Chapter 24-28 Foner

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In 1994, the Republican Party won control of both houses of Congress for the first time since the 1950s; they proclaimed their triumph the "Freedom Revolution," and Newt Gingrich, a conservative congressman from Georgia, masterminded their platform, called

"Contract with America." p854

In March 2003, with Great Britain as its sole significant ally, President Bush sent the U.S. military to attack Iraq, calling the war

"Operation Iraqi Freedom."p 887

A leading slogan of cultural conservatism in the 1990s was

"family values" p871

The 1954 update to the doctrine of containment, announced by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, that declared a Soviet attack on any American ally would be countered by a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, was called "brinksmanship" by its critics and what by supporters?

"massive retaliation"

During what years did the Berlin Wall, the most prominent symbol of the Cold War, divide East and West Berlin?

1961-1989 p847

The collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe occurred during what years?

1989-1991 p847-848

In what year did the Soviet Union cease to exist and, in its place, fifteen new independent nations arise?

1991 p847

The longest uninterrupted period of economic expansion in the nation's history took place during what years?


In 1955, what percentage of nonagricultural workers were unionized?

35 percent

By the year 2000, what percentage of all marriages ended in divorce?

50 percent p871

At the peak of the Vietnam war, the number of American troops in Vietnam was approximately


Which was not one of the three countries identified by President of the United States George W. Bush as an "axis of evil"?

Afghanistan p884

Who won the popular vote in the presidential election of 2000?

Al Gore p873

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Al Qaeda bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa; Bush declaration of "war on terrorism"; Bush declaration of war on Afghanistan; Bush's "axis of evil" speech p.880-881; 883-884

What is the name of the terrorist organization responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001 that killed 3,000 Americans?

AlQueda p880

An indication of America's economic troubles during the 1970s was

All of the below: the coming of a merchandise trade deficit, a decline in manufacturing, the advent of an urban fiscal crisis p820-822

Who was a leading voice of the Beats?

Allen Ginsberg

The failed April 1961 CIA-led invasion of Cuba to topple Fidel Castro's government is commonly referred to as the

Bay of Pigs.p.776

The name for the small group of poets and writers who railed against mainstream culture, and that included Allen Ginsberg, was the


Which of the following was NOT a feature of Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophy?

Black Americans must not try for full racial equality too quickly; before they achieve that, they must first prove their worthiness to all America.

What was the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case decided on May 17, 1954, in which the Warren Court unanimously asserted that segregation in public education violated the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment?

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Cilnton electoral victory over George Bush; defeat of Clinton health plan; passage of welfare reform; release of Starr report p850-851, 855, 872-873

Who was the African-American chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who, in the early 1990s, argued that the United States should not commit its troops abroad without clear objectives and a timetable for withdrawal?

Colin Powell p849-850

Which organization launched the Freedom Rides, in which integrated groups traveled by bus into the deep South to test compliance with court orders banning segregation on interstate buses and trains?

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)p.773

Who was the leader of the United Farm Workers (UFW)—as much a movement for civil rights as a campaign for economic betterment—who, beginning in 1965, led nonviolent protests, including fasts, marches, and a national boycott of California grapes?

César Chavezp.800

In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, a new department in the federal government was created to coordinate efforts to improve security at home, called the

Department of Homeland Security. p894

Who was the organizer of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in April 1960?

Ella Bakerp.p.773

The movement to reverse the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was supported by all of the following EXCEPT


The 1964 voter registration drive in Mississippi, in which hundreds of white college students from the North participated, was known as

Freedom Summer.p778-779

Which U.S. president first spoke of the coming of a "new world order"?

George H.W. Bush p848

Which of the following U. S. Presidents signed a $700 billion bank bailout, citing that these financial institutions were "too big to fail?"

George W. Bush p903

What was the name for the 1965 immigration law that abandoned the national origins quota system and established racially neutral criteria for immigration?

Hart-Cellar Actp.782

Which of the following was not a major theme raised by critics of Reagan's presidency?

He appeared more interested in safeguarding the environment than in safeguarding the nation from communism.p. 836-837, 839

Which was not true of Bill Clinton?

He served in Vietnam p872

The three nations alleged by President Bush to constitute an "axis of evil" were

Iran, Iraq and North Korea p884

What made the New Left new?

It called for a democracy of citizen participation.p.787-788

Which was not an event in the civil rights movement of 1963?

James Meredith, a black student, entered the University of Mississippi.p.773-775

Who was the oldest man ever to run for U. S. president?

John McCain p905

In February 1991, the United States launched Operation Desert Storm as part of the Gulf War, and quickly drove the Iraqi army from what country?

Kuwait p849

What was the 2003 Supreme Court decision declaring unconstitutional a Texas law making homosexual acts a crime?

Lawrence v. Texas p898

The principal organization in the Southwest—the equivalent of the NAACP—that challenged restrictions on housing and employment, as well as the segregation of Latino students was named the

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).

