Chapter 22: Proverbs

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Units of individual proverbs consisting largely of a collection of proverbial saying in poetic verse of two lines each (couplets), usually making complete sense (e.g., Prov. 10:1-22:16); the parallelism is almost always antithetical.


Alphabetic poem in which the first letter of each line is the next successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In some examples, more than one line opens with the same letter.


Consolidates ancient Israel's experience-based convictions and offers believers of every generation practical advice on holy living

How is the first collection of sayings (1:8-9:18) different from most of the other collections in the book? Where does one find the pinnacle of the Bible's view of wisdom? What is the most powerful unit on the dangers of sexual impurity?

First collection - the material in these chapters consists of longer, well-crafted discourses, whereas most of the other collections in the book have shorter, tightly written saying with little obvious editorial arrangement Proverbs 1 - series of "fatherly talks," in light of the recurrence of the words "my son" and the several references to the father's instruction and the mother's teaching - contrasts sexual immorality with devotion to wisdom, which involves sexual purity - highlights two ways of living: 1) way of wisdom, which follows the path laid out by the young man's parents, and 2) way of folly, which is suggested by the young man's peer group, filled with sin, resulting in an early grave Pinnacle of the Bible's view of wisdom - Proverbs 8 is the pinnacle of the Bible's view of wisdom and strikes a remarkable contrast with preceding sections that warn against infidelity, especially chapter 7 - wisdom is personified as a woman who is to be cherished, adored, and honored - contrast between Lady Wisdom and the adulteress of chapter 7 is profound, and would provide the young man with clear choices between a life of wisdom and a life of sin - Lady Wisdom was the first of the Lord's created order and stood at His side as He fashioned the universe Most powerful unit on the dangers of sexual impurity - Proverbs 7:1-27. This is the most powerful unit on the dangers of sexual impurity. The opening paragraph (verses 1-5) illustrates the importance of making careful decisions. The warnings against sexual sin must take root in the heart before the moment of temptation. The best advice possible for a young person is to guard these words and commands as the pupil ("apple") of one's eye. The rest of the chapter describes what happens to the simple-minded young man who yields to the temptress (verses 6-27) His first mistake, wrong place at the wrong time.

What is the focus of this book of short sayings? Define a "proverb." How does a proverb differ from a promise of command?

Focus of Proverbs - collection of short sayings instructing the reader how to live well Proverb defined - succinct (briefly and clearly expressed) and persuasive saying proven true by experience, addressing various topics that relate to God, his world, and life. - Proverbs are statements of general truth, not hard-and-fast promises and commands to be applied in every situation. Purpose of Proverbs - encourage the reader to live righteously and justly before God Proverb vs. promise or command - proverbs are statements of general truth, not hard-and-fast promises - many proverbs begin with imperatives or instructions given in the second person

What is the goal of the book? Who is the target audience? What is the first and controlling principle of wisdom?

Goal of the book - book's purpose is clear by the repetition of "for" in verses 2-6: "for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight..." Audience - instruction, particularly for the young, but is also helpful for those who already have wisdom First and controlling principle of wisdom - fear of God - knowledge offered here is a relationship with the covenant God and depends on his self-reputation

Why is the unit on finding an excellent wife (31:10-31) a fitting end to the book of Proverbs?

It is fitting that the book of Proverbs should end on the importance of findings a good wife. It has warned against sexual impurity all along the way. The book also exalted the role of women and even personified Wisdom as a woman worthy of marriage. The young man, beginning his life of service to God, can be ruined or made successful by his decision of a life partner. His choice of a wife is the first test of his character, and his success depends on her character as well.

Why would the sayings of 25:1-29:27 have been of interest to Hezekiah?

Many of these proverbs would have been of great interest to Hezekiah, the religious reformer. They frequently dealt with topics of leadership and those associated with leaders.

Which unit may have been based on an Egyptian text?

Proverbs 22:17-24:34. The sayings of the wise men. These "thirty sayings" have much in common with the Egyptian document known as the Instruction of Amenemope, which has a prologue and thirty chapters of "instructions for well-being." The Hebrew text tends to clarify its Egyptians counterpart in places. Instruction of Amenemope comes from about 1200 BC, over two hundred years before Solomon.


Succinct and persuasive saying proven true by experience, addressing various topics that relate to God, his world, and life. ____________s are statements of general truth, not hard-and-fast promises and commands to be applied in every situation.


The Instruction of ____________________ is an Egyptian document, which has a prologue and thirty chapters of "instructions for well-being." It is now virtually certain that the Instruction of _____________________ comes from about 1200 BC, over two hundred years before Solomon. The relationship between the Egyptian proverbs and this section of the biblical book (especially 22:17-23:14) is too close to be coincidental. Some scholars have argued that the Egyptian text was translated from an older Hebrew version. But most agree that the Hebrew proverbs were modeled on an Egyptian original. Indeed, the Hebrew text tends to clarify its Egyptian counterpart in places.

What is known about the origin of the sayings of Agur (30:1-33)?

The proverbs of Agur, son of Jakeh, and those of King Lemuel, appear to have existed before they became part of the biblical book, are assumed to be of Arabian decent, and their origins remain in doubt. Agur's collection marked by the repetition of numerical sayings, such as: "There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand."

How does the "wisdom" of Proverbs differ from that of the book of Job? What two things are contrasted in the book of Proverbs?

Two types of wisdom: 1) discoursive (digressing from subject to subject) wisdom, which grapples with the difficult issues of life and is usually pessimistic (example: Job) 2) instructional or didactic (intended to teach) in nature and is usually optimistic about life (example: Proverbs, which has the closest parallels with Egyptian instructional wisdom) Contrast two ways of living life: 1) reject God's laws and refuse to keep His covenant - Proverbs designates these individuals as "fools" and their life choices as "folly" 2) carefully maintain their relationship with God and adhere to His ways are called "wise" and their lives characterized by "wisdom"

What place did Proverbs have in Israelite education? How did the Israelites view faith and knowledge? What is the underlying essence of knowledge or wisdom as presented in Proverbs?

What is clear is that the book of Proverbs presents the contents of Israelite education. Proverbs intends to present wisdom needed for successful living in relationship with God and his created world. Israelites made no attempt to separate faith from knowledge. Thus the "fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge/wisdom."

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