Chapter 28

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They wanted to stabilize the pro-Soviet government of Afghanistan

Why did the Soviets occupy Afghanistan?

In 1980,_______ percent of Americans considered themselves fundamental Christians.


Which of the following best explains the increase in immigration to the United States after 1965?

A change in the U.S immigration law

Which of the following goals helped unify the Republican party in 1980?

An unhindered private sector

The _______ Amendments restricted U.S trade to the Contras.



By 1989, the top 1% of American Families possessed more assets than the bottom _______ percent.

Latin America and the Carribean

Fifty percent of the new immigrants came from _______.

A Defensive Operation

From the perspective of the Soviet leaders l, the occupation of Afghanistan was ____________.


In 1980 campaign, Ronald Regan's strategy included appeals to _________.

The Senate

In 1980, the Republicans won _______ for the first time since 1952


In 1981, Islamist revolutionaries assassinated _________ president Anwar Sadat.

Lower federal income tax rate by 25 percent

In 1981, Regan proposed a new tax law to __________ over three years.

Martin Luther King Jr.

In 1983, Congress agreed to make ___________ birthday a national holiday.

Walter Mondale

In 1984, Ronald Regan won a resounding victory over __________.


In January 1979, the ________ people overthrew the government of Shah Reza Pahlavi


In __________, the Sandinista rebels managed to overthrow the pro- American dictatorship of Antonio Samoza in 1979


In response to the invasion of __________ President Carter halted most trade with the Soviet Union.

Why was the bombing of Pan Am Flight 109 Over Scotland carried out?

In retaliation for the shooting down of an Iranian civilian jetliner

Why did George W. Bush go to war with Iraq in 1991?

Iraq had occupied Kuwait

Introducing greater political liberty

Mikhail Gorbachev tried to preserve the Soviet system by _________.

Jerry Falwell founded _____ in 1979

Moral Majority

Had no significant effect on the decisions that employers made

Regan argued that racial prejudice _________.

Preserving wilderness for its own sake

Regan ridiculed the idea of ___________.

The Soviet Union

Regan saw ________ as the source of most of the world's problems.

In black and white terms

Regan tended to see world events _________.

James Watt

Regan's Security of the Interior, __________ , claimed that there was no need to preserve and manage resources

Strengthen cultural traditions

Religious fundamentalists around the world sought to ________.

Look to the past for models of an ideal America

Ronald Regan asked voters to

Most came with few financial resources

Which of the following was true of the new immigrants of the 1970's and 1980's

The women's movement

Susan Faludi explored opposition to _________ in her book Backlash.


The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of ________ to Iran.

Embarking on an expensive military buildup

The Regan administration reduced domestic spending, while __________.

Free Marketeers

The religious right highlighted tensions in the Republican party between social conservatives and _________.

U.S involvement in Vietnam

The soviet occupation of Afghanistan most resembled ___________.

Pat Robertson

Who was the director for the Christian Broadcasting Network and an influential conservative leader?

The importance of maintaining absolute control of the media

What lesson did U.S officials learn from the Vietnam War?

Manuel Noriega's links to drug trafficking

Which of the following helped to justify the 1989 I.S invasion of Panama?

They encouraged millions of African Americans to vote

Which of the following was true of Jessie Jackson's 1984 and 1988 presidential campaign.

It cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans

Which of the following was true of the Regan tax plan?

The poorest Americans

__________ did not fare well in the 1980s

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