Chapter 3: The U.S. Constitution

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Match the Reconstruction Amendments to what they accomplished. Reconstruction Amendments: - 13th Amendment - 14th Amendment - 15th Amendment What they accomplished: - Declared it is unconstitutional for anyone to be deprived the right to vote based on race - Affirms birthright citizenship and prohibits state governments from passing laws to abridge any fundamental rights and liberties granted to citizens -Abolished slavery everywhere in the United States

- 13th Amendment --> Abolished slavery everywhere in the United States - 14th Amendment --> Affirms birthright citizenship and prohibits state governments from passing laws to abridge any fundamental rights and liberties granted to citizens - 15th Amendment --> Declared it is unconstitutional for anyone to be deprived the right to vote based on race

Match the Progressive Era Amendments to what they accomplished. Progressive Era Amendments: - 16th Amendment - 17th Amendment - 18th Amendment - 19th Amendment What they accomplished: - Forbade any state from denying anyone the right to vote on account of sex. - Mandated that U.S. Senators must be elected by the people of each state - Gave the federal government authority to raise revenue through a progressive income tax. - Prohibited the manufacture sale and transportation of "intoxicating liquors"

- 16th Amendment --> Gave the federal government authority to raise revenue through a progressive income tax. - 17th Amendment --> Mandated that U.S. Senators must be elected by the people of each state - 18th Amendment --> Prohibited the manufacture sale and transportation of "intoxicating liquors" - 19th Amendment --> Forbade any state from denying anyone the right to vote on account of sex.

Match the FDR Amendments to what they accomplished. FDR Amendments: - 20th Amendment - 21st Amendment - 22nd Amendment What they accomplished: - Ended prohibition - Prohibited anyone from serving more than two terms as President - Moved the President's Inauguration Day to January 20th and required Congress to convene on January 3rd.

- 20th Amendment --> Moved the President's Inauguration Day to January 20th and required Congress to convene on January 3rd. - 21st Amendment --> Ended prohibition - 22nd Amendment --> Prohibited anyone from serving more than two terms as President

Match the accomplishments to the Amendments to which they correspond. Amendments: - 25th Amendment - 26th Amendment - 27th Amendment Which they correspond: - When Congress votes to raise the pay of Congress members the pay increase cannot take effect until after the next congressional election - No one 18 years or older can be denied the right to vote on account of their age - Constitutional procedures for determining when a President is no longer fit to serve

- 25th Amendment --> Constitutional procedures for determining when a President is no longer fit to serve - 26th Amendment --> No one 18 years or older can be denied the right to vote on account of their age - 27th Amendment --> When Congress votes to raise the pay of Congress members the pay increase cannot take effect until after the next congressional election

Match the articles of the Constitution to the subjects they address. Articles of the Constitution: - Article I - Article II - Article III - Article IV - Article V - Article VI - Article VII Subjects they address: - The executive branch - the presidency - Honor all of the debts it had incurred under the Articles of Confederation and importantly establishes the supremacy clause. - The legislative branch of the federal government - Relationship between States and the Federal Government and responsibilities of the latter to the States - Four different ways to amend the Constitution - Establishes a federal court system composed of "one supreme Court" and also "inferior Courts"

- Article I --> The legislative branch of the federal government - Article II --> The executive branch - the presidency - Article III --> Establishes a federal court system composed of "one supreme Court" and also "inferior Courts" - Article IV --> Relationship between States and the Federal Government and responsibilities of the latter to the States - Article V --> Four different ways to amend the Constitution - Article VI --> Honor all of the debts it had incurred under the Articles of Confederation and importantly establishes the supremacy clause. - Article VII --> The Constitution will be ratified by 9 of the 13 States

The U.S. Constitution created a system of federalism, which was a blended approach between a confederacy and a unitary national government. At the time of the founding, which areas were controlled by each level of government under the system of federalism? Level of governement: - Central Government - Concurrent Authority (Both) - State Government System of federalism: - Family law - Taxation - Diplomacy

- Central Government --> Diplomacy - Concurrent Authority (Both) --> Taxation - State Government --> Family law

Match the the events of the spring and summer of 1776 to the correct date. Events: - Congress urged the colonies to begin writing new constitutions - Congress appointed a committee consisting of five members to write a statement justifying the American decision to declare independence from the British Empire - Congress voted for independence - Congress officially approved the written justification the Declaration of Independence Date: - July 2nd 1776 - May 1776 - July 4th 1776 - June 1776

- Congress urged the colonies to begin writing new constitutions --> May 1776 - Congress appointed a committee consisting of five members to write a statement justifying the American decision to declare independence from the British Empire --> June 1776 - Congress voted for independence --> July 2nd 1776 - Congress officially approved the written justification the Declaration of Independence --> July 4th 1776

