Chapter 29

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Choose the two major groups that comprise the green algae. -Tracheophytes -Charophytes -Bryophytes -Chlorophytes

-Charophytes -Chlorophytes

In plants, the gametophyte produces __________ and the sporophyte produces ____________________.

1. Gametes 2. spores

How does a moss sporophyte acquire nutrients?

From the gametophyte

Select the three clades of vascular plants that exist today. Pterophytes Lycophytes Bryophytes Charophytes Seed plants

Pterophytes Lycophytes Seed plants

Compared to a haploid genome, a major advantage of a diploid genome is that

each gene is backed up by a second copy

Evidence suggests that leaves evolved more than once; ___________are small leaves found in the lycophytes and ______________are the true leaves of ferns and seed plants.

lycophylls euphylls

Mosses differ from other bryophytes because their gametophytes ___________.

produce structures that look like leaves and stems

Select all major limiting factors for the establishment of early terrestrial plant life. -Carbon dioxide -Water availability -Soil nutrients -Sunlight

-Carbon dioxide -Water availability

Select all true statements about lycophytes. -Despite resembling true mosses, lycophytes have vascular tissues. -Lycophytes contain all modern ferns. -Lycophytes produce small seeds on their gametophytes. -In lycophytes, the sporophyte generation is dominant.

-Despite resembling true mosses, lycophytes have vascular tissues. -In lycophytes, the sporophyte generation is dominant.

Which of the following distinguish land plants from the clade of green algae known as the charophytes? -The ability to conduct photosynthesis -Vascular tissue -Diploid embryos -Multicellular gametophytes -Multicellular sporophytes

-Diploid embryos -Multicellular gametophytes -Multicellular sporophytes

Which of the following is true of gamete production in humans and land plants? -Gametes are formed by mitosis in humans. -Gametes are formed by mitosis in land plants. -Gametes are formed by meiosis in humans. -Gametes are formed by meiosis in land plants.

-Gametes are formed by mitosis in land plants. -Gametes are formed by meiosis in humans.

Select all features of liverworts. -Sexual reproduction is rare. -Gametophytes have rhizoids. -They may possess stomata. -They may be leafy or lobed.

-Gametophytes have rhizoids. -They may be leafy or lobed.

Choose all features that confined the green algal ancestors of plants to water. -Less water availability in a terrestrial environment -The inability to produce chlorophyll in a high oxygen environment -Higher levels of UV light on land -More predators in land-based ecosystems

-Less water availability in a terrestrial environment -Higher levels of UV light on land

Which of the following are involved in haploid gamete production in land plants? -Mitosis -Meiosis -Gametophyte -Sporophyte

-Mitosis -Gametophyte

Choose all features of the alga ancestor of land plants. -Photosynthetic -Lived in freshwater -Had a waxy cuticle -Possessed tracheids

-Photosynthetic -Lived in freshwater

Select all features of mosses. -Some species grow very tall. -Rhizoids do not absorb as well as a vascular plant root. -They use rhizoids to anchor themselves. -They produce true leaves and stems.

-Rhizoids do not absorb as well as a vascular plant root. -They use rhizoids to anchor themselves.

Which of the following are characteristics of all (with a few exceptions, such as parasitic plants) land plants? -The ability to photosynthesize -Diploid embryos -Flowers and seeds -Multicellular haploid and diploid generations -Conspicuous sporophytes and microscopic gametophytes

-The ability to photosynthesize -Diploid embryos -Multicellular haploid and diploid generations

Select all adaptations of land plants that distinguish them from their algal relatives. -The presence of specialized water transporting tissues -The presence of a waxy cuticle on air-exposed surfaces -The presence of chlorophyll for photosynthesis -The ability to use aerobic metabolism in the dark -The presence of stomata for gas exchange

-The presence of specialized water transporting tissues -The presence of a waxy cuticle on air-exposed surfaces -The presence of stomata for gas exchange

Select all true statements about hornworts. -Their sporophytes have stomata. -Their cells contain multiple small chloroplasts. -Their gametophytes are photosynthetic. -Of all bryophytes, their sporophytes are most similar to those of vascular plants. -They are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen.

