Chapter 3: US History Creating Anglo America

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The Maryland Uprising

-in 1689 the overthrow of James II triggered rebellions in several American colonies; Maryland's Protestant Association overthrew the government of the colony's Catholic Proprietor, Lord Baltimore -uprising was successful and Lord Baltimore's family converted before proprietary power was restored in 1715 where it put an end to Maryland's religious toleration

Origins of American Slavery

-no European nation intended on relying on African slaves for the bulk of its labor force -demand for workers (due to spread of tobacco cultivation) lead planters to turn to the transatlantic trade in slaves Slaves became good for them bc they didn't have rights and were easy to tell apart.

Quaker Liberty

1. Quakers believed that liberty was a universal entitlement. a. Liberty extended to women, blacks, and Indians. 2. Religious freedom was a fundamental principle. a. Quakers upheld a strict moral code. 3. His Charter of liberties approved by the assembly in 1682 offered "christian liberty"

A Slave Society

1680s and 1700 slave labor where it became economical, ending the monopoly made it cheaper. 1700 blacks were 10% in virginia, which went to 50% in 1750. White supremacy in the laws when the House of Burgesses in 1705 enacted a new slave code. Virginia became a slave society.

The Salem Witch Trials

1692 prosecution of witches used to be local, and then after thanks to anxiety and fits of nightmares, in 1691 in Salem Massachusetts witches were hunted, with 150 legal action, 14 women hung and five men. Many named since only way to be free was to confess and name others- persons of all ages accused. Became apparent justice system was wrong. 1692 dissolved Salem Court and prisoners released. Increase Mather wrote Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits where he said don't take witch accusations seriously.

Consumer Revolution

18th century Britain was now the leading producer and trader of inexpensive consumer goods, including cofee, tea, metalware, pins, etc. British merchants supplied American traders with loans to import products. Modern Consumerism did not exist, but colonists did have wide dispersal of American and Asian products. Tea even became a necessity of life.

Growth of Colonial America

3 new empires: Urban based Spanish with growing mestizo population with gold and silver, French empire with trade posts and farms, and english who were richer. Diverse Population: 1700 colonies were like English outposts, but now authorities worry that emigration was draining labor from the mother country. 40 % were bound laborers, but many professionals too. So ended the English emigration promotion Attracting Settlers: London convinced colonial development - nation power and wealth. 50,000 conbicts sent to work tobacoo fields. 1740 said European immigrants can earn British citizenship by 7 years of residence. 80,000 English newcomers, 145,000 were from Scotland and Ulster which added to religious diversity. German Migration: 110,000 of them, largest group of Newcomers. Mostly from Rhine River. Those who had the "wrong religion" persecuted. Germans travelled in families, so invented Redemptioners, recieved passage in exchange for a promise to work off their debt in America. More diverse than Britain.

The Glorious Revolution

A reference to the political events of 1688-1689, when James II abdicated his throne and was replaced by his daughter Mary and her husband, Prince William of Orange due to fear of a Catholic Succession in 1688 with 21,000 men. Parliament established supremacy and secured Protestant succession. Helped notion that liberty was the right of Englishmen, and the 1689 English Bill of Rights which listed Parliamentary powers helped list this. Toleration Act allowed free worship for Protestant Dissentors. Mirrored in the American colonies, where religiou freedom more advanced. Helped push a proud legacy of freedom and protestantism with the mother country.

Changes in New England

After deposing Edmund Andros, New England was successful in restoring their original Charters, but Massachusetts was not, 1691, new charter that absorbed Plymouth into Massachusetts and tranformed Bible Commonwealth- voting became property based. Governer appointed in London and not elected. Had to abide by English Toleration Act of 1690, allow protestants to worship freely. = Tension

The Glorious Revolution In America

Allowed local elites to gain more control. In 1670s colonies governed themselves. In 1675 England Established Lords of Trade to oversee colonial affairs. Lords questioned their govenment, but said since they had no people in Parliament the acts did not apply to their colony unless Massachusetts approved! 1680s reduced colonial autonomy. Charles II revoked Massachusetts charter, and in 1686 James II combined many colonies into a super colony, The Dominion of New England ran by Sir Edmund Andros. Made them see James II an enemy of freedom, and Andros alienated his opposition.