Match the events of the creation of the Founders' Constitution to the dates they occurred. Event: - Delegates convened in Philadelphia to write a Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation - The Original Constitution was signed - The Original Constitution was ratified to become "the supreme law of the land" - Ten amendments to the Original Constitution — known as the Bill of Rights — would be ratified - The final amendments to the Constitution by the founding generation were added Year: - 1795 and 1804 - September 17th 1787 - 1788 - December 15 1791 - 1787

- Delegates convened in Philadelphia to write a Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation --> 1787 - The Original Constitution was signed --> September 17th 1787 - The Original Constitution was ratified to become "the supreme law of the land" --> 1788 - Ten amendments to the Original Constitution — known as the Bill of Rights — would be ratified --> December 15 1791 - The final amendments to the Constitution by the founding generation were added --> 1795 and 1804

Match each principle to the correct side in the Civil War? - Secessionists - Republicans - White supremacy - All men are created equal

- Secessionists --> White supremacy - Republicans --> All men are created equal

__ are legal rights that are designed to protect individuals from government abuse. a. Civil liberties b. Natural laws c. Fundamental laws d. Checks and balances

Correct Answer: a. Civil liberties

The British did not relent on the basic principle that Parliament had legitimate authority to make laws binding upon the colonies despite the fact that the colonists lacked representation in Parliament. Which act was passed by Parliament that stated it had the authority to make laws "in all cases whatsoever?" a. Declaratory Act b. Intolerable Acts c. Stamp Act d. Sugar Act e. Constitutional Act

Correct Answer: a. Declaratory Act

What was the first representative legislative institution in the colonies? a. House of Burgesses in Virginia b. The Senate c. The House of Representatives d. The Continental Congress e. Parliament

Correct Answer: a. House of Burgesses in Virginia

Why did Joel consult websites other than to learn about it? a. is controlled by the people who created it. They have a vested interest in presenting the website favorably. b. Even though reading the "About" page on the website is an excellent way to learn about the organization, lateral reading is a good way to double-check this information.

Correct Answer: a. is controlled by the people who created it. They have a vested interest in presenting the website favorably. Explanation Learning who's behind a website is crucial information for evaluating the website's reliability. But some website owners have a vested interest in presenting themselves favorably, including on the "About" page. While it's okay to briefly start your research into an organization on the "About" page, it is crucial to engage in lateral reading in order to find out what reputable / trustworthy sources have to say about an unfamiliar website, including who sponsors it.

Which of the following is an example of lateral reading? a. Opening new browser tabs to investigate who is behind the site b. Investigating the information in the margins of the page to see if it is true c. Scrolling the entire page to see if it lists an author d. Reading the entire page to make sure all of the information provided is true

Correct Answer: a. Opening new browser tabs to investigate who is behind the site Explanation Lateral reading involves opening new browser tabs to investigate whether a site is trustworthy. Reading laterally allows you to consult independent, reliable sources to learn more about an unfamiliar site.

What would be the biggest obstacle to ratifying the new Constitution, if they were bound by the amendment rules of the Articles of Confederation? a. Unanimous consent of the state legislatures was needed b. The acceptance of Congress was needed c. There wasn't a formal process for ratifying the Articles of the Confederation d. There was a dispute over how the slave population would affect popular elections

Correct Answer: a. Unanimous consent of the state legislatures was needed

What was the first question Joel asked when he landed on the website? a. Who's behind the information? b. When was this posted? c. Does the website look professionally designed? d. What's the top-level domain of the website (.org, .com, .edu, etc.)?

Correct Answer: a. Who's behind the information? Explanation Joel first asked "who is behind this information"? He then read laterally to find out more about the site from other sources. In a Stanford History Education Group research study, professional fact checkers prioritized investigating who was behind information they encountered online.The date that content is posted to the Internet can help us determine whether the information is up-to-date, but it's not a good way to judge whether a source is reliable. The first question we always want to ask when we come across an unfamiliar source online is Who's behind the information?Trustworthy and untrustworthy individuals or organizations can hire professional website designers, so how nice a website looks is irrelevant to its reliability.Top-level domains are a poor way to judge the reliability of a website. Plenty of .org websites are untrustworthy, and plenty of trustworthy websites are .com.

A system of __ was designed to keep the three branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial) truly separate from one another by, somewhat paradoxically, giving them a bit of power over one another. This ensures that no one branch is more powerful than another. a. checks and balances b. habeas corpus c. conscription d. civil liberties

Correct Answer: a. checks and balances

Making good on the promise made to the Anti-Federalists, the Constitution was amended to include a list of civil liberties. The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution became known as the __. a. Preamble b. Bill of Rights c. Reconstruction Amendments d. Checks and Balances

Correct Answer: b. Bill of Rights

Why did the colonists protest the Stamp Act? a. The imposed duty was too expensive b. It was unconstitutional taxation without representation c. It limited their selection of paper goods d. The collected tax was not being allocated towards services that serve the Colonies

