chapter 3

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What part of the brain deals with our basic life sustaining functions like breathing?


Turn to sound


Describe nervous system breakdown

Nervous system PNS CNS (from PNS) Autonomic vs. Somatic (from autonomic) Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic


drugs that increase the action of a neurotransmitter.


environmental influences that determine whether or not genes are expressed, or the degree to which they are expressed, without altering the basic DNA sequences that constitute the genes themselves.

The first true central nervous system appeared in



Heart rate


Sensory Relay

Reticular Formation



hunger & thirst



cell body

(also called the soma), the largest component of the neuron that coordinates the information-processing tasks and keeps the cell alive.

Fear and Aggression


Compared with vertebrates, invertebrates lack a hierarchical organization of their


What part of the brain is the main relay station for information from the senses?


Why is it informative to study people with damage to certain regions of the brain?

These patients often demonstrate problems performing specific behaviors, and we can correlate this behavior with the specific region that has been damaged.

somatic nervous system

a set of nerves that conveys information between voluntary muscles and the central nervous system

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is:

a technique that can simulate brain damage.

Alex has early-onset Alzheimer's disease. He has trouble paying attention at work and forgets simple things. Which neurotransmitter is MOST likely causing Alex's symptoms?


Andrea's grandmother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Andrea wanted to do some research so that she could help her grandmother better understand this disease. Through her research, Andrea found that Alzheimer's disease involves the deterioration of the neurotransmitter _____.


Functional magnetic imaging (fMRI) directly measures the:

activity of oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood.

myelin sheath

an insulating layer of fatty material. Composed of glial cells- support cells found in the nervous system.

Beta blockers, which prevent the effects of a neurotransmitter, are considered:


_____ are composed of neurons that help provide sense and meaning to information registered in various parts of the cortex.

association areas

Peripheral Nervous System

breathing, digestion, sexual arousal

People with damage to Wernicke's area....

cannot understand what is being said to them


carries information to other neurons, muscles, or glands.

autonomic nervous system

carries involuntary and automatic commands that control blood vessels, body organs, and glands.

The _____ is the part of the neuron that keeps the cell alive.

cell body

Eddie has been feeling very lethargic lately and the doctors think he may have a thyroid problem. They told him the problem could be originating in his brain or at the gland. If it is beginning in his brain, it is coming from his _____ nervous system, and if it is beginning in his gland, it is coming from his _____ nervous system.

central; peripheral

Practiced movement


During the course of embryonic brain growth, the _____________ undergoes the greatest development.

cerebral cortex

Which part of the central nervous system will form LAST in prenatal development?

cerebral cortex

Robert was a professional hockey player for 12 years. During his career, he experienced several concussions which caused severe headaches. Robert has been retired for 10 years and is experiencing memory and comprehension problems, excruciating migraines, and bouts of depression. Robert may be diagnosed with _____.

chronic traumatic encephalopathy

The two hemispheres of the brain are joined by the....

corpus callosum

band of neurons carrying messages between the two hemispheres

corpus callosum

Functional neuroimaging techniques, such as PET and fMRI, allow researchers to _____ brain activity in certain areas with particular behaviors.


The _____ receives information from other neurons, and the _____ sends that information on to the next neuron.

dendrites; axon

Which part of the cerebral cortex deals with abstract thinking, planning, executive control, and judgment—the qualities that make us most human?

frontal lobe

An image shown the RIGHT visual field will:

go to the left half of both retinas and the left hemisphere of the brain.

medulla oblangata

heart rate, circulation, respiration

parasympathetic nervous system

helps the body return to a normal resting state

controls basic operations


The reticular activating system is located in the _____. It regulates _____.

hindbrain; arousal

memory formation


When a word is presented to the left visual field...

it goes to the right side of the retina and then the right hemisphere of the brain and then across the corpus callosum to the left hemisphere where it is identified.

If Hannah has Wernicke's aphasia, she has damage to her:

left temporal lobe



Diseases such as multiple sclerosis usually involve a deterioration of what part of a neuron?

myelin sheath

Runners sprinting short distances in a relay race and handing off a baton is an analogy that represents the way in which the neural signal jumps between the _____, or the breaks in the myelin sheath.

nodes of Ranvier

Samantha gets nervous when she is home alone and always believes she is hearing noises in her house. Samantha's increased awareness of her immediate environment is MOST likely caused by the neurotransmitter _____.


Which structure is the conductor, or "master gland," of the hormone-producing system?

pituitary gland

sympathetic nervous system

prepares the body for action in challenging or threatening situations

Patients with damage to Broca's area will likely have difficulty:

producing speech

cell body

protein synthesis, energy production, and metabolism


receive information from other neurons and relay it to the cell body.

The spinal cord controls our _________


Neurons have a natural electric charge called the ____________ _______________, the difference in electric charge between the inside and outside of a neuron's cell membrane

resting potential

Suzanne has been having difficulty falling asleep and waking up in the morning. She has also noticed that her appetite has changed and that she has become somewhat more aggressive. What neurotransmitter is MOST likely involved in Suzanne's symptoms?


Miranda has a rare neurological problem in which some of her neurons are dying and others cannot organize information from various neurons. It is MOST likely that this disease is affecting the _____ of Miranda's neurons.


Our reflexes such as pulling your hand away from a flame, are governed by the ____, while basic functions of motor skills and respiration are governed by the _____.

spinal cord; hindbrain

You are driving down an unfamiliar road at night, and an animal darts out in front of your car. You quickly slam on the brakes and avoid hitting the animal. Your ability to respond quickly to this situation was MOST likely prompted by your:

sympathetic nervous system.

The thalamus receives information from the sensory systems, including:

taste, vision, touch, and sound.

Filters information from the senses and transmits it to the cerebral cortex




Which parts make up the major components of the peripheral nervous system?

the autonomic and somatic nervous systems

Which part of the brain forms FIRST in prenatal development?

the hindbrain

The loss of the ability to speak is associated with damage to

the left frontal lobe.

Spinal reflexes require input from

the spinal cord only

Damage to this area of the brain could leave a person unable to navigate his or her way through a room.

the tectum

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