Chapter 3 soil classification

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an accumulation of clay

a horizon designated as a Bt would likely have


nilgai would be characteristic of


a soil has a thick black A horizon, a distinct B horizon, has reasonably stable soil structure, and was formed under grassland natural vegetation. base saturation is >50% in all horizons. In which suborder, is it most likely classed?


if soils are to be used for crop production, for which soil order would land drainage be most critical


in which of the following epipedons is the organic matter level generally lowest?


in which of the following epipedons is the organic matter level generally the highest?


in which of the following soil orders would recent alluvium most likely be a common parent material?


soils in this order are commonly sandy in texture, quite acidic and develop primarily under coniferous trees in cool to cold climates?

histosols and andisols

the 2 soil orders with low bulk densities that would prone to soil erosion when dry are the

a mollic has a base saturation >50%, an umbric has a base saturation <50%

the main difference between an umbric epipedon and a mollic epipedon is:


the strong shrink-swell capability of clay soils predominantly composed of smectite makes these soils troublesome sites on which to build a home. in which soil order, would these soils be classified?

mollisols and alfisols

the two soil orders that are typical of the breadbaskets of the world are the


what property would the following diagnostic horizons have in common: calcic horizon, petrogypsic horizon, Salic horizons and natric horizon? each my be characterized by a significant accumulation of?

inhibit water movement

what property would the following diagnostic horizons have in common: frigipan, petrocalcic horizon, and placid horizon? each may be characterized by a significant accumulation of

organic matter

what property would the following diagnostic horizons have in common: histic epipedon, somber horizon, mollic epipedon, and spodic horizon? each may be characterized by a significant accumulation of


what property would the following diagnostic horizons have in common: kandic horizon, argillic horizon, toxic horizon, and natric horizon? each may be characterized by a significant accumulation of

a oxisol in central Brazil

which of the following describes a soil likely to contain a significant content of low activity clays


which of the following diagnostic horizons would likely not restrict growth in soils?


which of the following soil temperature regimes would provide the warmest and least variable soil temperatures?


which of the following subsurface diagnostic horizons would you expect to find in a highly weathered soil of the humid tropics?


which of the following subsurface diagnostic horizons would you expect to find in a soil in Tennessee


which of the following temperature regimes would you not find in Tennessee?


which soil moisture regime has the highest soil moisture level


while investigating the soils of northern Canada in the summer, you dig a soil pit easily through fairly uniform peat material until, at 75cm deep, your shovel hits a layer that is frozen solid. into which type of soil are most likely digging?


you have a soil on your farm with a base saturation of 25%. it has an ochric epipedon and an argillic subsurface diagnostic horizon. Which of the following soil orders would best describe this soil?

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