Chapter 3: Lesson 3

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Why was the Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortés able to conquer the Aztecs? page 128

-Cortes conquered the Aztecs because he had guns and horses while the Aztecs did not. Also some Aztecs didn't like the Aztecs rule so they joined Cortes. They carried diseases that Native Americans were not immune to.

Who was Juan Ponce de León? Where did he travel? What was he looking for? What land did he claim for Spain? page 127

-Juan Ponce de León conquistador who set out find an island called Bimini. On Bimini there was a fountain of youth that supposedly made old people look young. -traveled to Puerto Rica and when he found Florida instead of Bimini he claimed it for Spain. -La Florida is Spanish for flowery

After Spain had claimed land in America, why did other Spanish explorers and soldiers sail there? page 127

-Spanish explorers wanted to find adventure and riches. -Some dreamed of becoming rich through trade by selling things in Europe they had found in the Americas. -wanted to win national glory and to convert Native Americans to Christianity.

Who was Atahuallpa and what happened to him? page 130

Atahuallpa was the leader of the Inca empire which was into the western coast of South America. He was taken by the Spanish as a prisoner because he didn't want to accept Christianity and he didn't let his group follow the spanish rule.

What was Ponce de León the first Spanish explorer to do? page 127

Juan Ponce de León was the first to set foot on the land that became part of the United states.

Who was Motecuhzoma and what happened to him? page 128

Motecuhzoma is the Aztecs's emperor who thought that Cortes was the light skinned god. He was taken and killed by Cortes.

Why was the German priest Martin Luther forced out of the Catholic Church? page 131

He was forced out of the Catholic Church because he began to call openly for reforms or changes in the Catholic Church. This period of time was called the Reformation.

During the Counter-Reformation, why did the Catholic Church work to spread its power to the Americas? page 131

Church leaders wanted to gain new followers. They also wanted to share in the wealth of the lands claimed by European countries. To do this they sent missionaries to the Americas. They wanted to be part of the gold, money, and power found in the Americas.

Who was Estevanico and why was he important to Marcos de Niza? What happened to Estevanico? page 128

Estevanico was an enslaved African who knew about the region which De Niza traveled too. He was killed.

Who was Francisco Pizarro and what did he accomplish? page 130

Francisco Pizzaro was a Spanish conquistador who was sent in 1531 on an expedition into the western coast with 180 soldiers. He wanted the Inca leader of the group to become Christian but he declined so they attacked the Incas and held the leader prisoner and when he died, Pizarro traveled to Cuzco the capital of the Inca empire and took control over the region. He explored western South America.

Who was Francisco Vásquez de Coronado and what did he accomplish? page 129

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was a conquistador who heard about Niza's story and set out to find the seven cities of gold. He was with 300 soldiers several enslaved Africans and more than 1,000 enslaved Native Americans. He never found any gold but claimed lands for Spain that were AZ NM TX OK KS and parts of Mexico

Who was Hernando Cortés? Where did he travel and what did he accomplish? page 128

Hernando Cortes conquistador was sent by Spain to find gold in the land of the Aztecs. He landed in what is now Mexico and marched west form the coast toward the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan. -The Aztecs and the Spanish had fight and the Spanish won -Cortes found gold among the Aztecs.

What part of the present-day United States did Hernando de Soto explore and claim? page 130

Hernando de Soto explored the southeastern United States. He discovored Tampa Bay, Florida and explored GA, SC, VA, TN, AL, MI, AK, and LA. De soto and his men claimed the land they explored. Spanish claims now covered much of the southeastern half of what is now part of the United States.

Who was Hernando de Soto and what did he accomplish? page 130

Hernando de Soto was a conquistador who explored the southeastern United States with 600 men from Cuba. They landed near Tampa Bay and later they became the first Europeans to see the Mississippi river.They met many Native Americans which ended in a bloody battle but the worst battle was in a place called the Mobile tribe in which is now Alabama. De Soto died because of a fever but his 300 soldiers who survived claimed the land that they explored.

Who was Marcos de Niza and what did Spain send him to do? What was the outcome of his expedition? page 128

Marcos de Niza Spanish priest who was sent expedition to find the seven cities of gold -took Estevanico an enslaved African who knew about the region. Estevanico was killed but De Niza returned and said he saw a golden city.

While conquistadors were exploring the Americas, why were some people in Europe questioning the power of the Catholic Church? page 131

People were questioning the power of the Catholic Church because they forced people to follow their rules and to pay taxes. They had their own court and whoever disagreed with the Church laws would get punished.

What is Tenochtitlán? page 128

Tenochtitlan is the capital of the Aztecs Empire.

During the Counter-Reformation, how did the Catholic Church try to keep its power? page 131

The Catholic Church tried to keep its power through efforts now called the Counter-Reformation. They banned books that went against its teachings and people who protested Catholic laws were punished in Church courts.

How did the Spanish conquistadors have an advantage over the Aztec warriors? page 128

The Spanish conquistadors had stronger weapons than an Aztec warrior. They had a gun that was called Harquebus.The Spanish conquistadors had a horse to ride which is not as tiring as being barefoot like the Aztecs were. They also had steel armor.

What became the Aztecs capital in the new Spanish empire in the Americas? Where was it built? page 128

The capital of Spain's new empire in the Americas was Mexico City. The Spanish built Mexico City. It was built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan.

Who were the first Europeans to see the Mississippi river? page 130

The first Europeans who saw the Mississippi River were the 600 men who had sailed from Cuba and landed near Tampa Bay. They were with Hernando de Soto.

What lands in the Americas made up the Spanish empire known as New Spain? page 129

The lands that made up the Spanish empire known as New Spain in the Americas were Mexico, southwestern United States, and Florida.

Why were missionaries sent to the Americas and what did they do? page 131 & 132

The missionaries were sent to the Americas to convert Native Americans to the Catholic Church. Missionaries held ceremonies to make Native Americans they met Catholic. Some missionaries forced Native Americans to become Catholic and enslaved them. Others fought to hold on to their beliefs.

People who protested the actions of the Catholic leaders became known as what? What did they do? page 131

The people who protested became known as Protestants. They began new churches such as the Lutheran Church.

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