Chapter 3 The Engineering Design Process

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What is step 12 of the Engineering Design Process?

Communicate results

A _____ may refer to a group of people's desire, a shortage of a product or service, or possibly a luxury item.


____________ is an act, process, or methodology that is used to make a design as effective or as functional as possible within the given criteria and constraints.


A ________ can be granted to an individual, a group of people, or a company.


A _________ is a contract between the federal government and the inventor that gives the inventor exclusive rights to make, use, and sell the product for 17 years.


The _________ receives more than 400,000 applications for patents each year.


_______ is a full size working model of the design. Prototypes are always made to test the design. Without a prototype, the engineering design team would not be able to see if its solution would actually operate.


___________ is like choosing one M&M from an entire package of M&Ms. You may get a red one, a green one, or a yellow one. All candies have an equal chance of being selected.

Random sampling

What is step 10 of the Engineering Design Process?


What is step 3 of the Engineering Design Process?

Research & Generate Ideas

___________ is used for most products and involves choosing only from an identified group. Example - You have designed a backpack for children 6 to 10 years old. The statistician would only sample that group and not ask adults if they would purchase the backpack.

Stratified sampling

What is step 9 of the Engineering Design Process?

Test & Evaluate

_______ is the process of analyzing or assessing the performance of the design solution based on the established design criteria.


Will the product remain in a landfill for 1000s of years?

What are some questions engineers must ask themselves regarding a product's life cycle?

Step 1 - Define the problem, Step 2 - Brainstorm, Step 3- Research & Generate Ideas, Step 4 - Identify criteria & constraints.

What are the four steps in the Concept Stage?

Marketability refers to whether consumers will purchase the newly designed products. During the engineering design process, should conduct market research.

What does marketability refer to and what is market research?

Before a problem can be defined, it must first be identified. Engineers themselves often do not identify the problem. Problems are typically noted first by society; which typically see a need, not a problem. Problem identification may come from research, from media exposure, or from client input to a company. The engineering design team must clearly define this problem in simple terms. The definition should not include a solution.

What is Step 1 - Define the Problem

Brainstorming is a method of shared problem solving in which all members of a group engage in unrestrained discussion and spontaneously generate ideas. Team members make a list of any and all possible solutions to the problem. Members must be open to new ideas and realize that there are no wrong ideas.

What is Step 2 - Brainstorming

This includes the product's design, includes detailed drawings of the product, and specifies the materials used to fabricate the product and any other details that are required to make the item operational.

What is patent, what does it include?

What are the 3 stages of the engineering design process?

concept, development & evaluation

____________ is repeated over and over.

engineering design process

A ________ is a symbol or word that distinguishes one item or company. The trademark of McDonalds's is its Golden Arches.


____________ is the act of conducting a controlled test on a prototype.


_______ is a limit, such as appearance, budget, space, materials, or human capital, in the design process.


What is step 11 of the Engineering Design Process?

Create or make

What is step 5 of the Engineering Design Process?

Explore possibilities

What happens when a product's useful life is over?

What are some questions engineers must ask themselves regarding a product's life cycle?

A __________ protects the authors of literary works, music, and artistic work. Others cannot duplicate their products.


______ are special requirements that a product has met or must meet.


What is step 1 of the Engineering Design Process?

Define the problem

1.Traditionally, ______ has included form, color, space, materials, and texture. However, things such as cost, safely, security, market trends, and service have become increasingly important in design.


__________is turning a concept into a product that can be produced. It produces plans that help turn resources into desirable products or systems.


Constraints can also include factors such as product appearance, safety requirements, and governmental regulations. Any factor that limits the product's design, production, or sale should be listed as a constraint. (Maximum costs, max. weight, max. volume are examples of constraints.)

Example of resource constraints?

In the design process, engineers work in teams. The team is more effective than one or two engineers working by themselves. Being a good team member takes work because many people are used to working alone and making their own decisions. Working in a team means finding solutions that all team members can support. This is why it is important that all members participate in team decisions making. In this way, every team member has an interest in the design solution being successful.

How is teamwork involved in the design process?

In this step, detailed drawings are prepared. If the engineering design process continues, it will require drawings that provide a lot of detail about the product. Also team has to make two other crucial decisions: 1) the type of material to produce the item from and 2) the type of fabrication processes that will be used to manufacture the product. To make these decisions, engineers require knowledge about both materials and the manufacturing process.

Engineer Design Process Step 7 - Develop a design proposal

Using the prototype made during development, the engineering design team will now conduct experiments on its design. These experiments will allow the team to test and observe the design in a working environment. During testing, many design items are evaluated, including the design's functionality, the durability and workability of the materials, the availability of the fabrication methods required, and the product control system.

Engineer Design Process Step 9 - Test and evaluate

The engineer team must identify criteria for the product design. Criteria are special requirements and constraints or limitations that will influence the product design. At this point, the design team develops a design brief.

Engineering Design Process Step 4 - Identify Criteria and constraints

The design team also may use some type of voting to help select the design to adopt. The decision on the final design team should be reached through group consensus, or general agreement. This requires that design team members work well with other people. Decide on an idea that best meets the criteria, fits within the constraints, and has the least amount of negative characteristics.

