Chapter 27

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The female urethra has ______ function(s) and is about ______ centimeters long.

1, 4

In the urinary system, there is/are normally ______ kidney(s).


In the urinary system, there is/are normally ______ ureter(s) and ______ urethra(s).

2, 1

Approximately ______ of the water in the tubular fluid is reabsorbed by osmosis from the PCT.


The collecting ducts can modify the tubular fluid under the influence of which of the following?

ADH Aldosterone

The distal convoluted tubule reabsorbs water under the influence of ______ and ______.

ADH, aldosterone

______ and ______ are secreted in response to low blood volume or low solute concentration in the tubular fluid within the kidney.

ADH, aldosterone

Which type of nephrons have relatively short nephron loops that barely extend into the medulla?


The renal tubule consists of which of the following?

Distal convoluted tubule Proximal convoluted tubule Nephron loop

True or false: Together, both kidneys have approximately 1 million nephrons.


True or false: ADH causes the PCT to increase water reabsorption from the tubular fluid.

False, ADH causes the DCT to increase water reabsorption.

True or false: In tubular reabsorption, all needed solutes and most water that formed the filtrate are reabsorbed into the nephron.

False, the blood.

True or false: The trigone moves as the urinary bladder fills and functions as a funnel to direct the stored urine into the urethra.

False, the trigone does not move.

Which of the following happens first in urine formation?


Which of the following are the processes by which urine is formed?

Filtration Tubular reabsorption Tubular secretion

Which of the following are the most accurate descriptions of the structures that make up the filtration membrane?

Glomerulal endothelium Filtration slits

Which of the following escape into the filtrate?

Glucose Water Ions Vital nutrients Vitamins Plasma proteins

The kidneys aid in acid-base balance by altering the rate of reabsorption of which of the following?


The fibrous or renal capsule has which of the following functions?

Maintains the kidney's shape Protects it from pathogens Protects it from trauma

The male urethra is partitioned into three segments. Which of the following are these segments?

Membranous Spongy Prostatic

The wall of the ureter is composed of a series of tunics. Which of the following are these tunics?

Mucosa Adventitia Muscularis

Which of the following are responsible for refining and modifying the filtrate?

Nephron loop PCT DCT

When viewed under the microscope, the lumen of the ______ looks fuzzy due to the brush border formed by the microvilli.


The male urethra has two functions. Which are they?

Passage for urine Passage for sperm

The kidneys help control the blood's inorganic ion balance. Which of the following ions are controlled primarily by the kidneys?


The kidneys are retroperitoneal. Which description below describes what this means?

The kidneys are posterior to the peritoneum.

______ is the active transport of solutes out of the blood into the tubular fluid.

Tubular secretion

Which correctly describes the opening in the urinary bladder?

Two for ureters and one for the urethra

Which are parts of the urinary tract?

Ureters Urethra Urinary bladder

Which structure extends through muscles of the pelvic floor and opens into the perineum?


Tubular secretion is the ______ of solutes out of the blood into the tubular fluid.

active transport

The outer layer of the urinary bladder is called the ______ and is composed of areolar connective tissue.


As the interlobular arteries enter the cortex, they extend small branches called ______ arterioles.


One of the factors that causes materials to be filtered from the glomerulus is that the ______ arteriole is wider in diameter than the ______ arteriole.

afferent, efferent

Between the visceral and parietal layers of the glomerular capsule is a(n) ______ space.


The renal ______ is composed of dense irregular connective tissue that covers the outside of the kidney.


Once the tubular fluid leaves the ______, it is called urine.

collecting duct

The ______ are the last structures that have the capacity to modify the tubular fluid.

collecting ducts

When the tubular fluid leaves the distal convoluted tubules, it must travel through a series of small ______ that empty into ______.

collecting tubules, collecting ducts

Extensions of the cortex, called renal ______, project into the medulla and subdivide the medulla into renal ______.

columns, pyramids

The kidney has a ______ border called the hilum.

concave medial

The wide base of a renal pyramid lies next to the ______.


When a kidney is sectioned along a coronal plane, there is an outer renal ______ and an inner renal ______.

cortex, medulla

The nephron loop originates in the ______ and descends down into the ______ and then ascends back into the ______.

cortex, medulla, cortex

The ______ nephrons make up approximately 85% of the nephrons in a human kidney.


The first part of the descending limb of the nephron loop, also known as the thick descending limb, is lined with simple _____ epithelium.


The epithelial cells of the collecting tubules are ______ but are ______ cells in the collecting ducts near the renal papilla.

cuboidal, columnar

Each nephron loop has two limbs, which are a(n) ______ limb that extends from the cortex to the medulla and a(n) ______ limb that returns back into the renal cortex.

descending, ascending

The internal urethral sphincter is a circular thickening of the ______ and is controlled by the ______.

detrusor muscle, ANS

The ascending limb of the nephron loop returns to the renal cortex and terminates at the ______ ______ tubule.

distal convoluted

The wider diameter of the ______ arteriole allows the blood to enter the glomerulus under high pressure which helps filter the plasma and solutes out of the glomerulus.


When blood leaves the glomerulus, it enters the ______ arteriole.


