chapter 40 and 41

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Approximately how often is the blood filtered by the human kidney?

60 times a day (once every 24 minutes)

Basic life processes account for what percentage of energy use in animals?

70 percent

The loop of Henle in the nephrons of desert-dwelling kangaroo rats is much longer than the loop of Henle in humans. What is the advantage of this increased length for the kangaroo rat?

A longer loop of Henle can generate a larger concentration gradient, which allows for the production of a more concentrated urine.

Which of the following statements about the breakdown of carbohydrates is false?

Aerobic respiration is very efficient and captures the majority of the energy available in each glucose molecule in a usable form (ATP).

Alanine and lysine are both amino acids. Not eating enough lysine can lead to protein deficiency, whereas not eating enough alanine does not lead to protein deficiency. Why is this the case?

Alanine can be synthesized by cellular biochemical pathways, whereas lysine cannot.

Which of the following statements about the effects of alcohol is false?

Alcohol interferes with the movement of water out of the loop of Henle.

Which of the following statements about excretory organs in complex multicellular animals is false?

All of the materials that are removed from the blood during filtration will eventually be excreted.

Water is gained through which of the following?

All of these choices are correct

What can animals do to maintain an energy balance when food supplies become scarce in winter?

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following is not a function of the kidneys?

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following statements about Malpighian tubules is correct?

All these choices are correct.

Which of the following statements is false?

An excess intake of food results in a shift in metabolism to mostly catabolic processes.

Which of the following statements about the control of blood volume and blood pressure is false?

Angiotensin II stimulates the release of antidiuretic hormone, which increases salt and water uptake by the distal convoluted tubule.

Which of the following statements is false?

As food passes through the liver, it is mixed with bile, which breaks large clusters of fats into smaller droplets.

A lizard is sitting on a rock on a cool, cloudy morning. As the day progresses the sun comes out and the temperatures of the rock and the lizard increase. What changes are expected in the lizard's metabolic rate and activity level?

Both the metabolic rate and activity level increase.

The membranous sac enclosing the glomerulus of a mammalian kidney is called:

Bowman's capsule.

A patient presents with bleeding gums, loss of teeth, and slow wound healing. The doctor diagnoses the patient as having a deficiency in vitamin _____ and suggests that he increase the amount of _____ in his diet.

C; fruit

Which of the following statements about marine bony fish is false?

Chloride cells in the gills actively pump chloride ions into the body.

Which of the following statements is false?

Endotherms regulate their body temperature, whereas ectotherms do not.

During cool daytime temperatures, an endotherm and an ectotherm both regulate blood flow to their extremities. Which of the following statements reflects how each responds to cooler daytime temperatures?

Endotherms vasoconstrict vessels to their extremities to reduce heat loss to the environment. Ectotherms vasodilate vessels to their extremities to gain heat from the environment.

either higher or lower than the solute concentration of the external environment.

Excretion of urea requires less water than excretion of uric acid.

Which of the following statements is false?

Fermentation occurs in the foregut of horses

Which of the following statements about the protonephridia of freshwater flatworms is correct?

Fluid from the body enters the protonephridia without first being filtered.

Which of the following statements about gastrin is false?

Gastrin secretion is initiated in response to the sight or smell of food.

What function does the low pH of the stomach serve?

It allows gastric enzymes to work and pepsinogen to be activated, and breaks down food directly.

What is the function of the temporomandibular joint?

It allows the jaws to open and close.

Which of the following statements about the proximal convoluted tubule of the mammalian kidney is false?

It is impermeable to water.

What is the function of the vasa recta?

It maintains the concentration gradient established by the loop of Henle.

Which of the following statements is correct?

NaCl leaves the ascending limb of the loop of Henle through active transport.

Which of the following statements about metabolic rate is true?

None of the answer options is true.

Salmon move between freshwater and marine environments during their lifecycle. Which of the following statements about their lifecycle is correct?

None of the other answer options is correct.

As you move from sitting in class to riding your bike to your next class, what happens to your metabolic rate and levels of oxygen consumption?

Oxygen consumption and metabolic rate will both increase.

Which of the following occurs during suction feeding in fishes?

