Chapter 22 Test

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Ito Hirobumi

A commission under Ito Hirobumi traveled to Great Britain, France, Germany, and the United States to study their governments.

Treaty of Kanagawa

By the treaty of Kanagawa, Japan agreed with along with the United States. The treaty provided. the return of shipwrecked American sailors, opened ports to Western traders, and established a U.S. consulate in Japan

Port Arthur

China's strategic naval base.

Ci Xi

Empress Dowager Ci Xi was Guang Xu's (The emperor's) aunt, she opposed the new reform program. She did not like the reforms. Ci Xi became a dominant force at court and opposed the emperor's reforms. She wasn't very successful.

foundations for a money economy in China

Faster and more reliable transportation, a better system of banking and money.

First Opium War

First Opium War- China opposed to the British East Co. selling opium in their country? Because the British were not the first to import opium in China. The demand for it jumped dramatically. A dangerous mid altering drug and the Chinese didn't like it coming into their society.

Ba Jin

He contributed to the 20th century of China. He wrote family, spring, and autumn he describes the disintegration of traditional Confucian ways as the younger members of a large family attempt to break away from their elders

John Hay

He tried to get the US into trade with China Open Door policy reflected American concern for the survival of China. However, it also reflected the interests of some U.S. trading companies. He wrote a letter to all the heads of states and he said lets all trade with china. this was called the open door policy.

Tai Ping Rebellion

It was led by Hong Xiuquan, and he wanted to destroy the Qing dynasty, and he wanted to convince people hat he was the younger brother of jesus, and he wanted social reform


Name of the government rule, "Enlighten Rule"


New territories

Mao Dun

One of China's best modern novelists. He wrote Midnight and that described the changing customs of Shanghai's urban elites.

Sun Yat-sen

Sun Yat-sen- The first signs of the revolution appeared during the last decade of the 19th century, when the young radical Sun Yat-sen formed the Revive China Society. Sun Yet-sen believed that the Qing dynasty was in a state of decay and could no longer govern the country.

Hong Xiuquan-

Taj Ping Rebellion was led by Hong Xiuquan, a Christian convert who viewed himself as a younger brother of Jesus Christ.

Boxer Rebellion

The Boxers were upset by the foreign takeover of Chinese lands. They wanted to get all of the foreigners out of China.

"destroy the foreigner"

The Boxers were upset by the foreign takeover of the Chinese land. Their slogan was "destroy the foreigner" They especially disliked Christian missionaries and Chinese converts to Christianity who seemed to threaten Chinese traditions.


The Meiji government gave subsidies to needy industries, provided training and foreign advisers, improved transportation and communications, and started a new education system the stressed applied science.


The Qing court thought that China should adopt Western technology but keep its Confucian values and instructions.

One Hundred Days of Reform

The emperor issued edicts calling for major political, administrative, and educational reforms.

Commodore Matthew Perry

The first foreign power to succeed with Japan was the United States. In the summer of 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry arrived in Edo Bay (now Tokyo Bay) with an American fleet of four war- ships. Perry sought "to bring a singular and isolated people into the family of civilized nations." Perry brought a letter from President Millard Fillmore, asking the Japanese for better treatment of sailors shipwrecked on the Japanese islands. (Foreign sailors shipwrecked in Japan were treated as criminals and exhibited in public cages.) He also asked to open foreign relations between the United States and Japan. Perry returned about six months later for an answer, this time with a larger fleet

Henry Pu Yi

The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty


The local nobles


The symbol of the new area was the young emperor

Tretay of Nanjing (1842)

The treaty ended the war that ran from 1839-1842 was the Treaty of Nanjing, and the agreements were China had to open five coastal ports to British trade, limit taxes on imported British goods, and pay for the costs of the war. The British gained the island Hong Kong

Guang Xu

The young emperor launched a massive one hundred days of reform.

Treaty of Tianjin (1858)-

Treaty of Tianjin (1858)-This treaty ended that conflict of the Tai Rebellion and the Treaty of Tianjin and Chinese agreed to legalize the opium trade and to open new ports to foreign trade. They surrendered the caloon peninsula to Great Britain.

spheres of influence-

areas where the imperial powers had exclusive trading rights.

Tokyo School of Fine Arts

established to promote the traditional Japanese art.


marketable products



Russo-Japanese War (1904)

the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the Russian naval base at port Arthur, which Russia had taken from china in 1898.


the location of new leaders and it was the capital which was moved here.

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