-Their sporophytes have stomata. -Their gametophytes are photosynthetic. -Of all bryophytes, their sporophytes are most similar to those of vascular plants

Select all features common to whisk ferns, horsetails, and ferns. -They form antheridia and archegonia. -They require free water for fertilization. -They lack vascular tissue. -They produce a large gametophyte.

-They form antheridia and archegonia. -They require free water for fertilization.

Select all adaptive features of seeds. -They protect the embryo. -They nourish the embryo. -They carry out photosynthesis. -They can repair mutations.

-They protect the embryo. -They nourish the embryo.

Approximately how long ago did green algae and the land plants share a common ancestor?

1 billion years ago

In this plant life cycle, the_________generation is represented by letter A, while the__________generation is represented by letter B.

1. gametophyte 2. sporophyte

In humans, gametes such as sperm and eggs are formed by the cellular process of ______________, , whereas land plants produce gametes by the process of ___________________.

1. meiosis 2. mitosis

In this plant life cycle, the ___________ generation is represented by letter A, while the__________ generation is represented by letter B.

1.gametophyte 2.sporophyte

Which of the following are similarities that evolved independently in at least some species of both lycophytes and other vascular plants?

A treelike growth form The presence of leaves

Choose all that are carried in vascular tissue. Hormones Ribosomes Gas vesicles Sucrose Water Minerals

Hormones Sucrose Water Minerals

Select all ways in which moss leaflike structures differ from true leaves. Most of their surface is one cell layer thick They lack stomata They lack veins They lack a midrib

Most of their surface is one cell layer thick They lack stomata They lack veins

Choose the two types of vascular tissue. Cortex Phloem Pith Xylem

Phloem Xylem

What is a common function of the waxy cuticle and stomata on the above-ground parts of tracheophyte sporophytes?

Reduction of water loss

Select all structures produced by mosses. Rhizoids Sporangia Roots Leaves

Rhizoids Sporangia

Choose all components of fern sporophytes. Rhizomes Antheridia Fronds Rhizoids Fiddleheads

Rhizomes Fronds Fiddleheads

Antheridia and archegonia produce which of the following, respectively?

Sperm and eggs

Select the main evolutionary innovation that helped the tracheophytes to become dominant in many terrestrial ecosystems.

The development of vascular tissue

Select all features of horsetails. Their stems are rough due to calcium deposits. The dominant generation is the gametophyte. Their stems are hollow. They have jointed stems.

Their stems are hollow. They have jointed stems.

Select all true statements about whisk fern sporophytes. They range from tiny to tree-like They lack stems. They are photosynthetic (green). They lack true leaves.

They are photosynthetic (green). They lack true leaves.

Select all true statements about fern gametophytes. They are not photosynthetic. They contain archegonia and antheridia. They produce spores by mitosis. Rhizoids anchor them to their substrate.

They contain archegonia and antheridia. Rhizoids anchor them to their substrate.

Select all functions of roots. Sexual reproduction Transport of water Plant support Detection of photoperiod

Transport of water Plant support

Select all features of fern sporophytes. Vascular Multicellular Seed-bearing Aquatic Photosynthetic

Vascular Multicellular Photosynthetic

The sporophyte of what plant group consists of evenly forking photosynthetic stems that lack roots and leaves?

Whisk ferns

In this moss life cycle, the male gametophyte generation is indicated by the letter ____________, while the female gametophyte generation is indicated by the letter __________.

a b

A major adaptation to a terrestrial lifestyle in land plants is _____________.

a cuticle on exposed surfaces

In mosses and ferns, the haploid (gametophyte) generation occupies_______.

a larger portion of the life cycle than it does in seed plants

In mosses, male gametangia are called _________, while female gametangia are called ________.

antheridia archegonia

A similarity between fern gametophytes and sporophytes is that they

are photosynthetic

The adaptation of plants to a terrestrial environment required _______________.

better water loss management

All of the following are examples of vascular plants except _________. -seed plants -bryophytes -pteridophytes -lycophytes


Conspicuous, photosynthetic gametophytes are characteristic of Blank______.


