encourage followers to be more creative and innovative, and inspire others with their vision. This new shared vision provides the energy required to move toward the future.)

Quantum Leadership Theory

views an organization and its members as interconnected and collaborative—a helpful approach when unpredictable events and changing environments present themselves suggests that leaders must work together with subordinates to identify common goals, exploit opportunities, and empower staff to make decisions for organizational productivity to occur. This is especially true during periods of rapid change and needed transition the quantum leader must be able to address the unsettled space between present and future and resolve these conflicts appropriately. In addition, they suggest that the ability to respond to the dynamics of crisis and change is not only an inherent leadership skill but must now also be inculcated within the very fabric of the organization and its operation.

What is human capital?

refers to collective skills, knowledge, or other intangible assets of individuals that can be used to create economic value for the individuals, their employers, or their community

authoritarian leadership style

results in well-defined group actions that are usually predictable, reducing frustration in the work group and giving members a feeling of security. Productivity is usually high, but creativity, self motivation and autonomy are reduced. Authoritarian leadership is frequently found in very large bureaucracies such as armed forces i. strong control is maintained over the work group ii. others are motivated by coercion iii. others are directed with commands iv. communication flows downward v. decision making does not involve others vi. emphasis is on difference in status ("I" and "you") vii. criticism is punitive "Do this!"

Tasks of the management function - directing

sometimes includes several staffing functions. However, this phase's functions usually entail human resource management responsibilities, such as motivating, managing conflict, delegating, communicating, and facilitating collaboration.

What type of manager is concerned with the day-to-day operations? 1. A) Transactional 2. B) Transformational 3. C) Interactional 4. D) Bureaucratic

1. A the traditional manager, concerned with the day-to-day operations is termed a transactional leader.

What entails Management functions?

1. Planning encompasses determining philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and rules; carrying out long- and short-range projections; determining a fiscal course of action; and managing planned change. 2. Organizing includes establishing the structure to carry out plans, determining the most appropriate type of patient care delivery, and grouping activities to meet unit goals. Other functions involve working within the structure of the organization and understanding and using power and authority appropriately. 3. Staffing functions consist of recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and orienting staff. Scheduling, staff development, employee socialization, and team building are also often included as staffing functions. 4. Directing sometimes includes several staffing functions. However, this phase's functions usually entail human resource management responsibilities, such as motivating, managing conflict, delegating, communicating, and facilitating collaboration. 5. Controlling functions include performance appraisals, fiscal accountability, quality control, legal and ethical control, and professional and collegial control.

Scientific Management 4 principles

1. Rule of Thumb - organized work must be replaced with scientific method (expertise of workers and studies )to promote greatest efficiency of time and money 2. Scientific personnel system must be established so workers can be hired, trained, and promoted based on their competence and abilities 3. Workers should be able to view how they contribute to the overall organizational productivity. Providing common goals and a shared mission. Using financial incentives for rewards for work accomplished 4. relationship between managers and workers should be cooperative and interdependent, and the work shared equally

5 components of emotional intelligence

1. self-awareness - ability to recognize and understand one's mood, emotions, and drives as well as their effects on others 2. self-regulation - ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as the propensity to suspend judgement 3. motivation - a passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status 4. empathy ability to understand and accept the emotional makeup of other people 5. social skills - proficiency in handling relationships and building networks, ability to find common ground

Why do people follow leaders? 1. They feel they have to 2. They choose to do so by choice 3. it is in their nature to do so 4. because they like their leader.

2. They choose to do so by choice a. Individuals who choose to follow a leader do so by choice, not because they have to (all it takes to stop being a leader is to have others stop following you)

A transition has occurred in the twenty-first-century industrial age leadership to what type of leadership? A) Relationship age B) Quantum C) Authentic D) Thought

A A transition has occurred in the 21st century industrial age leadership to relationship age leadership.

What concept is servant leadership based upon? a. trusting and valuing employees b. genuinely liking your colleagues c. a laissez-faire style leadership d. a dynamic leadership charisma

A these managers, termed servant leaders, put serving others, including employees, customers, and the community, as the number one priority. In addition, servant leaders foster a service inclination to others that promotes collaboration, teamwork, and collective activism. Servant leaders are not necessarily associated with the concepts identified in the other options.

great man theory of leadership

A theory of leadership based on the notion that great leaders are born, not made. Great leaders will arise when the situation demands it.

