chapter 30 biology quizlet

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In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in a megasporangium nucleus?


In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in an embryo nucleus after fertilization?


In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in an endosperm nucleus?


Which of these structures is a separate generation from the plant sporophyte?

A male gametophyte within a pollen grainA seed

Which of the following proposed controls would be most appropriate for the experiment when, late in the season, scientists painted some of the red flowers white?

A necessary control would be to put red paint on some of the red flowers in order to control for the effects of paint.

In which of the following pairs do the structures play comparable roles in the plant and animal life cycles?

A plant sporophyte and an adult animal

Which of the following statements about the pine life cycle is correct?

Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes.

Which of the following strategies would be most useful in the long term in reducing pressures faced by cacao farmers?

Crossbreed cacao strains that produce high-quality cacao beans and ones resistant to a disease

Select the correct statement describing the life cycle of angiosperms

Double fertilization in the life cycle of seed plants results in the production of a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm nucleus.

conifers only

all species produce cones pines

Human survival depends on the produce of __________.


A stamen consists of _____.

anther and filament

in pines, the female gametophyte contains _____, each of which contains a(n) _____.

archegonia ... egg

All seed plants _____.

are heterosporous

Which of the following arranges the structures from largest to smallest, assuming that they belong to two generations of the same angiosperm?

carpel, ovary, ovule, embryo sac, egg

Which of the following functions is an advantage of seeds compared to spores?

containing a nutrient store for a developing sporophyte

In spruces and pines, which of the following is an advantage of having needlelike leaves?

decreased surface area, reducing water loss

Which adaptations of land plants are likely to cause human health problems?

defenses against being eaten and adaptations related to wind dispersal of pollen

What is the process by which a trait present in an ancestral organism is modified by natural selection over time in descendants of that ancestor?

descent with modification

the embryo the gametophyte generation the megaspore the sporophyte generation

diploid haploid haploid diploid

When you look at a pine or maple tree, the plant you see is a __________.

diploid sporophyte

Which of these is unique to flowering plants?

double fertilization In flowering plants one sperm nucleus fertilizes the egg and the other sperm nucleus fuses with two other nuclei found within the ovule, thus forming triploid endosperm.

Which of the following is a characteristic of all angiosperms?

double internal fertilization

The yolk of an animal egg is similar to which of the following structures in angiosperms?


Suppose that the cells of seed plants, like the cells of human skin, produce a pigment upon increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Which of the following types of plant cells is most likely to produce this pigment?

epidermal cells of sporophyte megaphylls

In pine, the embryo develops within the __________.

female gametophyte

In gymnosperms, megaspores develop into __________.

female gametophytes

Which of the following generations in the conifer life cycle directly produces the megasporangium of pine ovules?

female sporophyte

Which of the following generations in the conifer life cycle most directly produces the integument of a pine seed?

female sporophyte

Which of the following structures directly produces the fruit of angiosperms?

female sporophyte

The internal parts of the pollen grains of seed-producing plants are most similar to which of the following structures in seedless plants?

fern gametophyte bearing only antheridia

Angiosperms are different from all other plants because only they have _____.


Which answer arranges the characteristics of plants in the order in which they evolved, from most ancient to most recent?

gametophyte dominance, sporophyte dependence; sporophyte dominance, gametophyte independence; sporophyte dominance, gametophyte dependence

In plants, the ________ produces haploid gametes (eggs and sperm) by mitosis, whereas the ________ produces haploid spores by meiosis.

gametophyte; sporophyte

Which of the following organisms are the closest relatives of pine and spruce trees?

gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgos

The internal fertilization that occurs in egg-laying animals prior to shell deposition is similar to what process in angiosperms?

growth of pollen tube and delivery of sperm nuclei

In the pine, microsporangia form _____ microspores by _____.

haploid ... meiosis

cycads only

have palm like leaves

In pines, an embryo is a(n) _____.

immature sporophyte The diploid embryo will develop into a seedling and then into a mature pine tree.

all gymnosperms

includes three genera that vary greatly in appearance

Within a gymnosperm megasporangium, which of the following develops before the others after fertilization occurs?