Slavery in History

Although slavery has a long history, slavery in North America was markedly different. Slavery in the Americas was based on the plantation and the death rate was high in the seventeenth century. Skin became associated and considered them unequal.

Englishmen and Africans

Always compared Africans and others as Animals. Race not a concept yet in 17th century, but did view as civilized vs barbaric and that they were so alien that you could enslave them.

The End of the Rebellion, and Its Consequences

Bacon promised freedom which invoked "English Liberties". In 1676 an armed force gathered for a campaign that marched into Jamestown and burned it down. Bacon soon became the ruler of Virginia, but was restored after Warships from England came. Ater Elite Virginians saught to improve their image and restore property qualifications, cultivate support from poor neighbors, and take more aggressive Indian policy. They accelerated shift to slaves who could not ever be free.

The Prosecution of Witches

Belief in magic widespread 17th century. Usually women were thought of as having a pact with the devil to get powers, stillborn or failed crops were believed to be their faults. Execution was the punishment, 1400-1800 50,000 were killed. Some hung in New England, mostly women who were outspoken, independent, estranged from husbands. Challenged god and society.

Regional Diversity

Different Regions= new economic and social orders in colonies Small farms with family labor and production for locals= New England and Backcountry of central Pennsylvania southward through virginia, and upland in North and South Carolina. Backcountry most rapid growth. 1730 Indian country not many people. Older portion of middle colonies oriented to commerce. New York no growth thanks to big landlords. Pennsylvania became known as the best poor man's country.

Social Classes in the Colonies: Colonial Elite

Elite emerged that dominated politics and society. Gap between rich and poor expanded in 18th century. 1. New England and Middle colonies= Expanding trade created the emergence of a powerful upper class of merchants with commercial and family ties. 2.In the Chesapeake and Lower South, planters accumulated enormous wealth with slave plantations producing staple crops like rice and tobacco. Colonial elite included rolers of proprietary colonies like Maryland and Pennsyl. 3.America had no titled aristocracy or established social ranks. In Virginia close knit family elite that were said to be called Cousinocracy. 1750s seven members of same Lee family ruled in House of Burgesses. 18th century virginia much healthier. Could pass on to generations, every prominence through family. 1770= nearly all upper class inherited wealth.

Mercantilist System

England wanted control of Atlantic trade, hold Noeth America, and exert control. Saw colonies as source of wealth Mercantilism= Rested on idea that England should monopolize their profits. government should regulate economic activity to promote national power. Encourage manufacturing and commerce, bounties, monopolies. Gold should flow into the country, and exports more than imports. Foreign trade, declared London merchant in 1664. was England's treasure. Navigation Act: by Parliament in 1651 tried to take world trade from the Dutch, similar measures in 1660- 1663. Enumerated goods, only could sell tobacco and sugar originally in England ports Stimulated New Englands ship building industry.

The Rise of Chesapeake Slavery

Evidence of Slaves in 1640s. In 1660s laws referred to slavery, and authorities wanted to improve conditions of white servants while offering less freedom to blacks. 1662 law in Virginia said that a mixed child freedom was based on its mothers status. 1667 House of Burgesses in Virginia said religious conversion did not change slave status. Tried to prevent the Free black population from growing by saying a mixed child was illegitimate. 1680 racial differences in the law.

Leisler's Rebellion

German born Leisler, wealthiest merchant who was a calvanist, his regime divided the colony along Ethnic and Economic lines. Colonists protested to London that Leisler was a tyrant. William didn't recognize Leisler's authority and founded a new governer, and he was executed. New York split by Leisler and Anti-Leisler parties.

Religious Diversity

Homogeneous communities. 1700= congregation or aNGLICAN. Most colonies did not have seperation of Church and state (rhode island, New Jersey, Penn did). Increasingly de facto toleration among Protestant denominations rose, and mid 18th century= right to worship for protestants. Jews also contributed German newcomer in 1739 wrote that Liberty of Conscience was a chief virtue in British North america, and that there was an abundance of liberties.

