Chapter 4 -- Carbohydrates

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presentation, height, dimension, color

Carbohydrates can offer great diversity in terms of __________________; carbohydrates can also be used to add _________, ______________, and _________ to plated dishes to create an eye-appealing menu offering.


Carbohydrates contribute ____ calories of energy per gram and are the preferred energy source over proteins and lipids.


Carbohydrates need to be broken down into _____________________ (glucose, fructose, and galactose) in order to be absorbed through the cells that line the small intestine.

soft, sweet, firm, crisp

Carbohydrates offer a range of textures and flavors from ______ and _________ to _______ and ________.

vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber

Grains lose __________, __________, and _________ ________ during processing


In the more neutral environment of the small intestine, enzymes released by the ___________ easily break down simple carbohydrates into glucose; in contrast, complex carbohydrates require more extensive breakdown before they are a viable energy source for cells.

heat, ATP, water, carbon dioxide

In the presence of oxygen, glucose is converted to energy to yield _______, ______, _________, and _________ __________ (a waste product).


Once carbohydrates reach the stomach, the acidic stomach environment _________________ the amylase enzymes.

dark, cool

Potatoes should always be stored in a _______, _______ location because sunlight begins the process of photosynthesis.

monosaccharides, disaccharides

Simple carbohydrates are categorized as ______________________ or ___________________, based on the number of sugar units (saccharides) they contain.

Maillard reaction

Sugars brown as a result of the ___________ ___________ when the proteins and sugars in food are exposed to heat and merge to form a brown exterior surface.


The Dietary Reference Intake Committee recommends that added sugars not exceed ______% of total carbohydrate intake.


The adequate intakes for dietary fiber are based on _____ g of dietary fiber per 1000 calories consumed.


The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth where ____________ enzymes in saliva begin breaking down carbohydrates.


The recommended dietary allowance for carbohydrates is a minimum of _______ g per day and includes sugars and starches but not dietary fiber.


A complex carbohydrate with a chain that generally ranges from three to eleven sugar units.


According to the Institute of Medicine, a healthy diet consisting of approximately ______-______% carbohydrates helps ensure that energy needs are met without causing proteins to be burned as energy.

cane sugar, brown sugar, honey, molasses, nectars, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup

_______ ________, ________ ________, _________, _____________, __________, _______ _______, and ______-___________ ______ ________ are also added sugars found on ingredient lists.


________ affects carbohydrates through photosynthesis.

nutrient-dense, fiber-rich

__________-_______, _______-_______ complex carbohydrates provide the body with optimal energy throughout the day.

appetizers, salads, sides, entrees, desserts

_____________, _________, ________, ___________, and ___________ can showcase nutrient-dense carbohydrates by highlighting their many colors, textures, and flavors.

energy source

Because complex carbohydrates take more time to digest than simple carbohydrates, they are a longer lasting __________ __________.

chemical structure

Because of their ___________ _____________, simple carbohydrates can be broken down quickly and used for energy faster than complex carbohydrates.

germ, bran

Because the ______ and ______ remain intact, whole grains may require more time to cook than processed grains.


Carbohydrates are ________________, which means they absorb moisture from the air.

innate, digestibility

Carbohydrates are often cooked to enhance their _________ characteristics and improve _________________.

nutritious, innovative

Carbohydrates can be used to offer guests ______________ and _____________ menu choices that complement any cuisine.

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

Carbohydrates, commonly abbreviated as CHO, are made from the elements __________, _______________, and ____________.

cardiovascular, digestive, cancer, cholesterol, blood glucose

Consuming whole grains instead of refined grains has been shown to improve _________________ and ___________ health, lower the risk of __________, reduce ________________, and promote stable ________ __________ levels.

monosaccharides, glucose

Enzymes continue to split disaccharides into ______________________ that can be transported to the liver for conversion to ____________.

temperature control

Essential to the fermentation process for both baking and making alcohols.


Plants are able to make their own carbohydrates through ________________________ (the process by which plants turn carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates by using chlorophyll to capture energy from sunlight).

sweet, desserts, processed foods

Simple carbohydrates have a _________ flavor and occur naturally in foods such as fruits, agave nectar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, and milk; simple carbohydrates are often used in ___________ and are also abundant in ____________ ________.

colors, texture, flavors

Starchy foods, such as caroots, corn, winter squash, plantains, potatoes, yams, and dried beans and peas, come in a variety of _________, ____________, and ___________.


The edible fruit, in the form of a kernel or seed, of a grass.


