Chapter 4 French

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What does "Quel temps fait-il?" mean in English?

How's the weather

en juin


What does "allons-y" mean in English?

Let's go

What does the Ile d'Orleans have?

numerous bed n' breakfasts

What does "souvent" mean in English?


Which emphasis words in French would be negative?

pas tellement, pas beaucoup, and pas du tout

What is the Quebec Opera House used for?

public music events

How do you say "when" in French?


What would "sometimes" be in French?


What does "rarement" mean in English?


What would "rarely" be in French?


What does "quelquefois" mean in English?


What does "désolé" mean in English?


What would "often" be in French?


au printemps


What is the only month that doesn't use "en" before it?

spring (au printemps)

What type of cathedral does the Historic Old Quebec have?

star-shaped cathedral

en été


What season is the Wendake open?

summer (June 30th to July 2nd)

What would "especially" be in French?


Which emphasis words in French would be positive?


What does "d'accord" mean in English?


What was the Wendake originally?

a religious event

What is the Historic Old Quebec?

the previous capital of New France; old neighborhood

en octobre


How do you make a suggestion for what to do?


What would "very much" be in French?

Pas beaucoup

What would "at all" be in French?

Pas du tout

What would "too much" be in French?

Pas tellement

How do you ask "What sports do you play?" in French?

Qu'est-ce que tu fais comme sport?

How do you say "What do you do to have fun?" in French?

Qu'est-ce que tu fais pour t'amuser?

How do you ask "How's the weather?" in French?

Quel temps fait-il?

Who found the Historic Old Quebec?

Samuel de Champlain

en septembre


What does "ça ne me dit rein" mean in English?

That doesn't interest me.

What does "Qu'est-ce que tu fais pour t'amuser?" mean in English?

What do you do to have fun?

What does "Qu'est-ce que tu fais comme sport?" mean in English?

What sports do you play?

faire du théâtre

to act

faire de la boxe

to box/boxing

faire de l'aérobic

to do aerobics

faire de la gymnastique

to do gymnastics

faire de la photo

to do photography

faire de l'athlétisme

to do track and field

faire de la randonnée

to go hiking

faire du jogging

to go jogging

faire un pique-nique

to go on a picnic

faire de la voile

to go sailing

What does "Oui, c'est..." mean in English?

Yes, it's (followed by a positive opinion)

Where would you put emphasis words like "pas tellement, pas du tout, pas beaucoup..."?

after the verb in the sentence

Pas du tout

at all

What is "spring" in French?

au printemps

en automne


What would "usually" be in French?


Does "to do aerobics" use "du" "de la" or "de l' ?"

de l'

Does "to do track and field" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

de l'

Does "to ride a horse" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

de l'

Does "to box/boxing" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

de la

Does "to do gymnastics" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

de la

Does "to do photography" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

de la

Does "to go hiking" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

de la

Does "to go sailing" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

de la

Does "to make a video" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

de la

Does "to swim" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

de la

What would "from time to time" be in French?

de temps en temps

Does "to act" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"


Does "to go jogging" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"


Does "to ice skate" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"


Does "to ride a bike" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"


Does "to roller blade" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"


Does "to ski" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"


Does "to surf" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"


Does "to water ski" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"


What is "August" in French?

en août

What is "autumn" in French?

en automne

What is "April" in French?

en avril

What is "December" in French?

en décembre

What is "February" in French?

en février

What is "winter" in French?

en hiver

What is "January" in French?

en janvier

What is "July" in French?

en juillet

What is "June" in French?

en juin

What is "May" in French?

en mai

What is "March" in French?

en mars

What is "November" in French?

en novembre

What is "October" in French?

en octobre

What is "September" in French?

en septembre

What is "summer" in French?

en été



Who can you listen to in the Quebec Opera House?

famous singers and artists

What does "de temps en temps" mean in English?

from time to time

What can you do at the Carnival de Quebec?

games, activities, eat food

What does "bonne idée" mean in English?

good idea

What is the Hôtel de Glace made out of?


Il fait frais

it is chilly/cool

Il fait nuageux

it is cloudy

Il fait froid

it is cold

Il fait chaud

it is hot

Il fait beau

it is nice/beautiful

Il pleut

it is raining

Il niege

it is snowing

Il fait du soleil

it is sunny

What is special about the Ile d'Orleans?

it snows in the spring

Does "to lift weights" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

it uses des

Does "to take photos" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

it uses des

Does "to go on a picnic" use "du" "de la" or "de l'?"

it uses un

What are the only two "jouer" sports that don't use "au?"

jouer à des jeux vidéo (to play video games)and jouer aux cartes (to play cards)

What would "never" be in French?


What does "ne...jamais" mean in English?


en hiver


en avril


en août


Who is the mascot of the Carnival de Quebec?

Bonhomme the snowman

en décembre


When is the Hôtel de Glace open?


en février


What does "je ne peux pas" mean in English?

I can't.

How do you say "It's beautiful/nice." in French?

Il fait beau.

How do you say "It's hot." in French?

Il fait chaud.

How do you say "It's sunny." in French?

Il fait du soleil.

Pas tellement

too much

What does "d'habitude" mean in English?


Pas beaucoup

very much



When is the Carnival de Quebec open?


When is the Notre Dame de Quebec open?


When is the Quebec Opera House open?


Can you get married at the Hôtel de Glace?


Does the Historic Old Quebec city have a wall?


What is the Notre Dame de Quebec?

a cathedral

How do you say "It's cool/chilly." in French?

Il fait frais.

How do you say "It's cold." in French?

Il fait froid.

How do you say "It's cloudy." in French?

Il fait nuageux.

How do you say "It's snowing." in French?

Il neige.

How do you say "It's raining." in French?

Il pleut.

en janvier


en juillet


en mars


en mai


What does "non, c'est..." mean in English?

No, it's (followed by a negative opinion)

en novembre


jouer au basket-ball

to play basketball

jouer aux cartes

to play cards

jouer au golf

to play golf

jouer au hockey

to play hockey

jouer au football

to play soccer

jouer au tennis

to play tennis

jouer à des jeux vidéo

to play video games

jouer au volleyball

to play volleyball

faire du vélo

to ride a bike

faire de l'equitation

to ride a horse

faire du roller en ligne

to roller blade

faire du ski

to ski

faire du surf

to surf

faire de la natation

to swim

faire des photos

to take photos

faire du ski nautique

to water ski

What would "...times a week" be in French?

...fois par semaine

What does "...fois par semaine" mean in English?

...times a week

faire du patin à glace

to ice skate

faire des haltères

to lift weights

faire de la vidéo

to make a video

jouer au football américain

to play American football

jouer au baseball

to play baseball

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