Chapter 2, Multiple Choice

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In considering the two layer sac that encases internal organs, the outer layer of this membrane in the thoracic cavity is called the: a. parietal pleura b. visceral pleura c. parietal peritoneum d. visceral peritoneum


In the anatomical divisions of the abdomen the center square of the middle row is the ______region. a. umbilical b. lumbar c. hypogastric d. iliac


Organs come together to form ________. a. systems b. cells c. tissue d. whole body


The arms are the ______region of the body. a. brachial b. crural c. trunk d. pelvic


The gallbladder and majority of the liver are located in the ______quadrant. a. right upper b. left upper c. right lower d. left lower


The organs of which system are NOT found in the abdominopelvic cavity? a. respiratory b. digestive c. excretory d. reproductive


Which abbreviation stands for the digestive system? a. GI b. AP c. GU d. ENT


Which direction term is the opposite of anterior? a. dorsal b. ventral c. caudal d. cephalic


Which direction term means lying face down? a. prone b. proximal c. supine d. ventral


Which direction term means more to the back side of the body? a. posterior b. ventral c. distal d. deep


Which directional term means more toward the head or above another structure? a. superior b. medial c. ventral d. caudal


Which is NOT an organ found in the digestive system? a. spleen b. stomach c. liver d. colon


Which medical term is misspelled? a. somatik b. lateral c. posterior d. superior


Which plane divides the body into left and right portions? a. sagittal b. frontal c. coronal d. transverse


Which sectional view of the body is produced by a slice along the median plane? a. sagittal b. cross c. longitudinal d. transverse


Which system is responsible for regulating metabolic activities of the body? a. endocrine b. nervous c. reproductive d. urinary


Which type of tissue is designed to produce body movement? a. muscular b. connective c. epithelial d. nervous


A gastronenterologist would treat diseases of which of the following organs? a. brain b. stomach c. tonsils d. heart


A person having repeated bladder infections would see a specialist in: a. gastroenterology b. urology c. otorhinolaryngology d. gynecology


In the anatomical divisions of the abdomen the upper row contains which of the following regions? a. umbilical b. epigastric c. iliac d. lumbar


The fundamental unit of all living things is: a. tissues b. cells c. systems d. organs


The hematic system is commonly called: a. urinary b. blood c. immune d. cardiovascular


The knee is ______to the hip. a. ventral b. distal c. superior d. proximal


The neck is the ______region of the body. a. dorsal b. cervical c. cephalic d. public


The spleen and stomach are located in the _____quadrant. a. right upper b. left upper c. right lower d. left lower


Which abbreviation stands for the body system containing the heart? a. GU b. CV c. AP d. ENT


Which abbreviation stands for the body system containing the stomach? a. MS b. GI c. UE d. PA


Which body system receives sensory information and coordinates the body's response? a. respiratory b. nervous c. special senses d. musculoskeletal


Which direction term means farther away from the point of attachment to the body? a. superficial b. distal c. supine d. proximal


Which directional term is interchangeable with inferior? a. cephalic b. caudal c. posterior d. dorsal


Which is not a function of the blood? a. transports oxygen b. absorbs nutrients c. controls bleeding d. protects against pathogens


Which medical term is misspelled? a. bracheal b. cranial c. gluteal d. inferior


Which medical term is misspelled? a. caudal b. crainial c. epithelial d. organic


Which of the following cavities is NOT a ventral cavity? a. abdominal b. spinal c. thoracic d. pelvic


Which of the following is NOT a structure that is found in all cells? a. cell membrane b. epithelium c. cytoplasm d. nucleus


Which of the following is NOT one of the anterior regions of the trunk? a. abdominal b. dorsum c. pelvic d. pubic


Which of the following is NOT part of the anatomical position? a. standing erect b. palms facing backwards c. feet together d. fingers extended


Which plane divides the body into front and back portions? a. sagittal b. frontal c. transverse d. median


Which term means pertaining to the skull? a. crural b. cranial c. cervical d. cephalic


5. Which is NOT a function of epithelial tissue? a. support body structures b. protective barrier c. absorb substances d. secrete substances


A term interchangeable with anterior is: a. dorsal b. posterior c. ventral d. cephalic


Another name for the torso is the ______region of the body. a. vertebral b. dorsum c. trunk d. crural


The cephalic region of the body is the: a. neck b. back c. head d. buttocks


The cranial cavity contains the: a. spinal cord b. heart c. brain d. stomach


The tyroid, thymus, and adrenal glands are found in the: a. muscular system b. nervous system c. endocrine system d. male reproductive system


Which abbreviation stands for the arm? a. OB b. MS c. UE d. GYN


Which body system forms a protective two way barrier for the body? a. musculoskeletal b. endocrine c. integumentary d. digestive


Which cavity contains the heart? a. cranial b. pleural c. pericardial d. pelvic


Which direction term is the opposite of medial? a. superior b. caudal c. lateral d. distal


Which direction term means toward the surface of the body? a. superior b. distal c. superficial d. deep


Which medical term is misspelled? a. muscular b. proximal c. viseral d. cephalic


Which of the following is NOT one of the basic types of tissue found in the body? a. muscular b. connective c. histogenic d. epithelial


Which of the following is the correct order for the organization of the body? a. cells to tissue to system to organ to whole body b. cells to organ to system to tissue to whole body c. cells to tissue to organ to system to whole body d. tissue to cells to organ to system to whole body


Which plane is the only horizontal plane? a. sagittal b. frontal c. transverse d. median


Which sectional view of the body is produced by a slice perpendicular to the long axis? a. cross section b. transverse section c. longitudinal section d. sagittal section


Which structure is NOT located in the mediastinum? a. heart b. thymus gland c. lungs d. aorta


Which term means lying face up? a. prone b. ventral c. supine d. dorsal


Which term means pertaining to internal organs? a. organic b. systemic c. visceral d. caudal


Which type of muscle tissue is found attached to bone? a. smooth b. visceral c. skeletal d. cardiac


Which type of tissue plays a role in absorbing nutrients? a. muscular b. nervous c. epithelial d. connective


A term meaning pertaining to the body is: a. visceral b. crural c. organic d. somatic


In the abdominopelvic cavity, which organ is NOT a midline organ? a. urinary bladder b. prostate gland c. uterus d. stomach


In which quadrant would you find the colon? a. left lower quadrant b. right lower quadrant c. it is a midline structure d. all quadrants


The crural region of the body is the: a. buttocks b. arms c. abdomen d. legs


What organ is located inside the pleural cavity? a. heart b. stomach c. urinary bladder d. lungs


Which abbreviation stands for the medical specialty that treats the condition of the female reproductive system? a. GI b. CV c. ENT d. GYN


Which branch of medicine treats conditions of the eye? a. obstetrics b. endocrinology c. otohindolaryngology d. ophthalmology


Which direction term is the opposite of distal? a. dorsal b. apex c. superficial d. proximal


Which direction term refers to the tip or summit of an organ? a. medial b. lateral c. base d. apex


Which direction term specifically refers to the belly side of the body? a. dorsal b. caudal c. cephalic d. ventral


Which medical term is misspelled? a. vertebral b. proximal c. medial d. thorasic


Which of the following body cavities is a dorsal cavity? a. abdominal b. pelvic c. thoracic d. spinal


Which organ is found in the urinary system? a. testes b. brain c. stomach d. kidneys


Which term means pertaining to the spinal cord side of the body? a. cephalic b. superior c. distal d. dorsal


Which type of tissue is designed to conduct electrical impulses? a. muscular b. connective c. epithelial d. nervous


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