Prey is trapped in the mouth and broken up by pharyngeal jaws in the pharynx.

The body fluid of sharks has a much lower concentration of sodium chloride than that of the surrounding seawater, and sharks are able to remain in osmotic equilibrium with the external environment. How can this be the case?

Sharks store enough urea to match the total solute concentration of the surrounding seawater.

If solution X has a 2 percent concentration of NaCl and solution Y has an 8 percent concentration of NaCl, which of the following statements is correct?

Solution X is hypotonic relative to solution Y.

A mammalian skull is found in the forest that has incisors, small canines, and many large premolars and molars with prominent surface ridges. Based on this information, what conclusions can be drawn about the feeding behavior of this organism?

The animal was most likely an omnivore.

Omnivorous carnivorous, and herbivorous mammals all possess the same four tooth types. How is it possible that with all the same types of teeth, there are these distinctions in diet between the three types?

The different tooth types are further specialized in each dietary specialist to maximize the ability to process food.

Which of the following statements about the filtration barrier of the glomerulus is false?

The endothelial cells of the capillaries have foot-like processes that interlock with the surrounding podocytes.

Which of the following statements about the distal convoluted tubule is false?

The filtrate entering the tubule is hypertonic relative to the interstitial space.

Which of the following statements about the loop of Henle is correct?

The thick segment of the ascending limb is impermeable to water.

Two solutions of water and dissolved potassium and glucose are separated by a selectively permeable membrane that only permits the passage of water. If the two solutions have the same total solute concentration, but solution 1 has a higher concentration of potassium and a lower concentration of glucose than solution 2, which of the following statements is correct?

There will be no net movement of water molecules between the solutions.

Which of the following statements about osmoconformers is false?

They do not have to adapt to the solute concentrations in the external environment.

Which of the following statements about freshwater fish is false?

They drink water to replenish water supplies.

Which of the following statements about nitrogenous waste excretion is correct?

Uric acid is less toxic than ammonia, but more energetically costly to produce.

Which of the following statements about excretory organs in complex multicellular animals is false?

Water and all other important molecules are actively transported back into the bloodstream during reabsorption.

Which of the following does not occur when antidiuretic hormone is present?

Water diffuses into the collecting duct from the interstitial fluid.

If the fluid inside of a cell has a solute concentration of 5 percent, what would happen if the cell is placed into a solution with a solute concentration of 10 percent?

Water molecules would leave the cell by osmosis.

Blood enters the glomerulus by an _____ and leaves by an _____.

afferent arteriole; efferent arteriole

Which of the following hormones increases blood pressure by directly stimulating the distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts to take up more water and salts?


List the three major forms of nitrogenous waste in order from highest amount of water required for excretion to lowest amount of water required for excretion.

ammonia, urea, uric acid

Many tadpoles excrete _____, whereas adult frogs excrete _____

ammonia; urea

An essential amino acid is defined as one that:

cannot be synthesized by cellular biochemical pathways.

Salivary amylase starts the chemical digestion of:

carbohydrates in the mouth.

Which of following is not an example of suction feeding?

clams moving water with food particles into their body cavity

Which of the following structures is not matched properly with its function?

collecting ducts: selective reabsorption of key electrolytes and solutes

The outer layer of the mammalian kidney is the ____, and the inner layer is the ____.

cortex; medulla

An individual with vitamin D deficiency will experience:

difficulty absorbing sufficient amounts of calcium from the diet.

The internal solute concentrations of osmoregulators are:

either higher or lower than the solute concentration of the external environment.

Which of the following animals has the highest resting metabolic rate?


Most individuals who include meat in their diet don't need to carefully monitor the protein that they eat. However, vegetarians must monitor their diet more closely to ensure they are getting the appropriate levels of:

essential amino acids.

Brine shrimp live in salt water, but the level of salt in the water where they reside can differ dramatically from day to day, or longer time scales. In very high salt concentrations, a brine shrimp ______ salt across its gills, and maintains an internal salt concentration that is ______ relative to the water where it lives. In lower salt concentrations, a brine shrimp _____ salt water across its gills, and maintain an internal salt concentration that is ______ relative to the water where it lives.

excretes; hypotonic; absorbs, hypertonic


extend from the cortex into the medulla.

