Chapter 5 Review - The United States and Canada

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What is a foreclosure?

A procedure in which a borrower gives up rights to a property due to the inability to repay the loan.

Which two U.S. states have the largest petroleum reserves?

Alaska and Texas.

What joint United States-Canadian project reduced pollution in the Nashua River and encouraged the construction of wastewater treatment plants?

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.

California's Silicon Valley; Seattle, Washington; and Austin, Texas are urban areas that have become leaders in the -

High-tech industry.

Since the 1960s, the population of the Manufacturing Belt has declined while the number of businesses moving to the ___ has increased.


What are the Great Plains of the United States?

The flat landscape east of the Rocky Mountains.

Which of the following statements accurately describes changes in the U.S. economy since the 1950s?

The number of jobs in manufacturing has declined.

Why were the first factories in the United States located along the fall line in the Northeast?

The waterfalls provided power for factories.

Why is it important to protect wetlands and swamps such as Florida's Everglades?

They provide habitats for a great variety of vegetation and wildlife.

Where do the largest concentrations of Asians and Pacific Islanders live in the United States?

the Atlantic coast states and Pacific coast states.

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