Correct Answer: b. It was unconstitutional taxation without representation

__ were essentially requests that the state governments pay money to Congress. Despite a legal obligation to comply with them, the states were reluctant to do so and they came up with many excuses to avoid paying. a. Enrollment taxes b. Requisitions c. Tariffs d. Steering taxes

Correct Answer: b. Requisitions

When measuring population sizes for purposes of apportioning representatives in the House, each slave would count as three fifths of a person. This concession to slave states is now known as the __ Compromise. a. Great b. Three Fifths c. Virginia d. Declaratory

Correct Answer: b. Three Fifths

Which of the following best describes The Odyssey Online? a. Platform of well-vetted opinion editorials b. Website of crowdsourced clickbait c. Online journal of peer-reviewed research d. Social network of mid-career professionals

Correct Answer: b. Website of crowdsourced clickbait Explanation A 2017 CNBC article described The Odyssey Online as "clickbait" published by "thousands of college kids." A Business Insider article corroborates that the content of the website is crowdsourced from college students with little oversight.

What is the problem with reading "vertically" on the Internet? a. You tend to read too quickly b. You only see what the creator of a site wants you to see c. You miss important details in the margins of the page d. You tend to be overly skeptical of information that is true

Correct Answer: b. You only see what the creator of a site wants you to see Explanation Vertical reading leaves you susceptible to disinformation because you only see what a site's creator wants you to see. Vertical reading offers no way to independently check whether information is true or whether the author is trustworthy.When evaluating information on an unfamiliar site, it's important to read laterally—by leaving the site to see what other reliable sources say about it—to get a better idea about whether it is trustworthy.

It was very difficult to enact proposed policies because the Articles of Confederation required a __ of nine states. a. majority b. super-majority c. minority d. plurality

Correct Answer: b. super-majority

Why did Joel decide that Business Insider and CNBC are generally trustworthy sources of information? a. Both websites get a lot of user traffic b. Both websites appeared high on the search engine results page c. Both are well-established news outlets that follow journalistic standards for reporting

Correct Answer: c. Both are well-established news outlets that follow journalistic standards for reporting Explanation A website's popularity and/or position on a search engine results page are a poor way to judge its trustworthiness. Instead, Joel decided that both Business Insider and CNBC are generally trustworthy sources of information because both are well-established news outlets that follow journalistic standards for reporting.

How many electors (electoral votes) does each state have? a. All states have equal representation in the Electoral College b. Four for small states, six for large states c. Equal to the number of representatives each state has in the House of Representatives and the Senate

Correct Answer: c. Equal to the number of representatives each state has in the House of Representatives and the Senate

The __ granted slave owners a constitutional right to recapture runaway slaves who had fled to other states, including states where slavery was illegal. And, as importantly, it took away the right of states to pass laws to protect and/or emancipate runaway slaves. a. Necessary and Proper Clause b. Supremacy Clause c. Fugitive Slave Clause d. Intolerable Acts

Correct Answer: c. Fugitive Slave Clause

How reliable is The Odyssey Online for learning about the minimum wage? a. Very unreliable b. Somewhat unreliable c. Somewhat reliable d. Very reliable

Correct Answers: a. Very unreliable b. Somewhat unreliable Explanation The source is very unreliable, for reasons to be discussed in the screencast video below. However, you also received credit if you answered somewhat unreliable. You did not earn a point if you said the source was reliable or very reliable.

Why did Joel decide to consult The New York Times article? a. It was the most detailed source of information available b. There were no .org or .edu sources available to consult c. It is a reputable newspaper that practices editorial review and fact checking d. He likes The New York Times's political perspective

Correct Answer: c. It is a reputable newspaper that practices editorial review and fact checking Explanation The New York Times is an established newspaper with a reputation for rigorous journalism, which includes reviewing information to ensure it is true and correcting mistakes in reporting.The amount of detail or information is NOT a good indicator of trustworthiness.The top-level domain (.com, .org, .edu) is NOT a good indicator of trustworthiness.Selecting sites that share your own political perspective is NOT an effective strategy for finding trustworthy sources.

How could Congress raise money under the Articles of Confederation? a. Levy taxes on trade b. It could levy taxes directly on the people c. Levy requisitions on the state governments d. Fundraising campaigns

Correct Answer: c. Levy requisitions on the state governments

What does it mean to give the people tight democratic control over their legislature? a. The establishment of an electoral college b. Citizens have the right to appeal and present directly to the legislature c. Members of the state legislatures are regularly held accountable to voters d. The people have the right to vote on policies and laws

Correct Answer: c. Members of the state legislatures are regularly held accountable to voters

The Radical Republicans left a lasting constitutional legacy in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. They were known as the __ Amendments. a. FDR b. Progressive c. Reconstruction d. Civil Rights Era

Correct Answer: c. Reconstruction

The __ Clause of the Constitution states that if there is a conflict between state law and federal law in an area of concurrent authority, the federal law takes precedence over the state law. a. Executive b. Checks and Balances c. Supremacy d. Jurisdiction