Ectotherms always have a higher metabolic rate than endotherms of the same size.


Suspension filter feeding is only found in organisms without jaws.


Which of the following processes occur within Bowman's capsule?


In multicellular animals with pressurized circulatory systems, the correct order of processes in waste elimination is:

filtration, reabsorption, secretion.

Animals that use suspension filter feeding capture food particles that are:

floating in the water around them.


generate heat from the breakdown of food and other metabolic reactions, usually maintain a constant body temperature that is higher than that of their environment, include mammals and birds, have high metabolic rates.

The jaws of vertebrates evolved from the:

gill cartilage of jawless fish.

Which of the following correctly describes the path of excretory fluids through a mammalian nephron?

glomerulus, Bowman's space, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct

Which of the following correctly describes the path taken by excretory fluid through the mammalian kidney?

glomerulus, capsule, renal tubules, collecting ducts, ureter, bladder

In what order are internal fuel reserves consumed during starvation?

glycogen, fat, protein

The presence of different types of teeth is a defining characteristic of mammals. What is the role of molars in mammals?


Aerobic respiration, anaerobic glycolysis, and hydrolysis of phosphocreatine can all be used by vertebrate muscle cells to generate ATP during active periods. In what order are these mechanisms employed?

hydrolysis of phosphocreatine, anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic respiration

Which of the following is not a correct pairing of tooth type and function?

incisors: piercing

The blood of some individuals does not carry sufficient oxygen to their tissues. These individuals could be deficient in:


An animal's metabolic rate is best defined as:

its overall rate of energy use.

When an individual has an energy surplus, he or she stores the extra energy as:


The most reliable dietary source of all eight essential amino acids is:


Per gram of body tissue, which of the following animals has the highest resting metabolic rate?


Unicellular and simple multicellular organisms isolate and eliminate waste materials by:

moving the wastes into a contractile vacuole and eliminating them through exocytosis.

When a suction feeder quickly opens its mouth, negative pressure results in water and prey rushing into the mouth. Which of the following helps move the prey to the back of their throats and into the pharynx?

moving water out of the oral cavity over the gills

Moving from the lumen outward, what is the correct order of layers that make up the lining of the digestive tract?

mucosa, submucosa, circular muscle layer, nerve net, longitudinal muscle layer, serosa

When an individual loses weight, he or she is in a:

negative energy balance.

Which of the following is not an example of a dietary mineral?


Which of the following groups of molecules commonly serve as sources of energy for animals?

proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates

Nitrogenous wastes are produced through the breakdown of:


Which of the following occurs in the collecting ducts?

regulation of final urine concentration

The internal body fluids of an osmoconformer are described as having:

roughly the same total solute concentration as the external environment.

Which of the following is the most generalized form of prey capture among fish?

suction feeding

A new species of tubeworm is discovered on a coral reef. The worm has a specialized ring of tentacles that acts as a sieve to capture small shrimp and plankton from the surrounding water. This worm is a(n):

suspension filter feeder.

The human appendix is the equivalent of which of the following structures?

the cecum

Osmoregulation is defined as:

the control of osmotic pressure through regulation of water and solute levels.

Osmosis describes:

the movement of water from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration across a selectively permeable membrane.

The nephron is composed of all of the following structures except:

the ureter.

Metanephridia differ from protonephridia in all of the following ways except that:

the urine produced in both systems is more dilute than the body fluids.

The primary function of the loop of Henle is:

to generate a concentration gradient between the inner medulla and outer cortex.

Which of the following is not an example of suction feeding?

trapping prey with blades of baleen

Ammonia is the most toxic of the three major forms of nitrogenous waste.


Cells can regulate their internal osmotic pressure by controlling the solute concentration inside of the cell.


Larger animals have higher resting metabolic rates than smaller animals.


Per unit weight, stored fat yields more than twice the energy of stored glycogen.


Which of the following structures help to increase the surface area for nutrient absorption in the small intestines?

villi and microvilli

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