Chapter 25 Practice Quiz

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C. a person of mixed Spanish and Indian descent.

A mestizo is A. a person born in Spain who immigrated to the New World. B. a person of Spanish descent born in the New World. C. a person of mixed Spanish and Indian descent. D. a person of mixed African and Indian descent. E. a person of mixed Spanish and African descent.


Distinction claimed by those who lived in the Americas but were born in Iberia.

James Cook

Failed to complete the northwest passage but charted most of the Pacific Ocean in the process.

A. The settlers negotiated treaties.

How did European settlers in North America legally justify seizing lands from native North American peoples? A. The settlers negotiated treaties. B. Because the Indians were not Christian, they had no right to the land. C. Because the Indians were hunters and gatherers rather than farmers, their claims to the land were not considered valid. D. The settlers established squatters' rights on unoccupied lands. E. By defeating the Indians in battle, the English and French claimed the land as a spoil of war.

B. The Treaty of Tordesillas, designed to divide the Atlantic between Spain and Portugal, unintentionally granted Brazil to Portugal.

How did Portugal gain an empire in Brazil? A. Portuguese mariners were 1st to explore the Amazon basin. B. The Treaty of Tordesillas, designed to divide the Atlantic between Spain and Portugal, unintentionally granted Brazil to Portugal. C. Initially, the Spanish had no interest in South America. D. The Indians of Brazil successfully resisted Spanish invaders. E. none of the above.

D. The Spanish quinto circulated throughout European and Asian markets.

How did the mining industries of the Americas stimulate global economic growth? A. Mining increased the demand for labor, sparking the growth of an Indian middle class. B. Mineral ores from Mexico provided the raw materials for European manufacturing. C. The sale of slaves to the mines by the Portuguese resulted in the Portuguese spending their wealth throughout Europe and Africa. D. The Spanish quinto circulated throughout European and Asian markets. E. all of the above.

B. the audiencias.

In colonial governments, the power of the Spanish viceroy was kept in check by the authority of A. the Catholic church. B. the audiencias. C. the colonial legislature. D. the Spanish crown. E. the colonial militias


Mixed race descendents of European and Indian parents.

Hernan Cortés

Spanish conqueror of the Aztec peoples.

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish conqueror of the Inca peoples.


The last Aztec emperor.


Title of the Spanish king's representative in the Americas.

B. Sugarcane required extensive processing to turn it into a profitable export.

Why did the production of sugar differ from that of other agricultural commodities of the western hemisphere? A. Sugar production was particularly hard on the environment. B. Sugarcane required extensive processing to turn it into a profitable export. C. African slaves were the only ones who knew how to grow sugarcane. D. Sugar was extremely profitable with very little investment. E. It was only possible to grow in Brazil, and it had an extremely short growing season.

A. they were born in the western hemisphere and not the eastern hemisphere.

Criollos differed from peninsulares only in that A. they were born in the western hemisphere and not the eastern hemisphere. B. their mothers were part Indian. C. they had no land and were economically dependent. D. they had not yet been baptized in the Catholic church. E. they were indentured servants while peninsulares were free.

D. became artisans or small farmers.

Indentured servants who worked off their contracts in the colonies often A. returned disappointed to Europe. B. became wealthy plantation-owners. C. became active in the politics of the colonies. D. became artisans or small farmers. E. remained in debt for many years.

D. English colonies were often financed by private investors, who retained control over colonial affairs.

One significant difference in the administration of English colonies compared to their Spanish counterparts was A. the Spanish crown was less actively involved in the government of their colonies. B. English governors were elected directly by the colonists, while Spanish viceroys were appointed by the crown. C. Spanish colonies had powerful local assemblies, while the English did not. D. English colonies were often financed by private investors, who retained control over colonial affairs. E. the Church played a greater role in the administration of Spanish colonies.

Dona Marina

Provided both intelligence and translating services to the Spanish conquerors.


Spanish soldiers who came to the Americas seeking gold and glory.

Cabez de Vaca

The 1st European to explore Florida and the southeast of North America.

E. the 1st explorers only explored the barren western coast of Australia.

The 1st explorers to Australia were NOT interested in settlement because A. the 1st explorers were driven away by hostile aborigines. B. the 1st explorers could not sail across the Great Barrier Reef. C. the land appeared too densely forested to settle easily. D. it was too far from European markets. E. the 1st explorers only explored the barren western coast of Australia.

E. Tainos.

The 1st indigenous people that the Spanish empire dispossessed of their lands and forced into labor were the A. Aztecs. B. Incas. C. Iroquois. D. Maya. E. Tainos.

B. the 1st English settlements did not prepare sufficient food crops.

The English settlements in North America grew slowly at 1st because A. of the large, densely populated Indian communities that dominated the coast. B. the 1st English settlements did not prepare sufficient food crops. C. the colonies did not produce commodities that Europeans were eager to buy. D. the English government did not support or protect the colonies. E. all of the above.

C. hacienda.

The agricultural system that dominated the Spanish colonies was known as A. subsistence agriculture. B. the encomienda system. C. hacienda. D. plantation-style slavery. E. repartimiento system.

E. The Spanish paid the Indians wages for their labor.

The difference between the encomienda and the repartimiento is that A. Indians could buy their freedom. B. Indians were free to leave if they wished. C. Indians were now obligated to provide military service. D. The Spanish could no longer impose conversion to Christianity. E. The Spanish paid the Indians wages for their labor.

A. the encomienda system.

The labor system that compelled Indians to work in Spanish mines and fields in exchange for protection and Christian conversion was known as A. the encomienda system. B. the hacienda. C. slavery. D. indentured servitude. E. the repartimiento system.


The last Inca emperor.

A. minerals like silver and gold.

The most valuable commodity for the Spanish in the Americas was A. minerals like silver and gold. B. sugar and rum. C. tobacco. D. furs. E. timber.


The original inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands.

D. She could speak several native languages and served as an interpreter.

What was Dona Marina's role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs? A. She unwittingly infected many of her people with smallpox. B. She betrayed the secret entrance to Tenochtitlan. C. She bore Cortés a child, who would bring unity between both peoples. D. She could speak several native languages and served as an interpreter. E. She was the 1st Catholic convert.

C. the inadequate defenses of Tenochtitlan.

Which of the following was NOT a significant factor in Cortés's defeat of the Aztec empire? A. superior Spanish technology, especially swords, muskets, cannons, and horses. B. a devastating smallpox epidemic. C. the inadequate defenses of Tenochtitlan. D. the resentment of many indigenous peoples to Aztec rule. E. All of the above are factors.

D. hostile relations between European traders and Native American trappers.

Which of the following was NOT a typical result of the North American fur trade? A. intense competition and even warfare between indigenous peoples for European trade. B. intense competition between French, Dutch, and English fur traders. C. the decimation of the beaver population in North America. D. hostile relations between European traders and Native American trappers. E. the introduction of European manufactured goods to indigenous peoples.

B. North American Indians were more geographically scattered and so harder for missionaries to reach.

Why were the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica and South America more likely to accept Christianity than the peoples of North America were? A. Mesoamerican and South American Indians found many similarities between their religions and Catholicism. B. North American Indians were more geographically scattered and so harder for missionaries to reach. C. Catholic missionaries in Spanish America were more tolerant of native cultures than were the Protestant missionaries in North America. D. Catholic rule in the New World was more generous and enlightened than the English or the French rule. E. none of the above.

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