Chapter 23 & 24 (Notes) (APUSH Test) - Jaden Brescia

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And experimental culture movement best modernism on three unsettling assumptions which were?

"1 God does not exist, 2 reality was not rational, orderly, or obvious and in the aftermath of the Great War and 3 social progress could no longer be taken for granted. This provoked, perplexed, and upset people."

Or the immigration rates between 1919 and 1924?

"600000 people came from Southern and Eastern Europe. 150000 drawer pulls and 50,000 were Russians of the most were Italian. At the same time a hundred fifty thousand Mexicans cross the border. majority of men and women worked in mines Mills and factories and they were immigrants, some greater passion for Socialism or anarchism as well as the willingness to use violence to achieve their political goals."

Who is in Harding's cabinet?

"Charles Evans Hughes, Secretary of State. Herbert Hoover, the Commerce Department. Andrew w. Mellon, in the treasury Department. Henry C Wallace in the are cultural Department. there were other departments an administrative appointees but they were not so conscientious. the Secretary of interior landed in prison and the Attorney General nearly escaped serving time."

What are the statistics on homelessness during the Great Depression?

1000 Americans lost their homes to foreclosure, and millions were forced to move in with relatives or friends. People went to alms houses, also called poor houses or work houses. people lived under culverts, bridges, on park benches, and doorways and police stations. The poor were subject to frequent abuse and arrest and 14 States even banned paupers from voting. these hobos, or Tramps, hitchhiked and cars, sneak onto Railway cars and road from town to town. the Missouri Pacific counted 200,000 vagrants living in an empty box cars and the South Pacific Railroad reported that it evicted 680 3457 people from freight trains.

How many people lived in the United States in 1920? How many whites, Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans, and asian-americans. Well qualified as a city? Who remained the poorest?

106 million people lives in the United States. Half the people were under age of 25 and life expectancy was just 56 years for men and 58 for women. 90% of society was white which includes Hispanic people. African Americans were 9% and Native Americans and asian-americans were the rest. Half of the white population was immigrants at its all-time high. half the population lived in cities. Cities and towns and cities with more than 2,500 residents. some towns with less than 3000 residents could hardly be called Urban, but some 16 million Americans lived in 10 largest cities. the South remained the poorest in the most rural. half of the Farmers on their lands because others were either tenants who rented land or sharecroppers who gave the landowner a share of the crop in exchange for access to land.

Other people wanted Herbert Hoover to create the great bull market what did he know is going to happen, but was actually happening at the time?

1924, the prices of stock shares steadily Rose. By 1927, prices soared because of Reckless speculation driven by mass Mania unmatched in history. In comparison, in 1919, 317 million shares of stock were exchanged and in 1929, that number was more than a billion. Because of Andrew mellon's tax reductions, people had much more money to invest and much of it went into the stock market. Hoover voiced a concern talking of what was going to happen while privately telling his own broker to sell many of his stock Holdings.

what position were women in that was peculiar?

20% of working women are unemployed, are slightly lower percentage than men. Women held the lowest paying jobs oh, but they were often able to keep them. Women also had to keep their families together emotionally with their husbands out of work. married women in the workforce became the primary targets at layoffs and 26 States prohibited their employment and the reasoning was that a married woman should not steal a job from a man supporting a family because the husband was to take care of her. It was made normal that single women could find jobs only A Woman's Work jobs which were sales girls, beauticians, School teachers, secretaries, and nurses. African American women work as Maids, Cooks, or laundresses.

By 1924 how many theaters were showing about 700 new sign of times a year?

20000 show new silent films a year and had become the nation's Chief form of mass entertainment. Hollywood in California became the International Center of mass movie production in which the grind-it-out cowboy westerns, crime dramas, Murder Mysteries, and the time was comedies of Mac sets Keystone company where there were slapstick comedians notably london-born Charlie Chaplin.

How did the election go voting wise?

21 million popular votes does Smith's 15 million Electoral College majority of 444 to 87. even penetrated the song South by taking six Deep South States plus Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Republicans also kept control of both houses of Congress. However, the voting count for Democrats doubled and soon they would build momentum.

the Harding Administration agreed in 1921 to pay the Republic of Colombia what?

25 million dollars it had demanded for American rights to the Panama Canal. American troops left the Dominican Republic after 8 years of intervention and the US Marines left Nicaragua Bird returned at the outbreak of disorder and Civil War. The Coolidge Administration brought both parties into agreement but Cesar Augusto sandino held out, and the Marine stayed.

what else occurred to fully ruin the economy which qualified the slow economic growth as a recession?

26355 businesses shut down and even more failed. The slowdown in economic growth called the recession became so severe be known as the Great Depression.

how did radios transform American Life?

41 million radios were manufactured and after dinner, families gathered around the radio to listen to live music, political speeches, news broadcast, weather forecasts, baseball and football games, boxing matches, comedy shows, and worship services.

those with incomes of $300,000 or more acted as the source of what?

65% of federal income tax revenue. In 1921, less than 20% had come from this group. during 1921, the overall tax burden on those with income of less than $10,000 dropped from 155 million to 32.5 million and by 1929, nearly 2% of American workers had to pay income tax at all. The unemployment plummeted to 2.4%. He promoted High tariffs on imported goods.

how many people went to see these movies? And once created a surge of even more people seen these movies?

80 million people a week in the 1920s Saw movies and after talkies, movies with sound a hundred fifteen million people attended weekly out of a total population of 123 million. Is because many people in when more than one time to the same movie.

How did the world react to Einstein's discoveries?

A British newspaper said that the general theory of relativity was one of the most momentous human accomplishments. After astronomers spent three years testing Einstein's theories, the New York Times and asked Einstein's theory triumphs.

Why did Americans embrace silent Cal?

A man of strong principles, simple and direct, intense patriotism, pinched frugality, and few words. You promoted Progressive conservatism with consistency. You continue to lower income tax rates with the help of melon. he promoted Industrial Development by limiting Federal Regulation of business and industry and reducing taxes. While Harding sound to balance the interests of Labor, Agriculture and Industry. he vetoed 50 acts of Congress. Kid 2 lawyers to help distance himself from the scandals of the administration.

what did John Steinbeck's best-selling novel about the victims of depression, in The Grapes of Wrath, detail?

A poor but proud woman is disgraced by accepting charity from the Salvation Army.

Who was involved in the 1928 election?

After President Coolidge announced that he did not want to run for President in 1928, Hoover clear the way to win the Republican nomination. He was against the New York Governor, Alfred E Smith, representing the Democrats. Hoover was a successful businessman and bureaucratic manager from an Iowa farm and Smith, professional Irish American politician from New York City's Lower East Side.

What time is referred to as the new era?

After the brief post-war recession in 1920 to 1921, jobs were plentiful, and average income Rose throughout the decade. The United States' Total wealth almost doubled between 1920 and 1930, wage workers enjoyed record-breaking increases. By 1929 the United States enjoy the highest standard of living in the world.

What was special about the Immigration Act of 1924 and how it related to the Western Hemisphere?

Allowed newcomers from countries in the Western Hemisphere. The unintended result of this was that people of Latin American descent chiefly Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans became the fastest growing ethnic minority during the twenties.

Did sanger succeed?

Although she did not succeed and legalizing the distribution of contraceptives and contraceptive information through the mail, she had laid the foundation for such efforts. Organization started in 1921 and by 1936 a Federal Court ruled that Physicians can prescribe contraceptives a vital step and singers effort to realize her so again, every child a wanted child.

who came after Charles A Lindbergh?

Amelia Earhart was made famous as she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic oh, but she would disappear in 1937 in an attempt to fly around the world.

Why did Warren G Harding and diplomats from a nation's to peace conference in Washington DC?

America had begun it's shipbuilding program, but the Americans did not want a naval armaments race, both were worried about the growth of Japanese power. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes said that America would junk 30 battleships and cruisers and then name 36 British and Japanese warships that would also be destroyed. Everyone applauded and thought this is amazing.

Just as the railroad helped transform the pace and scale of life, how did the automobile industry changed social life during the 20th century?

Americans developed a love affair with cars. Men thought they could drive women around as a romantic gesture and allowed them to escape from parental control and go to a safe place. it also allowed people to live farther away from their workplaces oh, that's encouraging suburban sprawl. It helped fuel the economic boom by creating tens of thousands of new jobs and a huge demand for steel, glass, rubber, leather, oil, and gasoline. It's sparked a real estate boom in Florida, stimulated road construction, dotted the landscape with gasoline stations, traffic lights, Billboards and motor hotels which were known as motels.

Who is Louis Armstrong?