Colonies in Crisis

King Philips War of 1675-167 + Bacon show disturbances, Lord Baltimore in 1670 restricted right to vote, a protestant uprising wanted to restore suffrage (failed) Resistance in Indians in the frontier Rebellion by Westo Indians was suppressed in Carolina in 1680 Pueblo Revolt indicated crisis of authority in other places

Holy Experiment

Last England Colony was Pennsylvania with its proprietor William Penn who wanted spiritual freedom and Indians coexisting. King in 1681 granted him land in New York. As a devout Quakers, concerned for refuge fir his coreligionists. Responsible for the frame of government announced in 1677, the west Jersey concessions, one of the most liberal.

Colonial Cities

Mainland colonies were mostly agricultural. Nine tenths of population lived in rural areas. Colonial Cities quite small compared to world, and 8 cities in 1750 Spanish America were bigger than all English northern America. American cities mostly gathered to import items and trade. Trade helped rise the number of port cities. 1770 30,000 inhabitants in Philadelphia, made it the capital of the New World. 3rd busiest port. They exported flour bread and meat.

Charter of Liberties

Many felt were denied liberties of englishmen, especially right to consent of taxation. Discontent on Long Island. 1683 Duke agreed to elected assembly and a draft of a Charter of Liberties and Privileges with elections every 3 years. Also reaffirmed english rights which helped English feel more dominant over the Dutch.

Anglo America Introduction

New England had the most violent conflict in 17th century where in 1675 Indians attacked colonists. Most viewed Wampanoag leader Metacom as the mastermind, but not true. In 1676 Indians attacked half of their towns, and refugees began settling almost on Atlantic coast. 1,000 of population and 3,000 of New Englands population perished. But took back after help, especially with Iroquois. Executed Metacom, Indian villages destroyed, and survivors fled to Canada. Even praying Indians suffered. King Philips War produced broadening freedom for white New Englanders

Indian Life in Transition

Newcomers engulfed surviving Indians- who fought their wars, had different cultures, and now relied on white people, while also creating new tribes like the Catawba and Creek Confederacy. Alcohol hurt them and in 1753 Cherokee said they relied on white equipment. Viewed indians as obstruction, and the German and Scotch-Irish settlers upset their relations. 1721 conference reaffirmed Penn's chain of Friendship. But Walking Purchase in 1737 hurt them, as Governer James logan hired runners for 36 hours to decide where their land would be. 1760 220,000 Pennsylvania population. Indians called abuse.

Land in Pennsylvania

Penn appointed council and assembly elected by male taxpayers and "freemen" male population eligible to vote. Attracted immigrants. Freedoms in Pennsylvania= deterioration of freedom for others

Poverty in the Colonies

Poverty common in 18th century colonies. ccess to land diminished, and slaves lived in impoverished conditions. New England birth rate rose. Colonial cities propertless wage earners at poverty line increases. -1/3 of Boston has no property -2/3 of VA white men had no land -poor viewed and lazy and responsible for their plight and sent poor to work in workhouses and children as apprentices. Essex County Massachusetts poor warned out from 200 to 1,700 in 1760s -difficult to make your own wealth

The South Carolina Aristocracy

Richest group was the South Carolina planters. Lived lavish lifestyle amid imported wines, silk, and slaves in dressed uniforms. 1774 per capita wealth in Charleston District was 2,300, more than 4 times tobacco areas. The richest 10 percent owned half of the wealth in 1770. liberty in the elites eyes was being blessed with wealth and prominence to dominate over others. Viewed society with hierarchical structures. Superiority and dependence was natural elements of any society. Freedom from labor made you a gentlemen.

Slavery in the West Indies

Slavery allowed because they saw them as Alien and inferior and the best way to solve their labor shortages. Once it was a major feature in life, had entrenched everywhere in Western Hemisphere. By 1600 sugar plantations with Slaves were in Brazil. By 1650 English population of West Indies exceeded all of North America, who slowly forced white farmers out. With a spanish expedition that Attacked British island of Nevis, the servants screamed Liberty, joyful Liberty! 1645 Barbados 11,000 white farmers with 5,000 slaves. With sugar cultivation in 1660 population 40,000, with half being African. Ten years after population 82,000 with African population outnumbering others. Sugar first mass marketed to consumers in Europe, it being most important product of the British, French, and Portuguese. It was the jewel of the French empire. 1660 Barbados generated more trade than English colonies combined Rapid slave introduction in Brazil and West Indies, slavery slowly came in North America. With only 4,500 blacks in 1680 Chesapeakes.

