Chapter 5- Earth's Atmosphere

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Examples of greenhouse gases include:

Carbon Dioxide, water vapor, Nitrous Oxide, Ozone, and Methane.

A rule created for cars based on the Clean Air Act is...

Cleaner engines, reduced pollution from vehicle exhaust, refueling emissions, and less gasoline.

The greenhouse effect is...

Heat and light from the sun being trapped in without a way to escape.

Ozone is harmful because.....

It can crack rubber, hurt the lung tissue of humans, and hurt plants.


It is from volcanoes and decaying organisms- It makes up 78% of the Earth's Atmosphere.

Ozone is helpful because.....

It protects us from UV rays


The lowest layer of the atmosphere We live in this layer Extends from 0-11 kilometers (0= sea level) Contains 75% of the atmosphere's mass Contains most of the water, Carbon Dioxide, dust, pollutants, and life. Altitude Increases, temperature decrease. Earth's surface absorbs solar radiation, so it is colder as you get further away from it. It has a root in it that means to change. It is always changing because weather occurs here.


The mixture of gases that make up Earth's atmosphere.

Trace gases

The remaining gases in the atmosphere, including Argon and Carbon Dioxide. It makes up 1% of the Earth's Atmosphere.

How does atmospheric pressure change with altitude?

There is less and less pressure as the altitude gets higher. There are fewer molecules pushing down, so there is less pressure. The molecules are not packed together as tightly as the altitude increases.

A greenhouse gas.....

Traps heat in our atmosphere.

To make the air cleaner we can....

Turn off appliances when leaving the room Get green electricity Use solar lighting or put your lights on a timer Buy rechargeable batteries

Barometer/Aneroid Barometer

We use this to measure atmospheric pressure. It used to contain mercury, but we now use this type of it because it does not contain mercury.


A blanket of gases that surrounds a planet.


A combination of 3 atoms of oxygen, O^3


A measure of the distance an object is above sea level; usually the object is airborne.

Thermosphere (As in heat)

Above the mesosphere Extends from 80-500 km Temperatures reach up to 1800 degrees Celsius Ionosphere is located here which is a layer where atoms charged by UV rays form into ions. It carries radio signals and causes the Northern Lights.

Mesosphere (means the "middle" sphere)

Above the stratosphere Extends from 50-80 km Temperature decreases with altitude. It is the coldest layer. Meteors/Shooting stars burn up here as they soar through our atmosphere.


Above the troposphere Extends from 11-50 km Temperature increases with altitude because of the ozone layer Contains the ozone layer at the tops which blocks UV rays, preventing skin and eye damage.

20% of solar radiation is....

Absorbed by ozone, clouds, and the atmosphere.

The 50% (majority) of solar radiation is.....

Absorbed by the Earth's surface.

The greenhouse effect is negative......

Because it causes rising sea levels, increase in the frequency and intensity of deadly droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, glacier retreat, and changed agricultural yields.

The greenhouse effect helps us....

Because it keeps the Earth warm. Our planet would be too cold without greenhouse gases. They help maintain and control our climate.


Our lungs are adapted to breathing in this- It makes up 21% of the Earth's Atmosphere.


Outermost layer of the atmosphere Extends from 500 km and beyond as lightweight atoms disappear into space. Satellites orbit our planet here. They transmit information for T.V., radio, GPS, weather, and long distance phone calls.

25% of solar radiation is.....

Reflected and scattered by the clouds and the air.

5% of solar radiation is....

Reflected by Earth's surface.

A rule created for factories based on the Clean Air Act is....

they have to not produce a lot of pollution or else they will be fined.

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