After fertilization of the ovule, the ______ turns into the food supply the _______ developed into the seed coat the ________ develops into the embryo of the mature seed

megaspore integument fertilized egg

In pine trees, pollen grains get to the ovule via the _____.


In angiosperms, which of the following is correctly paired with its chromosome count?


Which of the following characteristics is functionally important in gametophyte cells of both angiosperms and gymnosperms?


What type of cell division does the generative of a male angiosperm gametophyte cell undergo to produce sperm cells?


Stamens, sepals, petals, carpels, and pinecone scales are types of which of the following structures?

modified leaves

Of the four haploid cells produced by a pine cone's megasporocyte (megaspore mother cell), _____ survive(s)


gnetophytes only

only one living species today

Where are the ovules stored?


Which of the following are present in angiosperms but not in gymnosperms?


Which of the following contains multiple gymnosperm ovules

ovulate cone

Which of the following is a characteristic that distinguishes gymnosperms and angiosperms from other plants?


Unlike most angiosperms, grasses are pollinated by wind. As a consequence, some unnecessary parts of grass flowers have almost disappeared. Which of the following parts would you expect to be most reduced in a grass flower?


In addition to seeds, which of the following characteristics is unique to seed-producing plants?


The adaptation that made possible the colonization of dry land environments by seed plants is most likely the result of the evolution of _____


Which of the following is a key feature of seed plants facilitating life on land?


The male gametophytes of flowering plants are also referred to as _____.

pollen grains

what contains male gametophytes

pollen grains

The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excels, is native to tropical rain forests of South America. Scientists have discovered that the pale yellow flowers of Brazil nut trees cannot fertilize themselves and admit only female orchid bees as pollinators. If a female orchid bee has just left a Brazil nut tree with nectar in her stomach, and if she visits another flower on a different Brazil nut tree, what is the sequence in which the following events should occur?

pollen transfer, pollen tube emerges from pollen grain, pollen tube enters micropyle, double fertilization

Which of the following problems will likely increase if the human population continues to increase?

reduction in plant and animal diversity

In flowering plants the integuments of the ovule develop into a(n) _____.

seed coat

What are the main components of a mature gymnosperm seed

seed coat, food supply, embryo

Which of the following statements describes a difference between seed plants and ferns?

seed plants produce two kinds of spores

The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excels, is native to tropical rain forests of South America. The agouti (Dasyprocta spp.), a cat-sized rodent, is the only animal with teeth strong enough to crack the hard wall of Brazil nut fruits. It typically eats some of the seeds, buries others, and leaves still others inside the fruit into which moisture can then enter and allow the remaining seeds to germinate. The agouti is most directly involved in dispersal of which of the following structures?

sporophyte embryos

The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excels, is native to tropical rain forests of South America and produces large nuts. The large white part of a Brazil nut that people eat serves which of the following functions in nature?

It provides energy and nutrition to a germinating seedling.

Which of the following statements are correct with regard to what physicians and pharmacists need to know about plants?

Land plants produce poisons and medicines.

What are the products of meiosis in the life cycle of a seed plant?

Megaspores or microspores

Gymnosperms were most abundant during the _____.


Among plants known as legumes (beans, peas, alfalfa, clover, for example) the seeds are contained in a fruit that is itself called a legume, better known as a pod. Upon opening such pods, it is commonly observed that some ovules have become mature seeds, whereas other ovules have not. Which of the following statements best explains this observation?

Pollen tubes did not enter all of the ovules in such pods, and fruit can develop even if all ovules within have not been fertilized.

Which of the following statements correctly describes a portion of the pine life cycle?

Female gametophytes use mitosis to produce eggs

Late in the season, when only hawk moths were present, researchers painted the red flowers white. Which of the following results is most likely in this situation?

Red flowers painted white would produce more fruits than red flowers would

Why is seed dormancy adaptive for many plant species?

Seed dormancy allows seeds to germinate when conditions are favorable for seedling growth.

One day, you go outside and see that the cars on the street are covered in a yellow "dust." Which of the following statements can be correctly applied to this "dust"?

The dust is pine pollen and is so abundant because the pines are wind-pollinated.