Engineering Design Process Step 6 - Select an Approach

What is step 4 of the Engineering Design Process?

Identify criteria & constraints

A _______ is an arrangement of mathematical elements to help solve problems.


_______ is a model of the design that does not actually work, to see how the product might look. The mock-up is for appearance only and may or may not be prepared.


_________ is a statistical process used to select individuals to contact in order to gain information. Two types: random and stratified.


What is step 7 of the Engineering Design Process?

Develop a design proposal

What is step 2 of the Engineering Design Process?


The ___________ is a systematic problem-solving strategy used to satisfy human wants or needs. The design process has evolved over time based on a society's needs to solve problems in a timely manner.

Design Process

________ is the process of collecting and evaluating information and data to determine how well a design meets requirements.


The pages of an engineering notebook are part of a bound notebook. The pages should be dated, and numbered sequentially, all design brainstorming ideas should be listed in the engineering notebook, all sketches and drawings of the design must be included in the engineering notebook. During prototype fabrication and testing, digital pictures of the item should be added to the engineering notebook. Designers should also add observations, test results, and product evaluations that document the design process. Store the engineer notebook is a safe location once the design process has been completed.

How do you organize an engineer notebook?

An ___________ is a new product, system, or process that has never existed before.


___________ typically happen after scientific experiments.


__________ is a survey of potential users to find out their likes and dislikes about the product. This group should be a representative sample of the intended customers. Information from this market research should help in marketing the product for sale.

Market research

What is step 8 of the Engineering Design Process?

Model or prototype

What is step 6 of the Engineering Design Process?

Select an approach

Can a small rodent or animal get caught or trapped in the discarded product?

What are some questions engineers must ask themselves regarding a product's life cycle?

Can it be recycled?

What are some questions engineers must ask themselves regarding a product's life cycle?

Can the used product be incorporated into a new or a different product?

What are some questions engineers must ask themselves regarding a product's life cycle?

Based on the results of the prototype testing, the product may be refined or redesigned. This can mean only minor changes or a complete redesign of the product. Companies typically also include customer feedback at this point. During this step, all changes are documented and detailed product drawings are updated.

Engineer Design Process Step 10 - Refine

Once the product has been refined, the engineering design team turns the product over to the production team, which will plan the steps in the manufacturing process. This should not be the first time the production team is involved with the design. Production also should have been involved during product development.

Engineer Design Process Step 11 Create or make

After making the product, you must decide how to package it. Information obtained earlier during problem definition may help. The marketing team will develop the product's sales and distribution plan, and figure out to best communicate results to the public.

Engineer Design Process Step 12 - Communicate results

Using the ______________ to address problems helps engineers achieve the best solution.

Design Process

__________ is a written plan that identifies a problem to be solved, its criteria the design must meet and constraints on the solution.

Design brief

__________ is the organized collection of records and drawings that describes the purpose, processes, and related activities to be used for future reference. Documenting the engineering design process is essential.


Research - The design team interviews people who are affected by the problem. After ideas to solve the problem have been listed, the design team conducts research to find out if any solutions to the problem already exist. Research is some of the best work an engineer can do during the design process. Research is essential because most new designs are innovations, not inventions. Finding out what has already been done and is available is critical for the engineering design team.

What is Step 3 - Research & Generate Ideas

The engineering design team will reexamine the list of possible solutions to the problem. This step could include more brainstorming by the design team and more research. The design team evaluates each possible solution against the established design criteria and the imposed constraints.

What is Step 5 - Explore Possibilities

The _____________ applies mathematics, science, and engineering principles to help in decision making. Using the design process to address problems helps engineers achieve the best solution. The engineer process is composed of three stages and twelve steps.

engineering design process

______________ begins at product design through its use until it is discarded and is similar to a biological life cycle:

product life cycle

This step is making a prototype. This working model of the design provides the engineering design team a real-world product to test and evaluate.

Engineer Design Process Step 8 - Model or prototype

_____________ means acting on moral principles and values. Example question: Would you knowingly design a product that might cause harm to young children? Whether or not an unethical behavior is illegal, most people would agree it is not the right thing to do. it is more than simply following the rules. It also means acting responsible ways that will not harm people, animals, or the environment. Most professions, including engineering, have sets of standards that define ethical behavior.

Ethical behavior

The engineer must anticipate how consumers might use their product for things other than what they were designed to do. If you know that small children usually put toys in their mouths, then it would be unwise or unethical to design a small toy with parts that could easily break off into a child's mouth.

How do ethics affect engineering?

A design may improve an existing product, technological system, or method of doing something.


An engineering notebook is the documentation of the steps, calculations, and evaluation of the engineering design process for a particular item. Engineering notebooks are bound. Pages cannot be added, nor can pages be removed. Notebook entries contain all sketches, calculations for the design, and entries are dated. Engineer Notebook is actually a legal document and can be used in patent disputes. The notebook could also be called into a court as evidence in various types of legal or safety cases.

What is the purpose of an engineering notebook?

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