Correct Answer: c. Supremacy

Which of the following explains why The Odyssey Online is not a trustworthy source ofinformation? a. The Odyssey Online features a lot of advertisements b. The Odyssey Online does not have a .edu or .org domain but rather a .com domain c. The Odyssey Online does not follow standards of journalism

Correct Answer: c. The Odyssey Online does not follow standards of journalism Explanation Since The Odyssey Online does not follow standards of respected journalism outlets (editors, fact checkers, corrections, etc.), it does not have procedures in place to ensure the quality and accuracy of its articles. Therefore, it is not a trustworthy source of information.While it's true that The Odyssey Online has a .com domain, domains are an unreliable way to judge a website's trustworthiness. Plenty of .com websites are reliable. Plenty of .org websites are not.The presence of advertisements on a website is an unreliable way to judge a website's trustworthiness. Plenty of trustworthy websites, such as those of reputable news outlets, display advertisements, and plenty of untrustworthy websites are ad-free.

Britain's national debt almost doubled because of the borrowing needed to fund the French and Indian War. Under pressure from the heavily taxed wealthy British subjects, what policy did Parliament enact to move some of the financial burden to the American colonists? a. The Intolerable Acts b. The Declaratory Act c. The Stamp Act d. Poll Taxes

Correct Answer: c. The Stamp Act

During The Critical Period (1783-1789), it seemed America's revolutionary experiment in democratic government was on the verge of ending in disaster. Why? a. George Washington appeared poised to anoint himself King b. The threat of British re-acquisition of the Colonies was putting pressure on a weak military c. The states were becoming antagonistic and even hostile toward one another d. The central government under the Articles of Confederation had become far too powerful

Correct Answer: c. The states were becoming antagonistic and even hostile toward one another

Known as the Civil Rights Era Amendments, why were the 23rd and 24th Amendments ratified? a. To allow for a progressive income tax b. To give women more influence in government c. To give African Americans more voice in presidential elections d. To affirm birthright citizenship

Correct Answer: c. To give African Americans more voice in presidential elections

When Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote The Federalist Papers, what was their immediate purpose? a. To convince the Southern states to abandon the practice of slavery b. To outline a procedure to accept new states into the Union c. To persuade New Yorkers to vote to ratify the Constitution d. To advise the federal government about the dangers of maintaining a standing army and authoritarian practices

Correct Answer: c. To persuade New Yorkers to vote to ratify the Constitution

The __ is a system established by the U.S. Constitution for selecting Presidents. The person who becomes President is the person who wins the most votes from the Electors. a. Bicameral Legislature b. Rule of Law c. Three Fifths d. Electoral College

Correct Answer: d. Electoral College

What happened as a result of the British and American victory in the French and Indian War (1754-1763)? a. France was granted land in North America under the agreement that they would not seek to gain more b. France could still trade with the American Colonists but under heavy taxation c. France was forced to pay a tax to the British government for their continued stay in North America d. France was removed from all of the mainland of North America

Correct Answer: d. France was removed from all of the mainland of North America

There were at least two reason the Founders chose a bicameral (rather than unicameral) legislature. Which of these options was one of those reasons? a. It was able to be influenced by the executive branch b. It gave more flexibility for potential change c. It was easier to implement d. It facilitated the Great Compromise

Correct Answer: d. It facilitated the Great Compromise

The American Founders took inspiration from a French lawyer and political scientist known as Montesquieu (1689-1755). What principle was Montesquieu's influence on the founding of America? a. Bicameral legislature b. Checks and balances c. The electoral college d. Separation of powers e. The Great Compromise

Correct Answer: d. Separation of powers

John Green examined an article on the website for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Which of the following is a reason that the article from ALEC might not be a reliable source to learn about whether the federal government should regulate Internet service providers? a. ALEC's Board of Directors page lists U.S. Representatives and Senators b. ALEC's site is not informative and does not take a clear position on the topic c. ALEC is against regulating Internet service providers d. Some of ALEC's members are Internet service providers

Correct Answer: d. Some of ALEC's members are Internet service providers Explanation John Green read laterally and discovered that ALEC receives funding from Internet service providers who have a financial interest in the issues addressed in the article.

The Articles of Confederation did not give the people direct control over Congress. Who appointed members of Congress? a. Judicial branch b. The President c. State governors d. State legislatures

Correct Answer: d. State legislatures

Why did delegates from slave states prefer to calculate state population size by counting the total number of inhabitants (including slaves)? a. To receive more funding from the central government b. To be more attractive to potential trade partners c. To have more voting power in direct elections d. To guarantee a majority of seats in the House of Representatives.

Correct Answer: d. To guarantee a majority of seats in the House of Representatives.