What 1967 U.S. Supreme Court decision declared unconstitutional the laws in sixteen states that prohibited interracial marriage?

Loving v. Virginiap.802

Who was the leading African-American known for his fiery oratory, insistence that blacks control the political and economic resources of their communities, and who was assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam after he formed his own Organization of Afro-American Unity?

Malcolm X

Which of the following was not a central theme of the Reagan revolution?

Military spending has grown far too lavish, and must be reduced.p834-835,838

What U.S. Supreme Court case ruled that an individual in police custody must be informed of the right to remain silent?

Miranda v. Arizonap.803

What did President Eisenhower call his domestic agenda that embraced a "mixed economy," in which the government played a major role in planning economic activity, and by which Eisenhower consolidated and legitimized the New Deal?

Modern Republicanism

In the aftermath of Rosa Parks' arrest for refusing to give her bus seat to a white rider, a year-long bus boycott took place in what city?

Montgomery, Alabama

What was the 1979 organization created by Virginia minister Jerry Falwell, devoted to waging a "war against sin" and electing "pro-life, pro-family, pro-America" candidates?

Moral Majority p.830

The first woman Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives was

Nancy Pelosi p 899

Who was the leader of Al Qaeda in 2001?

Osama bin Laden p880

The Christian Coalition was founded by evangelical minister

Pat Robertson p870

Who was the marine biologist whose book, Silent Spring, spelled out how DDT kills birds, animals, and causes sickness among humans, and who launched the modern environmental movement?

Rachel Carson p.801

What was the 1978 Supreme Court decision that rejected the idea of fixed affirmative action quotas, but allowed that institutions of higher learning could use race as one factor among many in admissions decisions?

Regents of the University of California v. Bakkep.813

What third-party candidate received 19 percent of the popular vote in the 1992 presidential election, the best result for a third-party candidate since Theodore Roosevelt in 1912?

Ross Perot p850-851

What was the organization that crafted The Port Huron Statement, criticized corporations, unions, and the military-industrial complex, and proclaimed "a democracy of individual participation"?

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)p.788

What occurred in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China in April 1989?

Tens of thousands of students, joined by workers, teachers, and some government officials, occupied the square and demanded greater democracy in China. p846-847

What was the title of the 1963 book by Betty Friedan that took as its theme the emptiness of consumer culture, and painted the suburban home as a "comfortable concentration camp" for women?

The Feminine Mystique.p.797

What was the organization created by the Kennedy administration to aid the economic and educational progress of developing countries?

The Peace Corpsp.776

Which of the following was not a key premise of American foreign policy during the Eisenhower years?

The United States will always respect the sovereignty of foreign democracies—even those whose policies we oppose.

Which was not a reason that AFDC rolls expanded rapidly during the 1960s?

The federal government quintupled AFDC payments to individual recipients.p.811

Which was not part of the new "social contract" between organized labor and management in leading industries during the 1950s?

Unions sponsored "wildcat" strikes in an effort to discipline management.

Which of the following was not a policy adopted by the federal government during the Clinton years?

Universal health care p.851

What was the name for the plan by which, beginning in 1969, President Nixon gradually drew down the number of American troops in Vietnam, saying they would be replaced by South Vietnamese soldiers?


In 2000, the largest employer in America was

Wal-Mart p861

Which of the following was not a major theme of global alienation over Bush foreign policy?

When it comes to challenging brutal dictators, Bush is all talk and no action. p 882, 885, 886-887

On September 11, 2001, planes controlled by terrorists crashed into all of the following EXCEPT

a bride in Washington, D.C p880

Which of the following was not a significant aftereffect of the 1990s computer revolution?

a bridgin of the gulf between affluent and poor p857-858

Which of the following was not a key factor behind President Carter's 1980 reelection defeat?

a general feeling that Carter was morally corrupt and hopelessly indifferent to the concerns of the people..p. 826, 833-834

Which of the following was not a prominent feature of suburban married life during the 1950s?

a growing tendency of husbands and wives to share the roles of breadwinner and homemaker

Which of the following was not a significant domestic development during the opening decade of the twenty-first century?

a steady rise in the level of federal taxes paid by wealthy Americansp.890,892,899

Which of the following was not a significant trend in 1950s America?

a surge of student radicalism on college campuses

The widespread response shown by Americans in the immediate aftermath of September 11 was

all of the below: mix of rage, bewilderment, and anxiety; a surge of patriotic sentiment and national solidarity, a new receptiveness to vigorous federal action p882-883,890

Which of the following was not a key trend in world affairs during the 1990s?

an easing of ethnic and religious tensions p862

Which was not a goal of the August 28, 1963 March on Washington?

an end to the use of the "grandfather clause" restricting suffrage.p775

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

announcement of President Nixon's "Vietnamization" policy; U.S. invasion of Cambodia; publication of Pentagon Papers; War Powers Actp.816-817

In August 1961, the Berlin Wall was erected

by the Soviet Union so that peoples from Eastern Bloc countries could not flee to West Berlin.p.776

The 1990s Christian Coalition became a major force in Republican Party politics and launched crusades against all of the following EXCEPT

creationism p870

In the 1950s, Richard Nixon pioneered efforts to transform the Republican Party's image from

defender of business to champion of the "forgotten man," for whom heavy taxation had become a burden.

