Chapter 2

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Define kinetic energy, potential energy, and temperature.

- Kinetic Energy is associated with objects that are in motion - Potential energy is associated with the energy that exists but is dormant unless presented with the right circumstances -Temperature is defined as a measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules in a substance that causes it to be hot or cold.

Describe the three basic mechanisms of energy transfer. Which mechanism is least important meteorologically?

-The three mechanisms for energy transfer are Conduction, convection, and radiation. - Conduction: the molecular activity of heat transferring through matter - Convection: this is the transfer of heat through the movement of a mass or substance that only takes place in fluids - Radiation: the only mechanism that can transfer thermal energy into space. It is responsible for solar energy reaching Earth. -The least important mechanism meteorologically is conduction because air is a very poor conductor of heat

Prepare and label a simple sketch that shows what happens to incoming solar radiation.

100% of solar radiation is emitted from the sun. 20% of that radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere and the clouds 30% of it is reflected or scattered back into space. (5% scattered by the atmosphere, 20% reflected by the clouds, 5% from bodies of water reflection) only about 50% of that original 100% makes it directly to land/sea to be absorbed and diffused

Briefly explain the primary causes of the seasons.

ANSWER IS INCOMPLETE: refer to peers The causes for the seasons are a result of the orientation of the earth's angle toward the sun at the varying solstices. The angle at which the sun rays reach Earth vary during these periods and that is what causes seasons.

Why does the daytime sky usually appear blue if the sky is clear?

Atmospheric gasses scatter shorter wavelength light (which tends to be blue or violet) much more effectively than longer wavelength light (orange or red). When we look in any direction away from the sun, we observe that short-wavelength or blue light being scattered by atmospheric gasses (aka Rayleigh scattering)

Describe the relationship between the temperature of a radiating body and the wavelengths it emits.

Hotter objects typically emit shortwave radiation which equals high-energy radiation. Cooler objects emit longwave radiation which is equal to low-energy radiation.

Compare latent heat and sensible heat.

Latent heat is an energy that is necessary for the conversion process of a solid into a liquid, and then a liquid into vapor without any change of temperature. Sensible heat, on the other hand, while can be transported from one location to the other it does not involve a phase change. Its temperature change can be measured by a thermometer, as well as be felt or "sensed".

Briefly describe how latent heat is transferred from Earth's surface to the atmosphere.

Latent heat starts from Earth's surface as liquid water which evaporates as a result of heat. In the evaporation process, the escaping water vapor absorbs the molecules of latent heat which is then released into the atmosphere during condensation where the water vapor leads to cloud formation

Why might the sky have a red or orange hue near sunrise or sunset?

Observing the sun at sunset results in the observer being at an angle where the path of light from the sun takes longer to go through the atmosphere. This longer wavelength light emits colors of red and orange so that is why the sun appears to be red or orange during sunrise/sunset

After examining Table 2.1 , write a general statement that relates the season, latitude, and the length of daylight.

Season latitude and length of daylight The higher degree of latitude results in longer periods of daylight in the summer solstice but shorter (mostly absent) periods of daylight in the winter solstice.

Which gases are the primary absorbers of longwave radiation in the lower atmosphere?

The gases that are the primary absorbers of longwave radiation in the lower atmosphere are water vapor and carbon dioxide.

Describe the process called the greenhouse effect. How is a greenhouse different from the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the gases that are absorbed longwave radiation that is reradiated toward the atmosphere. When water vapor and carbon dioxide absorb significant amounts of longwave radiation emitted by the Earth, the temperature of the atmosphere also increases. The atmosphere then radiates half of that energy into space and the other half back towards Earth's surface bringing warmer temperatures. A greenhouse traps the heat inside itself whereas the greenhouse effect releases some of that heat.

Explain why the atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from Earth's surface rather than by direct solar radiation.

The reason is that the atmosphere is a poor absorber when it comes to solar radiation. The atmosphere is considered to be "transparent" when it comes to short wave radiation (solar) but it is more absorptive of the terrestrial radiation (longwave) the atmosphere is therefore heated from the Earth.

What is the significance of the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?

The significance of the Tropic of Cancer is that it is the first official day of summer. The Northern hemisphere of the globe is exposed to the most sunlight out of its 4 cycles resulting in longer days and a warmer climate. Tropic of Capricorn is the Winter solstice, it is when the northern hemisphere is exposed to the least amount of sunlight resulting in shorter days and a colder climate.

The tropics receive more solar radiation than is lost. Why then don't the tropics keep getting hotter?

The tropics do not keep getting hotter because the global wind system and the oceans act as giant thermal engines that transfer all the excess heat from the tropics toward the poles.

What two phenomena result from the imbalance of heating that exists between the tropics and the poles?

The wind system and ocean currents

Why do we describe solar radiation as shortwave radiation and radiation coming from Earth as longwave radiation?

We describe solar radiation as shortwave radiation because shorter wavelengths are more energetic whereas the longwave radiation of Earth is the opposite. Shorter wavelength radiation can cause sunburns and skin cancer whereas longwave radiation does not

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