Chapter 4 A&P Lab

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movement that turns the palm down


movement that turns the palm up

circumduction Circumduction is a complex movement in which the distal end of the limb moves in a circle while the other end of the limb is relatively stationary.

A ball-and-socket joint is capable of a complex movement that involves flexion, extension, adduction, and abduction performed in rapid succession called __________. circumduction pronation dorsiflexion rotation


A joints that is only slightly moveable is classified as a(n) _____________________ joint.


A reduction in the lateral angle of the glenohumeral joint in relation to the anatomical position would be called __________. abduction flexion adduction extension

four muscles

Abduction requires the action of two muscles, and adduction requires the action of __________. one muscle three muscles four muscles two muscles


Inflammation of a joint broadly describes all types of __________________.


When a child juts her chin forward stubbornly, she is demonstrating the action of _________________ of the jaw.

extend from the brain or spinal cord to the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle fiber The cell bodies of motor neurons to muscles in the head and neck are located in the brain. The cell bodies of motor neurons to the rest of our muscles are located in the spinal cord.

Action potentials travel the length of the axons of motor neurons to the axon terminals. These motor neurons __________. extend from the spinal cord to the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle fiber arise in the epimysium of a skeletal muscle and extend to individual skeletal muscle fibers extend from the brain or spinal cord to the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle fiber extend from the brain to the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle fiber


An immovable joint held together with hyaline cartilage is categorized as a(n) joint.

Synaptic vesicles fuse to the plasma membrane of the axon terminal and release acetylcholine. When synaptic vesicles fuse to the plasma membrane, acetylcholine is released via exocytosis.

Calcium entry into the axon terminal triggers which of the following events? Acetylcholine is released into the cleft by active transporters in the plasma membrane of the axon terminal. Synaptic vesicles fuse to the plasma membrane of the axon terminal and release acetylcholine. Cation channels open and sodium ions enter the axon terminal while potassium ions exit the axon terminal. Acetylcholine binds to its receptor.

the opening of ligand-gated cation channels These channels permit sodium ions to diffuse inward and potassium ions to diffuse outward.

Acetylcholine binds to its receptor in the sarcolemma and triggers __________. the opening of ligand-gated cation channels the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels the opening of calcium-release channels the opening of ligand-gated anion channels

Acetylcholine is degrade by acetylcholinesterase. This degradation results in a rapid cessation of the acetylcholine signal and a swift removal from the cleft.

Action potential propagation in a skeletal muscle fiber ceases when acetylcholine is removed from the synaptic cleft. Which of the following mechanisms ensures a rapid and efficient removal of acetylcholine? Acetylcholine is transported back into the axon terminal by a reuptake mechanism. Acetylcholine is transported into the postsynaptic neuron by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Acetylcholine diffuses away from the cleft. Acetylcholine is degraded by acetylcholinesterase.

all joints-->may be structurally classified into / | \ / | \ / | \ fibrous joints synovial joints cartilaginous joints | include | | | | A.sutures, C.synchondroses B.plane, hinge, syndesmoses, symphyses pivot, condalar gomphoses / saddle, ball-and- \ / socket \ / | \ / | D. Immobile, or slightly E. Freely movable movable

Complete the Concept Map to classify joints by structure and function. all joints may be structurally classified into _______________ _______________ ________________ include A. sutures, syndesmoses, gomphoses B. plane, hinge, pivot, condylar, saddle, ball-and-socket C. synchondroses, symphyses are functionally described as D. Immobile, or slightly movable E. Freely movable

flexion and extension, and adduction and abduction

Condylar joints are biaxial for the movements of ___________. (multiple answers)

proximal ulna to radius and distal humerus to proximal ulna

Examples of uniaxial movement permitted at the surfaces of bones can be found at these two articulations, ___________________________ and ___________________________.

.extension and flexion

In uniaxial movement at the elbow joint, the movement allowed is _____________ and ______________.

A plane joint is non-axial and allows for gliding motion.

Plane joints are the only type of synovial joint not featured in the Concept Map. Which of the following describes their range of motion? A plane joint is uniaxial and allows for flexion and extension. A plane joint is non-axial and allows for gliding motion. A plane joint is multiaxial and allows for motion in all axes. A plane joint is biaxial and allows for abduction and adduction.

Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum binds to troponin When Ca2+ concentration is high in the sarcoplasm, Ca2+ binds to troponin causing change in its shape. This shape change alters the position of tropomyosin and moves it away from myosin binding sites on actin, thus allowing the myosin head to bind actin and form a cross bridge.

The cross bridge cycle starts when _________. Select the best answer. Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum binds to troponin ATP binds to troponin and is hydrolyzed to ADP and Pi Ca2+ is actively transported into the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum binds to tropomyosin acetylcholine diffuses away from the synaptic cleft


The elbow is an example of a __________________ joint, which functions in one plane.


The hinge joint has what kind of movement? Nonaxial, Uniaxial, Biaxial, or Multiaxial.


The muscle that generates the most power during elbow flexion is the __________. biceps brachii brachioradialis triceps brachii brachialis

bones joined by a fluid-filled articular capsule Synovial joints, those formed by uniting bones via an articular capsule containing synovial fluid, separate the bones and provide the greatest amount of freedom. They are classified as diarthroses, or freely moving joints.

What structural arrangement usually permits the greatest freedom of movement in a joint? bones joined by fibrocartilage pads bones united by a hyaline cartilage bar or plate bones joined by a fluid-filled articular capsule bones joined by a fibrous ligament

ACh is broken down into acetic acid and choline by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). ACh diffuses away from the synaptic cleft. The chemical signal (ACh) at the neuromuscular junction is very short! Soon after ACh is released from the axon terminal, it is rapidly degraded by AChE or diffuses out of the synaptic cleft. These two mechanisms ensure that just enough ACh binds to its receptor to initiate an action potential and that the muscle fiber's response is quickly terminated.

Which of the following is/are mechanism(s) to end neural transmission at the neuromuscular junction? ACh is taken up by the axon terminal via endocytosis. ACh is broken down into acetic acid and choline by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). ACh diffuses away from the synaptic cleft. ACh binds to ACh receptors.

teres major

Which of the following muscles assists during extension of the glenohumeral joint, but is not as a prime mover? teres major latissimus dorsi deltoid biceps brachii

shoulder flexion and elbow extension

Which terms best describe the arm movements that occur when releasing a ball to roll across the floor, such as in bowling? shoulder extension and elbow flexion shoulder flexion and elbow extension shoulder adduction and wrist hyperextension shoulder abduction and elbow extension

ball-and socket joints

Which type of joint allows for movement of the bones in more than two axes? pivot joints plane joint saddle joints ball-and-socket joints


Straightening of a joint

rotations, flexion and extension, and adduction and abduction

Ball-and-socket joints are multiaxial for the movements of __________. (multiple answers)


Bending a joint

length, some movement, Sympheses, amphiarthroses

Depending on the ___________ of the fibers uniting the bones in a syndesmosis, the joint may permit _______ _______________. ________________, where bones are united by fibrocartilage, also permit some movement. Both may be classified as ____________________.

Flexion and Extension

Hinge joints are uniaxial for the movements of ___________. (multiple answers)


The atlas to axis joint would exhibit _______________.


The ball-and-joint socket has what kind of movement? Nonaxial, Uniaxial, biaxial, or Multiaxial.


The condyalr joint has what kind of movement? Nonaxial, Uniaxial, Biaxial, or Multiaxial


The prefix _____ means axis.


The prefix ______ means joint.

Both maybe be slightly movable

What is a common characteristic of a syndesmosis and a symphysis? Both are cartilaginous joints. Both are classified as synarthroses. Both may be slightly movable. Both are found exclusively in the appendicular skeleton.

synchondroses and sutures Sutures between the skull bones fuse together to form the strong and immobile cranium. Likewise, the synchondroses of the epiphyseal plates in a long bone ossify, fusing the epiphyses to the diaphysis. Both of these events occur during normal growth and development of the skeleton.

Which types of joints may form synostoses during normal growth and development? synchondroses and sutures syndesmoses and sutures gomphoses and syndesmoses synchondroses and symphyses

90 degrees

Without lateral rotation of the humerus by the teres minor and infraspinatus muscles, the maximum angle of abduction by the deltoid would be __________. 180 degrees 30 degrees 75 degrees 90 degrees


Pivot joints are uniaxial, allowing for the movement of ____________. (one answer)

What are the steps in the cross-bridge cylce?

