Chapter 3 Kinesiology "Importance of PA"

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Depth or Breadth of Experience "Generalist vs. Specialists"

1) Depth of Capacity (Specialists) > "Limiting" practice & training to one particular activity. 2) Breath of Capacity (Generalists) >"Broad range" of different types of training & practice experience. Whether to become a "Generalist," who develops low to moderate proficiency in a "Variety of PA's," OR a "Specialist," who "Focuses Intensely," on developing high levels of proficiency in only one or two activities, is a decision that should be made with a clear understanding of the Advantages and Disadvantages of each.

A) Experiences change Our Capacity to Perform PA

A) Motor Skill >Activities in which performers attempt to attain specific goals by executing efficient, coordinated motor responses. Practice > Refining motor control function to improve skill. Learning >A permanent alterations in the functioning of the nervous system that enables performers to achieve a predetermined goal consistently. --Mindlessly performing a skill will NOT lead to LEARNING.

Heredity & Experience

A) Abilities -as building blocks for experience > Genetic predispositions that offer advantages or disadvantages for particular activities. Ability are genetically endowed perceptual, cognitive, motor. Genetic factors also influence our body proportions, skeletal size, bone mass & distribution. B) Interaction of Experience & Abilities >Mechanical Reasoning >Spatial Ability 1) Underachievers-people inherit the abilities required by an activity but fail to exploit those abilities through practice & training. 2) Overachievers-others that have little natural ability for an activity, but they compensate for this by usually ambitious practicing and training schedules.

PA -"Signature of Humanity" (4 signatures)

A) Intelligence-based PA (humans) > Is rooted in more Intricate Plans & Directed toward more sophisticated/Elaborate goals. B) Ethically & Aesthetically based PA > Humans are essentially spiritual creatures possessing unique Moral & Aesthetic senses, we can use our movements to express our imagination & moral reasoning. C) Flexibility & Adaptability of PA > Unique combinations of movements permitted by our Anatomy. D) Ability to Improve Performance through Planned Experience > Most Significant, distinguishing characteristic of humans is our ability to improve our capacity for PA through Planned, Systematic Practice & Training.

Principles of Quality & Quantity

A) Principle of Quality >Experiences that engage us in the most critical components of an activity are most likely to lead to increases in our capacity to perform that activity. B) Principle of Quantity >Increase of frequency of our engagement with the critical components of an activity usually leads to increases in our capacity to perform that activity.

Factors "Influencing Kinds & Amounts" of Performance Experiences

Average adults perform most types of "motor skills," at levels far below their capabilities (not reaching full potential). A) "Social Environment" -the people with whom you interact on a regular basis can have a significant effect on the "Types & Amounts" of PA experiences you pursue both as a child and as an adult. 1) Parents > The extent to which preschoolers, middle school children, and adolescents become involved in PA adds largely related to the extent of their parents' involvement in PA. 2) Peers > The extent of your friends' involvement in PA also may have influenced your PA decisions. 3) Teachers & Coaches > PE Teachers & coaches are influential because they are in a position to confirm or disconfirm a young person's competency in an activity. B) Individual Circumstances > Geography (place of residence, climate/weather, available & accessible facilities) >Local PA Cultural Traditions emphasize a particular Sport. >Economic Considerations (Highly educated, higher income bracket, high-status jobs, -tend to be more active) C) Personal Attributes & Attitudes > affect our PA patterns (your perceptions, feelings, decisions) >Decisions to become involved in or avoid PA may have to do with our feelings of self-esteem & our perceptions of our competence in the activities.

B) Experiences change Our Capacity to Perform PA

B) Physical Performance Capacity >Qualities of PA such as flexibility, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and strength that are developed through "Training" rather than learning. Training > PA carried out for the express purpose of "Conditioning" for performance in an athletic or other type of event. Conditioning > "The temporary end state of training" reflected in the performer's possessing an adequate level of strength, endurance, and flexibility to carry out desired tasks.

C) Experiences change Our Capacity to Perform PA

C) Practice vs. Training > Practice produces effects on memory, cognition, perception, and other CNS processes associated with problem solving. >Training produces effects that are largely peripheral to the CNS, usually on muscle, bone, soft tissue, and the cardiorespiratory system.

D) Experiences change Our Capacity to Perform PA

D) Motor Performance Experience & Physical Fitness > Physical Fitness is a capacity developed through exercise enabling one to perform the essential activities of daily living, engage in an active leisure lifestyle, and have sufficient energy remaining to meet the demands of unexpected emergencies. Five Components of Fitness 1) Cardio/Resp endurance 2) Muscular strength 3) Muscular Endurance 4) Body Composition 5) Flexibility Measuring Physical Fitness(Types of Physical Fitness) > Motor Performance Fitness is the capacity/ability to Perform Daily Activities with Vigor. > Health-related Fitness Tests (General Fitness Evaluations, GFE). Prevent disease processes associated with low levels of PA

Activity Experience

Def: -any activity that includes training in, observation of practice of, or personal participation in PA. "Active Experience" is different from "Subjective Experiences" In Chapter 4, "Subjective Experiences," are an individual's reactions, feelings, and thoughts about events.

Role of PA experience to bring about Predetermined Ends...

Kinesiologists are experts at designing & manipulating PA experiences to bring about predetermined ends.

Identifying Critical Components of PA

Task Analysis -the systematically identifying the critical components of an activity. Critical Component -the aspect of an activity deemed most important for successfully performing that activity. Motor Skill Taxonomies-classification systems that categorize skills according to their common critical elements. A) Determining Skill components critical for learning 1) Closed Skills -motor skills performed in predictable environment requiring predictable movements. 2) Open Skills -the skill requires the performed to monitor a changing/unpredictable environment & adjust movements accordingly. B) Determining Experiences appropriate for Training 1) Expert Rating-consult a group of exercise physiologists or conditioning experts and ask each of them to rate the contribution of five performance components; Cardo Endurance, Muscle Endurance, Muscle strength, Flexibility, Balance. 2) Binary Decision Trees-focus your attention on the most important questions and can help you approach task analysis in a clearheaded, systematic way.

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