Chapter 20: Magnetism

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Substances that can become magnetized; iron, nickel & cobalt. Their atoms will form magnetic domains.

period of rotation for a particle of charge q

T = 2πm / qB

SI unit for magnetic field

Tesla (T)

1 tesla

= 1 N/A·m

gauss (G)

= 10^-4 T

frequency of rotation

= qB / 2πm

electron spin

A property of the electron that makes it behave as though it were a tiny magnet. The electron behaves as if it were spinning on its axis; electron spin is quantized.

since the north pole (N) of a compass needle points north...

Earth's magnetic pole which is in the geographic north is magnetically a south pole

Force F2 exerted on B1 on a length l2 of wire 2

F2 = (I2)(B1)(l2)

angle of dip

The angle that the Earth's magnetic field makes with the horizontal at any point.

how does a compass work?

The compass functions as an indicator to "Magnetic North" because the magnetic bar at the heart of the compass aligns itself to one of the lines of the Earth's magnetic field.

the magnetic field ______ do work on a particle

cannot thus can't change kinetic energy of a particle

a charged particle moves in a _____ path with a .... in a uniform magnetic field

circular; constant magnitude of centripetal acceleration

right hand rule for current carrying wire

Thumb points in the direction of the current, fingers show the direction of the magnetic field

Hall equation

V(Hall) = Bvd


Long coil of wires with many turns

Earth's magnetic field

Magnetic lines of force from Earth's polar north and south, acting like a giant magnet.

can a magnetic field be used to stop a charged particle?

No, because the force is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle and thus can only change the direction, but not the magnitude of its velocity

how to make a magnet from an unmagnetized piece of iron

by placing it in a strong magnetic field

Newton's third law for magnets

electric current exerts a force on a magnet a magnet exerts a force on a current-carrying wire

an electric motor converts ______ energy into ________ energy

electric; mechanical

if currents in 2 parallel wires are in opposite direction...

exerts repulsive force on other

a compass needle placed near a straight section of current-carrying wire...

experiences a force, causing the needle to align tangent to a circle around the wire

one ampere is defined as

that current flowing in each of two long parallel wires, 1 m apart, which results in a force of exactly 2x10^-7N per meter of length of each wire

magnetic permeability

the ability of a material to attract the lines of magnetic field intensity

forces exerted on each other will be attractive as long as...

the currents are in the same direction

the direction of the magnetic field at a given location can be defined as...

the direction that the north pole of a compass needle would point if placed at that location

for galvanometer, magnets with curved pole pieces are used and coil is wrapped around a cylindrical iron core

-iron tends to concentrate the magnetic field lines so that B always points parallel to the face of the coil at the wire outside the core --> the force is then always perpendicular to the face of the coil, and torque will not vary with angle *thus deflection of pointer will be proportional to I, as required

1 C =

1 A·s

rules of magnetic field lines

1. the direction of the magnetic field is tangent to the field at any point 2. the number of lines per unit area is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field

magnetic field B1 produced by I1

B1 = (μ0/2π)(I1/d) field only due to I1


behave like small magnets with a north and South Pole

Hall effect

When a current-carrying conductor is held fixed in a magnetic field, the field exerts a sideways force on the charges moving in the conductor -potential difference builds up until electric field E(H) that it produces exerts a force on the moving charges that is equal and opposite to the magnetic force

the path of a charged particle moving in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field is...

a circle

Uniform Magnetic Field

a field that has the same magnitude and the same direction at every point within some region of space

electric charges experience...

a force in a magnetic field

permanent magnet

a magnet that retains its magnetic properties in the absence of an inducing field or current.

Magnetic flux density

a measure of the strength of the magnetic field defined in terms of the force on a current-carrying conductor at right angles to the field lines Φ=B∆A cosθ

another device called a solenoid consist of...

a solenoid into which a rod of iron is partially inserted

if a motor is to turn continuously in one direction....

an alternating current is necessary

magnetic declination

angular difference between the direction of a compass needle (which points along magnetic field lines) at any location and true (geographical) north


as B0 increases, domains become more and more aligned until at point b, nearly all are aligned

how to break down velocity vectors of helical path

components parallel and perpendicular to the field -velocity component parallel to field lines experiences no force, so remains constant -velocity component perpendicular to the field results in circular motion about the field lines

magnetic field lines are

continuous closed loops


curve does not retrace itself on the same path

how can an alternating current for motor be achieved?

dc motor w/ commutators and brushes ac motor, with ac current as input

mass spectrometer

device to measure masses of atoms

Hall emf

difference of potential produced V(Hall) = E(H)d = v(d)Bd d is width of conductor

the deflection of the pointer is....