Slavery and the Law

Spain: Had enacted :as Siete Partidas which transferred to Spanish Empire where slaves had some rights on marriage, property, and freedom. English: Legal status in the Chesapeake ambiguous. First Africans in Virginia 1619 where some managed to get free, but laws like no joining the militia in 1620s grew. 1643 tax poll on Africans, Virginia and Maryland could sue or testify in court, Anthony Johnson was a slave during 1620s but later had slaves, freedom, and hundreds of acres of land.

New York and the Rights of Englishmen and Englishwomen

Surrender gauraunteed that the English would respect religious beliefs and property holdings, but they did not allow women to hold business in their name, so the dutch focused on men only now. English became restrictive on blacks, and expelled free blacks from many jobs. They continued awarding immense grants of lands, with 160.000 to Robert Livingston, 90,000 to Frederick Philipse. 2 million acres owned by one 5 new yourk families by 1700.

New York and the Indians

The English briefly held an alliance with the Five Nations known as the Covenant Chain, but by the end of the century the Five Nations adopted a policy of neutrality.

Women and the Household Economy

The family was the center of economic life, and all members contributed to the family's livelihood. In the eighteenth century, the division of labor along gender lines solidified. Marriages became life long commitments and opportunities for women receded.

The Middle Ranks

The large majority of free Americans lived in the middle ranks, mainland colonies had distribution of land and economic autonomy. The book American Husbandry in 1775 said little freeholders were considerable part. 2/3 of free male population were farming land owners. Colonial farm families viewed landownership as a right.

Conquest of New Netherland

The restoration of the English monarchy came in 1660 with Charles II, and the government chartered new trading ventures such as the Royal African Company. In 1664, during an Anglo-Dutch war, New Netherland came under control of the English. The terms of Dutch surrender guaranteed some freedoms and liberties but reversed others, especially for blacks. The Duke of York governed New York. Population rose to 20,000 by 1685 Dutch fought but surrendered in 1664

An Atlantic World

Trade helped to create a web of interdependence among the European empires. People ideas and goods flowed across Atlantic. Major overseas market for British manufactured goods was the colonies. Tobacco crop marketed in Britain. Membership in the empire had many advantages for the colonists. Did not complain about British regulation because Commerce enriched the colonies and Navigation Acts allowed smuggling to flourish.

Bacon's Rebellion: Land and Labor in Virginia

Virginia's shift from white indentured servants to African slaves as the main plantation labor force was accelerated by Bacon's Rebellion. Virginia's government ran a corrupt regime under Governor Berkeley. Good, free land was scarce for freed indentured servants. Nathaniel Bacon, an elite planter, called for the removal of all Indians, lower taxes, and an end to rule by "grandees." His campaign gained support from small farmers, indentured servants, landless men, and even some Africans. 2676 Bacon's, who had come in 1673, Rebellion began where Berkely refused change. It started with Indian Massacres and went into rebellion against Berkeley. Bacon spoke of traditional English liberties. The rebellion's aftermath left Virginia's planter elite to consolidate their power and improve their image.


Was a process of becoming more and more english, which the colonists did in the 18th century when they traded and communicated more with the British than each other, led aristocratic lifestyles, and falling into debt. William Byrd III of Virginia lived so extravagantly that by 1770 debt of 100,000.

Colonial Artisans

large population in cities were artisans like furniture makers, jewelers, silversmiths, and lesser like blacksmiths, coopers, etc. These artists had own tools and small workshops. Helped give economic freedom. Ben franklin wrote "he that hath a trade, hath an estate". Most had a chance to become a master of trade and get success. New York in 1723, jewish Silversmith Myer Myers most prominent artisans and used his profit to buy land.

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