chapter 2 quiz

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carbon monoxide

-CO -produced by incomplete combustion of fuels such as gasoline, diesel an propane -sometimes called "the silent killer" this gas prevents hemoglobin from carrying oxygen in the blood stream -is produced through natural processes on earth as well as by humans

nitrogen dioxide

-NO2 -produced at high temperature reactions between oxygen and nitrogen gases in engines and power plants -causes respiratory irritation and distress -produces acid rain -creates brown smog -is produced through natural processes on earth as well as by humans


-O3 -produced as a secondary pollutant by the reaction of nitrogen dioxide with sunlight and oxygen -causes respiratory irritation and distress -beneficial in the upper atmosphere but harmful in the lower atmosphere -is produced through natural processes on earth as well as by humans

Categorize the formulas for and information about different types of pollutants. Some answers may be used more than once. sulfur dioxide

-SO2 -Produced form the burning of sulfur containing fuels such as coal -causes respiratory irritation and distress -produces acid rain -is produced through natural processes on earth as well as by humans

Calculate the volume of air in liters that you might inhale (and exhale) in 1.0 hour. Assume that each breath has a volume of 0.31 liters, and that you are breathing 11 times a minute.


The phrase "burn this fuel" can take on many meanings. Balance the equations below to compare three combustion routes for ethane. _C2H6(g)+_O2(g)--->_C(s)+_H2O(g) _C2H6(g)+_O2(g)--->_CO(g)+_H2O(g) _C2H6(g)+_O2(g)--->_CO2(g)+_H2O(g)

2C2H6(g)+3O2(g)--->4C(s)+6H2O(g) 2C2H6(g)+5O2(g)--->4CO(g)+6H2O(g) 2C2H6(g)+7O2(g)--->4CO2(g)+6H2O(g)

Express this concentration in terms of ppm: 0.0069%


Balance the following equation and include the states of matter: C6H12O6 (s) → C2H6O (l) + CO2 (g)

C6H12O6 (s) → 2C2H6O (l) + 2CO2 (g)

Provide the correct name for the following molecular compound: CCl4

carbon tetrachloride

Label each portion of the earth's atmosphere.

from top to bottom: -mesosphere -stratosphere -ozone layer -troposphere

Ozone is a dangerous secondary pollutant in our atmosphere. Fill in the blanks and then rearrange the sentences to describe the formation of ozone.

Nitrogen monoxide is produced when nitrogen & oxygenare exposed to high heat. At high concentrations, nitrogen monoxide will directly react with oxygen to produce nitrogen dioxide, but in the atmosphere, its production is more complex. One complex pathway to nitrogen dioxide requires the presence of VOCs and ·OH (a free radical). The energy from sunlight splits the nitrogen dioxide to oxygen and nitrogen monoxide. The free oxygen atoms in turn react with oxygen to form ozone

Rank these substances in order of their abundance in the air you breathe. O3,O2,Ar,CO2,N2


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