Chapter 6

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A decline in the number of young people joining the workforce and an increase in the number of active employees who are postponing retirement are examples of _____ forces in the general environment.

is a fundamental component of the organization's product.

A supplier's bargaining position is especially strong when the input supplied

adhere to the principle that people should be judged by their contribution to the group.

According to Hofstede, collectivist societies

value personal freedom, personal success, and self-expression.

According to Hofstede, individualist societies

experience and family.

According to the HSBC survey, the United States ranked 16 out of 39 countries overall because of poor scores on


As the only store to design and sell curtains in the suburb of Oakland, the merchandise sold by Plush Parade is overpriced. Noticing this, Diana's Draperies sets up a showroom in the same suburb, reasoning that with lower prices, they would be able to attract more customers. Diana's Draperies is Plush Parade's

Her society has an achievement orientation and is high on individualism.

Clara belongs to a society which values assertiveness, performance, competition, and results. Her society also encourages freedom of expression and personal success, but makes few provisions for the welfare of the weak. According to Hofstede's model of national culture, which of the following is true about her society?


Companies that provide other organizations with input resources are known as


Deregulation, privatization, and the removal of legal barriers to trade are examples of changing _____ forces.

brand loyalty.

Dolphin's Diner, a famous seafood chain, has opened its newest restaurant in a small town. It soon finds that the only customers it attracts are tourists, because the locals prefer to go to The Clam Café—an older but more expensive restaurant. The Clam Café enjoys significant

low on social stratification.

Greg belongs to a society which makes very few distinctions between people and groups. This is reflected in his company, Sonata DCM, the managers of which represent several different classes and cultures. The society to which he belongs is

It is high on collectivism and has a short-term orientation.

Holly belongs to a culture which values the subordination of individuals to the group. The national culture also values personal stability and living for the present. Which of the following, according to Hofstede, is true about Holly's culture?

Forces in the task environment have a more immediate and direct effect on managers than forces in the general environment.

In what way does the task environment differ from the general environment?


Inflation is an example of a(n) _____ force in an organization's environment.


Jeremy has a personal library with over 5,000 novels of various genres, most of them bought from Benison's Book House. He is an example of a Benison Book House's

economies of scale.

Leo wants to improve the costs for his business, so he chooses to buy inputs in bulk and manufacture products in larger quantities. This is an example of

Competition will increase and prices and profits will decrease.

Superior Power is a new company in the electrical industry, and the company has shown success and is building a strong reputation. What impact will this company have on the other companies in the electrical industry?

the standard of living has fallen.

The Republic of Karibo has been losing capital steadily over the last five years. As a result of this

values and norms.

The basic building blocks of national culture are

They concern the routine social conventions of everyday life.

Which of the following is true about folkways?

technological forces.

Unlike previous generations, salespeople today can work from home offices, communicate with colleagues in different parts of the world almost instantly, and commute electronically to work. This flexibility is due to changes in

based on the timeline for a supplier's inventory to move off the shelves at Walmart stores.

Walmart has used its power as a distributor to control the frequency of payments to a supplier

The global environment provides organizations with several opportunities to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

What benefits does the global environment offer organizations?

national culture

Which of the following can be defined as the set of values and the norms of behavior which are approved or sanctioned by a particular society?

the advancements of communication and transportation technology

Which of the following contributed to the lowering of barriers of distance and culture that affected global organizations?

declining barriers to trade and investment that eased the flow of capital throughout the world

Which of the following factors played an important role in speeding up globalization?


Which of the following forces are outcomes of changes in or changing attitudes toward the characteristics of a population?

They provide manufacturing organizations with opportunities to reduce production costs.

Which of the following is an advantage of the establishment of free-trade agreements?

societal conventions that concern gender-appropriate clothing

Which of the following is an example of a folkway?

societal taboos which censure murder, theft, and incest

Which of the following is an example of a more?

subordination of the individual to the goals of the group

Which of the following is an example of collectivism values?

rivalry between competitors

Which of the following is potentially the most threatening force that managers must deal with in the task environment?

It is the flow of power and influence around the world using diplomacy, persuasion, aggression, and force of arms.

Which of the following is true about political capital?

It includes the wide-ranging global, technological, sociocultural, and political forces that affect organizations.

Which of the following is true about the general environment?

It is the set of forces that originate with global suppliers, distributors, customers, and competitors.

Which of the following is true about the task environment?

Values are abstract concepts invested with emotional significance.

Which of the following is true about values?

Candlewick Inc. is able to sell its products easily, even though they are overpriced.

Which of the following statements supports the fact that Candlewick Inc. operates in a task environment with a high barrier to entry?

The task environment within which Toy Truck operates is easy to enter.

Which of the following statements supports the fact that Toy Track operates in a task environment with a low barrier to entry?


_____ are norms that are considered to be of central importance to the functioning of society and to social life, the violation of which brings serious retribution.


_____ are organizations that help other organizations sell their goods or services directly to customers.

Technological forces

_____ are outcomes of changes in the skills and equipment managers use to design, produce, or distribute goods and services.


_____ are unwritten, informal codes of conduct that shape the behavior of people toward one another and are held important by most members of society.


_____ capital flows through the processes of overseas investment, credit, lending, and aid.

brand loyalty

_____ refers to customers' preference for the products of organizations currently in the task environment.


_______ forces are outcomes of the changes in the laws and regulations of a society.

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