Goleman in his best seller Emotional Intelligence identifies self-awareness as one of the five components of emotional intelligence. What is self-awareness? A) The ability to recognize and understand one's moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effects on others B) The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as the propensity to suspend judgment C) A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status; a propensity to pursue goals with energy and commitment D) The ability to understand and accept the emotional makeup of other people

Ans: A Feedback: Self-awareness: The ability to recognize and understand one's moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effects on others. Self-regulation: The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as the propensity to suspend judgment. Motivation: A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status; a propensity to pursue goals with energy and commitment. Empathy: The ability to understand andaccept the emotional makeup of other people

What is a focus of thought leadership? A) Challenging the status quo B) Learning new technology C) Keeping up with current nursing knowledge D) Being a transformational leader

Ans: A Feedback: Thought leadership applies to a person who is recognized among his or her peers for innovative ideas and who demonstrates the confidence to promote those ideas. Thus, thought leadership refers to any situation in which one individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way of looking at things. None of the other options is a focus of thought leadership.

What is an example of a positive outcome of a leader's emotional intelligence? A) Emotions are held in check B) Emotions are used effectively C) Expression of one's emotions is expected D) Expression of one's emotions is encouraged

Ans: B Feedback: Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to use emotions effectively and is required by leader-managers in order to enhance their success. Holding one's emotions in check can be unhealthy. The remaining options do not address the usefulness of emotions.

Which statement regarding the characteristics of a good leader is true? A) They are totally trustworthy B) They may have character flaws C) They are by nature good intentioned D) Charisma is their strongest attribute

Ans: B Feedback: Leaders may be deceitful and trustworthy, greedy and generous, and cowardly and brave. To assume that all good leaders are good people is foolhardy and makes us blind to the human condition. It is only when we recognize and manage our failings that leaders achieve greatness.

What type of leader is the person who is committed, has a vision, and is able to empower others with this vision? A) Transactional B) Transformational C) Interactional D) Bureaucratic

Ans: B Transformational leadership positively impacts the leader and the follower, who have a collective purpose. The traditional manager, concerned with the day-to-day operations, was termed a transactional leader. The remaining options are not associated with these characteristics.

What is the critical leadership skill when attempting to build a cooperative and effective team? A) Showing their true feelings B) Empathizing with followers C) Identifying existing emotions in themselves and others D) Manipulating the emotions of all involved to achieve stated goals

Ans: C Feedback: Theorists studying emotional intelligence posit that the ability to identify emotions in themselves and in others is a critical ingredient of leaders, enabling them to build a cooperative and effective team. While the other options may have value, they do not represent the critical skill related to team building.

What is the critical leadership skill when attempting to build a cooperative and effectiveteam? A) Showing their true feelings B) Empathizing with followers C) Identifying existing emotions in themselves and others D) Manipulating the emotions of all involved to achieve stated goals

Ans: C Feedback: Theorists studying emotional intelligence posit that the ability to identify emotions in themselves and in others is a critical ingredient of leaders, enabling them to build a cooperative and effective team. While the other options may have value, they do not represent the critical skill related to team building.

Goleman in his best seller Emotional Intelligence built upon work in his identification of five components of emotional intelligence. Which component of emotional intelligence is occurring when a person is proficiently handling relationships and building networks? A) Self-regulation B) Motivation C) Empathy D) Social skills

Ans: D Feedback: Social skills: Proficiency in handling relationships and building networks; an ability to find common ground. Self-regulation: The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as the propensity to suspend judgment. Motivation: A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status; a propensity to pursue goals with energy and commitment. Empathy: The ability to understand and accept the emotional makeup of other people.

which leadership style maintains strong control over the work group and uses coercion to motivate others? A. Authoritarian B. Democratic C. Laissez-faire D. Contingency approach


It is the idea that context is an important mediator of transformational leadership, that led to the creation of full range leadership theory early in the 21st century. This theory originally developed by Antonakis, Avolio, and Sivasubramaniam suggests how many transformational factors impacting leadership style and its impact on followers? A) One B) Three C) Five D) Nine

C -5 nine total factors impacting leadership style and its impact on followers; five are transformational and one is a nonleadership (laissez-faire)

What concept does early leadership-theory development suggest? A) Leadership is a process of influencing others within an organizational culture B) The interactive relationship between the leader and the follower is significant C) Some are born to lead, whereas others are born to be led D) Vision and empowerment are two of the most critical leadership skills

C) Some are born to lead, whereas others are born to be led Also known as the Great Man Theory

Managing conflict among staff members would occur in which part of the management process? A) Planning B) Organizing C) Directing D) Evaluating

C. Directing this phase entails human resource management responsibilities such as motivating, managing, conflict, delegating, communicating, and facilitating collaboration.