directly proportional to the current I flowing in the coil, but also depends on the angle the coil makes with B *prob

the Earth's magnetic poles...

do not coincide with the geographic poles, which are on the Earth's axis of rotation

a piece of iron is made up of tiny regions called __________


force between two parallel wires

each current produces a magnetic field that is "felt" by the other, so each must exert a force on the other

right hand rule for magnetic force

fingers first point straight alone current, then bend along magnetic field thumb points in direction of force

right hand rule for force on electric charge due to magnetic field (POSITIVE CHARGE)

fingers point along particle's velocity, then along B (curve) -thumb points in direction of force

the field strength at any given point is _____ if the current flowing in the wire were _______

greater; greater

the current in the coil reverses every ________ as required for...

half revolution; continuous rotation

for a long straight wire, the field is

inversely proportional to the distance from the wire

if B' is fixed, the radius of the circular path...

is found from their mark on film or by detectors


long solenoid bent into the shape of a donut

a solenoid acts like a ________

magnet - one end can be considered north/South Pole, depending on direction of current in the loops (rhr)

Curie temperature

magnet cannot be made

when the current is perpendicular to the field lines (θ=90°)...

magnetic force is strongest

an electric generator converts ______ energy into ________ energy

mechanical; electrical

an isolated single magnetic pole (magnetic monopole) has...

never been observed

When the wire is parallel to the magnetic field lines (θ=0°)...

no force at all

magnetic fields due to a circular loop of wire and straight current-carrying wire are..

no uniform

magnetic field lines always point out from the _____ pole and in toward the ______ pole of a magnet

north; south

galvanometer consists

of a coil of wire (with attached pointer) suspended in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet

direction of force on a negative charge

opposite to what positive charge direction would be with right hand rule

helical path

path of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field if its velocity is not perpendicular to the magnetic field

the direction of the force is always ______ to the direction of the current, and ______ to the direction of the magnetic field

perpendicular; perpendicular

domains in a magnet

preferentially aligned in one direction

the current in each loop of a solenoid...

produces a magnetic field

an electric current...

produces a magnetic field (Oersted)

domains in an unmagnetized piece of iron

randomly arranged *magnetic effects of the domains cancel out, so this piece is not a magnet

Ampère's Law

relates the magnetic field around a closed loop to the current flowing through the loop *can be used to calculate the magnetic fields in situations with a high degree of symmetry

the force one magnet exerts on another can be described as...

the interaction between one magnet and the magnetic field of another

if a piece of iron is placed inside a solenoid, the magnetic field is increased greatly because...

the iron becomes a magnet --> electromagnet

if a piece of ferromagnetic material like iron is placed inside a solenoid to form an electromagnet...

the magnetic field increases greatly over that produced by the current in the solenoid coils alone

Hall: the voltage depends on...

the magnetic field put there, velocity of the charges, and separation (width of wire)

when an electric current flows in a closed loop of wire placed in an external magnetic field...

the magnetic force on the current can produce a torque

because the force is always perpendicular to v,...

the magnitude of v does not change; electron moves at constant speed

if the force on a particle is always perpendicular to its velocity v,..

the particle moves in a circle and has a centripetal acceletration

magnetic force on a particle is greatest when...

the particle moves perpendicular to the magnetic field

geomagnetic north

the point on the earth where a compass would lead to the Earth's magnetic field North Pole geographically

magnetic dipole moment

the product of the strength and distance between the poles M=NIA *a vector considered perpendicular to the coil

magnetic field

the region around a magnet where the magnetic force is exerted

the total field inside the solenoid will be...

the sum of the fields due to each current loops

magnetic field lines due to a circular loop of current carrying wire

thumb grips wire, fingers curl around it

a motor, works on same principle as a galvanometer (torque is exerted on a current-carrying loop in a magnetic field) except that the coil must....

turn continuously in one direction

magnetic poles

two ends of a magnet where the magnetic forces are strongest

only ions whose speed is ________ will pass through undeflected and emerge through second slit

v=E/B (velocity selector)

if the current-carrying wires are made of superconducting material kept below the transition temperature,...

very high fields can be produced, and no electric power is needed to maintain the large current in the superconducting coils --> energy is required to refrigerate the coils at the low temps where they superconduct

Outside a solenoid the magnetic field is

weaker *field lines are spread out in space

if the solenoid has many loops and they are close together, the field inside...

will be nearly uniform and parallel to the solenoid axis except at the ends

the force is ____ if the particle moves parallel to the magnetic field lines


permeability of free space


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