Joel consulted Wikipedia when reading laterally. How can you check to see where information on Wikipedia comes from? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) a. By hovering over the footnotes in the text and then going to those sources to check that they are accurate b. By clicking on a footnote to navigate to the References section of the Wikipedia article and then checking if the referenced sources are accurate c. By reviewing the table of contents of the Wikipedia article and then going to those sources to check that they are accurate d. By scrolling down to the References section and then going to those sources to check that they are accurate

Correct Answers: a. By hovering over the footnotes in the text and then going to those sources to check that they are accurate b. By clicking on a footnote to navigate to the References section of the Wikipedia article and then checking if the referenced sources are accurate d. By scrolling down to the References section and then going to those sources to check that they are accurate Explanation Wikipedia requires users to cite their sources, and Joel showed one of several ways that Wikipedia can be used to track down reliable sources of information on a topic. However, reviewing a Wikipedia article's table of contents is not a method for checking an article's sources.

The U.S. Constitution was designed to avoid giving the legislature too much power. How did they accomplish this? (select all answer choices that apply) a. By removing the power of executive appointment from the legislature b. Implementing the principle of checks and balances between the branches of government c. By withholding funding from the legislature until a detailed budget is proposed d. By giving the executive branch power to remove representatives from office

Correct Answers: a. By removing the power of executive appointment from the legislature b. Implementing the principle of checks and balances between the branches of government

Which of the following is/are example(s) of lateral reading? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) a. Consulting an online news site b. Consulting a fact-checking site c. Consulting the site's "About" page d. Consulting Wikipedia

Correct Answers: a. Consulting an online news site b. Consulting a fact-checking site d. Consulting Wikipedia Explanation One Example of VERTICAL Reading:Reading a site's "About" page is an example of vertical reading, not lateral reading. A site's "About" page only includes information that the site's creator wants you to see and the creator may choose to present information that is incorrect or incomplete. Consulting a website's "About" page can help to inform your search terms when you read laterally, but the "About" page should be a starting—not an ending—place.Three Examples of LATERAL Reading:Consulting independent news sites (like The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times) would be an example of lateral reading. Reliable news sites can be excellent sources to consult when investigating whether a site is trustworthy.Consulting fact-checking sites (like Snopes, PolitiFact, or would be an example of lateral reading. Reliable fact-checking sites can be excellent sources to consult when investigating whether a site is trustworthy.Consulting Wikipedia would be an example of lateral reading. Wikipedia can be a good source to consult when investigating whether a site is trustworthy. Wikipedia requires editors to cite sources to support claims, and consulting Wikipedia's citations can be an effective way to find reliable sources on a topic.

What were the features of the New Jersey Plan? (select all answer choices that apply) a. Each state had an equal number of votes in legislature b. Equal state representation c. The Small State Plan d. The Large State Plan

Correct Answers: a. Each state had an equal number of votes in legislature b. Equal state representation c. The Small State Plan

Which, if any, of these statements accurately describes your thoughts about this assignment? a. I learned MORE THAN ONE valuable thing from this assignment. b. I learned ONE valuable things from this assignment. c. I did NOT learn ANYTHING valuable from this assignment.

Correct Answers: a. I learned MORE THAN ONE valuable thing from this assignment. b. I learned ONE valuable things from this assignment. c. I did NOT learn ANYTHING valuable from this assignment.

What contributed to the declining influence of the Southern slave states in government? (select all answer choices that apply) a. Increasing population of non-slave states. b. The decrease in trade to the Southern States c. The limitations on the authority for state governments from Article I affected the Southern states more than the others d. The admission of new non-slave states to the union

Correct Answers: a. Increasing population of non-slave states. d. The admission of new non-slave states to the union

What were the Anti-Federalist arguments against the ratification of the Constitution? (select all answers choices that apply) a. It lacked a list of civil liberties to protect individuals against abuse by the federal government b. It proposed a system of taxation that was too cumbersome on the individuals c. It explicitly prohibited slavery d. The central government was too distant and complex to be effectively controlled by the people e. It created a central government that was too powerful

Correct Answers: a. It lacked a list of civil liberties to protect individuals against abuse by the federal government d. The central government was too distant and complex to be effectively controlled by the people e. It created a central government that was too powerful

The greatest level of control over the government that is exercised by the people is provided by Article I of the Constitution. What were the stipulations provided by Article I? (select ALL answers that apply) a. Members of the House serve two-year terms b. The president serves up to two four-year terms c. Offered protections from the federal government should it try to limit civil liberties d. Anyone who is eligible to vote for the state legislature is eligible to vote for members of the U.S. House of Representatives

Correct Answers: a. Members of the House serve two-year terms d. Anyone who is eligible to vote for the state legislature is eligible to vote for members of the U.S. House of Representatives

What protections does Article III provide for criminal suspects? (select all answer choices that apply) a. No one may be convicted of treason unless a suspect confesses or two witnesses testify to having observed "the same overt Act" of treason b. Everyone under arrest has "Miranda Rights" c. Anyone under arrest has the right to an attorney d. All criminal trials must be by jury

Correct Answers: a. No one may be convicted of treason unless a suspect confesses or two witnesses testify to having observed "the same overt Act" of treason d. All criminal trials must be by jury

