Chapter 22 Lymphatic

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The lymphatic system does all of the following, except that it a. transports lipids from the digestive tract. b. transports gases to and away from lymph nodes. c. fights infection. d. eliminates variations in the composition of interstitial fluid. e. helps maintain normal blood volume.


Which class of T lymphocyte is killed by the AIDS virus? a. cytotoxic T b. helper T c. suppressor T d. NK


Which class of immunoglobulins sensitizes cells to allergens? a. IgM b. IgE c. IgG d. IgA


Which of these is not a property of the immune response? a. It is triggered by an antigen. b. It must be acquired. c. It may be cell-mediated. d. It may be antibody-mediated.


Which of these is not one of the nonspecific defenses? a. neutrophils b. immunoglobulins c. histamine d. interferons


Class II MHC molecules are found only on which of the following? a. granulocytes and microphages b. lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells c. all body cells with a nucleus d. liver cells and macrophages in the spleen e. red blood cells


Delayed hypersensitivity is a type of __________. a. immunodeficiency disease b. autoimmune disease c. allergy d. skin infection


During a primary humoral response to antigens all of the following occur, except a. antibody levels do not peak until 1 to 2 weeks after the initial exposure. b. B cells may undergo several rounds of mitosis before producing plasma cells and memory cells. c. neutrophils invade the surrounding areas, releasing chemotactic substances. d. the first immunoglobulins to appear in circulation are of the IgM type. e. B cells may differentiate into plasma cells immediately.


If the thymus shrank and stopped making thymosins, we would expect to see an immediate decrease in the number of a. red blood cells. b. neutrophils. c. T cells. d. B lymphocytes. e. NK cells.


Immunity that results from vaccination against influenza is classified as __________. a. induced passive b. naturally acquired active c. induced active d. naturally acquired passive


In passive immunization, the a. body receives antibodies produced by other humans. b. body receives antibodies produced by other humans or by an animal. c. immune system attacks normal body cells. d. body receives antibodies produced by an animal. e. body is deliberately exposed to an antigen.


Leslie has a bad sore throat and the lymph nodes in her neck are swollen. This would indicate that a. the lymph node has increased its secretion of thymosin. b. lymph is not flowing through these lymph nodes. c. the affected lymph nodes contain an increased number of lymphocytes. d. the lymph node is actively producing phagocytes. e. the focus of the infection is the lymph nodes.


Newborns gain their immunity initially from a. contact with siblings b. contact with viruses and bacteria. c. antibodies passed across the placenta from the mother. d. breast milk. e. early immunizations.


Stem cells that will form B cells or NK cells are found only in the a. thymus. b. kidneys. c. bone marrow. d. spleen. e. liver.


T cells and B cells can be activated only by a. cells infected with viruses, bacteria, or cancer cells. b. interleukins, interferons, and colony-stimulating factors. c. pathogens. d. exposure to a specific antigen at a specific site in a plasma membrane. e. disease-causing agents.


The first line of cellular defense against pathogens are the a. NK cells. b. T cells. c. phagocytes. d. B cells. e. plasma cells.


The lymphoid tissue of the spleen ("white pulp") contains many __________. a. arteries b. free macrophages c. lymphocytes d. red blood cells


Which of these defense cells are not phagocytic? a. eosinophils b. macrophages c. lymphocytes d. neutrophils


Autoimmune illness results from a failure of what aspect of immunity? a. versatility b. specificity c. memory d. tolerance


Class II MHC proteins are present in the plasma membrane only a. when NK cells are activated. b. when plasma cells are releasing antibodies. c. during infections. d. in antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes. e. when cytotoxic T cells are inhibited.


Natural Killer (NK) cells __________. a. engage in immunological surveillance b. kill cancer cells c. hunt for tumor cells d. NK cells perform all of these roles


The cells directly responsible for cellular immunity are the ________ cells. a. B b. helper T c. plasma d. cytotoxic T e. suppressor T


When an antigen is bound to a Class II MHC protein, it can activate a ________ cell. a. plasma b. suppressor T c. cytotoxic T d. helper T e. NK


Which defense cells can specifically identify and directly kill disease cells? a. B lymphocytes b. plasma cells c. suppressor T lymphocytes d. cytotoxic T lymphocytes


Autoantibodies are a. important in tissue rejection reactions. b. produced by activated T cells. c. produced during an allergic reaction. d. the first step in immunological competence. e. directed against the body's own antigens.


