Chapter 6
devitalized relationship
A marriage in which husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in each other or their marriage
parents without partners
A self help organization that serves divorced people, unwed mothers or fathers, and stepparents; partially a social group but also help members with the adjustment problems of raising a family alone
society for prevention of cruelty to children
An organization formed in New York in the late 1800s to protect children from abuse and neglect
Behaviors of a frail, depressed, or mentally incompetent older person that threaten her or his own safety or health
sexual abuse
Nonconsensual sexual contact
nuclear family
a family consist of married couple and their children living togther
conflict habituated relationship
a marraige in which the husband and wife frequently quarrel in private, they may also quarrel in public or may put up a facade of being compatible
Passive Congenial relationship
a marriage in which both partners are not happy but are content with thier lives and generally feel adequate
family preservation program
a model intervention developed specifically for work with familes in which the placement of one ore more of the children is imminent , services are provided in the clients house
anger rapist
a rapist who performs act to discharge feelings of pent up anger and rage , uses far more force than is nessary to gain sexual acces to his victim because his aim is to hurt and database his victim
parents anonymous (PA)
a self help, crisis intervention program for parents to meet, share their experience and feelings, learn to control their emotions better and have contact among members with the adjustment problems of raising a family
computerized infant simulators
a teen preganacy prevention program that involves realistic, life sized computerized dolls that are programmed to cry at random intervals the baby stops crying when the caregiver attends to a child
distal stimulation
a type of infant stimulation that invloves looking and talking
Proximal stimulation
a type of infant stimulation that involes rocking and handling
Fixated child molester
a type of molester who primary sexual object choice is children
open adoption
adoption in which the genectic and adoptive parents become offically known to each other
family group conferencing
an approach to prevent child abuse or neglect that originated in New Zealand and inloves the parents extended kinship network
extended family
comsiste of a number of relatives living togther, parents, children, grandparents,sunts, unlce etc.
deliberate failure or refusal to fulfill a caregiver obligation such as denial of food or health care or abandoning the victim
infant mortality rate
determined by the number of deaths of children under 1 year of age 1,000 live births in a calendar year
emotional neglect
failure to provide the child the emotional nurting or emoitonal support for necessary for developemnt of sound personality
adoption and safe families act (ASFA)
law passed in 1997 that reaffirmed the need to forge linkages between the child welfare system and other system of support for familes and stresses that the child's health and safety shall be the paramount concern in determing what is reasonable and consistent with plan for timely permanenet placement of a child
enviromental neglect
neglect which the parents or guardians let the child live in filth without proper clothing unattend ,unsupervised without proper nourishment
medical neglect
no effort is made to secure medical care for child
child abuse prevention and treatment Act
passed in january 1974 to provide direct assitance to states to help them develope child abuse and child neglect programs
monolithic code
permits only one acceptable pattern of behavior (preindustrial era)
regressed child molester
person whose usual sexual interest is in adult partners but when faced with massive stress, falls back emotionally and acts out sexually toward chlidren children to meet his needs most incest perpetrators are of the type
sadistic rapist
rapist who eroticizes aggression; aggressive force creates sexual arousal; is enormously gratified by his victim's torment, pain, and suffering; his offenses often are ritualistic and involve bondage and torture, particularly to the sexual organs
power rapist
rapist who is interested in possessing his victims sexually not harming her act out of underlying feelings of inadequacy and is interresting in controlling his victim only uses the amount of force necessary to gain her compliance
rape trauma syndrome
series of emotional changes experinced by the victims of rape the first phase (acute phase) begin immediately followed by long term reorganization phase
child molestation
sexual abuse of a child by an adult includes sexual intercourse, oral genital contact, fonding and behaviors such as exposing oneself to a child and photgraphing or viewing a child for erotic pleasure
sexual disorder charterized by reccurrent sexual fantasies and urges or behaviors involving sexual activity with children
sexual relations between blood relatives
protective services
speacialized casework services to neglected abused, exploited, or rejected children that is geared toward rehabilitation through identification and treatment of motivating factors that underlie the problem
financial abuse
the illegal or improper expoitaion of the victims assets or property
empty shell marraiges
the spouse feel no strong attachements to each other and outside pressure keep the marriage together rather then love
parents patriae
the state is utimately a parent to al children
foster care
type of service which the goals are to predict the children,to rehabilaitate the parents and generally to return the children to their genetic parents as soon as it is feasible
educational neglect
when the child is allowed to be excessively absent from school