And inspiring trumpet tuner with a uniquely froggy voice, was the Peter Piper of jazz, a freewheeling performer reshaped the American Music Scene. For New Orleans Shack in 1900, the grandson of slaves, he was abandoned by his father and raised by a prostitute mother, who is 15 when he was born. He was exposed to the ugly side of America at a young age. he would sneak in to watch Joe King Oliver and other early Jazz innovators. He moved to Chicago where he delighted audiences with his Trump and performances and open-hearted personality. His band crossed the United States spreading the gospel jazz.

What was the downfall of the Clans influence in both Indiana and Nationwide?

And the Grand Dragon, David C Stephen, was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for kidnapping and raping a 28 year-old woman who then committed suicide. Membership tumbled, and Clan organization splintered or shut down altogether. Several States passed anti-klan laws and others banned the wearing of Clan gear Or Clan activities. membership had dwindled all the way to a hundred thousand oh, mostly Southerners. Get the impulse for deep-seated Fears and hatreds still lived on Within.

Who did the Democrats choose to nominate?

Another delegate from Ohio, James Cox, a newspaper publisher and three-term governor of the state. For vice president, they chose New Yorker Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he held the position of an assistant Secretary of the Navy just like his cousin Theodore Roosevelt.

what is Negro nationalism?

Are promoted black separatism from mainstream American Life. it's leading spokesman was Marcus Garvey, who claim to speak for all four hundred million blacks worldwide. Garvey brought to Harlem the headquarters of the universal negro Improvement Association unia, which had started in his native Jamaica two years before. Irving sister the blank said nothing in common with whites. In the unia popular newspaper, the Negro World, Garvey urged African Americans to remove themselves with surrounding white culture the cold of a black solidarity and black power. It became the largest political organization and Garvey who often were Gotti military uniforms and feather Plum hats, claimed the unia had as many as four million members serve by 800. His goal was to build a blank Empire in Africa and then he called himself the provisional president of Africa, raising funds to send Americans to Africa a spelling any uni a member who married a white. His message appealed to poor blacks, but he also had supporters across the road south garveyism appalled black leaders such as w e b Dubois who labeled Garvey has the most dangerous enemy of the Negro race and said he was a traitor. Garvey's Crusade was ended when he was convicted of fraud for over selling shares of stock in the steamship Corporation oh, the Black Star Line, which he founded to transport American blacks to Africa. He was sentenced to a five-year prison term, he was pardoned by President Calvin Coolidge a condition that would be deported to Jamaica and he died in obscurity, but his memory of his movement kept alive and would re-emerge.

What did Margaret Sanger see birth control as?

As a New York nurse and midwife in the working-class tenements of Manhattan oh, she's so many young mothers struggling to provide for their growing families and she could even relate as she was one of 11 children born to Irish immigrants and as she had experienced the poverty as well. She witnessed unwanted pregnancies, tragic miscarriages, and amateur abortions. she began to distribute birth control information to the working-class women and also published a magazine called woman reveal in which he promoted women's suffrage workers rights and contraception to frighten the capitalist class. She was charged with disseminating obscenity through mail but later the case was dropped. She then opened the first birth control clinic in Brooklyn. she then organize the American birth control League which changed its name to Planned Parenthood. the birth control League get distributed information to doctors, social workers, women's clubs, and the scientific Community as well as to thousands of women.

Who is Ezra pound?

As the foreign editor of the chicago-based Poetry magazine, he promoted experimental American poets with their Publications and gave them exposure. He denounced War and commercialism and he wanted to transform the literary landscape. Essentially recruited, edited, published, and reviewed the best generation of modernist writers, improve their writing, propelling their careers. he even said the war wasted a generation based upon the defense of a botched civilization.

did the shows grow in popularity?

As they went from New York to Chicago and Boston they attracted more huge crowds.

why was the background of the Sacco and Vanzetti case so crucial to their punishment?

At the height of the Italian immigration, this case was the backdrop to a numerous amount of Terror attacks by anarchists oh, some of which Sacco and Vanzetti participated in. One journalist detailed as an atmosphere called the red Hysteria and ensure that the men's trial would be a public spectacle.

what was the smoot-hawley Tariff of 1930?

Authored by Republicans read Owen Smoot and willacy Holly, it was intended to help the farm sector by raising tariff barriers on farm products imported into the United States. However, lobbyists convinced Congress to hundreds of new imported manufactured items to the Tariff bill. Thousand The Economist Earth Hoover to veto it to protect farmers as its logic was flawed and that the bill would actually raise prices on most raw materials and consumer products. Additionally would make it harder for France and Great Britain to repay their War debts. Uber sign the bill anyway which initiated other countries to retaliate by passing tariffs of Their Own and also US exports then plummeted.

As a result of the Great War the United States had become the world's Chief what?

Banker, an American Investments and Loans enabled for nurse purchase US exports. George Jean Nathan only cares about the interest of his friends but the United States could not ignore its expanding Global interests and not mean they wanted to stay out of Foreign Wars.

did African Americans get to play baseball?

Baseball remained a segregated sport in the 1920s, Negro Leagues were often organized only for African Americans.

what was created after words and what was the direct effect of the Armory show?

Became one of the nation's favorite topics of debate and the Museum of Modern Art was founded in New York City. It celebrated a collection of avant-garde a paintings and sculpture.

How did Einstein effects popular culture?

Because Einstein was so influential in deciphering the forces of the cosmos that popular complex discoveries entered into people's minds and became over simplified that his theory of relativity by claiming that there were no absolute standards. All was relative.

what industries were created after the war?

Because the one who caused people to postpone building offices, plants, Homes, and Apartments. But 1921 a building boom arrived and the remarkable growth of the automotive industry created an immediate need for roads and highways. New cars and new construction stimulated other Industries such as Lumber, steel, concrete, rubber, gasoline, and furniture.

What methods did Europeans use to pay off the debts?

Ben 10 to the sell Goods the United States however the American tariff rates during the 1920s made imported European Goods more expensive and that's the dense incurred by Britain France or harder to repay.

What was perhaps the most controversial woman's issue of the Jazz Age?

Birth control. Christians and Protestants opposed it as a violation of God's law.

How was Society impacted by Freud's ideas?

Books, movies, and plays included frequent references to Freud's ideas, and some of the Decades most popular magazines, True Confessions, telling tales, and true story, focused on romance sex.

Marcus Garvey in the negro's greatest enemy, FTR.

Born in Jamaica, parents are black Negroes, group with black and white boys. Educated through private tutors, to Public Schools, too grammar or high schools and two colleges. At home there is no difference between white and black. I only heard the term negro when he was 14. He was separated from his white Playmate and was called the bad word and was told that there's some difference in humanity that there are different races. when his school mates did not remember me I had to fight for a place in this world. At 18, I managed a printing establishment and then I started to take an interest in politics of my country and then I saw the Injustice done by my race because it was black. I travel to South and Central America and found it was the same situation. And then you're up to find the same stumbling block. Once realizing that there was no black man's government I wanted to create one.

Who was Herbert Hoover?

Born into an Iowa Family Farm in 1874, orphaned at age 8, raised by Quaker uncles and Iowa and Oregon, he was shy but industrious loner who graduated from Stanford University and became a world-renowned mining engineer, oil tycoon, Financial Wizard, and multi-millionaire before the age of 40. His genius for managing difficult tasks spread himself a self-confidence that ordered on conceit. It was short-tempered and quick to take offense and he had to take control of any project you managed. In the twenties who is planning to become the president of United States.

To the surprise of Andrew Mellon what excuses did France and Great Britain use to escape from paying the debts?

Britain noted that the Allies held off Germany or the United States was raising an army and that after the American Revolution the United States had old debts to British investors and the French pointed out that they had never repaid them for helping them win the Revolution and gain their independence.

What ended up happening to the bill?

Calvin Coolidge veto. After it passed in both houses of Congress. process was repeated, but it's sort of worked as the debates over the bill me the farm problem a national policy issue and defined it as a matter of surpluses. It revived the idea of political alliance between the rural South and West.

What vice president Then had to take office?

Calvin Coolidge was visiting his father in Vermont and then as a Farmer & Merchant, Colonel John Coolidge, Calvin Coolidge's father, issued the presidential oath of office to his son.

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

What were the political effects of the Great Migration?

Chicago Republican, Oscar depriest, became the first black elected to congress since reconstruction and the first ever from a Northern District.

What was the US economy driven by?

Commercial Agriculture and large-scale industrial production. Then building of railroads and bridges, the manufacturing of Steel, and the construction of Housing and businesses in the cities.

Why was agriculture the week is sector in the economy?

Commodity prices collapsed as European agriculture production return to pre-war levels. Overproduction brought lower prices for crops. A bumper cotton product resulted only in price collapse.

How did the election go?

Coolidge swept both popular and electoral votes by majorities. Davis and the Democrats took only the solid South and LaFollette carried only Wisconsin his home state. 15.7 million for Coolidge, 8.4 million for Davis, 4.8 million for a lost wallet.

Why did Harden win?

