Chapter 5:

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In the landmark 1954 Supreme Court ruling of _____________, the Court overturned_________ and declared that "separate but equal are inherently unequal."

1. Brown v. Board of education 2. Plessy v. Ferguson

Which of the following cases of discrimination would be subject to "strict scrutiny"?

correct:a university using race as part of its holistic admissions procedures the U.S. government ordering people of Japanese descent into internment camps incorrect:a state requiring its public officials to retire at the age of 70 a university requiring that men register for the draft prior to admissions, but not women

In the 1970s, the federal government made several policy changes that had an important impact on the rights of many Asian Americans. Which policy areas changed, in particular?

correct:literacy tests language of education incorrect:eligibility of immigrants for citizenship immigration standards

Sort the following into descriptions of de facto or de jure segregation.

correct:segregation resulting from housing patterns schools where students are predominantly of one race because of who lives in the neighborhood incorrect:policies restricting who can sit where on a public bus laws mandating separate dining facilities for minorities

What factors led the Supreme Court to weaken affirmative action laws?

correct;The Court decided that affirmative action policies must survive strict scrutiny. The Court ruled that particular affirmative action policies violate the Fourteenth Amendment. incorrect:The Court struck down the affirmative action policies of many colleges because diversity is not important in education. There was no longer any need for affirmative action policies.

Americans' civil rights are grounded in which clause in the Constitution?

equal protection clause

Redlining was primarily a problem during Reconstruction after the Civil War.


Which of the following tactics did the NAACP use most frequently in the first half of the twentieth century?


It is 1953 and you are trying to secure a loan for a home. However, the bank denies your loan because the neighborhood is home to African Americans and Latinos. What is this practice called?


Which level of scrutiny must affirmative action policies now meet?


What was the main motivation behind the American government's decision to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act?

the US wanted to maintain the support of a wartime ally

How did Dred Scott v. Sanford influence civil rights in the United States?

the decision denied civil rights to all blacks

What region had the most states that granted women the right to vote before the national government did?

the west

The Equal Rights Amendment was added to the Constitution in 1972.


What method did the women's movement first have success with in their quest for equal rights?

judicial decisions

The Supreme Court considers diversity in education a "compelling state interest."


What services and protections does the United States provide to unauthorized immigrants?

correct:access to K-12 education access to emergency medical care incorrect:receiving Social Security pathway to citizenship

In the 1960s, the federal government proposed ________ programs, but in the 1970s the government proposed________programs.

1. desegergation 2.integration

Match the type of scrutiny with the correct description.

Intermediate scrutiny:the level of scrutiny used for cases that deal with gender-based discrimination claims Strict scrutiny:the level of scrutiny used for cases that deal with racially based discrimination claims Rational basis: the lowest level of scrutiny applied by the courts

How have the following contributed to the civil rights of gays and lesbians?

Lawrence v. Texas:extended the right of privacy, as related to intimate contact, to gay men and lesbians repeal of "dont ask, dont tell":allowed gay men and women to serve openly in the military Supreme court ruling on the feeral defense of marriage act:expanded recognition of same-sex marriages

Match the law or court case with the effect that it had on women's civil rights.

Title VII of the 1964 Civil rights act: established sexual harassment as a form of sex discrimination Equal pay act of 1963:made wage discrimination illegal Franklin v. gwinnett county public schools:allowed monetary damages for Title IX violations Lily ledbetter fair pay act:made it easier for employees to sue in cases of wage discrimination

What congressional action did the Supreme Court use as their foundation for opposing sexual harassment?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

In 2003, the Supreme Court ruled on two different University of Michigan cases related to affirmative action. They ruled that it was _______ to use race as one of a number of considerations while also ruling that it was _______to give minority applicants a specific number of bonus points in the application scoring system.

1.constitutional 2.unconstitutional

After the Civil War, three amendments to the Constitution______ civil rights for African Americans. Once Reconstruction ended, however, ________severely restricted the rights of African Americans, with________ states taking the lead in segregating many public facilities.