Urine consists of solutes and water that have been ______ and ______ into the tubular fluid.

filtered, secreted

When the blood plasma moves out of the glomerulus and into the glomerular capsule, it is now called ______.


Glomerular ______ is the process by which water and some dissolved solutes in the blood plasma passively move out of the glomerulus and into the capsular space of the renal corpuscle.


The pedicels are separated by thin spaces called ______ ______ which allow materials from the plasma to pass into the capsular space.

filtration slits

An afferent arteriole enters a structure called a renal corpuscle and forms a capillary network called the ______.


In the nephron, as blood flows through the ______, the solutes and water within the blood are filtered into the capsular space.


In the nephron, the ______ is designed to be "leaky" to allow some plasma and solutes to be filtered.


The renal corpuscle has an epithelial capsule surrounding the ______ called the glomerular capsule.


The external urethral sphincter is ______ to the internal urethral sphincter.


The right kidney is ______ to the left kidney.


At the neck of the urinary bladder is the ______ urethral sphincter.


The ______ urethral sphincter is the involuntary, superior sphincter surrounding the neck of the urinary bladder.


In order to urinate, the ______ and the ______ urethral sphincters must relax.


The two types of nephrons are cortical nephrons and ______ nephrons.


When looking at the distal convoluted tubule under the microscope the lumen appears ______ than the proximal convoluted tubule.

less fuzzy

The distal convoluted tubule cytoplasm stains more ______ than the proximal convoluted tubule because it has ______ mitochondria.

lightly, fewer

The expulsion of urine from the urinary bladder is called _____ or urination.


Urine from the renal pyramids is collected by the ______ and then drained into the ______.

minor calyces, major calyces

Several ______ calyces merge to form larger spaces called ______ calyces.

minor, major

The constricted ______ of the urinary bladder is connected to the urethra.


The functional filtration unit in a kidney is the ______.


The ureters project through the urinary bladder wall ______.


The apex of the renal pyramid is called the renal ______


The glomerular capsule has two layers, which are a visceral layer and a ______ layer.


The filtration slits between the _____ permit the ready passage of filtered material into the capsule space.


The podocytes have long processes called ______ or feet that wrap around the glomerular capillaries.


The major calyces merge to form a large funnel-shaped renal ______.


The female urethra opens to the outside of the body at the external urethral orifice located in the female ______.


The anterior surface of the kidneys are covered with ______ and the posterior surface lies directly against the posterior abdominal wall.


The ______ are associated with the convoluted tubules and primarily reside in the cortex of the kidney.

peritubular capillaries

The solutes and water that are reabsorbed from the PCT enter the blood through the ______ ______ and are returned to the general circulation.

peritubular capillaries

The visceral layer of the glomerular capsule is composed of specialized cells called ______.


The kidneys are located in the ______ abdominal wall.


In males, the urinary bladder is anterior to the ______ and directly superior to the ______ gland.

rectum, prostate

Secretion of ADH and aldosterone ______ water and sodium loss from the kidneys.


Collecting tubules and collecting ducts project through the ______ toward the ______.

renal medulla, renal papilla

The hilum is continuous with an internal space within each kidney called the ______.

renal sinus

The thin segment of the descending limb of the nephron loop is lined with ______ squamous epithelium.


What type of cells line the PCT?

simple cuboidal epithelium

Both collecting tubules and collecting ducts are lined by ______.

simple epithelium

The external urethral sphincter is formed by ______ muscle and is under ______ control.

skeletal, voluntary

The ascending limb of the nephron loop first is lined with simple ______ epithelium in the thin part and then the next part, the thick part, is lined with simple ______ epithelium.

squamous, cuboidal

As the urinary bladder distends, there is less likelihood of urine backing up into the ureters because ______.

the ureters are compressed due their oblique angle of entry

The distal convoluted tubule originates in the renal cortex at the end of the ______

thick ascending limb of the nephron loop

The ______ of the bladder is formed by imaginary lines connecting the two ureteral openings and the urethral opening.


True or false: The efferent arteriole carries oxygenated blood because after it passes through the glomerular capillary gas and nutrient exchange has not occurred


When substances in the filtrate move back into the blood it is called ______.

tubular reabsorption

Urine flows from the renal papilla through the calyces into the renal pelvis and then directly into the ______.


Ureters enter the posterolateral wall of the urinary bladder through the ______ openings.


The ______ are long, fibromuscular tubes that conduct urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.


A structure called the ______ transports urine from the urinary bladder and expels it outside of the body.


The ______ is a fibromuscular tube that conducts urine outside of the body.


The ______ originates at the neck of the urinary bladder and conducts urine to the exterior of the body.


The ______ ______ is an expandable, muscular sac that can store as much as 1 liter of urine.

urinary bladder

Once the tubular fluid exits the collecting duct, it is called ______.


In females, the urinary bladder is anterioinferior to the ______ and directly anterior to the ______.

uterus, vagina

The ______ are associated with the nephron loop and primarily reside in the medulla of the kidney.

vasa recta

The glomerular capsule has two layers. One layer, the ______ layer lies directly over the glomerulus.


Secretion of ADH and aldosterone results in increased ______ and ______ reabsorption from the tubular fluid in the collecting ducts.

water, sodium

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