Cox's campaign was disorganized and underfunded and the Democrats struggled against the Republicans as they took the offensive, blaming Wilson and the Democrats for the nation's troubles. Harden 1, getting 16 million votes to 9 million for Cox, who carried no State outside the solid South.

Who is the Grand Dragon and what did he do that made him special?

David C Stephenson elected local and state officials. He was an Indiana con man. They called it the kluxing of America. the Klan endorsed candidates who won the Indiana governorship and control the state legislature.

Non Farm Workers gained about blank percent in real wages between 1921 and 1928, well farm income Rose only by how much percent?

Dawn Farm Workers gained about 30% and real wages and from income Rose only by 10%. Othello Harding indoors collective bargaining and try to reduce the 12 hour work day and 6 day work week, he ran into stiff opposition in Congress.

What was the five power treaty?

Delegates from the United States, Britain, Japan, France, and Italy sign this treaty, which limited the size of their navies. Was the first disarmament treaty in history.

Who denounced jazz as an indecent dance as it was an offense against womanly purity?

Dr. Frances e. Clark, a Christian moralist we're not fans of jazz or the sexually suggestive dances it inspired.

what was the new consumer culture that contrasted the culture during the Great War?

During the Great War the government had urged Americans to work long hours, conserve resources, and do without. After the war, a new consumer culture and courage Carefree spending. To keep people buying, businesses developed Finance purchases overtime called "layaways" instead of "Buy Now, Pay Later." Thus, Consumer Debt almost triple during the twenties and almost 60% of American purchases were made on the new installment plan.

How is the KKK making its money?

Each member of a local klavern paid a $10 Initiation fee and $5 in annual dues and we're required to buy an official Klan robe, pointed hood, and other accessories. They were Clan Gatherings, clasping hands while listening to violent speeches, watching fireworks, and burning crosses.

What powerful new machines became super useful?

Electric motors, steam turbines, dump trucks, tractors, bulldozers, steam shovels. More efficient ways of operating Farms, factories, plants, mines, end mills increase production. a 1920 the nation produced 5000 refrigerators; in 1929, almost a million.

What did Albert Einstein study set up for the future?

Electrical technology such as television, laser beams, semiconductors used to make computers.

Who did pound take under his wing?

Elliott who recently graduated from Harvard. Elliott past pound and said that traditional poetry was stagnant. Elliot created an epic 433 line poem called the Wasteland which became a monument of modernism. It was composed of post-war solutions which were melancholy they had a powerful effect. He also became a poet and critic for the Criterion which he founded and he is known as the modernist taste and Anglo American literature.

What did conservative Protestants embrace? Hint, religiously.

Embraced a militant fundamentalism, distinctive for its hostility toward new liberal beliefs and its insistence on the literal truth of the Bible.

How was The Great Migration between 1920-1930?

Ever since African-Americans moved to the north because of factories which were created during the war? From 1920 to 1930 almost a million African-Americans, mostly sharecroppers, join The Exodus from the south. How many wins do the New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, and other large cities. 1900 only 740,000 African Americans lived outside the South but by 1970, more than 10.6 million African Americans lived outside the South.

How did Einstein's definition of the universe work?

Everything is relative to the location and motion of the Observer and the distorting effects of gravity, which warp space and time. Explain that matter is a special form of energy, and that very small amount of material could yield enormous material if it's atomic structure were disrupted.

What was Einstein's general theory of relativity?

Explain the fundamental concepts of space, time, matter, and energy are not distinct, independent things with stable dimensions, Esther Isaac Newton assumed, but they are interacting elements constantly changing one another.

Who claimed his wife was the first American flapper?

F Scott Fitzgerald clean that is a rebellious wife, Zelda, was the first American flapper. Stimulated by alcohol, chill out doing crazy things such as dancing in New York City fountains and stripping off her clothes in the middle of Grand Central Station. A Catholic priest in Brooklyn complained that the feminism of 1920s I provoked of pandemonium of powder, riot in Rouge, and a moral Anarchy of dress.

what also influenced the Arts and letters of the 20s on a more dark side?

F Scott Fitzgerald in the side of paradise depicted the sad young men who fought in Europe to make the world safe for democracy had grown up to find that all God's Dead, all wars fought, all faiths and man shaking.

What did F Scott Fitzgerald name the Jazz Age-based upon?

F Scott Fitzgerald, a boy nicely handsome Princeton University Dropout, was labeled the voice of his generation after his first novel, this side of paradise. Fitzgerald fastened upon the Jazz Age as a label for the spirit of rebellious and spontaneity he observed among many young Americans.

What were the evidence signs during the Great Depression that the Great Depression was about to occur?

Factories were reducing production or shutting down altogether and the GDP, gross domestic product, dropped 27%. One quarter of the workforce is that a work and as the financial and Industrial sectors collapsed, the farm sector stagnated. farmers were making lots of money by selling their products to European nations so they decided to take out loans to buy more land to increase production which led to more overproduction which led to lower prices are grains and livestock. Additionally, Harvests were at their Record highest too.

Why did Congress pass the emergency Immigration Act of 1921?

Fears of an invasion of foreign radicals made them limit immigration 250,000 a year unrestricted newcomers from each European country to 3% of the total number of that nationality represented in the 1910 census.

What is the wind Sprints strike of 1919 create?

Fears that unions promoted radical socialism in between 1920 and 1921, the unemployment rate jumped from 2 to 14%, And industrial production fell by 23% as the economy made the transition from war to peace.

Who was labeled in The Lost Generation?

Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and other young modernist. They were those who lost faith in the values and institutions of Western Civilization and were frantically looking for New Gods to worship. Gertrude even told Hemingway that is friends and him who served in the war are a Lost Generation. Hemingway objected, but Gertrude stood her ground and said that he's lost and has no respect for anything.

The shortest skirts were worn by the so-called?

Flappers, pleasure-seeking young women who in defiance of proper pre-war standards drove automobiles, Bob their hair meaning of cut it short requiring the invention of the bobby pin, I wore minimal under clothing, Gauzy Fabrics, sheer stockings, dangling necklaces, and plenty of makeup, especially Rouge and lipstick. They often join young men and smoking cigarettes, drinking, gambling, and dancing to jazz music. They were the finally independent and desperately seductive. They wanted more out of life than marriage and motherhood. Their Carefree version of feminism was fun-loving, defiant, self-indulgent, and self-destructive.

Why was there such rapid urbanization?

For the first time in the nation's history, more people lived in cities than in rural areas. Farmers suffered as the wartime boom and exports of grains and livestock to Europe ground to a halt. 4 million people move to cities from farms because of the better quality of life and because of the Agricultural recession. traditionalists and modernists soon had find a cultural Civil War.

What was the world Court?

Formerly called the permanent Court of international Justice at the hog in the Netherlands. Credible the League of Nations, the world Court, composed of 15 International judges, was intended to arbitrate disputes between nations. the legislative body refused to approve of American membership in the world Court for the same reasons that the senate had refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles for they did not want the United States to become Bound in any way by International Organization.

what were the majority of women?

Full-time wives and mothers or household servants. The growing number of electricity and electrical appliances made house work easier and supermarkets offered year-round access to fruits, vegetables, and meats which greatly reduced the traditional tasks of food preparation such as canning, baking bread, and plucking chickens. Women of color usually worked as Maids, laundresses, or seamstresses, or on farms.

what was the nation's overall mood?

Gloom settled over the financial community. There were wild rumors circulating about fortunes lost and careers ruined investors who borrowed heavily we're now forced to sell their Holdings that huge losses so that they could pay their debts. Stock Brokers and investors committed suicide. The president of a bankruptcy car company jumped off the ledge of a hotel and two business partners join hands and leap to their deaths from the Ritz hotel. Even room clerks cast guess if they wanted a room for jumping or sleeping.

What activities did Harding take part in?

Harding was a hell-raiser, he drank outlawed liquor in the White House, smoked and chew tobacco, posted poker games, had numerous extramarital Affairs and even fathered children with women other than his domineering wife, Florence Harding, whom he called The Duchess. One woman whom he had an affair with demanded money for her silence and she got it.

Who was the Ohio game?

Harding's Drinking Buddies who met in a house on K Street near the White House to help the president relieve the pressures of his high office through drinking, many lesser offices where members of the Ohio Gang.

What were Fosdick's liberal views?

Harry Emerson Fosdick dismissed biblical fundamentalism as a measurable folly. The Bible, he explained, was not literally the word of God, but instead was a representation of God's wonders. He also said that Christianity had nothing to fear from darwinian Evolution or modern science, for he argued liberal Christianity saves us from the necessity of apologizing for immature states in the development in the biblical revelation.

How did Harding reduce regulatory laws and agencies?

He appointed Commissioners to these federal agencies remote regulatory capitalism and policies friendly to business interests. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge help guide Harding's choice of men to lead the Regulatory Agencies.