1.expanded 2.jim crow laws 3.southern

The state that had the lowest black participation before the VRA was _____, while after the VRA it was ______. Overall, after the VRA, ______had the lowest gap between white and black voting rates.

1.mississippi 2.north carolina 3.georgia

Place the following affirmative action policy changes in order.

1.president johnson promotes minority employment among the federal civil service 2.the federal government makes affirmative action a prominent goal 3.supreme court subjects affirmative action policies to strict scrutiny.

A 1971 Supreme Court case (Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education) promoted busing as a tool to remedy______. In subsequent decisions, the Court has _______ its support for busing. segregation 2.weakened

Place these legal standards in order from the toughest to the most permissive.

1.strict scrutiny 2.intermediate scrutiny 3.rational basis

Put these major moments from civil rights history in order from earliest to most recent.

1.the 14th amendment is ratified 2.plessy v. Ferguson 3.brown v. board of education rights act

Match each of the following amendments to its specific goals. 13, 14, 15,

13:abolished slavery 14:guarenteed equal protection of laws 15:guarentees voting rights for black men

Which amendment provides the most substantial grounding for modern civil rights legislation?


How did each of the following contribute to the expansion of civil rights in the United States?

14th amendment:guaranteed equal protection under the law fair housing act:allowed the government to initiate legal action in cases of housing discrimination brown v. board of education:ended the era of "separate but equal" schools civil rights act of 1964:outlawed job discrimination based on gender and race

According to the animation, which decade saw the greatest number of civil rights movements?


When did affirmative action programs start?


According to the graph, which group of women experiences the largest wage gap? Select the group in the graph.

Asian American

What effect did the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 have?

Correct:It outlawed discrimination against individuals on the basis of disabilities. It called for making all public businesses accessible to those with disabilities. It calls for employers to make reasonable accommodations for workers with disabilities. Incorrect:It imposed quotas on the number of individuals with disabilities in a company.

What contributed to the expansion of civil rights for African Americans after World War II?

Correct:NAACP lawyers won several important court cases. The President's Commission on Civil Rights suggested that Congress try to pass civil rights legislation. Congress made it illegal for southern states to force African Americans to use separate public facilities. Incorrect:The Supreme Court made its famous ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson.

How have the following Supreme Court decisions influenced how affirmative action policies are evaluated?

Gratz v. Bollinger (2003)The Court ruled that specific points given to minority students too closely resembled a quota. Regents of the uni. of Cali. v. Bakke (1978)The Court ruled that quotas for minority students were unconstitutional. Fisher v. Uni. of Tx (2016)The Court ruled that some intrusion on equal protection was warranted by the importance of creating a diverse student body.

Which of the following statements about the civil rights of Native Americans are correct?

correct: Native American reservations are not subject to state laws prohibiting gambling. Native Americans can be taught in their own languages. incorrect:Native Americans have the right to form their own state. The federal government has recognized Native American sovereignty but still does not consider Native Americans to be full citizens.

How are cases on affirmative action different from those such as Brown v. Board of Education and Loving v. Virginia?

correct:Affirmative action programs are designed to assist victims of past injustices. Affirmative action programs disadvantage those in dominant majority groups. incorrect:Affirmative action programs are designed to prevent harm to minority groups. They are motivated by a desire to promote civil rights.

What challenges did African Americans face after the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954?

correct:Housing remained racially segregated. Employment discrimination against African Americans persisted. Many African Americans still could not exercise their right to vote. incorrect:De jure school segregation continued in the North and South.

How has the Supreme Court influenced the application of the Voting Rights Act in its recent decisions?

correct:It removed the designation of jurisdictions that needed preclearance to change voting laws. incorrect: It has authorized the use of racial gerrymandering to achieve political outcomes. It allowed for the re-establishment of poll taxes. It removed the Department of Justice's authority to oversee voting rights.

Study the graph below, which presents the occurrences of Civil Rights demonstrations. Which of the following statements are supported by the graph?

correct:The Civil Rights Act of 1964 addressed many concerns related to public accommodations. The formation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in 1960 led to a wave of new protests. incorrect:Most of the civil rights protests were about voting rights. After the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, protests shifted to focusing on public accommodations.

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