Chapter 23 & 24.1 The French Revolution

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What is the chronological order of the following events: Convening the Estates General; Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen; Formation of the National Assembly; and the Tennis Court Oath

1. Convening the Estates General 2. Formation of the National Assembly 3. Tennis Court Oath 4. Declaration of the Right of Men and the Citizens

What were 2 important consequences of the Battle of Trafalgar?

1. Insured the supremacy of the British Navy for the next 100 years. 2. Forced Napoleon to give up his plans for invading Britain.

List 3 things Napoleon was able to accomplish during peacetime.

1. Napoleon set up an efficient method of tax collection 2. He established a national banking system. 3. Napoleon also took steps to end corruption and inefficiency in government.

Describe what happened on Bastille Day?

A mob searching for gunpowder and arms stormed the Bastille, a Paris prison. The mob overwhelmed the guard and seized control of the building. The angry attackers hacked the prison commander and several guards to death, and then paraded around the streets with the dead men's heads on pikes.

What was the name of the war between Spain and France in the early 1800's?

Battle of Trafalgar

What was the main goal of the participants in the Congress of Vienna?

Collective secularity and stability for the entire continent.

Who were the members of the Holy Alliance?

Czar Alexander I, Emperor Francis I of Austria, and King Frederich William III of Prussia

What 3 events led to Napoleon's downfall?

Enemies joined forces, he surrendered, lost the battle at Waterloo

What contributed to France's financial crisis?

Extravagant spending of Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette when France was already in debt.

Military forces raised by French Revolutionary government was comprised of whom?

February 1793 the Convention ordered a draft of 300,000 French citizens between the ages of 18 and 40. By 1794, the army had grown to 800,000 and included women.

What percent did each estate contribute to France during the revolution?

First Estate - 2% Second Estate - 0% Third Estate - 50%

Under the Old Regime there were three social classes or ESTATES. Which percent of land did citizens in each estate own?

First Estate - The Roman Catholic Church - 10% Second Estate - Rich Nobles - 20% Third Estate - bourgeoisie (middle class), workers and peasants - 70%

Who fought in the Battle of Waterloo?

France vs. Britain and Prussia

Why did Napoleon invade Portugal?

He needed them to accept the continental system.

How was Napoleon's career as a ruler of France?

He was a strong military leader.

Why did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Territory?

He would gain money to finance operation in Europe. He would punish the British.

Why did the women of Paris march on Versailles?

In October 1789, thousands of Parisian women rioted over the rising price of bread. First, they demanded that the National Assembly take action to provide bread. Then they turned their anger on the king and queen.

What was one important effect resulting from the political changes made at the Congress of Vienna?

Kings and princes resumed power in country after country.

Who was the most influential leader at the Congress of Vienna?

Klemens von Metternich

What did Jose de San Martin do for Latin America?

Liberated Argentina, Chile and Peru

What was the national symbol of the French Revolution?

Liberty Cap

What was the slogan of the Revolution?

Liberty, equality, fraternity!

Describe how the liberation of Mexico and Brazil differed.

Mexico had revolutions while Brazil fought back.

What priest led the independence movement in Mexico?

Miguel Hidalgo

Napoleon possessed 3 traits that helped him succeed. What were they?

Military genius, personality, and brilliant administration

Who were the Mulattos and Mestizos?

Mulattos were mixed European-African and the Mestizos were mixed European-Indian

How did Czar Alexander I defeat Napoleon in Russia?

Napoleon surrendered.

Who was safe from the guillotine?

No one.

How did Napoleon gain control?

People voted overwhelmingly in favor of the constitution. This gave all real power to Napoleon as first consul.

What word means "a vote of the people"?


Who was the leader of the Reign of Terror?


What was the most profitable business in Latin America?

Selling slaves

Who forced Robespierre from power?

Some members of the National Convention.

Know the areas of Napoleon's rule, his own country, and territories (basically your completed map)

Spain, Kingdom of Naples, Helvetic Republic, Kingdom of Italy, Confederation of the Rhine, Grand Duchy of Warsaw, Ruler of France

National Assembly vowed to do what on the Tennis Court Oath?

Stay until they had drawn up a new constitution.

What group was responsible for the Reign of Terror? What was it?

The Reign of Terror was the achievement of the Jacobin faction which created The Committee of Public Safety. The purpose of the Reign was to "purge France of enemies of the Revolution and protect the country from foreign invaders".

What does the Declaration of the Rights of Man mean?

The document stated that "men are born and remain free and equal in rights." The document also guaranteed citizens equal justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.

What happened right after Robespierre fell?

The radical phase of the French Revolution ended.

What happened to King Louis and Marie Antoinette?

They left Versailles and finally beheaded.

What was Great Britain's reaction of the Continental System?

They responded with their won blockade.

What group most strongly embraced the ideas and principles of the Enlightenment?

Third Class

What was the major goal of the French Revolution?

To create a more democratic government.

Who led a revolt of enslaved Africans in Saint Dominque?

Toussaint L'Ouverture

Who led the independence movement in Latin America?

Toussaint L'Ouverture

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