chapter 39 patient reception

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New patient

* MA must obtain Personal and insurance information either when the appointment is made or at first visit * patient may be asked to call a specific telephone number to register or the information may be taken by a staff member at the computer * patient is usually asked to sign a statement allows the office to release information to insurance company for billing purposes

verifying insurance and obtaining authorization

* MA should ask for their insurance card and makes a photo copy of both side or scans the card in to medical record *office policy may require a verify a patient identity at every visit by asking for ID or two other forms of identification and retaining photocopies * some type of insurance require authorization every time the patient visit the primary care physician

checking equipment and supplies

* MA should preform a visual safety check of medical office daily * includes removing any hazards that might block hallways or exits and making sure that all equipment is preforming correctly * reception area and exam rooms should be tidied and restock daily, either in the morning or at closing and sometimes again at specified tome during the day * MA may need turn on or set up equipment used for clinical procedures, run controls in lab, and /or remove items for a battery charge * may be necessary to unload the autoclave and put away the sterilized the evening before

tickler file

A chronological file containing reminders of things to be done.


A fixed amount of money that the patient is responsible to pay at each visit


a federal and state program financing medical services to low-income people. the medicaid program has a different name in each state

tickler file

is a set of 43 files. one for each month (for total of 12 folders) and additional 31 folders for the days of the current month

Patient check in

its is important to acknowledge each person who enters the office as soon as possible to prevent that person from feeling awkward

medical assistant should be familiar with all of following info

* a brief description description of physicians, how long each have been in practice, each physician's credentials and whether each physician is accepting new patient * specialties of the physicians in the practice, type of patients seen, and basic philosophy of the physician(s) * information about languages spoken by staff, whether the physician practices alternative therapies(e.g acupuncture) or whether the physician insist that patients stop smoking * location of main office and satellite office, direction to each office and description of available parking and access to public transportation, if applicable * types of insurance that practice accepts, whether the patient's insurance will be accepted, and whether payment is required a each visit * how to make appointments and the policy regarding canceling appointment. patients are normally asked to give 24 hours' notice if possible for cancellation *the telephone procedure and whether the physician has call-in times * what hospital(s) each physician is affiliated with;some patients might also want to know whether the physician make nursing home visits * how medication refills are handled * how to sign up to use an online medical record and/or appointment request system

the waiting room, reception area and examination and treatment room all need to be checked for the following

* cleanness and neatness * correct temperature * appropriate reading material(if needed restock or replace) * turn on tv, radio, and/or DVD player

when opening an office several activity must be preformed immediately

* disarming the alarm system *turning on the light *unlocking the door rough which patients enter * unlocking file cabinets, medication cabinets, and medical record files (if paper records are used) *turning on all of the office equipment that will be used during the day, such a computers and copy machine

established patient

* if patient has been seen in the office before, it may be necessary to verify that billing information is still correct *MA should first identify the patient by asking the patient to state his or her name, spell the last name and state the date of birth *the patient's personal information is verified in the computer system including address, telephone number, and insurance information * any information has changed, the new card should be photocopied and updated information should be enter into computer billing system and into medical record whether its paper or electronic

making sure the patient chart are prepared

* paper-based patient records are usually pulled the evening before the next appointment day or are prepared in the morning before the patient arrive * a separate appointment schedule is usually prepared for each physician * A charge slip may be created for each person before the visit or the entire billing and charging system may b electronic

before leaving the office the medical assistant must preform the following task

* prepare the bank deposit and balance the cash drawer at the end of day, the money in the cash drawer must be balanced against cash receipts, any amount above the usual change find is added to bank deposit(see chapter 46) *make a backup copy of the main computer hard drive if the office does not subscribe to an online computer backup service *check the fax machine for faxes that have come in during the day turn off computer, printers, copiers and other equipment (with exception of the fax machine) *change the telephone to night message or call the answering service to tell them the office is closing *lock the door through which patient enter lock file cabinet, medical record files, and medication cabinets *make sure coffee machine or other kitchen equipment's turned off *unplug equipment, such as a toaster, that might be a fire hazard *turn off the light *the last person to leave the medical office makes sure the door is locked and set the alarm system

a physician might not be accepting new patient for few reasons

*A physician may have so many patients that they cannot in all fairness accept new patient.if the patient load decrease, them physician may begin to accept new patient again *the physician maybe returning from a maternity, family or personal disability leave and be working a reduced schedule *physician may be easing back before retiring

patient history form

*offices also have a history form for the patient to fill out before being seen by physician *it may be mailed to new patient before the first appointment or the patient fill it out in the waiting room * MA goes over this form with patient in the exam room to be sure that all of the relevant information has been included

if paper form is used to obtain information it includes the following

*patient information (personal and demographic) *guarantor information(personal and employment information for the individual who will be financially responsible) *provider information(primary care provider and/or referring physician *insurance information (insurance company, policy holder, ID number and group for primary and any other insurance *assignment of benefits consent *authorization to release information to insurance *agreement to pay costs that insurance does not cover

checking for messages an/or faxes

*someone must review message and prepare the telephone system for the day's activities *the telephone message must be switched from the night and weekend message to the telephone system during the day * if medical office uses an answering service, the MA should call the service to indicate that the office is open *MA must obtain any messages that that have come in within the past hour or nonurgent messages left during the night

considerations to facilitate patient understanding

*with new or prospective patient MA should take into account patient's cultural or ethic background, development stage, any communication barriers that may exists *it may be desirable to have medical interpreter or translator follow-up with patient to be sure there no unanswered question

Assignment of benefits

Authorization given by the patient to allow the insurance company to make payments directly to the health care provider instead of to the patient.

call-in times

Blocks of time when a physician accepts telephone calls from patients

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