Cytotoxic T cells can attack target cells with which of these chemical weapons? a. secrete mutant proteins b. secrete strong acid c. secrete free radicals d. secrete organic solvent e. secrete a cytokine that triggers apoptosis


Immunity that is genetically determined and present at birth is called ________ immunity. a. auto b. natural passive c. passive d. active e. innate


Inflammation produces localized a. swelling. b. pain. c. heat. d. redness. e. All of the answers are correct.


Innate defenses include a. interferons. b. inflammation. c. physical barriers. d. phagocytic cells. e. All of the answers are correct.


Microphages include a. monocytes. b. eosinophils. c. neutrophils. d. Kupffer cells. e. both neutrophils and eosinophils.


The only antibodies that normally cross the placenta are a. IgD. b. IgA. c. IgE. d. IgM. e. IgG.


When an antigen is bound to a Class I MHC molecule, it can stimulate a ________ cell. a. plasma b. NK c. helper T d. B e. cytotoxic T


A sample of John's blood shows a high level of pyrogens. This would indicate that John a. is producing T lymphocytes. b. is running a fever. c. is feeling achy. d. has swollen lymph nodes. e. has a sore throat.


An inflammatory response is triggered when a. blood flow to an area increases. b. mast cells release histamine and heparin. c. T cells release interferon. d. red blood cells release pyrogens. e. neutrophils phagocytize bacteria.


B cells are primarily activated by the activities of a. macrophages. b. helper T cells. c. antibodies. d. plasma cells. e. antigens


Immunity that results from exposure to an antigen in the environment is called ________ immunity. a. innate b. naturally acquired active c. auto d. natural passive e. passive


In general, lymphocytes a. are produced and mature only in red bone marrow. b. spend most of their time in lymphatic tissue. c. spend most of their time circulating in the blood. d. have two nuclei. e. have relatively short life spans.


Inappropriate or excessive immune responses to antigens are a. autoimmune diseases. b. allergies. c. signs of a weak system. d. the result of stress. e. immunodeficiency diseases.


Suppressor T cells act to a. erase memory T cells. b. inhibit T and B cell activities. c. limit antigen proliferation. d. suppress antigens. e. produce antibodies involved in autoimmunity.


The cells responsible for humoral immunity are the ________ cells. a. helper T b. B c. suppressor T d. NK e. cytotoxic T


The classic pathway of complement activation begins when the protein C1 binds to a. the cell wall of bacteria. b. an antibody attached to an antigen. c. a cell surface antigen. d. the plasma membrane of bacteria. e. a plasma protein.


Compared to blood capillaries, lymph capillaries exhibit all of the following, except that they a. are smaller in diameter. b. are frequently irregular in shape. c. are larger in diameter. d. have walls of endothelial cells that overlap like shingles. e. have no basement membrane.


During a primary immune response, the a. IgM titer is initially higher than the IgG titer. b. IgG titer is initially higher than the IgM titer. c. IgM titer and the IgG titer rise in parallel.


Histamine increases blood flow and vascular permeability. This would account for all of the following changes that occur during inflammation, except a. chemotaxis of phagocytes. b. redness of the inflamed tissue. c. swelling of the inflamed tissue. d. heat of the inflamed tissue. e. movement of defense proteins and cells into the interstitial space


The cells responsible for the production of circulating immunoglobulins are ________ cells. a. plasma b. NK c. helper T d. liver e. thymus


The primary function of the lymphatic system is a. defending the body against both environmental hazards and internal threats. b. circulation of nutrients. c. the production and distribution of plasma proteins. d. circulation of dissolved gases. e. the transport of hormones.


The white pulp of the spleen is populated by a. lymphocytes. b. arteries. c. veins. d. fibrous connective tissue. e. trabeculae.


Which of these statements about lymphocytes is false? a. They are phagocytic. b. They mostly occur in lymphoid tissues. c. They bind antigens. d. They occur as B, T, and NK types.


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