What statement describes the concept of quantum leadership? A) Ability to use emotions effectively that is required by leader-managers in order to enhance their success B) In order to lead, leaders must be true to themselves and their values and act accordingly C) One individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way of looking at things D) The environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity

D Feedback: Quantum leadership suggests that the environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity required by leader-managers in order to enhance their success. Authentic leadership suggests that in order to lead, leaders must be true to themselves and their values and act accordingly. Thought leadership refers to any situation whereby one individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way of looking at things.

There are current and future paradigm shifts in health care that affect the leadership skills needed by nurses in the 21st century. What issue at the organizational and unit levels are nurse-leaders being directed to address? A. Active involvement in greatly needed health-care reform b. persistent and growing international nursing shortage c. shortage of qualified first-level nursing managers d. high turnover rates by staff nurses

D at the organizational and unit levels, nurse-leaders are being directed to address high turnover rates by staff, an emerging shortage of qualified top-level nursing administrators, growing trends toward unionization, and intensified efforts to legislate minimum staffing ratios and eliminate mandatory overtime, while maintaining cohesive and productive work environments.

Which function of the management process involves the performance evaluation of staff? 1. A) Planning 2. B) Organizing 3. C) Staffing 4. D) Controlling

D) Controlling this includes performance appraisals, fiscal accountability, quality control, legal and ethical control, and professional and collegial control.

Challenges nurse leader-managers most likely face?

Healthcare worker shortages Turnover rates by staff unionization lack of or scarce resources individual apathy eliminate mandatory overtime while maintaining civil and productive work environments

Nursing management and leadership roles/practices-should be practiced as individual roles or should it be integrated?

It is more important than ever that leader-managers be able to integrate leadership roles and management functions and that some balance be achieved between industrial age leadership and relationship age leadership skills.

Transformational Leadership

Manager committed and has a vision and can empower others with the vision. leadership that, enabled by a leader's vision and inspiration, exerts significant influence Identifies common values caretaker inspires others has long-term vision looks at effects empowers others

What is thought leadership?

a. Applies to a person who is recognized among his/her peers for innovative ideas and who demonstrates the confidence to promote those ideas; challenge the status quo, future oriented, generally problem oriented b. Thought leadership refers to any situation in which one individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way of looking at things "rebel leadership"

servant leadership - win-win ideation

a. Servant leaders put serving others, including employees, customers, and the community as the number one priority; "you win later and others win sooner" foster a service inclination in others that promotes collaboration, teamwork, and collective activism values are the pillars that uphold servant leadership pillars- honesty, truth, compassion, and acceptance

Human capital theory

a. suggests that individuals and/or organizations will invest in education and professional development if they believe that such investment will have a future payoff (tuition reimbursement- anticipate more highly educated staff will result in increased quality of care and higher retention rates leads to higher productivity and financial return)

Which response is characteristic of a servant leader? a. I don't think you have the skills necessary to be effective b. let me think about that request for 24 hours c. do whatever it takes to get it done faster d. ill personally handle this situation

b servant leaders are always thinking before reacting. this leader also chooses words carefully so as to not damage those being led, provides directions toward goal achievements, and finds asking for input more important than personally providing solutions.

How many primary leadership styles have been identified? A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four

c Authoritarian Democratic Laissez-faire

To decrease overtime, the manager of a surgical unit offers nurses who get their work finished on time for an entire 2-month period an extra day off with pay at regular time. What is this an example of? A) Bribing nurses B) Quantum leadership C) Principal agent theory D) Servant leadership

c followers may have an informational (expertise or knowledge) advantage over the leader as well as their own preferences, which may deviate from that of the principal's preferences. The risk then is that agents will pursue their own objectives or interests instead of that of their principal. To influence the agent, the principal offers an incentive that corrects excessive overtime.

what statement depicts leadership? a. a leadership position is assigned b. a leadership position carries a legitimate source of power c. members of a group will follow a person in a leadership position only by choice d. leadership requires meeting organizational goals.

c. members of a group will follow a person in a leadership position only by choice a leader is the person who guides direction, opinion, and course of action without having an assigned position with in the formal organization and so people choose to follow them.

