Chapter 4
What are the main differences of corporate social responsibility versus that of social entrepreneurs?
-Peripheral to mission -Side show -A department -Seeks to reduce harm -Feel and look good -Stakeholder is the observer -Consequence driven -Image motivated
What are the main differences of social entrepreneurs versus that of corporate social responsibility?
-core to mission -main event -the entire organization -measures social impact -do good -stakeholder is the customer -purpose driven -opportunity motivated
What are the similarities between traditional and social entrepreneurship?
-founding a new organization -find info & resources -form connections -create marketing initiatives -promote offerings
Who are definitive stakeholders?
They are the only one who posses all three attributes: power, legitimacy and urgency.
What are the 6 characteristics of wicked problems according to Conklin?
- prob not understood until after formulation of a solution -no stopping rule -solutions to wicked probs are not right or wrong -every prob essentially novel & unique -every solution 'one shot operation' -no given alternatives
What are the 7 kinds of stakeholders?
-Dormant stakeholders -Discretionary stakeholders -Demanding stakeholders -Dominant stakeholders -Dependent stakeholders -Dangerous stakeholders -Definitive stakeholders
How is CSR helpful to actual corporations?
-Engage more with customers -leads to real innovations, such as environmentally safe products -decrease costs by cutting packaging, travel, and energy expenses -increase public image -bring people together
What are some of the features of venture philanthropy?
-High engagement -multiyear support -tailored financing -organizational capacity building -non-financial support -performance measurement
What is the percentage of men & women that are traditional nonprofit entrepreneurs?
41% women & 59% men
What is the percentage of men & women that are enterprising nonprofit entrepreneurs?
60% women & 41% men
What is venture philanthropy funding?
A combination of financial assistance such as grants with a high level of engagement by the finder
What are Enterprising Non-Profits?
A form of social entrepreneurship where both the venture mission and the market impact are for social purposes
What is Work Integration Social Enterprise?
A social enterprise whose mission is to integrate people who have been socially excluded into work and society through productive activity Ex: autism, former gang members, etc
What is a hybrid model of social entrepreneurship?
An organization with a purposes that equally emphasizes both economic and social goals
Which founders are older, traditional nonprofit entrepreneurs or enterprising nonprofit entrepreneurs?
Enterprising nonprofit entrepreneurs! The avg is 53 years old
A nonprofit required to channel profits back into the organization...
Enterprising nonprofits
What kind of problems do wicked problems address?
Issues relating to -environment -poverty -sustainability -equality -education -child morality -sanitation -terrorism -health and wellness
What is corporate social responsibility?
It describes the efforts taken by corporations to address the companies effects on environmental and social well-being in order to promote positivity change
What does the definition of social entrepreneurship involve?
Sourcing innovative solutions
What are stakeholders?
The people or groups affected by or involved with the achievements of the social enterprises objectives. They hold a combination of the three qualities: power, legitimacy & urgency
What is a earned-income activities?
The sale of products or services that are used as a source of revenue generation
What is the underlying difference between social entrepreneurs versus corporate social responsibility?
Their primary objective. -CSR adds social objectives while still pursing main goals to make profit.
Who are dormant stakeholders?
They are known as "sleepers." they hold power but not tend to use that power unless they are given a reason to do so
What is a social entrepreneurship?
They create ventures to tackle social problems and bring about social change; they measure performance by advancing social and environmental goals (some desire profit, majority are non profit)
Who are traditional entrepreneurs?
They create ventures with a goal of making a profit, and they measure performance by the profits generated.
Who are dominant stakeholders?
They have both power and legitimacy , which gives them strong influence in your organization.
Who are dependent stakeholders?
They have both urgency and legitimacy but lack the power to influence.
Who are discretionary stakeholders?
They have no power to influence and no urgent claims but they have legitimacy
Who are dangerous stakeholders?
They posses both power and urgency but may use this power to coerce or even resort to violence
Who are demanding stakeholders?
They possess the urgency attribute. They hold no power or legitimacy and may be the only dissenting voice in the room.
Social entrepreneurs can raise capital from their for profit or nonprofit organization through SVC (social venture capitalist)
Social entrepreneurs take an inclusive approach to resolve problems in developing countries
Wise stands for...?
Work Integration Social Enterprise
What is a social consequence entrepreneurship?
a for-profit venture whose primarily market impact is social
What is a wicked problem?
a large complex social problem where there is no clear solution, where there is limited, confusing, or contradictory information available, and where a whole range of people with conflicting values engage in debate
What is a social purpose ventures?
businesses created by social entrepreneurs to resolve a social problem
Entrepreneurial ventures must _______ their stakeholders
In addition to creating social venture mission & a social primary market impact is referred to as...
social purpose