Why was the Klan threatened by Smith, What policies did he support?

He criticized prohibition which gained him in Irish, Italian oh, and other audience. He was the first Roman Catholic nominated for president by a major party. He represented want Southern and Western Rural Democrats as well as most Rural and small-town Republicans were against. to the clan, he threatened the Puritan civilization.

why did frued appeal to Young Americans?

He gave reasoning as to why rebelling against social conventions and indulging in sex made sense. some oversimplified his theories by claiming sexual pleasure was essential and that all forms of sexual activity were good and that all inhibitions about sex were bad.

At the Republican State Convention what did Stephenson do?

He patrolled the eyes with a pistol and he confessed that he purchased the county and state officials and the reason why he was able to purchase them that's because he collected dues from the clan members and sold Clan accessories which made him wealthy enough to the point where he even plan to run for president of the United States.

What was the progressivist like move that Warren G Harding did?

He reversed the Wilson Administration segregation's policy of excluding African-Americans from federal government jobs. He spoke out against the Vigilante racism and he insisted that the nation must deal with thefestering race tactical Klux Klan for fomenting hatred, Prejudice, and violence. Harding was trying to propose a bill but The Senate failed to pass it.

When Harding asked Hoover what he should do about it what did he say?

He said publish it, get credit for it for your integrity and your side but Harding suffered an attack from food poisoning in Seattle, seem to be recovering, only to die in San Francisco at the age of 57.

FTR notes about Motion Pictures a source of concern by Henry L. Myers.

He says that people are taught or commendable characteristic oh, a good motive or a trait of humanity. He believes that those who control the industry put in the paths of shady life, the risque, the ways of extravagance which give them the most money and they don't care about the effect it has on the young, the old, and industries. He says that Industries say that is nobody's business and that they should conduct it the way that they wish to conduct it. Instead, he believes the state government should have a concern in the education of the young and it should regulate the movies as they affect citizenship, education, and the morals of all Americans. He believes that censorship is a good thing. he believes a great deal of people seeking extravagance of the day and crime comes from moving pictures. Young people want to gain a fast life through Shady waysAnd they are going to lose morals. He recalls an event where people from the age of 15 to 20 stole an automobile, one jumped out and shot an innocent family Barber which resulted in the crowd of people being shocked which made the youths flee the scene in The Stolen automobile. he says that these young criminals got their ideas from Motion Pictures like the harm that a saloon brings. He wants to close the movies on Sunday and regulate them on weekdays by judicious censorship. He also says that in Hollywood there are people who are gaining influence from the characters in the movies which affect their education, views of life, and Character forming habits.

What was Herbert Hoover's position during World War I?

He served in The Food Administration, the US delegation at the Versailles Peace conference oh, and he idolized Woodrow Wilson and supported American membership in the League of Nations. Franklin Roosevelt even wished Hoover was the president of the United States.

What was Albert Einstein's gift?

He was able to picture in his mind the strange effects of natural forces, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large.

What was Calvin Coolidge's persona?

He was straight talkin, and had personal humility. Aligned himself with Republican Progressive, voted for women's suffrage, state income tax, minimum wage for female workers, and salary increases for public school teachers. However when he entered the White House he had abandoned most of those causes. Coolidge was determined not to be an activist president.

What did Hemingway write about in his first novel, The Sun Also Rises?

Hemingway used the phrase Lost Generation in the books opening quotation. The novel centers on Jake Barnes, a young American journalist castrated by War. His despairing life leads him to wander the cafes in nightclubs of post-war Europe with his unhappy friends, who acknowledge that they all are wounded and sterile and their own way, they have lost their innocence, their Illusions, and a motivation to do anything with their lives.

What government policies also contributed to the depression?

High tariffs hurt the economy by reducing foreign trade. Herbert Hoover supported protective tariffs to keep out foreign competition. this led to the smoot-hawley Tariff of 1930.

what did Hoover experience in his campaign?

Hoover mainly stayed Above The Fray, reminding Americans of their unparalleled prosperity and promising a job for every man.

What was the emancipated new women of the 20s?

I seized the right to vote want you really discarding The Confident wardrobe of their mother's generation, pinched in corsages, layers of petticoats, and floor-length dresses. Usually skirts for 6 inches above the ground but by 1927, they were at the knee. And Utah, legislature debated a bill that would have jailed women for wearing skirts higher than 3 inches above the ankle.

What vicious cycle started to occur?

If stock price has declined and the buyer failed to meet the margin call to pay off the Brokers loan, the broker could sell the stock are much lower price to cover the loan. Stockbrokers were lending investors more than two-thirds of the face value of the stocks they were buying. But people can buy.

what did the Klan members in Texas focus on?

Imposing severe view of righteous Protestant morality on others. They used harassment, intimidation, beatings, corn feathers to discipline alcoholics, gamblers, adulterers, and other sinners. Dallas Klan flag 68 men in 1922 alone.

When was the first moving Picture Show?

In 1896, a New York audience feed the first moving Picture Show.

what was the timeline for American aircrafts?

In 1914 as Europeans began to use the airplane as a military weapon, the United States had no combat planes and this American Pilots flew British or French warplanes. After the war the aircraft industry was immobilized but under the Kelly act of 1925 the federal government began to subsidize the industry through airmail contracts.

How many homes have electricity in comparison to 1920 and 1930?

In 1920 only 35% of homes and by 1930 nearly doubled, at 68%. Households had indoor plumbing, washing machines, and Automobiles. People have flush toilets, electric irons and fans, handheld cameras, wristwatches, cigarette lighters, vacuum cleaners, and linoleum floors.

What came before radio commercials?

In 1920, Station WWJ in Detroit began transmitting new bulletins, and KDKA in Pittsburgh begin broadcasting regularly scheduled programs.

Where did the Klan have its headquarters?

In Atlanta they grew especially in the rural Midwest. During the twenties 40% of its Anglo-Saxon members were in The Midwestern states, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.

when James Weldon said the word Aframerican, what did it mean?

In designated American to the African ancestry and to emphasize that blacks were no longer divided by their Heritage and that they were proud to be American to happen to have African ancestry.

what book did Herbert Hoover right which disappointed Roosevelt?

In the American individualism, Hoover Road of an ideal of service they went beyond rugged individualism to promote the greater good. Do you want some government officials to encourage businesses to give up Cutthroat competition and engage in voluntary cooperation performing trade associations that would share information and promote standardization and efficiency. He said he was a progressive conservative.

Where did modernism first appear?

In the capitals of Europe, London, Paris, Berlin, and Vienna in the 1890s.

what was the fordney McCumber Tariff of 1922?

Increase the rates on imported chemical and Metal Products to help prevent Revival of German corporations that had dominated those Industries before the Great War. it included tariffs on agricultural Imports as well.

How did the Federal Reserve board, the fed, the government agency that served as a central bank by managing the nation's money supply and interest rates contribute to the Great Depression?

Instead of expanding the money supply to generate growth, the Federal Reserve did the reverse, reducing the money supply four possible inflation in consumer prices and that's between 1929 and 1932 The money supply shrink by a third leading 10000 small Banks to close.

Did progressivism disappear in the 1920s?

It dominated key leadership positions inCongressas it was an Impulse for honest, efficient government and regulation of business remains strong, especially at the state and local levels in efforts to improve public education, public health, and social welfare projects.

What was the air Commerce Act of 1926?

It provided the funds for the advancement of air transportation and navigation including the construction of airports.

how bad was the wartime taxes and national debt from the war?

It was 1 billion dollars in 1914 to 27 billion dollars in 1920. unemployment was at 12%.

how did the automobiles and Rising incomes change the way people spend their Leisure Time?

It's a lot of for Americans to fall in love with spectator sports, driving to the countryside, visit friends and relatives, go to both parks, stadiums, or boxing rings horsey baseball and football games and prizefights.

Why did progressivism lose its energy?

Its leaders were no more. Roosevelt died in 1919. Wilson had a stroke which forced him to finish out his second term broken physically and mentally. Many Americans prefer to other candidates. Organized labor resented the Crackdown on striking workers in 1919 to 1920. Farmers in the Great Plains and the West. They were being discriminated against by Price controls on commodities. Liberal intellectuals became disillusioned because of popular support for prohibition, the Ku Klux Klan, and religious fundamentalism.

How is the nation affected by Jazz?

Jazz quickly spread from New Orleans, Kansas City, Memphis, and St Louis to African American neighborhoods of Harlem in New York City and Chicago South Side. Large dancehall is a, needed them and new dances like the Charleston and the black bottom were created. White flocked to black night clubs in jazz joints. the word jazzing was thrown around meaning to invigorate something.

With mean people took James to the next level and gave it its true meaning?

Jelly Roll Morton Duke Ellington Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith, the Empress of the Blues, combined the energies of Ragtime with the emotions of the Blues to create Jazz, originally an African American slang term meaning sexual intercourse.