What happened because the democratically controlled state governments were reluctant to levy taxes on individuals? (select all answer choices that apply) a. Political conflict arose within states between creditors and debtors b. Trade slowed down c. States and Congress accumulated high levels of debt d. The economy suffered from inflation because states tried to pay debts by printing more paper money e. There was an increase in immigration from Europe

Correct Answers: a. Political conflict arose within states between creditors and debtors c. States and Congress accumulated high levels of debt d. The economy suffered from inflation because states tried to pay debts by printing more paper money

It was not stated that treaties with foreign countries entered into by the United States were binding agreements that took precedence over state laws under the Articles of Confederation. What happened as a result of this? (Select all answer choices that apply) a. States often passed laws that contradicted the terms of treaties b. It created tensions with foreign countries making it difficult to cooperate for mutual benefit c. The U.S. government was unable to sign any treaty with a foreign government d. The states could impose taxes on the foreign countries as they would their own citizens

Correct Answers: a. States often passed laws that contradicted the terms of treaties b. It created tensions with foreign countries making it difficult to cooperate for mutual benefit

Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: "After completing this assignment, I will be more careful about deciding which information to trust online." a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neither Disagree nor Agree d. Agree e. Strongly Agree

Correct Answers: a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neither Disagree nor Agree d. Agree e. Strongly Agree

Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: "After completing this assignment, I feel more confident in my ability to tell the difference between trustworthy and untrustworthy online information sources." a. Strongly disagree b. Disagree c. Neither Disagree nor Agree d. Agree e. Strongly Agree

Correct Answers: a. Strongly disagree b. Disagree c. Neither Disagree nor Agree d. Agree e. Strongly Agree

What are the characteristics of a confederacy? (select all answer choices that apply) a. The central government has only enough power to maintain good relations between the states and for coordinating collective action. b. The central government does not claim direct authority over individual persons c. The central government taxes the states and its citizens. d. The state governments were fully subordinate to the central government e. The central government only claims authority over the state governments

Correct Answers: a. The central government has only enough power to maintain good relations between the states and for coordinating collective action. b. The central government does not claim direct authority over individual persons e. The central government only claims authority over the state governments

What information do we need about an organization or author to help us decide if they are trustworthy as sources of information on a particular topic? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) a. The expertise of the sponsoring organization and author b. The sponsoring organization's perspective c. How committed the sponsoring organization and author are to providing accurate information d. The author's perspective e. How popular the website is f. Why the sponsoring organization or author might be motivated to present the information

Correct Answers: a. The expertise of the sponsoring organization and author b. The sponsoring organization's perspective c. How committed the sponsoring organization and author are to providing accurate information d. The author's perspective f. Why the sponsoring organization or author might be motivated to present the information Explanation It is imperative to consider the level of expertise of the sponsoring organization and author on the topic at hand. Always keep in mind that being an expert on one topic does not make someone an expert on all topics.In order to decide whether an organization is a trustworthy source of information on the topic, we have to know how they relate to the topic. Are they closely involved with the matter or further detached? We also must consider the organization's interests and how those may affect the information they're presenting on the topic. A group is not automatically untrustworthy because they engage in advocacy. But we must keep their perspective in mind when evaluating content they have produced.Many sponsoring organizations may provide accurate information that supports their interests but suppress accurate information that does not. Credible academic researchers and news outlets have processes in place, such as peer review and journalistic standards, to vet and publish accurate information primarily to inform the public, not to gain political clout. The reputations of academic institutions and news outlets rest on publishing trustworthy information.In order to decide whether an author is a trustworthy source of information on the topic, we have to know how they relate to the topic. Are they closely involved with the matter or further detached? We also must consider the author's perspective and how it may affect the information they're presenting on the topic. An individual is not automatically untrustworthy because they have a perspective or engage in advocacy. But we must keep their perspective in mind when evaluating content they have produced.There are many popular websites that promote misinformation. Popularity is a poor measure of how trustworthy a source is.It's necessary to identify the sponsoring organization's motives for presenting information on the topic in order to determine their trustworthiness as a source. Though there are countless motives that organizations may have, some key ones to consider are profit, political influence, and informing the public. We can't assume all commercial or political organizations are untrustworthy, just as we shouldn't assume that all educational organizations are trustworthy.

What were the features of The Virginia Plan? (select all answer choices that apply) a. The number of representatives for each state in Congress is based on the state's population b. Proportional representation c. The Small State Plan d. The Large State Plan

Correct Answers: a. The number of representatives for each state in Congress is based on the state's population b. Proportional representation d. The Large State Plan

Under the Articles of Confederation the central government consisted solely of a unicameral legislature (no executive or judicial branches). What problems arose because of this? (select all answer choices that apply) a. There were no government departments to carry out public policy b. Funding was difficult to procure c. Enforcing laws on citizens was difficult d. There was no branch dedicated to diplomacy or commanding the military

Correct Answers: a. There were no government departments to carry out public policy d. There was no branch dedicated to diplomacy or commanding the military

What do you think? Is this website a trustworthy source for learning about the effects of raising the minimum wage? (You can open a new tab and search the internet if that helps) a. Yes b. No

Correct Answers: a. Yes b. No Explanation You are marked "correct" for this answer no matter what you responded. However, as the discussion below should make clear, one answer is better than the other.

