Chapter 25 The Industrial Revolution

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How was the textile industry changed by the new inventions?

The textile industry changed by the new inventions. New inventions helped businesses make cloth and clothing more quickly. 1. Richard Arkwright invented the water frame which used water power to run spinning machines that made yarn. 2. Samuel Compton invented the spinning mule that made better thread. 3. Edmund Cartwright developed the power loom; a machine that sped up the cloth-making process. Business owners built larger factories near rivers because these machines needed water power to run them.

What were three positive effects of industrialization?

1. Created wealth for the middle class. 2. Created jobs for workers and helped them have better lives. 3. Produced better diets, better housing, and better clothing at lower prices.

Name two major reform movements of the 1800s.

1. The effort to abolish slavery. The British Parliament ended the slave trade in 1807, then abolished slavery throughout British territories in 1833. 2. Women fought for equal rights. This began in the United States in 1848. Women from around the world formed a group dedicated to this cause.

laissez faire

Economic theory that argues that governments should not interfere with business affairs

Karl Marx

Economic thinker who wrote about a radical form of socialism


Form of socialism in which all production is owned by the people

Industrial Revolution

Great increase in machine production that began in England in the 18th century From one at a time to mass production


Large closed-in field for farming


Process of developing machine production of goods

Section 1

The Beginnings of Industrialization

Why was Britain the first country to industrialize?

Britain was the first country to industrialize because they had all the resources needed for industrialization such as coal, water, iron ore, rivers, harbors, and banks. Britain also had all the factors of production such as land, labor (workers), and capital (wealth).


Building where goods are made

Section 2

Industrialization Case Study: Manchester

Section 3

Industrialization Spreads


Belief that an idea is only as good as it is useful


Belief that businesses should be owned by society as a whole


Business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not responsible for its debts

How are capitalism and socialism different?

Capitalism is when people invest money to make profit. Only a few people are able to grow wealthy. Socialism is when a society as a whole owns a business. This means that everyone has a chance to grow wealthy. (Society as a whole.)


City building and the movement of people to cities

factors of production

Conditions needed to produce goods and services L-land L-labor C-capital


Control by a strong nation over a weaker nation


Economic system in which people invest money to make a profit

How does capitalism work?

Capitalism is an economic system in which people invest money to make a profit. People invest their money in businesses to make a profit.

Which nations industrialized first, and why?

Belgium was the first to industrialize because it was rich in iron and coal and had good waterways.


Organized refusal to work

middle class

A social class of skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers

How did industrialization begin in the United States?

Industrialization began in the United States when they had war with Britain. Since, Britain stopped sending goods to the United States, American industries began to make the goods Americans wanted. Industrialization began in the textile industry in the United States. Samuel Slater, a British worker, brought the secret of Britain's textile machines to North America. Slater built a machine to spin thread.

How did industrialization lead to imperialism?

Industrialization lead to imperialism when Europeans wanted more land for their factories. They wanted more sources of raw materials. As a result, European nations took control of the lands in many areas of the world outside of Europe. This was called imperialism.

What were major changes in living conditions and working conditions?

Living conditions: As more and more people began moving into cities living conditions became worse in crowded cities. Many people could not find good housing, schools, or police protection. Filth, garbage, and sickness were part of life. A person in a city could expect to live 17 years. A person in the countryside could expect to live 38 years. Slumps Working conditions: Workers spend 14 hours a day on the job, 6 days a week. Many workers were killed or seriously injured in accidents.

Why is Manchester a good example of how industrialization changed cities?

Manchester is a good example of how industrialization changed cities because of their rapid growth. This made the city crowded and filthy. Factory owners risked their money and worked long hours to make their businesses grow. Workers also worked long hours, but many of these workers were children, some only six years old. The British government did not limit the use of children as workers until 1819. The large amount of industry in Manchester caused environmental problems. Coal smoke and cloth dyes from the factories polluted the air and water.

How did both the government and workers themselves try to improve workers' lives?

Many workers joined unions to bargain with employers for better pay and better working conditions. Employers went on strike when they refuse to work. The British Parliament and reformers in the United States tried to fix other social problems and Britain passed laws to limit how much work women and children could do. Groups in the United States


Organized groups of workers that bargain with business owners to get better pay and working conditions


Person who organizes, manages, and takes on the financial risk of a business enterprise

Adam Smith

Philosopher who defended laissez-faire economics

crop rotation

Planting a different crop in a different field each year

Section 4

Reforming the Industrial World


Right of ownership in a company called a corporation


Scientific Revolution, Neolithic Revolution, French Revolution.

What effects did the invention of the steam engine have?

The steam engine brought in a new source of power. It was used for fire to heat water and produce steam. 1. Steam-driven engines were used to run factories. 2. Robert Fulton invented the first steam-driven boat which allowed people to send goods more quickly over rivers and canals. 3. It brought a new birth of industrial growth. 4. George Stephenson set up the world's first railroad line that used a steam-driven locomotive. Eventually they were built all over Britain. This helped business owners move their goods to market more quickly. 5. It created thousands of new jobs in several different industries.

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