In the election of 1924 who was the presidential candidate for the Democrats?

John W Davis, a Wall Street lawyer from West Virginia who could nearly out to Coolidge and his limited government conservatism.

how did powerful consumer culture have create a Marketplace of retail stores?

Kellogg's Corn Flakes and general electric toasters were made popular. giant businesses squeezed out local businesses and Regional businesses. Walsworth had 1500 stores and Walgreens had 525 by the 1920s.

what proved that the executives and professionals had pride in being of a higher standard?

Lawyers, doctors, dentists, accountants, stockbrokers, teachers, nurses, and Engineers went without food and medical care to save money and avoid the humiliation of going on relief.

who believed that the women of the 1920s were not associated with flappers?

Lillian symes, a longtime activist send that her generation have little in common with the flapper of today. the conservative political mood steered women towards traditional roles such as Homemakers, and college curricula began to shift accordingly. Some classes such as the one adviser College hand courses such as husband and wife, motherhood, and the family of an economic unit. At the same time fewer college-educated women pursuing careers such as the proportion of Physicians for Women fell during the 20s from 6 to 4 % and similar reductions occurred among dentists, Architects, and chemists. 4% of working women in the 1920s for salaried professionals.

How did locals in the north react to the new coming blacks?

Local ethnic groups, especially Irish and Italians feared that the newcomers would take their jobs. Southern blacks, ignorant of City ways, we're taking advantage of by white landowners, Realtors, and bankers who forced them into substandard and segregated housing and pay lower wages than whites. However treatment in the South was way worse than it was in the North. Missouri born poet Langston Hughes spoke about how the Jim Crow laws are awful. over time, African-Americans Forge New lives in strange new land, Building new churches, new communities, new families, and even do cultures while reconstructing new identities.

What is the story of Arthur Hazard and Mabel Puffer?

Mabel puffer, a wealthy college graduate, and Arthur Hazzard, a handyman and leader within the local black community, decided to get married in Concord, New Hampshire. They checked into separate rooms, then the lobby, walk three blocks to the courthouse to apply for a marriage license, only to be told that there was a 5-day waiting period. they waited, and made preparations for the wedding. The mayor of Concord agreed to perform the service and Hazards siblings and mother made plans to attend. The Boston evening globe Brandon and provocative story on his front page and in a local town of Ayer, Massachusetts was outraged. The first time it was will marry negro in perfect union and the next time it was hope to prevent white woman wedding negro. Suddenly the mayor of Concord reversed himself and announced he cannot perform the wedding. However after being turned down several times, they finally found a minister willing to marry them. The night before the wedding the police arrested Hazard on charge of enticement and took his wife puffer because she had been deemed insane.

Who are the most popular female movie stars?

Madge Bellamy, Clara Bow, and Joan Crawford all projected images of central Freedom, energy, and Independence.

Why did people put the blame on immigrants during the 1920s?

Many people still had traditional lives and traced the Modernist beliefs back to multi-ethnic cities teeming with immigrants who could have believed in socialism, communism, and anarchism.

What was mass culture?

Mass advertising and marketing campaigns lights and more and more Americans sing the same advertisements and buying the exact same products at the stores. Some of their magazines and radio programs drove the same cars and people then adored the same sports stars and celebrities and watched the same movie.

What is the landmark budget and accounting Act of 1921?

Melon persuaded Congress to pass the landmark budget and accounting Act of 1921 which created a bureau of the budget to streamline the process of preparing an annual federal budget to be approved by Congress. The bill also created General Accounting Office to audit spending by federal agencies this will fill the progressive desire to bring efficiency and non-partisanship to the budget.

what did Henry Van Dyke dismiss Jazz as?

Merely an irritation of the nerves of hearing, a sensual teasing of the strings of physical passion. However, Americans and Europeans were not affected by their criticism and modernist painters like Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso or infatuated with jazz music.

Set the number of Mexicans in Texas increased tenfold how did Texas Farmers take advantage of Mexicans?

Mexican migrant workers were mostly Nomads willing to move with the seasons Farm owners came to them over black and white tenants and farm laborers.

Why did the troubles in Nicaragua increase strength between the United States and Mexico?

Mexican threat to expropriate American Oil properties in Mexico and it did fact occur, but the Mexican Government agreed to reimburse American owners.

What did the KKK want to do?

Militant patriotism, Restrictions on immigration and voting, and strict personal morality. they opposed bootleg liquor and labor unions and preached hatred against not only African Americans but Roman Catholics, Jews, immigrants, Communists, atheists, prostitutes, and filters.

What happened to the groups of hourly workers?

Miners and textile mill hands wages dropped although other productivity increased by 43%. wages barely Rose except for minors and textile mill hands.

Put simply, what was modernism?

Modernism was the widespread awareness of the new ideas and ways of doing things for making a sharp break with tradition. The modernist point of view rose out of Technologies, modes of transportation and communication, and scientific discoveries which transformed how people acted everyday and how people saw the world.

What was the difference between modernist and traditionalists?

Modernist looked to the future for inspiration and traditionalists looked to the Past for guidance.

how did this technique help Ford?

More efficiency allowed Ford to lower the price of his cars which increased the number of people who could afford them which increase the amount of profit he made.

what crazy statistic about Great Depression revolves around immigration?

More people left the United States than arrived as immigrants.

What was the current status of minorities during the Great Depression?

Most African-Americans still lived in the southern states where the farm dominate economy was depressed and African Americans earn their meager livelihoods from farming come as tenants and sharecroppers. Racial discrimination kept blacks out of the few labor unions and that's they had some of the lowest paying jobs. They were the victims of violence and intimidation and most were still excluded from voting and we're segregated in public places like hotels and trains. The song Hard Times ain't gone nowhere describes the Parvati that came with the Great Depression. 3 million rural blacks in the South lived in cramped cabins without electricity, running water, or bathrooms. so I left the South to take factory jobs in the North or the first to be laid off and blank have the highest rate of joblessness in the early years of the Great Depression, but churches and charity organizations gave aid but some refuse to provide support for blacks, Mexicans, and Asians.

what are the statistics on hunger during the Great Depression?

Most families went without fruit and vegetables. Public Schools showed that 1/4 suffer from malnutrition. The US Public Health Service revealed that families of unemployed workers had 66% more illnesses. New York City hospitals reported a hundred cases of death by starvation. Millions lined up at soup kitchens, churches, and charities which distributed minimal amounts of food and water. Others runs through the trash or garbage dumps.

Where did modernism first appear in the United States?

New York City in Chicago and the second decade of the 20th century.

was Henry Ford a nice boss?

Nope, he prohibited his workers from Talking, sitting, smoking, or singing while on the job. This method worked because the United States about 10 times more automobiles than all of Europe combined.

The people know of Harding's horrible activities?

Nope, the public was unaware and voters saw him as handsome and Charming for leader who looked like a leader. However, Harding felt he wasn't qualified.

Where did the leading American champions of modern art and literature live?

Not in Chicago or in New York but in England in Europe. Ezra pound in St Louis oh, t. S. Eliot and London, and California and Gertrude Stein in Paris.

How much money were executives earning?

One third of the nation's income.

why was the modernist Viewpoint of Einstein's ideas kind of changed?

Other than the applied Einstein's ideas about relativity and which reality no longer had an objective organizable basis, they agreed wholeheartedly with fruit and the fact that he was intensely in word and subjective. Walter pack, and early American champion of Walter pack, an early American champion of Modern Art, explained that modernism resulted from the discovery of the role played by the unconscious in our lives.

what did the 1925 Westinghouse advertisement urge?

People to buy the Cozy glow Junior heater and the Sol-luk Luminaire lamp, among other new electrical appliances that would do anything for you in return.

three years later, why did Congress pass the Immigration Act of 1924?

People were complaining at too many Eastern and Southern Europeans are still being admitted and Congress reduce the number of admitted Europeans to 2% of the 1890 census, conclude fewer new immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, Jews, Italians, poles, and Russians.

How did psychoanalysis come into play?

People who are professionals at psychoanalysis, help people come to grips with the demons haunting them by using Talk therapy. talk therapy allowed for patients to tell the stories of their lives and inner frustrations and repressed fears and urges. There are about 500 psycho-analysis in New York City Alone by 1916.

What were the clan recruiters called?

Play Eagles, we're told to play upon whatever prejudices were most acute in a particular area. in Texas, they fed of Pawn prejudices against Mexicans and in California hatred against Japanese-Americans and in New York against Jews and Catholics.

Who said that advertising have you come the most potent influence and adopting and changing the habits and modes of life?

President Calvin Coolidge.

Quiz 1.7 Notes

Quiz 1.7 Notes

what transformed Jazz into a national craze?