The closest living descendants of the first land plants are the ____________.


The________ , also known as nontracheophytes, are the closest living descendants of the first land plants.


All vascular plant sporophytes have a waxy____________and pores called___________to help prevent water loss.

cuticle stomata

Hornwort gametophytes are typically provided with nitrogen by their symbiotic, nitrogen-fixing_____________


A common feature of whisk ferns and horsetails is that they both have sperm with__________; for that reason, those plants require free water for__________________.

flagella fertilization

One reason bryophytes require water for fertilization is because their sperm are Blank______.


Land plants evolved from____________.

freshwater green algae

The leaves of ferns are called


In plants, the haploid generation is called the ______________ , and the diploid generation is the _________________.

gametophyte sporophyte

Bryophyte have small, green_________that are specialized for light capture and photosynthesis.


approximately 1 billion years ago lands plants shared a common ancestor with ____________.

green algae

A typical land plant has a(n) _________________life cycle, which includes multicellular haploid and diploid stages.


Over the course of plant evolution from bryophytes to seed plants, the general trend has been toward a significant decrease in the size of the _____________ stage in the life cycle.


The main role of plant gametophytes is to produce____________.

haploid gametes

Land plants are protected against mutations due to higher UV exposure by_____________.

having a dominant diploid generation

Fern gametophytes are typically Blank______.

heart-shaped and cell one layer thick, except in the center

A plant is said to be __________if all of its spores are similar in appearance.


Plants that produce one spore type are called


The_________are seedless vascular plants with hollow, jointed stems.


The most common type of liverwort is ______. leafy filamentous lobed


In liverworts, the well-known flattened species are lobed and resemble the ____________ , whereas the ____________ form is much more common.

liver moss

Two types of leaves are found in vascular plants: small leaves supported by a single vein called ______________, and true leaves, also known as _____________.

lycophylls euphylls

Even though ___________diverged from all other vascular plants early in their evolutionary history, they are similar in having leaves and a treelike growth form.


Over the course of plant evolution, the general trend has been toward

more embryo protection and a smaller gametophyte

Organisms that exhibit a haplodiplontic life cycle have_______.

multicellular haploid and diploid stages

The bryophytes are also known as __________plants because they lack tracheids.


In mosses and ferns, the gametophyte generation is ___________.

photosynthetic and free-living

Unlike bryophytes, lycophytes Blank______.

produce vascular tissue

Seeds are very resistant structures, that can ________and nourish the young ____________.

protect plant

What structure functions both in support of the plant and transport of water and nutrients in tracheophytes?


The three clades of vascular plants are the lycophytes, the pterophytes, and the___________ plants


Liverworts reproduce through ______.

sexual and asexual means

Clusters of sporangia on ferns are called


Sori are clusters of

sporangia in ferns

Moss sporophytes typically have a slender ___________with a swollen capsule, known as the ___________, at its tip.

stalk sporangium

During the evolution of plant vascular tissues, which developed first?


The earliest vascular plants had Blank______.

stems but not roots

The charophytes and all land plants are collectively referred to as _____________.


An important difference that distinguishes the leaflike structures of moss gametophytes from true leaves is Blank______.

the lack of vascular tissue

Because water availability was a limiting factor for the growth of early terrestrial plant life, such plants likely had the ability to Blank______.

tolerate desiccation

Tracheophytes are dominant in many terrestrial ecosystems because of their ability to produce ______.

vascular tissue

In bryophytes, the sperm are flagellated and have to swim to the archegonia; therefore, the presence of ___________is necessary for fertilization.


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