Chapter 29 Test

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A dark area of the photosphere of the sun that is cooler than the surrounding areas and That has a strong magnetic field

What is a prominence on the sun?

A large loop of gas supported by the magnetic field


A loop of relatively cool and incandescent gas that extends above the photosphere and above the suns edge as seen from Earth

Solar flare

An explosive release of energy that comes from the sun and that is associated with magnetic disturbances on the suns surface

Where are auroras frequently seen?

At the magnetic poles

How are auroras formed?

Auroras form when charged particles emitted from the sun during a solar flare penetrate the Earth's magnetic shield and collide with atoms and molecules in our atmosphere

In the sun's radiative zone energy moves?

By radiation


Colored light produced by charged particles from the solar wind and from the magnetosphere that react and excite the oxygen and nitrogen of earths upper atmosphere usually seen in the sky nearest earths magnetic poles

Coronal mass ejection

Coronal gas that is thrown into space from the sun

What is a coronal mass ejection?

Coronal gas that is thrown into space from the sun

When hydrogen nuclei fuse to into helium nuclei what is released?

Energy is released

What elements make up most of the sun's mass?

Hydrogen and helium

The sun converts matter into energy in the?

In the Core

Is a sunspot a solar eruption?

No, a sunspot is a cool dark areas of gas within the photosphere

Most of the sun's energy is a result of?

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion

Process of combining nuclei of small Atoms to form a massive nuclei

What is the hottest layer in the sun's atmosphere called?

The Corona

How long is the sunspot cycle?

The duration of the sunspot cycle is about 11 years.


The outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere

What are the three parts of the sun's atmosphere?

The photosphere, chromosphere, and Corona

Convective zone

The region of the suns interior that is between the radiative zone and the photosphere and in which energy is carried upward by convection

What are northern lights?

The result of collisions between gaseous particles in the earths atmosphere with charge particles released from the sun's atmosphere or aurora borielas.

What type of star is the sun?

The sun is a main sequence star on the HR diagram


The thin layer of the sun that is just above the photosphere and that glows a reddish color during eclipses


The visible surface of the sun

Radiative zone

Zone of the suns interior that is between the core and the convection zone and which energy moves by it radiation

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