Radio featured big band leaders Paul Whiteman, Guy Lombardo, Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller, and Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey perform live over the radio regularly. Country western music also developed and WSM offered the weekly variety show which featured Grand Ole Opry, an array of country music stars.

What did jazz music first emerge as?

Ragtime Piano based music.

Why was the decade between the end of the Great War and the onset of the Great Depression perhaps the most dynamic in American history?

Rapid urbanization, technological innovation, Prosperity, Social rebellious news, cultural upheaval, and political conservatism. Women could vote in all states, but most African American men and women in the south and women could experience Freedom's previously limited to men. The eighteenth amendment outlawed alcoholic beverages in 1920 which set off an epidemic of lawbreaking by citizens, police, and public officials.

What were the effects of the Great Depression?

Reviews of the prosperity of the 1920s had been built on weak foundations. It created a physiological panic that accelerated the economic decline. more than 9,000 Banks had closed. because people went to go sell their shares created a worser reaction.

Reorganizing the old Progressive Party which was consistent of rural populists and urban progressives, They nominated who?

Robert and fighting Bob LaFollette. as Republican senator who voted against the war against Germany anyone that support of the Socialist Party and the American Federation of Labor.This showed the economy was searching and prosperity because of his aggressive support of the interest of business and that it was at the height of postwar political conservatism.

Who is the first athlete to appear on the cover of Time Magazine?

Running back Harold Edward Red Grange of the University of Illinois appeared on the cover of the Time Magazine because in the game against the University of Michigan, The Galloping ghost scored a touchdown the first four times he carried the ball. he signed a contract with the Chicago Bears and he made professional football competitive like baseball as a spectator sport.

advertisements for new movies rainforest what?

Self-indulgent images of the Jazz Age. Man, beautiful Jazz babies, champagne baths, midnight Revels, petting parties in a purple done, all ending in one terrific Climax and makes you gasp. Traditionalist were shocked by the behavior of Rebellious women. they said that women were tempting boys with their dresses end conversation.

What was Albert Einstein's second research paper?

She confirmed the existence of molecules and atoms by showing how they're random collisions explained the jerky motions of tiny particles in water.

How did Sanger alienate supporters of birth control?

She endorsed sterilization for the mentally incompetent and for people with certain hereditary conditions.

What did the black Sculptor, Augusta Salvage say?

She said that African-Americans for three centuries had share the same cultural background, the same system, the same standard of beauty as white Americans... It is impossible to go back to primitive African art for our models.

what was the purpose of the new quotas?

Shrink the total number of immigrants, to favored immigrants from northern and western Europe enter Deuce this from Southern and Eastern Europe.

Who influenced the frequent treatment of sex?

Sigmund Freud, the Austrian founder of modern psychoanalysis, insisted that the human mind was mysteriously conflicted by often unconscious efforts to repress powerful irritational impulses and sexual desires, libido.

What jobs did clan members take up?

Small farmers, sharecroppers, or wage workers, but they also were clergymen, Engineers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, Business Leaders, and teachers.

what did the Democrats see Smith as?

Smith as a hero, the grandson of Irish Catholic immigrants would work themselves up to governor of the most populous state. This was especially apparent to the working-class Democrats in Northern cities. he criticized prohibition

While masses of Americans devoted their free time to spectator sports, radio programs, and movies what did many young people direct their attention to?

Social and cultural Rebellion. Soon after Scott's Fitzgerald became the voice of his generation after his first novel, the side of paradise. It showed the Rowdy Student Life at Princeton. It said that the Jazz Age was a label for the spirit of rebellion has and spontaneity he observed among many young Americans.

What were the signs that the economy was weakening?

Steel production, residential construction, and automobile sales we're slowing and was the rate of consumer spending. Industrial production, employment and other measures of economic activity were also declining. However the stock market kept Rising.

What occurred on October 29th Black Tuesday?

Stock prices free fold and Brokers found themselves flooded with stocks they could not sell and on that day investors on 15 billion and by the end of the month they had lost 50 billion.

what was Guinn V United States of 1915?

Supreme Court struck down Oklahoma's efforts to deprive African Americans of the vote.

what was the city of Haarlem like?

Taverns, lounges, supper clubs, dance halls, and saloons also known as speakeasies that hosted writers and Painters talking about literature and are we listening to Jazz and drinking illegal booze. Became the nightclub capital of the world.

What were the major goals of progressivism?

The 18th Amendment which outlawed alcoholic beverages, in the 19th Amendment which allowed women Nationwide to vote.

what were Americans feeling emotionally and what was their current Financial standing?

The Carefree optimism of the twenties disappeared, grassroot protests erupted as the depression worsened, a quarter of the population could not afford housing or adequate food, hungry people looting grocery stores, angry mobs stop local sheriff's from foreclosing and farms, and judges were threatened at bankruptcy hearings. sometimes of Revolution and medical change. Mississippi Governor Theodore Bilbo even noted that communism might be gaining a foothold.

What was the Armory show?

The European inspired event in the history of American art which was designed to bring European inspired modernism to a climax. Mabel Dodge even said things after the Armory Show will never be the same afterwards. There were 1200 modernist Works collected from 300 painters and sculptors in America and Europe. And the vast 69th regiment Armory in New York City. The Armory show known as the international exhibition of Modern Art, create an immediate sensation. many people loved to hate it. The New York Times called it a lunatic asylum.

what country was absolutely devastated when the federal reserve's tighter monetary policy drastically slowed the amount of American Capital going abroad?

The German economy which was dependent on loans from American Banks was devastated as American money dried up. And the smoot-hawley Tariff made it even more difficult for European nations to sell their products in the United States.

What Albert Smith's Views?

The Klarion call for all Crusade against him, mailing thousands of post guards for climbing that alcohol Smith oh, was the Antichrist. This led Smith to deal with constant criticism.

What Bill did Senator Charles L McNary of Oregon and representative Gilbert and Hagen of Iowa introduced?

The McNary Haugen bill.

Who is Warren G Harding?

The Republican leaders nominated their candidate, Warren G Harding, a senator from Ohio. He was selected as he was from a key State and looked presidential only, not from his experience. He wanted to end Wilson's progressivism and internationalism.

what was the Teapot Dome affair?

The Teapot Dome was the government-owned oil field in Wyoming that provided Reserve fuel for warships. Parting move the administrative control from the Department of the Navy to the Department of the interior. Albert B fall, the Secretary of the Interior, signed over generous Federal contracts with close friends who are Executives of petroleum companies that want to access to the oil. He took bribes of $400,000 from an oil tycoon and was convicted of conspiracy and bribery and sentenced to a year in prison, the first former cabinet official to serve time because of misconduct in office.

how much was the Ford Model T?

The Tin Lizzy, cheap and rugged, built to last forever, came out in 1908 at the price of $850 about 22,000 today. Soon Ford heightened their efficient production techniques in the same car sold for $290 16 years later.

What was the economy looking like in Nations such as Great Britain, France, Spain, and Italy and also Germany?

The allies during World War I had never fully recovered from the Great War, and Germany continue to flounder. The American government insisted that the Allies had to pay 11 billion dollars, but Great Britain and France had no money. they're forced to borrow huge sums 5 billion dollars from u.s. Banks and after the stock market crash they could no longer pop up the European economies.

what did all of these Superstars share in common?

The became popular with working class men. Like Babe Ruth and Dempsey they both started off poor. When James Joseph Gene Tunney defeated them see, more than a hundred thousand people attended including a thousand of orders, 10 State Governors, and numerous Hollywood celebrities. Some 69 people listen to the fight over the radio.

What influence the idea of a modernist cultural revolution?

The breakthroughs associated with Sigmund frued, Albert Einstein, and other scientists.

What heightened America's isolationism from foreign affairs and anti-American feelings among Europeans?

The complex issue of paying off huge War debts. France and Great Britain ran out of money in the US government advanced than massive loans for the war effort and then for post-war reconstruction projects.

What did the Native is embedded in the new immigration laws reinforce?

The connection between European immigrants and political radicalism.

what was Buchanan vs worley of 1917?

The court invalidated are residential segregation ordinance in Louisville Kentucky.

what was nativism?

The fear of and prejudice against immigrants from countries outside of Western Europe, and a militant protestantism and ism that's not to restore the Primacy of traditional Christian morality.

Why was the push for progressivism weakened?

The fight between Woodrow Wilson and the republican-led Senate, the Treaty of Versailles, and the administration's Crackdown on the dissenters and socialists weakened progressivism.

who was Alain Locke?

The first black Rhodes scholar, announced at the home assistance was led by a self-confident new negro who knew longer felt subservient to White culture.

what is the timeline for the automotive industry?

The first motor car was manufactured for sale in 1895, but the founding of the Ford Motor Company in 1903 could revolutionize the infant industry. First cars were handmade, expensive, and design for the wealthy. However, Henry Ford soon became the Godfather of mass production I wanted to democratize the automobile. You wanted everyone to afford the Ford Model T.