1. the activated myosin head binds to actin, forming a cross bridge 2. ADP is released and myosin slides the thin filament toward the center of the sarcomere 3. ATP binds to the myosin head and detaches it from actin 4. ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and P, and the energy released re-cocks the myosin head.

diarthrotic synovial joints Joints that are classified as diarthrotic are freely moving. Most joints of the highly mobile skeleton are diarthrotic synovial joints.

Most joints of the body and nearly all the joints in the limbs are __________. diarthrotic synovial joints diarthrotic syndesmoses amphiarthrotic synchondroses amphiarthrotic synovial joints


Movement away from the midline of the body

flexion and extension

Movement of the elbow joint movement is limited to __________. extension and pronation flexion and extension supination and flexion pronation and supination

pronation and supination

Movement of the forearm includes __________. extension and pronation pronation and supination flexion and extension supination and flexion


Movement of the shoulder laterally away from the body is called __________. adduction extension abduction flexion


Movement toward the midline of the body

Saddle and Condylar joints

Only focus on d and e which are condylar and saddle joints respectively.

A person curls his or her fingers, and the phalanges flex at the interphalangeal joints. These exhibit flexion and extension. Another uniaxial joint is a cylindrical bone rotating along one axis in a sleeve-type opening, the pivot joint, as in atlas-axis (also known as atlantoaxial) rotation or the proximal radioulnar joints.

Review the types of joints you have studied, and select a true statement or characteristic of uniaxial movement in a representative joint. A person curls his or her fingers, and the phalanges flex at the interphalangeal joints. A person bends over, and his or her vertebral processes move past one another. A golfer swings at the ball on the tee. The dancer's leg is lifted to a ballet bar.

flexion and extension, and adduciton and abduction

Saddle joints are biaxial for the movements of __________. (multiple answers)

Description of nonaxial movement -Flat bones sliding past one another. -Vertebral processes gliding past one another. -Movement between adjacent carpal bones. Description of other types of movement -Rotation of a bone on one axis -Flexion at the elbow

Sort the following to describe either nonaxial movement or other types of movement.... -Flat bones sliding past one another. -Rotation of a bone on one axis. -Flexion at the elbow. -Vertebral processes gliding past one another. -Movement between adjacent carpal bones.

Acetylcholine is released by axon terminals of the motor neuron. Acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft via exocytosis.

The neuromuscular junction is a well-studied example of a chemical synapse. Which of the following statements describes a critical event that occurs at the neuromuscular junction? When the action potential reaches the end of the axon terminal, voltage-gated sodium channels open and sodium ions diffuse into the terminal. Acetylcholine binds to its receptor in the junctional folds of the sarcolemma. Its receptor is linked to a G protein. Acetylcholine is released and moves across the synaptic cleft bound to a transport protein. Acetylcholine is released by axon terminals of the motor neuron.


The pivot joint has what kind of movement? Nonaxial, Uniaxial, Biaxial, or Multiaxial.

Nonaxial movement

The plane joint has what kind of movement? Nonaxial, Uniaxial, Biaxial, or Multiaxial.


The prefix _____ means before, in front of, or projecting.


The prefix _____ means with, together, or like.


The prefix __________ means on both sides, of both kinds.

triceps brachii

The prime mover of elbow extension is the __________. triceps brachii brachialis biceps brachii anconeus


The saddle joint has what kind of movement? Nonaxial, Uniaxial, Biaxial, or Multiaxial.

Ca2+ enters the axon terminal Synaptic vessicles release ACh ACh binds to ACh receptors Ligand-gated cation channels open Na+ enters and K+ exits Membrane potential is less negative

The site where a motor neuron excites a skeletal muscle fiber is called the neuromuscular junction. This activity will test your understanding of the sequence of events that occur at the neuromuscular junction. Put the following events in order. -membrane potential is less negative -ligand-gated cation channels open -Ca2+ enters the axon terminal -Na+ enters and K+ exits -ACh (acetyl choline) binds to ACh receptors -Synaptic vessicles release ACh

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