Chapter 2 Lesson 1: Basic Checklist for writing

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What can research help you do

Expert on topic

What is one way you can make sure you're clear on your objective

write a purpose statement

What technique can you use as part of an explanation to clarify a complex issue by examining one point at a time


During you second pass of editing, which question should you ask when reviewing supporting ideas?

Are there enough details

What is important when receiving feedback on your writing

Be able to accept criticism

What should you look for when completing the first pass in your editing

Check for relevance

What technique can you use to paint a picture with words


Which purpose of writing is used to pass on information describing actions you want your audience to take?


Which type of evidence must be brief and attention getting


T or F Focus on writing as a product, not a process


T or F When you write, you should use the evidence you gathered during the research process to create an explanation


In this step of the basic checklist for writing, you use the patterns of wiritng

Get organized

Which purpose of writing is used to pass on information to the audience


The emphasis in ___________________ writing is dramatic delivery


Which of the following are instruments of power that you can use to make things happen

Logical arguments

Which purpose of writing is used when you are trying to "sell" your audience on an idea


This writing pattern comes in handy if you need to identify and describe a problem and one or more possible solutions

Problem/solution pattern

What should you do during the third pass of your editing

Read your article out loud

This writing patter should be used when your purpose is to present research that will win over your audience to your point view

Reasoning/logic pattern

Pay close attention to how your writing ______________


This writing pattern is based on directional strategy

Spatial/ geographical pattern

Which type of evidence provides excellent support for a claim and can be very persuasive


What is a special form of the purpose statement used in academic and persuasive writing?

Thesis statement

A ____________ pattern follows some logical order that reflects the nature of material and the purpose of the writing


T or F A purpose statement is a single sentence that sums up what you are trying to do


T or F Choose your feedback sources carefully


__________________ _________________ are websites that give you access to resources in several libraries

Virtual libraries

What question can you ask to help you begin to analyze your audience

What are the readers' areas of expertise

What question can you ask to help you begin to analyze your purpose

Which format

What question can you ask to determine if an internet site has accurate information

Who created the website

Why is a second pair of eyes necessary when fighting for feedback on your writing

Writers get too close

In this step of the basic checklist for writing, you identify your main audience

step 1

T or F The better you know your audience, the more comfortable you'll feel writing for them


One way to make sure you edit well is to read your document at least ______ times


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