Chapter 3: Evaluating Moral Arguments

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Which of the following are examples of cognitive biases?

examples: confirmation bias availability error the Dunning-Kruger effect motivated reasoning non-examples: begging the question the straw man fallacy

When supplying an implied premise of an argument, one must take care to choose a premise that not only makes the argument valid but also is plausible and fitting. Find the most plausible and fitting implicit premise for the following argument: 1. Capital punishment involves killing a living human being. 2. There is a substantial chance that capital punishment will result in innocent people being killed. 3. Therefore, capital punishment is wrong.

it is wrong to do something if there is a substantial chance it will result in innocent people being killed

Objectivism says that it is ____ appropriate to criticize a culture you are not a part of.


According to subjective relativism, people are morally infallible.


Argument or Not? 1. All pleasurable things are good. Delicious food is pleasurable. Therefore, delicious food is good. 2. Homosexuality is defined as attraction to those of the same gender. Most people now agree that homosexuality is not morally wrong, although this is a recent change in public opinion. 3. Americans have a right to own a gun because the Constitution says so. 4. A contemporary question is whether capital punishment is morally wrong. The answer can only be that it is.

1. Argument 2. Not 3. Argument 4. Not

Which of the following are essential elements of good moral arguments or conversations?

An Essential Element to Good Moral Arguments or Conversations consideration of alternative views an argument for or against the claim a claim to be proved Not an Essential Element to Good Moral Arguments or Conversations strong, passionate commitment to the topic.

Consider the following argument: 1. If there is a right to own guns, then life imprisonment for owning a gun is wrong. 2. Life imprisonment for owning a gun is wrong. 3. Therefore, there is a right to own guns. Which of the following terms describes this argument?

Apply: invalid (if p, then q. Q, therefore p. ) does not apply: weak sound valid

What fallacy is committed by the following argument? There is a moral obligation not to end the life of a fetus. Therefore, abortion is wrong.

Begging the question

Maria believes that abortion is morally acceptable, and she thinks that those with a pro-life position are mistaken in their moral view. Based on this information, which of the following moral views could Maria be using to inform her belief?

Correct Answer(s)cultural relativism, moral objectivism Incorrect Answer(s)subjective relativism, emotivism,

Consider the following argument: Although this may be an unpopular opinion, eating animals is morally wrong. Here's why. Eating animals causes unnecessary harm to sentient beings. Cows, pigs, and chickens all suffer serious harm when they are raised for meat. They are confined in small crates, unable to move around freely. And that is just when they are living—the most obvious harm is that they face premature death when they are killed for the sake of their meat. Which of the following options could be an implicit premise in the argument?

Could be an implied: It is morally wrong to cause unnecessary harm to sentient beings. Could not: Animals are sentient beings. Animals have all the same rights as humans. Animals have the capacity to suffer from unnecessary harm.

What fallacy or fallacies does the following argument commit?The Republican candidate for Congress recently said that the poor should pay higher taxes than the rich—that really shows how Republicans think.

Fallacies Committed by This Argument straw man hasty generalization Fallacies Not Committed by This Argument slippery slope appeal to authority

What fallacy or fallacies are committed by the following argument? 1. If same-sex marriage has been legalized, then the foundations of civilization will be ruined. 2. The foundations of civilization will be ruined. 3. Therefore, same-sex marriage has been legalized.

Fallacies committed by this argument: affirming the consequent slippery slope Fallacies not committed by this argument: appeal to authority appeal to ignorance

Consider the following argument: 1. We have an obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions only if greenhouse gases are increasing global temperatures. 2. Greenhouse gases are not increasing global temperatures. 3. Therefore, we do not have an obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Which of the following sources would be useful for justifying Premise 2?

Good Sources: Bad Sources:

Consider the following argument: 1. If ending an innocent human life is wrong, then abortion is wrong. 2. Ending an innocent human life is wrong. 3. Therefore, abortion is wrong. Describe this argument with the following options that use letters to stand in for statements.

If p, then q. p. Therefore, q.

Sort the following statements into moral statements and nonmoral statements.

Moral Statements The war on drugs is wrong. The rich should be obligated to give money to charity. Nonmoral Statements Most Americans believe that socialism is unjust. Harold is a pathological liar.

Consider the following argument: 1. Killing a human being is always wrong, even to save a thousand other lives. 2. Therefore, euthanasia is wrong. What term or terms appropriately describe the first premise?

NONE, the following terms may only be used to describe an argument, not a premise. invalid weak unsound cogent


Statements are saying something IS or IS NOT. Statements: All triangles have three sides. Correct label: Fish are mammals. Correct label: Abortion is wrong. Non-statements: How are you today? Shut the door.

Consider the following argument: 1. Every person has a right to life. 2. It is wrong to kill someone who has a right to life. 3. Therefore, it logically follows that capital punishment is wrong. Which of the following terms appropriately describe this argument?

Terms that do apply: Invalid - because there is a jump in the conclusion Unsound - to be sound, it must be valid and have true premises. Terms that do not apply: weak strong

Consider the following argument: 1. We should require a license only for activities that are not protected by the Constitution. 2. Owning a gun is an activity that is protected by the Constitution. 3. Therefore, owning a gun should not require a license. One objection to this argument is: We should require a license for activities that have the potential to harm others, like driving a car. Which part of the argument does the objection target?

The objection is aimed at: #1. The objection says that whether an activity is protected by the Constitution is not the only thing that determines whether an activity should require a license.

The following argument is invalid: If casual sex increases the risk of transmitting STDs, then it is morally wrong. Casual sex does not increase the risk of transmitting STDs. Therefore, casual sex is not morally wrong.


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