A complex carbohydrate with a chain usually consisting of hundreds to thousands of sugar units; classified as starches and dietary fiber.

refined grain

A grain that has been processed to remove the bran, germ, or both.

whole grain

A grain that has only had the husk removed.

husk, bran, endosperm, germ

A kernel of grain is composed of a _______, ______, _____________, and ________.


A polysaccharide made by plants to store long chains of glucose molecules.


A process in which a gelatinized starch causes a thickened liquid to turn into a gel as it cools.


A simple carbohydrate made of one sugar unit; there are three types (glucose, fructose, and galactose).


A soluble component of starch that forms a branched chain.


A three-carbon fragment can attach to another three-carbon fragment to form __________ and provide energy to cells.

complex carbohydrate

A type of carbohydrate made from more than two attached sugar units.

bright red, blue, yellow, mushy

Acidic ingredients cause purple and dark red vegetables to turn ________ _____; in contrast, alkaline ingredients cause purple and dark red vegetables to turn ______ and white vegetables to turn _________; in addition, alkaline ingredients cause a _________ texture in purple, dark red, and white vegetables.


Also known as a double sugar; a simple carbohydrate made of two attached sugar units.

simple carbohydrate

Also known as simple sugar; a type of carbohydrate made from one or two units of sugar.

sugar replacer

Also known as sugar alcohol or polyol; a naturally occurring carbohydrate that is only partially digestible and has a chemical structure that resembles both sugar and alcohol.

skeletal, brain, central nervous

Although ___________ muscles can use lipids for energy, the ________ and __________ __________ system cannot use lipids for energy; thus, carbohydrates are a crucial energy source for all cells.

blood glucose, eliminate, nutrients, amino acids, structure, function, communication

Although the main purpose of carbohydrates is to supply energy, carbohydrates are vital nutrients involved in many essential body functions. Carbohydrates do the following: help regulate ________ ___________ levels to supply needed energy to cells while maintaining a 24-hour reserve of energy, help ______________ unwanted materials from the body, provide ___________ for bacteria in the large intestine, supply raw materials used to build compounds such as ________ _______, affect the _____________ and ___________ of proteins, and influence ______________________ among cells.

color, texture

An acidic ingredient, such as lemon juice, or an alkaline ingredient, such as baking sodda, can affect both the _______ and __________ of vegetables during cooking.


An energy-providing nutrient in the form of sugar, starch, or dietary fiber and is the main source of energy for the body.

dietary fiber

An indigestible form of carbohydrate found in vegetables, fruits, and grains.


An insoluble component of starch that forms an unbranched chain.

artificial sweetener

An intensely sweet, nonnutritive synthetic substance with zero to almost no calories; five types have FDA approval (neotame, saccharin, sucralose, acesulfame K, and aspartame).

long chains

Because complex carbohydrates contain ______ _______ of sugars, they take longer to digest and absorb than simple carbohydrates.

added sugar

Any sugar not naturally occurring in a food and added during processing or preparation.


As a mixture cools, there is more sugar than can be absorbed; when this occurs, the solution is __________________; these solutions of sugar and water are unstable; as a result of being unstable, the sugar molecules begin to crystallize into a solid.

whole grains, fruits, vegetables, added sugars, sugar replacers, artificial sweeteners

At least half of all grains should be ________ ________; fiber-rich ________ and _____________, including legumes, should be chosen; whole fruits should be chosen over fruit juice; the use of _______ ________, _______ ______________, and ____________ ____________ should be minimized.

vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains

Complex carbohydrates are mainly found in _______________, ________, __________, and ________ ________.

oligosaccharides, polysaccharides

Complex carbohydrates include ____________________ and ______________________.


Complex carbohydrates must be broken down and converted to __________ before they can be used for energy.

enzymes, waste

Dietary fiber moves from the small intestine to the large intestine; it cannot be broken down by ____________ and is mostly excreted as __________.

soluble fiber

Dietary fiber that dissolves in water.

insoluble fiber

Dietary fiber that does not dissolve in water; the most common form is cellulose.

glucose, fructose, galactose

Disaccharides contain ___________ in combination with itself or in combination with ____________ or __________________.

sucrose, lactose, maltose

Disaccharides include ___________, ___________, and ___________.

stable, tolerate, caramelization, Maillard reaction, dehydration, crystallization, fermentation

Heat affects sugars and starches in different ways; sugars are more _________ and ____________ heat, whereas starches break down into smaller chains of glucose molecules when heated; if heat is applied to carbohydrates, _________________, the ____________ ___________, _________________, ____________________, and ___________________ can occur.


