Chapter 4 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

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How many chromosomes are found in a typical bacterial cell? a) 2 b) 1 c) 4 d) 23


Which of the following is not a common bacterial shape? a)Spirochete b)Coccus c)Disc d)Bacillus


Which of the following groups of organisms is not Prokaryotic? a)Archea b)Bacteria c)Eubacteria d)Eukarya


Peptidoglycan makes up more than 50% of a _______ cell wall. a) Gram negative b) Gram positive c) Gram variable d) acid-fast

Gram positive

While division in one plane produces cells in pairs, what does random division produce? a) Sarcinae b) Eight cells arranged in a cube c) Grapelike clusters (staphylo-) d) Four cells arranged in a cube

Grapelike clusters (staphylo-)

Which bacterial genus normally lacks a cell wall? a) Mycobacterium b) Streptococcus c) Mycoplasma d) Bacillus


Which of the following is not found in bacterial cells? a) A cell membrane, usually surrounded by a cell wall b) An internal cytoplasm with ribosomes, a nuclear region and in some cases granules c) A variety of external structures, such as capsules, flagella and pili d) Respiratory enzymes contained in an internal structure surrounded by membranes

Respiratory enzymes contained in an internal structure surrounded by membranes

Mycolic acid would be found primarily in the cell wall of: a) Gram positive bacteria b) Gram negative bacteria c) Gram variable bacteria d) acid-fast bacteria

acid-fast bacteria

The periplasmic space is found _______. a) only in Gram positive organisms b) between the nuclear area and the cell membrane c) primarily in acid fast bacteria d) between the inner cell membrane and outer cell wall membrane

between the inner cell membrane and outer cell wall membrane

Prokaryotic cells divide by _______. a) mitosis b) binary fission c) meiosis d) mitosis asexually and meiosis sexually

binary fission

The fluid-mosaic model describes the structure of _______. a) cell walls b) cell membranes c) capsules d) endosymbiotic relationshsips

cell membranes

The shape of a bacterial cell is determined (and maintained) by the _________. a) cell membrane b) cell wall c) capsule d) slime layer

cell wall

Bacterial cells grown in culture form cell masses known as: a) plaques b) warts c) colonies d) growths


Some bacteria can transfer DNA to another cell using: a) conjugation pili b) fimbriae c) axial filaments d) lophotrichous flagella

conjugation pili

The outer (cell) membrane component of the cell walls is ________. a) is found only in Gram positive bacteria b) is made primarily of peptidoglycan c) contains lipopolysaccharrides d) is primarily a reproductive structure

contains lipopolysaccharrides

Bacteria move by means of: a) cilia b) flagella c) fimbriae d) pili


The charged, phospate end of a membrane phospholipid is: a) water-fearing b) hydrophilic c) hydropholic d) none of the above


The _____ portion of the cell membrane functions as a barrier while the ____ portion provides specific functions, including pumps, receptors, adhesion, etc. a) carbohydrate; nucleic acid b) lipid; protein c) lipid; carbohydrate d) nucleic acid; lipid

lipid; protein

The most important structural component of bacterial cell walls is _______. a) teichoic acid b) lipotechoic acid c) peptidoglycan d) glutamic acid


Bacteria with flagella all over their surface are said to be: a) monotrichous b) peritrichous c) amphitrichous d) lophotricous


Which of the following cellular structures are found only in prokaryotic cells? a) endoplasmic reticulum b) pili c) nucleoulus d) lysosomes


Extrachromosomal DNA in prokaryotic cells can be found in the form of __________. a) chromsomes b) plasmids c) mitochondria d) choroplasts


Which of the following cellular structures can be found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? a) Golgi apparatus b) lysosomes c) peroxisomes d) ribosomes


In bacteria, the cell membrane functions in all of the following ways EXCEPT: a) regulates movement of materials into and out of the cell b) synthesizes cell wall components c) serves as the site for protein synthesis d) assists with DNA replication

serves as the site for protein synthesis

A small comma shaped bacteria is described as being a ____________. a)spirochete b)bacillus c)spirillium d)vibrio


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