What is the idea that workers should be hired, trained, and promoted based on their competence and abilities related to? a. Part of the management functions identified by Fayol b. the result of the human relations studies c. the outcome of studies done by Mayo and the Hawthorne Works d. One of the four overriding principles of scientific management

d. One of the four overriding principles of scientific management Frederick Taylor, the father of scientific management, had the idea workers should be hired, trained, and promoted based on their competence and abilities.

Tasks of the management function - Planning

encompasses determining philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and rules; carrying out long- and short-range projections; determining a fiscal course of action; and managing planned change.

Issues affecting 21st century leaders All of these bring about a need for leader-managers to learn new roles and develop new skills

growing elderly population health-care reform reductions in federal and state reimbursement and commercial insurance new quality imperatives - pay for performance, value-based purchasing Focus of care shifting from acute care hospitals to community and outpatient settings innovation and technological advances organizational cultures focusing on externally regulated, safety-driven, customer-focused care.

Characteristics of Servant leadership

i. The ability to listen on a deep level and to truly understand ii. The ability to keep an open mind and hear without judgment iii. The ability to deal with ambiguity, paradoxes, and complex issues iv. The belief that honestly sharing critical challenges with all parties and asking for their input is more important than personally providing solutions v. Being clear on goals and good at pointing the direction toward goal achievement without giving orders vi. The ability to be a servant, helper, and teacher first and then a leader vii. Always thinking before reacting viii. Choosing words carefully so as not to damage those being led ix. The ability to use foresight and intuition x. Seeing things whole and sensing relationships and connections

Authentic leadership

in order to lead, leaders must be true to themselves and their values and act accordingly trust is important and takes time

Tasks of the management function - Organizing

includes establishing the structure to carry out plans, determining the most appropriate type of patient care delivery, and grouping activities to meet unit goals. Other functions involve working within the structure of the organization and understanding and using power and authority appropriately.

example of human capital

individuals or employers will invest in formal education attainment long term investment

democratic leadership style

input from followers, include them in decision making whenever possible; democratic leadership appropriate for groups who work together for extended periods, promotes autonomy and growth in individual workers. Effective when cooperation and coordination between groups are necessary. May be less efficient quantitatively than authoritative leadership- many people must be consulted, takes more time- may be frustrating for those who want decisions made rapidly i. Less control is maintained ii. Economic and ego awards are used to motivate iii. Others are directed through suggestions and guidance iv. Communication flows up and down v. Decision making involves others vi. Emphasis is on "we" rather than I and you vii. Criticism is constructive "What do you think we should do?"

laissez-faire leadership

nondirected leadership, can be frustrating, group apathy and disinterest can occur; however when all group members are highly motivated and self-directed, this leadership style can result in much creativity and productivity. Laissez-faire leadership is appropriate when problems are poorly defined, brainstorming is needed to generate alternative solutions i. Takes a hands-off approach ii. Is permissive, with little or no control iii. Motivates by support when requested by the group or individuals iv. Provides little or no direction v. Uses upward and downward communication between members of the group vi. Disperses decision making throughout the group vii. Places emphasis on the group viii. Does not criticize "Do this or that as you see fit"

are leaders perfect?

not all leaders strive to be authentic. Many are flawed. Not all leaders are good people.

emotional intelligence

perceiving/identifying emotions, integrating emotions into thought processes, understanding emotions, and managing emotions. it is about being empathetic, being able to look at situations from alternative points of view, being open minded, bouncing back from challenges, and pursuing goals despite challenges.

What is Quantum Leadership

suggests that the environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity; change is constant; workplace is highly fluid, flexible, mobile environment

Transactional Leadership

traditional manager concerned with the day-to-day operations focuses on management tasks directive and results oriented trade-offs to meet goals does not identify shared values examines causes uses contingency reward

What is important with 21st century leadership models?

transition from industrial age leadership to age leadership relationship building is key in the 21st century - Tamara McCleary 1. Invest the time. Pay attention to more than just results. Connect with people at all levels in the organization every day. Learn their names and their passions. Learn what gets in their way of cooperative teamwork and top performance. Act to reduce those frustrations. 2. Get the data. Don't just monitor performance metrics—monitor data that indicates how happy employees are working in your organization. Use reliable data, like turnover, exit interviews, service levels, and more. Also try to measure other satisfaction metrics, like the degree of trust, the frequency of proactive problem solving, etc. 3. Evaluate the progress of employee engagement, service, and results. Embrace proactive relationship management and pay close attention to my "big three"—engagement, service, and results. If the results are not what you want, refine your approaches, then monitor the impact. Keep those practices that help.

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