What was the scandal with the veterans Bureau?

The head of the veterans Bureau resign when faced with an investigation for stealing medical and hospital supplies intended for former servicemen. The legal adviser to the bureau killed himself. Jesse Smith was shot dead in a hotel room after he had threatened to quit the racket. General Harry and Dougherty was illegally selling Federal paroles, pardons, judgeships Ms justice department office and was also accused of selling personal gain German assets seized after the war.

What accelerated and expanded the appeal of modernism?

The horrors of the Great War.

Why were there conservative Protestants and liberal Protestants?

The modernist fundamentalist conflict created this. It divided congregations and hold the nominations. A burst of protestant fundamentalism swept the country as a result to the spread of modernism in Mainline protestantism which Saint to accommodate Christian teaching with modern science.

Where were the successful farms and what were they doing differently?

The most successful corporations we're getting larger, more efficient, and more mechanized. They had better plows, Harvesters, combines, and other machines accompanied fertilizers and methods of animal breeding.

what was the Harlem resistance?

The nation's first black literary and artistic movement. Rapid population growth generated a sense of common identity, Growing Power, and distinctive self-expression that transformed Harlem into the cultural capital of African American writer James Weldon Johnson described a black Manhattan as typically negro community of 175000 in that it featured movement, color, Gotti, singing, dancing, boisterous laughter, and Loud talk. Langston Hughes called it a great, Dark City.

what was the mcnary-haugen bill?

The proposed bill called for a surplus of American crops to be sold on the World Market to raise prices in the Home Market. To secure equality for agriculture in the benefits of the protective tariff. raise domestic prices so that farmers would have the same purchasing power relative to the prices that occurred during 1909 and 1914.

Who is Gertrude Stein?

The self-appointed champion of American modernist. Stein was in fact one of the chief promoters of the triumphant subjectivity undergirding modernist expression. She wanted to capture words the equivalent of an abstract painting and life and said that anyone who says that literature tells about what happens in life is not interesting she also hosted a cultural Salon in Paris it became a Gathering Place for American and European modernists.

Who is Secretary of Treasury, Andrew Mellon?

The third richest man, developed the Mellon plan which reduced federal spending and lower tax rates. Melon persuaded Congress to pass the landmark budget and Accounting Act of 1921 which created a bureau of the budget to streamline the process of preparing an annual federal budget to be approved by Congress.

how much was the automotive industry transformed from 1920-1929?

There were 8 million in 1920 and in 1929 there were more than 23 million.

how many of the Clans membership where in some sort of political office or high position?

There were judges, Sheriff's, state legislators, six Governors, and three US senators.

What was the automobile revolution in part propelled by?

There were lots of oil fields in Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and California. The United States have produced two-thirds of the world's oil and gasoline by 1920.

What proves the post-war time was so nerve-wracking which lead people to more traditional religious beliefs and more values and Native ways of life?

There were strikes, bombings, anti-communist hysteria, and race riots. Terrorist attacks increased and racial violence too.

How did the Yankees dominate?

They built the new stadium 2 years later, dubbing it the house that Ruth built, won the World Series championship in 1923, 1927 and 1928. More than 20 million people attended professional games in 1927, the the year that Ruth, the Sultan of Swat, set a record by hitting 60 home runs.

What did Fitzgerald Center most of his works on?

They center on being self-indulgent and self-destructive people who drink and party too much. What gave them to the best of his work was a character in The Great Gatsby, his finest novel, called together the sense of fundamental decency and a sense of impending doom in a world that had lost its meeting through the disorientating discoveries of modern science and the horrors of World War.

How did the federal government helped the automobile industry stretch out across the United States?

They constructed 10000 miles of paved highways each year by 1929.

what campaign was launched by the NAACP, But was taken down by Southerners in the Senate?

They launched a national campaign against lynching, but the bill was not passed in the Senate although is passed in the house. The Senate was mostly consisted of Southerners.

what tactics did employees used to prevent unions?

They required workers to sign yellow dog contracts, which force them not to join a union. Owners also use labor spies, Blacklist, and intimidation to block unions. Henry Ford used profit-sharing, bonuses, pensions, health programs, and recreational activities to kill unions with kindness.

What additional excuse did Britain and France use as to why they could not repay the debts?

They said the reparations that Germany owed them, 33 billion dollars, was needed so that they could initiate their a payment of their debt but this was unrealistic because the German economy was in shambles, and was ravaged by runaway inflation.

What was the punishment for Sacco and Vanzetti?

They were convicted and sentenced to death. Their legal appeals lasted six years before they were electrocuted oh, still claiming their innocence.

What are the Republicans wanting the Democrats to do about Harding?

They were initially encouraged to nominate Harding but they also had to find a candidate of Their Own.

who were Wilbur and Orville Wright?

They were owners of a bicycle shop in Dayton Ohio and flown the first flying machine over the Beach at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

What were mainstream Americans shocked by from a specific artist?

They're shocked by Mabel Dodge Luhan hand, a leading promoter of modern literature who used modernist forms of artistic expression and sexual liberation. He said that he wanted to overthrow the old Order of Things.

what was The kellogg-briand Pact?

This unique treaty started with an initiative by the French foreign minister aristide Briand, who 1927 proposed to Secretary of State Frank B Kellogg it's a two countries agree never to go to war against each other. This is actually a clever ploy to draw the United States into the French security system. In any future War, The Pact would inhibit the United States from seeking reprisals and response to any french intrusions on neutral rights. it backfired and it became to pack to Paris and declared that the signatories renounce War as an instrument of national policy. Although Every Nation reserves the right of self-defense as an escape hatch.

what did Langston Hughes Express that writers and artists were ready to do?

To express our individual dark skin cells without fear of Shame. If 1 people are pleased, we are glad. If they are not, it does not matter. We know we are beautiful. And ugly too.

What was Harding's vanilla promise?

To return to normalcy, it reflected his unexceptional background and limited abilities.

What was the Sacco and Vanzetti case?

Two Italian immigrants who describe themselves as revolutionary anarchists who wanted the top of the American government, Shoemaker Nicola Sacco and fish Peddler Bartolomeu Vanzetti, were arrested in Boston Massachusetts, for stealing $16,000 from a shoe factory and killing a paymaster and the guard. when the police arrived oh, the two were loaded with pistols, however; they lying to the police and both were identified by Witnesses. The stolen money was never found. additionally, people claimed they were with Sacco and Vanzetti but they are far from the crime scene when it occurred.

Who was on the experimental list and who had avant-garde style work?

Vincent van Gogh, Paul goggin, and Henri Matisse, as well as soon as Cezanne and Picasso. the times said they were in love with science but not objective reality. Theodore Roosevelt described it as repellent.

Who did people elect to restore Traditional Values and social stability?

Warren G Harding, the president in 1920 was elected because he promised to return America to normalcy. there is less of a push for progressives and people demanded honest, efficient government and public services and social reform.

How did women play a role in the Harlem resistance?

Was black and white women were active in the Harlem resistance. A 34 year old African American woman named Zora Neale Hurston arrived in Harlem from Eatonville, and all black community in rural Central Florida. She was an aspiring writer and inventive Storyteller in search of the new negro movement with only $1.50 in her purse, no job, no friends and a lot of hope, she became the first African American to enroll at Barnard College, the Women's College of Columbia University on the edge of Harlem, where she majored in cultural anthropology. A brassy, flamboyant woman, Hurston had mastered the art of Survival by let him to reinvent herself as the need arose. Motherless at 9, a runaway at 14, she wanted to stretch her Ambitions well beyond her resources. She was writing plays and short stories about the Harlem resistance and the Negro for this down on the social scale while positioning herself at the center of the communities social life. She reveled in black pride and cultural confidence. she invited controversy Enrique my meeting Anthropologist, folklorist, and novelist and describe the ways African-Americans in the Lower South Forge cohesive communities in the face of bigotry and violence. The harm resistance of celebrated the distinctive contributions of poor African-Americans American culture.

What radio programs became Popular and why were they called soap operas?

Weekday radio programs that involved middle-class Housewives Crofton sponsored by national companies advertising laundry detergent and hand soap, hence the term soap operas. They target women because they purchased two-thirds of American goods. photoplay Magazine said that women of the house buys most of the things which make the home happy and beautiful. She spends most of the family money through her slim, safe fingers.

what was Albert Einstein's first paper and how did it come to fruition?

When Einstein was working in Switzerland, he published several research papers that earned him the Nobel Peace Prize that said that light was not a wave of continuous energy but a stream of tiny particles, called quanta now called photons.

Who is the face of boxing?

William Harrison Jack Dempsey who won the world heavyweight title from Jess Willard, a giant man weighing 300 lb and standing six and a half feet tall. Pimp C knocking down seven times in the first round and Willard gave up on the fourth round after being beaten and therefore Dempsey became a dominant force in boxing.

