Chapter 2

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The idea that combining two systems or subsystems can produce an effect that is greater than the individual effects of the two systems added together.


These studies took place in the Western Electric company and showed that employees performed better when they were treated better by their managers.

Hawthorne studies

These forces influence organization's through people. As cultures, values, and needs change, organization's must modify their policies and processes to adapt to new expectations.

Social forces

In an organization, these parts of the system are interrelated.


This individual used Maslow's work as the basis for his own work defining two different types of managers.

Douglas McGregor

The father of scientific management is known as:

Frederick Taylor

Which of the following are limitations of the quantitative management approach?

-Dramatic environmental changes may invalidate conclusions based on past history. -Mathematical models may be based on unrealistic assumptions -Focusing exclusively on numbers may ignore important behavioral components of management.

Which of the following are contingency theories?

-Organization's operating on the West Coast should have flexible structures, while those operating in the Midwest should have more bureaucratic structures. -At large universities, professors who make funny faces in class are rated highly by their students, whereas in small universities, professors who make funny faces receive poor student ratings.

This theory is used by a manager who believes that his employees decide whether or not to perform the work he gives them.

Acceptance theory of authority

"Are your employees reporting to more than one supervisor? Companies operate more efficiently when there is unity of command." This demonstrates which management perspective:

Administrative principles

In contrast with scientific management, humanistic theories of management assume that employees ______________.

Are variable

"Have you assigned responsibilities to a particular job, rather than to an individual? Companies operate more effectively when tasks are associated with positions and when those positions are organized in a hierarchy of authority." This demonstrates which management perspective:

Bureaucratic Management

Proposed by Max Weber, this approach to management focuses on designing organization's with formal lines of authority and standard operating procedures to promote efficiency.

Bureaucratic organization's

Scientific management, bureaucratic organization's, and administrative principles are all part of this management perspective which was most popular from 1890 to 1940 or so. Today's managers can still benefit from this perspective which emphasizes standardization and training to increase efficiency.

Classical management perspective

You design a new sweater folding pad that cuts sweater folding time in half and train all your employees how to use it. This gives them more time to help customers, which leads to better sales. This demonstrates which management theory:

Classical management theory

You realize that customers who wear suits when the come into the store usually want to buy retro jeans, while customers who are wearing jeans tend to buy suits and evening attire. As a result, you instruct your employees to direct suit wearers to jeans and to direct jeans wearers to evening wear. This demonstrates which management theory:

Contingency theory

With Fritz Roethlisberger, he conducted the Relay Assembly Test Room experiments at the Hawthorne Electric Plant.

Elton Mayo

You make sure that when you hire new people, you get input from each of the existing team members. If they are happy with the new hire, they are more likely to make that person part of the team, and the team will sell more. This demonstrates which management theory:

Humanistic management theory

During this process, the organization includes anything that comes into the company: money, raw materials , new employees, and information.

Input process

You measure sales over time and realize that the months of July, August, and September are particularly slow. As a result, you ask two of your sales clerks if they would be willing to work part time during those months. This demonstrates which management theory:

Management science

Recent re-analysis of the Hawthorne experiments have revealed that ___________ may well have been the single most important factor in the general increase in performance.


During this process, the results of the transformation process are seen and or delivered to the customers.

Output process

This management approach focuses on an organization's core competencies while sending all other tasks outside of the organization.


These are the numbers masters, the managers and analysts who use very sophisticated numerical techniques to make organizational decisions. Sometimes make the wrong decisions, because they may pay too much attention to the numbers and not enough attention to human factors.


"Have you looked at the equipment the workers are using to do their jobs? I found that people who were shoveling ore in steel plants increased their productivity dramatically when I designed shovels that were appropriate for the weight of the material they were lifting." This demonstrates which management perspective:

Scientific management

Because of the human characteristic of dislike for work, most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives.

Theory X

Under the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities of the average human being are only partially utilized.

Theory Y

During this process, the organization takes whatever has come in and then changes it in some way.

Transformation process

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