How were legislatures under tight democratic control held accountable to the public? (select all answer choices that apply) a. The people could review and vote on policies going to the legislature b. Direct popular elections c. Short terms for representatives d. The representatives could be removed from office with a special vote

Correct Answers: b. Direct popular elections c. Short terms for representatives

Article I, Sections 9 and 10 provide civil liberties protections against the federal government and state governments. What are the protections? (select all answer choices that apply) a. The government can be held negligent for acts they know or should have known that results in a loss for an individual b. Ex post facto laws or bills of attainder cannot be enacted c. The federal government cannot suspend the "Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus" unless public safety may require it d. Everyone has the right to an attorney

Correct Answers: b. Ex post facto laws or bills of attainder cannot be enacted c. The federal government cannot suspend the "Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus" unless public safety may require it

Why did Joel consult the Wikipedia article on the Employment Policies Institute? a. Nothing on Wikipedia is trustworthy¸ so Joel consulted it to reveal misconceptions about the Employment Policies Institute b. Fact checkers frequently use Wikipedia when investigating unfamiliar sources in order to find relevant and reliable references c. Wikipedia can be a helpful starting place for research because it often includes references to trustworthy sources of information

Correct Answers: b. Fact checkers frequently use Wikipedia when investigating unfamiliar sources in order to find relevant and reliable references c. Wikipedia can be a helpful starting place for research because it often includes references to trustworthy sources of information Explanation Wikipedia can be a helpful starting place for research because it often includes references to trustworthy sources of information. In a research study conducted by the Stanford History Education Group, fact checkers frequently used Wikipedia when investigating unfamiliar sources in order to find relevant and reliable references.

How did the Articles of Confederation contribute to the poor economic conditions during the 1780s? (select all answer choices that apply) a. The state imposed progressive income tax was more impactful on the wealthy b. It lacked the power to raise the money to build a navy to protect the import/export/trade of goods c. State governments had to pay significant taxes to the central government d. State governments did not want to levy taxes on individuals

Correct Answers: b. It lacked the power to raise the money to build a navy to protect the import/export/trade of goods d. State governments did not want to levy taxes on individuals

Why did the Founders choose the Electoral College instead of direct popular election to elect the president? (select all answer choices that apply) a. It would be a more accurate representation of the support for the candidates b. It was a compromise to give slave states more voice in presidential selection c. Many founders thought the people would be under-informed and easily manipulated d. So candidates would not focus their campaign efforts on large population areas

Correct Answers: b. It was a compromise to give slave states more voice in presidential selection c. Many founders thought the people would be under-informed and easily manipulated

Which of the below are features of The House of Representatives? (select all answer choices that apply) a. Said to represent "property" b. More democratic in nature c. 2 year terms d. 6 year terms e. Said to represent "persons"

Correct Answers: b. More democratic in nature c. 2 year terms e. Said to represent "persons"

What rights and privileges did the colonists believe they were constitutionally entitled to as free British subjects? (select all answer choices that apply) a. Freedom from all taxation b. Privilege of the writ of habeas corpus c. Prohibitions on ex post facto laws d. Women's right to vote e. Trial by jury f. The ability to use military force to settle land disputes with Native people g. Right to petition government h. Freedom of the press

Correct Answers: b. Privilege of the writ of habeas corpus c. Prohibitions on ex post facto laws e. Trial by jury g. Right to petition government hFreedom of the press

Joel engaged in click restraint when he selected a website to open from the search engine results page (SERP). Which of the following are true statements about what click restraint involves? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) a. Selecting the first or second search result from a search engine results page because the results listed first on the page are usually the most reliable b. Resisting the urge to immediately click on the first search result c. Scanning a search engine results page to make a more informed choice about where to go first d. A strategy fact checkers use to find the best sources from search results.

Correct Answers: b. Resisting the urge to immediately click on the first search result c. Scanning a search engine results page to make a more informed choice about where to go first d. A strategy fact checkers use to find the best sources from search results. Explanation Click restraint is a strategy professional fact checkers use to find the best sources from search results. Search results don't appear in order of trustworthiness, so fact checkers don't automatically open the top results on a search page. Rather, they scan the results to determine what sources are most trustworthy and relevant and then focus on those.Click restraint is a strategy professional fact checkers use to find the best sources from search results. Search results don't appear in order of trustworthiness, so fact checkers don't automatically open the top results on a search page. Rather, they scan the results to determine what sources are most trustworthy and relevant and then focus on those.Click restraint is a strategy professional fact checkers use to find the best sources from search results. Search results don't appear in order of trustworthiness, so fact checkers don't automatically open the top results on a search page. Rather, they scan the results to determine what sources are most trustworthy and relevant and then focus on those.Click restraint is a strategy professional fact checkers use to find the best sources from search results. Search results don't appear in order of trustworthiness, so fact checkers don't automatically open the top results on a search page. Rather, they scan the results to determine what sources are most trustworthy and relevant and then focus on those.

