Chapter 3: The Protestant Reformation

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Justification by Faith

Luther's idea that salvation could be reached through faith in God alone and not good works. It became the chief teaching of the Protestant Reformation.

95 Theses

Martin Luther's attack on the Catholic Church's abuses and the selling of indulgences.

What was the biggest outcome/goal of the Catholic Church?

Seeking out corruption

Teresa of Avila

Spanish nun reformed the Carmelite order and founded a convent.


radical reformers who believed in complete separation of church and state

Council of Trent

reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings in opposition to Protestant beliefs


release from all or part of punishment for sin by the Catholic Church, reducing time in purgatory after death.

Praise of the Folly called for

simpler faith


someone who goes against accepted religious beliefs


the first Protestant faith

What could Zwingli and German reformers not agree on?

which rites to use

What were Anabaptist beliefs?

- Adult Baptism - Refused to hold office - Refused to bear arms - Chose and followed spiritual leader

Act of Supremacy

1534 Declared the king to be head of the English church rather than the Pope (created by Henry VIII)

During the Reformation how were Catholic and Protestant groups the same? (think of a common belief)

Believed in God

Desiderius Erasmus

Best known Christian Humanist He believed that Christianity should show people how to live good lives.

Charles V

Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

Peace of Augsburg

Ended Christianity in Europe

What impact did Calvin have on the Protestant Reformation?

Established him as a leader of Protestantism

German rulers took control of the Catholic Churches and did what?

Formed state churches

Who's support did Luther need to spread Lutheranism?

German rulers

What change did the Peace of Augsburg cause in Germany?

German states can choose if they were Catholic or Lutheran

What was a core belief of John Calvin?

God was all-powerful

How did Luther share his concerns about the Catholic Church?

He published the 95 Thesis

Who was responsible for dissolving Catholic monetarists?

Henry VIII (8th)

What caused Luther to break from the Catholic Church?

His belief in faith

Printing Press

Invented by Gutenburg. Made books and pamphlets cheap and easy to produce. Help spread peoples ideas.

Martin Luther

Monk and professor at the University of Wittenberg. He believed that salvation could be achieved through faith alone. Published the 95 Thesis

Johann Tetzel

Monk who was authorized by the Catholic Church to sell indulgences to raise money to build St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

Edict of Worms

Officially made Luther an outlaw within the Empire. His works were to be burned and Luther delivered to the Emperor.

The Catholic Church began to investigate the abuses under what leader?

Pope Paul III

What issue did Lutherans and Calvinists not agree on?


Frederick III

Prince of Saxony, he protected Luther until 1522.

John Calvin

Protestant reformer influenced by Martin Luther.

Why were Anabaptists viewed as dangerous radicals?

They believed the state should not have any role in church affairs

Why did Zwingli and Luther from and alliance?

To defend themselves against the authorities.

Why did the Holy Roman Empire have to make peace with the Lutheran Princes?

To unify the empire and prevent attacks from enemies

Pope Paul III

Took steps to reform the Catholic Church. Led a counter Reformation.

How was the Reformation in England different from the Reformation in the rest of Europe?

Was based more in politics than in religion

Christian Humanism

a movement that developed in northern Europe during the renaissance combining classical learning with the goal of reforming the catholic church


a part of a deceased holy person's body or belongings kept as an object of reverence.


a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven.


acceptance into heaven

What was one of the biggest noticeable changes Protestantism brought?

allowing clergy to marry


means by which people could view relics and purchase indulgences


belief that God has determined in advance who will be saved and who will be damned.

How did Luther believe salvation could be achieved?

faith alone

King Henry VIII (8th)

founder of the Anglican Church

Ignatius of Loyola

founder of the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits.


hostility to or discrimination against Jews.

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