President Richard Nixon sought to replace the polarized and hostile relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union with a new era of "peaceful coexistence" called


Which of the following was not a central purpose of President Johnson's Great Society program?

establishing a federally guaranteed annual income for every familyp783-784

Which was not embraced by the "Black Power" movement of the mid-1960s?

expansion of interracial coalition building in SNCC and COREp. 786-787

Which of the following issues was not a focus of political conflict during the 1970s?

federal programs addressing AIDSp.824,832,834

In the 1992 run for the presidency, Bill Clinton held all of the following views EXCEPT

he pledged to fulfill the unfulfilled promise of Johnson's Great Society. p850

Which was not one of the elements of "the power elite"—the interlocking directorate that dominated government and society in the 1950s—in the view of sociologist C. Wright Mills?

labor leaders

Which of the following was not a key cause of the economic prosperity of the 1950s?

large income tax reductions

In line with their 1994 platform, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives moved swiftly to approve deep cuts in all of the following EXCEPT

military p854

What was the name of the gelatinous form of gasoline that burns the skin of anyone exposed to it, which was dropped by American airplanes on enemy positions during the Vietnam War?


The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibited all of the following EXCEPT

racial discrimination in housing rentals or sales.p.778

Which is not central to libertarian conservatism?

regulatory controls p.835-837

The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee's goals included

replacing the culture of segregation with a "beloved community" of racial justice.773

The wave of decolonization that began when India and Pakistan achieved independence in 1947, and by which, in the decades following World War II, Europe's centuries-old empires collapsed, witnessed the newly created Third World nations

resisting alignment with either major power bloc

On the morning of September 11, 2001 as the top floors of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were engulfed in flames by the terrorist attack, hundreds of New York City firefighters and police

rushed into the towers in a rescue effort, and lost their lives when the towers collapsed. p880

Iraq possesses the world's

second-largest reserves of oil p889

The 1968 Kerner Report blamed the widespread inner-city riots—occurring across the country from Harlem to Watts—on

segregation, poverty, and "white racism."p.785

Which of the following was not a key element of the Republican "Contract with America"?

sharper retrictions on the sale of handguns p854

"Stagflation" refers to

stagnant economic growth and high inflation.p821-822

Founded in 1968, the organization demanding greater Indian tribal self-government and the restoration of economic resources guaranteed in treaties, was called

the American Indian Movement.p.800

Which of the following was not one of the climactic moments of 1968?

the Berkeley Free Speech movement.p.804-805

Which of the following developments did not help undermine public faith in the effectiveness of federal government?

the Camp Divid agreementp.822,823

Pat Buchanan delivered a speech at the 1992 Republican national convention that declared cultural war against all the following EXCEPT

the Christian Right p850

Which was not a terrorist attack on the United States undertaken by Al Qaeda?

the October 1985 killing of an America aboard an Italian cruise ship p880

What was a major initiative of the Carter administration?

the Panama Canal treatyp.825-826

Formed in 1955, what was the coalition of black ministers and civil rights activists that pressed for desegregation and had Martin Luther King Jr. as its leader?

the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

During the 1950s, the mass movement for civil rights found principal support among

the Southern black church.

The National Defense Education Act, which for the first time offered direct federal funding for higher education, was passed into law by Congress in 1957 in response to

the Soviet launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik.

Who won the Cold War?

the United States and its alliesp.847

Which of the following was not a focus of political debate during the first term of the Bush administration?

the importance of improving airport security p 886, 890, 892

The USA Patriot Act conferred all of the following to law enforcement agencies EXCEPT

the necessity of obtaining a judicial warrant prior to spying on citizens. p890

Evangelical Christians of the Religious Right believe that American culture seems to trivialize religion and promote immorality, and demanded the Supreme Court reverse decisions in all of the following EXCEPT

the overly easy access to divorce.p.813-814,830

Which was not part of President Johnson's 1965-1967 "Great Society"?

the overturning of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947p.783

What was the principal concern of John F. Kennedy's presidency?

the vigorous conduct of the Cold War p776

Which was not one of President Nixon's apparent motivations for supporting the Philadelphia Plan, and its promotion of "affirmative action"?

to woo blue-collar workersp.812

Which of the following was not a significant point of dispute between supporters and opponents of the American war in Iraq?

whether or not Saddam Hussein was a jumane and popular leader p885-886

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