Chapter 3

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The power of Congress to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among several states, and with Native American tribes is found in ________ of the U.S. Constitution.

Article I

The source of implied powers under the U.S. Constitution is the ________ clause.

necessary and proper

Which of the following was NOT a function of government most commonly performed by state governments during the era of dual federalism?

patents and copyrights

A state government's authority to regulate the safety, health, and morals of its citizens is called ________ power.


In 1996, ________ carried a copy of the Tenth Amendment in his pocket as he campaigned for the presidency.=

Bob Dole

________ presided over the New Deal.

Franklin Roosevelt

Many Americans blamed ________ for their plight during the Great Depression.

Herbert Hoover

________ occurs when a state grants a city the ability to govern its own local affairs.

Home rule

Which of the following statements about the structure of American federalism is true?

It has contributed to the longevity of the U.S. government by allowing many divisive policy decisions throughout American history to be made by states.

Using block grants to return power to the states was part of ________ during the Nixon (1969-1974) and Reagan (1981-1989) administrations.

New Federalism

Which of the following is true about the Southern Manifesto?

Southern officials declared that their states were not bound by Supreme Court decisions outlawing racial segregation.

What is one of the biggest problems with federal block grants?

There is a need for greater accountability in how the funds are actually spent by the states.

Disapproval of unfunded mandates is most common among those who want to

reduce the power of the federal government.

Which of the following statements best describes the history of American federalism?

Throughout American history, there has been considerable debate about the allocation of responsibilities between the states and the federal government.

Federal officials seeking to give state officials more authority are most likely to support ________.

block grants

The privileges and immunities clause of Article IV is also referred to as the ________.

comity clause

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) was important because it

established the supremacy of the national government in all matters affecting interstate commerce.

The specific powers granted to Congress in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution are called the ________ powers.


The United States, Canada, and Switzerland can all be described as ________ systems of government while France can be described as a ________ system of government.

federal; unitary

When was the era of dual federalism according to the authors of the text?

from the ratification of the Constitution until the New Deal

The form of federal assistance called ________ provides money to state governments with no strings attached.

general revenue sharing

"Marble cake federalism" is associated with

intergovernmental cooperation blurring the lines between different layers of government.

In a federal system, governmental responsibilities are

shared by both state and federal authorities.

The full faith and credit clause of the Constitution requires

states to normally honor each other's public acts and legal decisions.

Which event was most influential in the rise of a more active national government?

the Great Depression

Which clause of the U.S. Constitution has been critical in allowing the growth of national power?

the commerce clause

Which clause in the U.S. Constitution has been central in debates over same-sex marriage?

the full faith and credit clause

Which clauses of the U.S. Constitution involve the relationships between and among the various states?

the full faith and credit clause and the privileges and immunities clause

Which of the following is the best example of a concurrent power under the U.S. Constitution?

the power to regulate commercial activity

Which level of government writes the majority of criminal laws?

the state governments

The constitutional idea of states' rights was strongest during which historical period?

the years immediately preceding the Civil War

The number of categorical grants in the United States increased dramatically during the ________.


By 1932, ________ percent of the labor force in the United States was unemployed.


Congressional grants paid for ________ percent of the development of an interstate highway after World War II.


Which of the following statements about contemporary America is true?

About half of the states have legalized medical marijuana.

Which statement best describes American federalism since the 1930s?

Although the federal government has grown significantly more powerful since the 1930s, the basic framework of American federalism has not been altered and state governments remain important.

________ compels state officials to obey costly federal regulations, but does not reimburse those costs.

An unfunded mandate

________ powers exist when both state and national governments possess a certain level of authority.


________ is evidenced when national officials fund a project that is actually implemented in the states.

Cooperative federalism

________ is the strategy of delegating a policy program to a lower level of government.


What is the main purpose behind the privileges and immunities clause of Article IV?

It prevents states from discriminating against nonresidents.

Why was United States v. Lopez (1995) important?

It was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of Congress outlined under the commerce clause.

Who wrote the Supreme Court opinions in both McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)?

John Marshall

Which of the following statements best describes the discussion of local government found in the U.S. Constitution?

Local governments are not mentioned in the Constitution.

________ is evidenced when federal officials force state officials to implement more stringent water pollution regulations.


________ federalism is evidenced when federal officials establish environmental standards that every state must follow.


Why were attempts by Congress to regulate child labor and factory conditions in local workplaces struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional in the late nineteenth century?

Regulating local workplaces was beyond the scope of understanding of interstate commerce at the time and was, therefore, perceived to be an unconstitutional exercise of power by the federal government.

A definitive role for the states in the American federal republic was preserved by the ________ Amendment.


Advocates of limiting the powers of the national government justify their position by the ________ of the U.S. Constitution.

Tenth Amendment

Which statement best describes the Supreme Court's trend in interpreting federalism since the mid-1990s?

The Court has limited the power of the national government over the state governments.

Which of the following statements is true about the Defense of Marriage Act?

The Defense of Marriage Act was passed in 1996.

How did the traditional system of dual federalism establish a "commercial republic"?

The function of the federal government was to promote and assist commerce.

What was the overall importance of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)?

The justices interpreted the delegated powers of Congress broadly, creating the potential for increased national powers.

What was one effect of dual federalism during the early republic?

The national government was spared the task of making difficult policy decisions, such as the regulation of slavery, because the states did it themselves.

Which of the following Supreme Court cases limited federal power?

United States v. Lopez and Printz v. United States

The Defense of Marriage Act was struck down, in part, by the Supreme Court justices in ________.

Windsor v. United States

The Supreme Court justices determined that the Affordable Care Act was

constitutional under Congress's power to tax.

Nations that adopt a federal arrangement tend to have

diverse ethnic or language groups.

During the era of dual federalism, what was the primary goal of the federal government's domestic policies?

to assist the development of commercial activity between and among the states

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