Who said that we grew up founding our dreams on the infinite promises American advertising?

Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, the writer and wife of the wildly popular novelist F Scott Fitzgerald.

What were the New vocations that women held?

accounting assistance, consumer culture, and department store clerks. Beauty shop sword from 5000 to 40000. there were hair stylist, manicures, and cosmeticians.

What made Stock so easy?

an investor could make a small cash down payment on shares of stock and borrow the rest from a stock broker, who held the stock certificates as Security in case the price plummeted. If stock Rose, the investor made enough profits to pay for the margin loan and reinvent all the rest.

What did cynicism say?

displaced idealism in the wake of the wars horrific census list. For example, there's only one lesson to be learned from life, that there's no lesson to be learned from life. Frederick Henry so is that a trick word such as glory honor and courage or seen in the context of Wars colossal casualties.

what was the effect of putting profits into business expansion instead of wage increases?

employers created a growing imbalance between production and consumption, supply and demand. Because union membership plummeted, organized labor no longer exerted as much leverage with management over wage increases.

what did movies do besides entertain?

expanded consumer culture by feeding the desires of moviegoers, setting standards and taste and fashion, music, dancing, and hairstyles. They also help stimulate a sexual Revolution and wish people were more sex wise, sex excited, and sex absorbed.

What else did melon proposed specifically on Tax?

he proposed a series of tax reductions and the tax rate on the highest income bracket had risen to 73%. He believed that such high rates for pushing Americans to avoid paying taxes by investing and money in foreign countries or in tax-free government bonds. Is policy systematically reduced tax rates for the rich and poor which especially help the Working Poor.

which people were hit the hardest and what did they do to solve the new situation?

immigrants, women, Farmers, the urban unemployed, Native Americans, and African Americans. Crime sword, Street Corner begging, homelessness and prostitution. The divorce rate dropped because people cannot afford to live separately. However many jobless husbands deserted their wives and children. Married couples decided not to have children because the future is so uncertain and many struggling parents sent their children to live with relatives or friends and does 900,000 children simply left home and joined the growing Army of homeless tramps.

What was the current status of impoverished whites, Asians, and Hispanics?

impoverish White's competed with local Hispanics and Asians for seasonal farm work in the cotton fields or orchids of large corporate Farms. Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino Farm laborers move to cities. Mexicans, mostly migrant Farm Workers, travel from Farm to farm to work during Harvest and planting seasons of different crops. They settled mostly in the southwest in the Midwestern states. As economic conditions worsened, government officials called for the deportation of Mexican born Americans to avoid the cost of providing them with public services. More than 500,000 Mexican Americans and their american-born children were deported to Mexico.

Who Aired the first radio commercial?

in New York in 1922 they are the first radio commercial. By the end of the year there are more than 500 stations.

Describe the timeline of the Ku Klux Klan.

in the 1870s once white Democrats were gained control of the formula Confederate states after reconstruction, the new Clan the invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was by 1920 a nationwide organization devoted to the maintenance of white supremacy and 100% americanism. only white Protestants born in the United States could be members. at its peak the KKK had over 4 million members.

how did black people react to the Clan's growth?

in the Chicago Defender, the black newspaper with the widest circulation in the nation, urged its readers to fight back against the klansman.

What was Albert Einstein's third research paper?

it introduced the theory of relativity, which argues that no matter how fast one is moving toward or away from a source of light the speed of that light will appear the same, a constant 186,000 miles per second. But space and time up here relative to the speed of light. So if a train were traveling at the speed of light, time would slow down from the perspective of an observer, and the train itself would get shorter and heavier.

when did the crash happen and what was the first basic effect?

it occurred September 1921, the stock market fell sharply. World Markets a gun is a steep decline although most investors remained upbeat.

What did Herbert Hoover do in the Commerce Department?

look for new markets for businesses, created a bureau of Aviation to remote the new airline industry, and established the Federal radio Commission.

What happened from Union membership from 1920 to 1929

membership started at 5 million and dropped a 3.5 million as industrial production sword and joblessness fell to 3%. The anti-union effort, led by businesses that wanted to keep wages low and unions week, help to create a purchasing power crisis we're by The Working Poor we're not earning enough income to buy the abundance of goods being turned down I ever more productive Industries.

How did people react to around the world, specifically immigrants?

millions of workers and liberals he said that Sacco and Vanzetti were Martyrs, victims of capital injustice. People still debate their guilt or innocence.

what transformed America into the world's leading consumer Society?

national Radio Networks, talking Motion Pictures, Mass ownership of automobiles, national chain stores, Spectators Sports and the rise of mass marketing and advertising. He's all fueled the growth of the middle class of urban life which assaulted traditional virtues such as Prudence, and religiosity.

why did the economy collapse?

overproduction and under-consumption before the stock market. Manufacturing increased, but the purchasing power of consumers did not grow nearly as fast. \ was producing more and more products that consumers could not afford to buy And people were borrowing too much money. business owners had taken large profits while denying wage increases to employees.

concluding note on the Great Depression mixed with what Herbert Hoover was feeling

people were suffering everywhere and the government quickly proved incapable of managing the spreading misery. Herbert Hoover struggled to provide adequate responses to the unprecedented crisis of the Great Depression.

what did 26 year-old Charles A Lindbergh Jr, St Louis based male pilot do which boosted aviation industry?

she made the first solo transatlantic flight from New York City to Paris and 33 and 1/2 hours. 100000 people greeted him and a New York City parade celebrated his accomplishment 1927.

What became the national pastime?

starting in the 1870s, baseball was a fan-favorite as popularity fed on superstars. Babe Ruth Junior oh, a New York Yankee Legend and Henry Louise Lou Gehrig, attracted intense loyalties and huge crowds. Ruth attracted so many Spectators, more than a million Spectators attended ruth's games.

the mass migration of Southern blacks Northwood helped to Spur the creation of?

the National Association for the advancement of colored people, and NAACP. founded by black activist progressives the NAACP members came in me from the Niagara Movement, a group formed in 1905 to fight racial discrimination Worldwide. W e b Dubois became the organization's director of publicity and research and the editor of its journal, crisis.

what were the most mainstream radio Industries?

the National Broadcasting Company NBC, the radio Corporation of America RCA, and the Columbia broadcasting system CBS.

what were the most threatening ideas to the clan and protecting Protestant churches?

the idea that the Bible was not literally the word of God and that Charles Darwin's theories of biological evolution were true.

What did Freud publish?

the interpretation of Dreams, a path-breaking book that showed how the subconscious would shape behavior and moods. He also discussed how dreams repressed sexual yearnings and how women and men aren't dad with equal Sexual Energy and human behavior is driven by a variety of intense

Why did Herbert Hoover win?

the nation knew they were at a prosperous peaceful place and Hoover seem to be the best person to sustain the good times. He was best trained economically and widely viewed as the brilliant engineer who never failed.

What happened a week later?

the stock market values tumbled and terrified investors. People rush to sell their shares and the decline in stock prices accelerated.

what mass production technique did the automobile industry use which soon became mainstream?

there was a moving conveyor system that pull the chassis down and assembly line of sequential workstations. Each worker performs a single task. the car could be made and 93 minutes.

What were older Victorian mothers not accustomed to?

they were not accustomed to their daughters being kissed casually. The youth were called The Flaming youth. There were wild petting parties, free love, speakeasies, joyriding, and skinny dipping. Movies appealed to Necker's, petters, when kisses, red kisses, pleasure mad daughters, and sensation craving mothers.

What did it mean to be " modern."

to break free of tradition, take chances, to violate artistic rules and moral restrictions, and to behave in deliberately shocking ways.

what did the NAACP focus on legally mainly Fresh Market

to bring back the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment to life.

as the economy spiraled down what was the unemployment rate?

unemployment soared to 4 million and then to 8 million, to 12 million all starting from 1930 to 1931 to 1932. 6000 jobless New Yorkers sold apples to survive. A crate of apples in the Pacific Northwest was a dollar 75 American pocket a dollar twenty-five.

What the brief post-war depression week in the unions and business groups in Chicago designed the open shop to be the American Plan of employment, what was the open shop?

unlike the clothes shop, which forced business to hire only union members, the open shop gave an employer the right to hire anyone. A labor organizer identified another reason for the weakness of unions as something connected to the Ford era.

How did Bryan come into to play with fundamentalism?

you transformed fundamentalism into a popular Crusade. Brian was a liberal Progressive and pacifist populist in politics and a right-wing religious crusader. He remained a firm believer in the literal truth of the Bible. Brian Banks new state laws Banning the teaching of evolution in public schools and therefore he condemned Darwin's theory of evolution which suggested that human beings have evolved from monkeys and apes millions of years ago.

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