During the Constitutional Convention, the Founders had to consider the strong differences of interest and opinion amongst the people of the different states. What were the two key conflicts among the states that led to compromises? (select all answer choices that apply) a. Protestant versus Catholic states b. States with large versus small populations c. Wealthy versus poor states d. Northern states versus Southern slave states

Correct Answers: b. States with large versus small populations d. Northern states versus Southern slave states

The revolutionary generation drew inspiration from pre-existing sources when drafting the Constitution. What were they? (select all answer choices that apply) a. Niccolo Machiavelli (e.g. The Prince) b. Their own experiences under their colonial systems of government c. The leading writers on what the Founders called "the science of politics" d. The King James Bible e. Montesquieu (e.g. Spirit of the Laws) f. Plato (e.g. The Republic)

Correct Answers: b. Their own experiences under their colonial systems of government c. The leading writers on what the Founders called "the science of politics" e. Montesquieu (e.g. Spirit of the Laws)

What was the British response to the Boston Tea Party? (select all answer choices that apply) a. They suspended habeas corpus in the colonies b. They took control of the governance of Massachusetts c. They closed the port of Boston d. They passed the Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts) e. They increased taxes for trade in the Colonies

Correct Answers: b. They took control of the governance of Massachusetts c. They closed the port of Boston d. They passed the Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

Which of the following statements about Wikipedia are true? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) a. Wikipedia is highly unreliable b. Wikipedia has rigorous editing standards c. Wikipedia requires citations for information and claims d. Anyone can edit any Wikipedia page

Correct Answers: b. Wikipedia has rigorous editing standards c. Wikipedia requires citations for information and claims Explanation Wikipedia does have rigorous editing standards.Wikipedia requires authors to cite reliable sources to support information and claims.Wikipedia is NOT highly unreliable. It can be a good place to start when reading laterally. Although Wikipedia should not be considered the ultimate authority on any topic, it can be an excellent resource for tracking down reliable sources.Although some Wikipedia pages can be edited by anyone, pages on important or controversial topics are locked, meaning only trusted editors can add or update information.

Why was the Philadelphia (Constitutional) Convention (May 1787) assembled? (select all answer choices that apply) a. Trade wasn't profitable for importers due to the tariffs imposed by the state governments b. The people felt as though they didn't have adequate representation in the legislature c. Armed rebellions had begun to arise in several states in particular Shay's Rebellion d. Congress couldn't afford to order union troops to quell emerging rebellions

Correct Answers: c. Armed rebellions had begun to arise in several states in particular Shay's Rebellion d. Congress couldn't afford to order union troops to quell emerging rebellions

Why did the revolutionary state constitutions place a heavy emphasis on separation of powers? (select all answer choices that apply) a. It was the best way for a centralized government to raise funding b. It was the most efficient way to maintain a tightly democratically-controlled legislature c. It was viewed as necessary for preserving liberty d. British rule had taught them to disdain government that is dominated by the executive and/or judicial branches

Correct Answers: c. It was viewed as necessary for preserving liberty d. British rule had taught them to disdain government that is dominated by the executive and/or judicial branches

Which of the below are features of The Senate? (select all answers that apply) a. The lower house b. 2 year terms c. Quasi-aristocratic d. 6 year terms

Correct Answers: c. Quasi-aristocratic d. 6 year terms

What were the arguments for the United States to remain united during the Critical Period (1783-1789)? (select all answer choices that apply) a. They were better able to defend themselves from common security threats b. Economic protectionism between states would be worse if the states were disunited c. They could share resources to enable departments that would serve a common benefit d. The states were a nuisance and needed to be eradicated e. Political conflicts between the states could become intense military struggles f. If the states were apprehensive about war with each other large standing armies would be created

Correct Answers: a. They were better able to defend themselves from common security threats b. Economic protectionism between states would be worse if the states were disunited e. Political conflicts between the states could become intense military struggles f. If the states were apprehensive about war with each other large standing armies would be created

Please explain your reasoning and paste links to any Internet sources you used to answer the question.

I typed - I say yes, because it shows data and under the title it states FACTS & ANAYLSIS. Also, through the readings they're words that are underline and in golden color and when you click on it it sends you to the websites that proves that they are telling the truth.

After reading laterally about The Odyssey Online, please provide the name and URL of the most helpful source you used to learn about The Odyssey Online and write one sentence explaining why it is a trustworthy source for learning about The Odyssey Online.

I typed - This source is a trustworthy source for leanring about The Odyssey Online because it ends with .com and it gives reasons and it's from a new reporting platform.

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