Chapter 2 - Number Systems, Operations and Codes
The 1's complement of a binary number is derived by
changing 0s to 1s and 1s to 0s
Many systems use a parity bit as a means for bit
error detection
The numbers in a division are the dividend, the divisor, and the
A floating-point number consists of two parts plus a
The Gray code exhibits only a
single bit change from one code number to the next
With four binary bits,
sixteen numbers can be represented
stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange
The two numbers in a subtraction are the
subtrahend and the minuend
Overflow can occur if two signed numbers are added and
they have the same sign
In the binary number system, you have only
two digits, called bits
The Gray code is
unweighted; there are no specific weights assigned to the bit positions
An unweighted code in which only one bit changes from one code number to the next is
ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information
The 2's complement of a binary number is found by adding 1 to the
LSB of the 1's complement
Determine the decimal equivalent of the signed binary number 11110100 in 1's complement
In binary subtraction, 1 − 1 equals
The decimal fraction 1/4 can be written in binary as
The BCD number for decimal 16 is
The 2's complement of 11100111 is
The BCD number for decimal 347 is
0011 0100 0111
The sum of the two BCD numbers, 0011 + 0011, is
The 1's complement of 10011101 is
There are
1 standard ASCII characters
The decimal number 188 is equal to the binary number
The difference of 111 - 001 equals
Convert the Gray code 1011 to binary
The sum of 11101 + 10111 equals
Assign the proper even parity bit to the code 1100001
Assign the proper odd parity bit to the code 111001
A systematic method of converting whole numbers from decimal to binary is the repeated division by
2 process
The binary number 11001110 is equal to the decimal number
The column weight of the "1" in the hexadecimal number 1AB is
The largest unsigned decimal number that can be represented in binary using six bits is
The largest BCD number that can be represented with four binary bits is
The two numbers in an addition are the
addend and the augend
The 2's complement of a binary number is derived by
adding 1 to the 1's complement
In the strictest sense,
alphanumeric codes are codes that represent numbers and alphabetic characters
BCD stands for
binary coded decimal
The left-most
bit in a signed binary number is the sign bit
A binary number
can be converted to a decimal number by summing the decimal values of the weights of all the 1's in the binary number
The 1's
complement of a binary number is found by simply changing all 1's to 0's and all 0's to 1's
The octal number system
consists of eight digits, 0 through 7
Resistors—usually 300 omega.gif apiece—inserted between a decoder and a 7-segment display are
current limiting resistors for the 7-segment display
The decimal equivalent of the BCD number 1010 is
In a binary number system, the right-most bit is the
least significant bit; the left-most bit is the most significant bit
The hexadecimal
number system has a base of sixteen
The octal
number system is composed of eight digits
In the decimal
number system, each digit, 0 through 9, represents a certain quantity
The numbers in a multiplication are the multiplicand, the multiplier, and the
The position of each digit in a decimal number indicates the magnitude of the quantity represented and can be assigned a
The binary number 1110 is equal to the decimal number
In binary addition, 1 + 1 equals
The 2's complement of the binary number 1000 is
The decimal number -128 is represented in the signed 2's complement system as
1000 0000
The decimal number 18 is equal to the binary number
Convert the binary number 1100 to Gray code
Express the decimal number -37 as an 8-bit number in sign-magnitude.
A decimal 11 in BCD is