The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excels, is native to tropical rain forests of South America. Scientists have discovered that the pale yellow flowers of Brazil nut trees cannot fertilize themselves and admit only female orchid bees as pollinators.Entrepreneurs attempted, but failed, to harvest nuts from plantations grown in Southeast Asia. Attempts to grow Brazil nut trees in South American plantations also failed. In both cases, the trees grew vigorously, produced healthy flowers in profusion, but set no fruit. Which of the following statements best explains the failure to cultivate Brazil nut trees in these other locations?

The flowers were not pollinated due to the absence of female orchid bees.

Mistletoe is a plant that lives on trees and gains nutrition from them (that is, it is a parasite). The fruit of the mistletoe is a one-seeded berry and is consumed by birds. In members of the mistletoe genus Viscum, the outside of the seed is sticky, which permits the seed to adhere to surfaces such as the branches of host plants or the beaks of birds. What should be expected of the fruit if the stickiness of Viscum seeds is primarily an adaptation for dispersal rather than an adaptation for infecting host plant tissues?

The fruit is nutritious to the dispersing organism

Why was there more carbon-14 in the germinated seed?

The germinated seed incorporated a small amount of modern carbon

A researcher has developed two stains to use for visualizing different tissues of seed plants. One stains sporophyte tissue blue; the other stains gametophyte tissue red. If the researcher exposes pollen grains to both stains, and then rinses away the excess stain, what will he/she/they most likely observe?

The pollen grains will have red interiors and blue exteriors.

Which of the following is the most beneficial adaptation of the seed coats in angiosperm species whose seeds are dispersed by fruit-eating animals, as opposed to angiosperm species whose seeds are dispersed by other means?

The seed coat should be resistant to the animal's digestive enzymes.

Which of the following answers arranges the structures found on male pine trees from the largest structure to the smallest?

sporophyte, pollen cone, microsporangia, microspores, pollen nuclei

In seed plants, which of the following is part of a pollen grain and has a function most like that of the seed coat?


In angiosperms, pollination is the transfer of pollen grain to the _____ of a flower on the same plant or another plant of the same species.


A carpel is composed of _____

stigma, style, and ovary

Which feature of cycads distinguishes them from most other gymnosperms?

the are wind pollenated

Which feature of cycads makes them similar to many angiosperms?

they are pollinated by animals

Immature seed cones of conifers are usually green before pollination, and flowers of grasses are inconspicuously colored. What does this indicate about how they are pollinated?

they are probably wind pollinated

Some plants continued to produce only dark (red) flowers whereas others produced lighter colored flowers later in the season. Which plants do you expect produced more fruit over the entire season?

those that changed their color to a lighter shade

Many mammals have skins and mucous membranes that are sensitive to secretions of plants like poison oak. These secondary compounds are primarily adaptations that function in which of the following ways

to inhibit herbivory

Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium?

within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower

In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in a generative cell nucleus?


In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. How many chromosomes should be in a tube cell nucleus?


Which of the following characteristics would best support your assertion that a particular plant is an angiosperm?

It lacks gametangia.

Imagine that you wanted to know if speciation is more rapid in plant groups pollinated by bees or hummingbirds. To do this, you identified 20 genera of angiosperms that contained species pollinated by both types of animals. There were substantially more species in the groups that were pollinated by bees. Which of the following conclusions are most consistent with your data?

Hummingbirds promoted speciation less than did bees.

Which of these statements is true about the gametophyte tissue that surrounds the pine embryo?

It functions as a haploid food reserve.

ginkgos only

leaves have fan like appearance only one living species today

Which of the following plant structures most directly produces the pollen tube of angiosperms?

male gametophyte

Which of the following could best be investigated by measuring fruit production in plants?

pollination success

The major difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms comes from the __________.

presence or absence of a protective covering over the ovule

Which of the following describes a difference between wind-pollinated angiosperms compared with animal pollinated plants? Wind pollenated plants ________.

produce much more pollen because winds disperse pollen randomly

Which of the following statements best describes an advantage of the reduced gametophytes in seed plants?

protection form drying out

Which of the following is found inside a pollen grain

the male gametophyte

Which of the following is a major trend in land plant evolution over the past 200 million years?

the trend toward a sporophyte-dominated life cycle

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