Chapter 24 - The Digestive System

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The cecum directs waste into which structure of the large intestine?

ascending colon

Describe the roles of the liver and gallbladder in the digestion of fats.

bile salts emulsify large lipid globules into smaller droplets

Food that has been chewed and mixed with saliva that is soft and flexible is referred to as a


The head of the pancreas is located closest to the:

curve of the duodenum.

What is the function of pancreatic juice?

digesting starch

Bile secreted from the gallbladder and pancreatic juice secreted from the pancreas enter which portion of the GI tract?


The smallest portion of the small intestine that is retroperitoneal is the


In order for defecation to occur, the ___ must ___.

external anal sphincter; voluntarily relax

T/F: Enzymatic breakdown of food is a form of mechanical digestion.


T/F: The cells of the serous layer of the alimentary canal come in contact with food.


T/F: The esophagus lies anterior to the trachea.


T/F: The pancreas is the largest internal organ and heaviest gland of the body.


Which is NOT a function of the digestive system? ingestion filtration absorption defecation secretion


Which dome-shaped region of the stomach is located under the diaphragm?


The greater omentum attaches to which two organs in the abdominopelvic cavity?

greater curvature of the stomach and transverse colon

The peritoneal fold situated as a "fatty apron" anterior to the small intestine is the _____.

greater omentum

Hepatic sinusoids receives blood from

hepatic artery & hepatic portal vein

The teeth that are adapted to cut into food are


Where does the pharynx begin and end?

internal nares and larynx

The muscles that originate within the tongue and alter the shape of the tongue for speech and swallowing are

intrinsic muscles

Is control of the muscularis in the small intestine voluntary or involuntary?


The ___ of the small intestine for the brush border that increases surface area for absorption and contain digestive enzymes.


In what form are the products of lipid digestion absorbed?

monoglycerides and fatty acids

The cheeks, hard and soft palates, and the tongue form the


Cells in the stomach that produce factors needed for vitamin B12 absorption are

parietal cells

How does mechanical digestion occur in the stomach?

peristaltic waves in the stomach produce propulsion and retropropulsion of the food

The release of hydrochloric acid (HCl) into the lumen of the stomach is which basic process of digestion?


The type of movement in the small intestine that is a localized and mixing contraction of chyme is


With aging, increased observations of duodenal ulcers, malabsorption, and maldigestion are associated with the

small intestine

Where along the GI tract is the muscularis composed of skeletal muscle?

superior part of esophagus

Which of the following is NOT a function of the gallbladder? concentrate bile store bile eject bile into the cystic duct synthesize bile

synthesize bile

Which organs of the digestive system come in contact with food and help to break it down?


How does the muscularis of the large intestine differ from that of the rest of the gastrointestinal tract?

the longitudinal muscles in the external layer condense and thicken to form teniae coli

What are the functions of gastric lipase and lingual lipase in the stomach?

to chemically breakdown triglycerides

A principal region of the large intestine is the

transverse colon, ascending colon, sigmoid colon

T/F: The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is found in the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities.


T/F: The majority of nutrient digestion and absorption occurs in the small intestine.


The structure attached to the soft palate that helps close off the nasopharynx during swallowing is the _____.


The serous membrane on lining the surface of the stomach is the

visceral peritoneum

Which substances are absorbed in the large intestine?

water, vitamins, electrolytes

Which mechanical movement accurately describes the movement that occurs in the large intestine?

- strong peristaltic waves move mass colon contents from the transverse colon into rectum 3-4 times each day - when haustrum fills with contents, it contracts to move material into the next haustrum - peristalsis along the large intestine occurs at a slow rate (3-12 contractions per minute)

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