If the ingredient list contains items that end in "_____," then the product contains added sugars.

nuts, seeds

In addition to vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains, dietary fiber is found in ______ and ________; most foods high in dietary fiber contain a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber.

heat, ATP, lactic acid

In red blood cells, which do not contain oxygen, the conversion of glucose to energy yields _______, ______, and _________ _______.

leaves, roots, growth, repair

In the process of photosynthesis, __________ absorb carbon dioxide from the air, which contributes carbon and oxygen to the plant; the ________ of the plant absorb water, which adds hydrogen and oxygen; when they combine, these elements create carbohydrates, which provide energy for plant _________ and __________.

disaccharides, polysaccharides

In the small intestine, complex carbohydrates are broken down into _________________ and smaller ______________________.

vegetables, fruits, whole grains, added, refined

It is also recommended that the majority of carbohydrates come from nutrient-dense sources, such as _____________, _______, and ________ _________, while _________ or __________ sugars be limited.

dizziness, confusion, digestive, weight loss, hypoglycemia, ketosis

It is important to consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates daily to meet energy needs and promote health; carbohydrate deficiencies cause a decrease in energy, which can trigger ____________, _____________, _____________ problems, and _________ ________; an insufficient amount of carbohydrates can also lead to ________________ and ____________.

starch, glycogen

Just as plants store extra glucose in the form of ________, the body stores extra glucose in the form of ______________.

gelatinization, retrogradation, hydrolysis

Many starches are prepared using both moisture and heat to make them more digestible; starches are also affected by heat and moisture as they undergo some reactions, such as __________________, __________________, and _________________, which can affect the thickness and texture of gravies, sauces, soups, and desserts.

soluble, insoluble

Most complex carbohydrates contain two types of dietary fiber: __________ fiber and _____________ fiber.

carotenoids, mushy

Neither acidic nor alkaline ingredients affect the color of ________________; however, an alkali will cause orange and yellow vegetables to become _________.


Nutrient-dense carbohydrates come in an assortment of stunning colors, textures, and flavors, giving chefs the opportunity to take advantage of their ________________.


Occurs as heated starch granules absorb moisture and swell, which thickens liquids and adds structure to baked products.

digest, shelf life, cook

Refined grains are easier to ________, have a longer _______ _____, and take less time to _______.

energy, glycogen, fat

The liver converts fructose and galactose to glucose, which is sent to the cells to be used for __________, stored by the liver and muscles as _____________, or converted to _______.


The main function of carbohydrates is to supply the body with ___________.


The process in which crystals precipitate from a solution to form a solid in the presence of heat; sugar is highly soluble in water, and the water when heated absorbs more sugar than could be absorbed in cold water.


The process of removing moisture from food; water is extracted and causes the product to shrink and concentrate in flavor.


The process of splitting a substance into smaller parts by the addition of water; when the process is completed, a polysaccharide or disaccharide is broken down into simpler sugars.

broken down

The three-carbon fragments can also be further __________ _______.

drab green, firmness, brighter, mushy

Vegetables high in chlorophyll, such as broccoli, will turn a _______ ________ color but retain their ____________ when an acidic ingredient is added to the cooking liquid; adding an alkali will cause green vegetables to become ____________ in color but _________ in texture.

viscosity, gelatinization

When acidic ingredients are added to a starch-thickened product as it cooks, the product can decrease in _____________; therefore, acidic ingredients such as vinegars, wine, or citrus juices should be added after ________________ is complete to prevent an adverse impact.

obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, tooth decay

When carbohydrates with added sugars and empty calories are consumed in excessive amounts, individuals may be at greater risk for _________, __________, ____________________ ___________, and ________ ________; in contrast, diets high in complex carbohydrates where dietary fiber is plentiful and saturated fats are low can reduce these risks.

heat, ATP

When carbon fragments are further broken down, chemical reactions generate _______ and ______ molecules.

brown, caramelize

When exposed to heat, sugars will begin to _________ and ___________________.

carbon, carbons

When glucose is used as energy, enzymes split the bonds between the six _________ atoms in the glucose molecule; this split results in two fragments, each with three ___________.


When glucose levels fall, the pancreas secretes a hormone called _____________ (a pancreatic hormone sent to the liver to trigger the conversion of glycogen to glucose for energy).

burned, lipids

When the liver and muscles have reached their storage capacity for glycogen and glucose is still circulating throughout the body, excess glucose is __________ for energy; the liver also breaks the excess glucose into components that are reconstructed into __________ to be released into the blood and stored as fat.

dietary fiber, fat, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, protein

Whole grains are rich in __________ _______, low in ______, and contain ____________, ___________, ___________________, and some __________.

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